Banjo In Smash and other stuff

Banjo will be in Smash as the second DLC fighter. I do not know any further fighters. My source has told me about Mario Maker 2, Joker in Smash, Luigi's Mansion 3, even Astral Chain. I don't have any proof to prove any of that though. But here's a few things that'll happen at e3.

>Banjo Announcement for Smash. Stage is Top of the Tower (may just be called Grunty's Lair). Mii Costumes: Conker Hat, Mumbo Costume (Swordfighter), Master Chief Costume (Gunner), Steve Costume (Swordfighter), Tooty (Brawler), Bottles Hat

>Rare Replay coming to Switch

>Xbox Live coming to Switch via achievements. These will be for pretty much every game on both systems: Rare Replay, Cuphead, Stardew Valley, etc

Attached: banjo-k.jpg (1280x718, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Epic if true

true if big maring

Uhhhh? Okay?? im thinking this is based???

The second fighter is Gaydrick. The THIRD one is banjo & kazooie.

I hope so, just to put an end to all the blatant shitposting

Basically much what says. Even if you're not being very truthful, Banjo & Kazooie have a better than ever chance to be in Smash regardless. June 11nth can't come sooner.

>Mii Costumes: Conker Hat
You lost me there. CBFD was one of the reasons Nintendo fell out with Rare, and they wouldn't want it referenced in Smash anywhere.

Attached: ConkerOffensive.jpg (400x310, 44K)

Nintendo loved Conker you retard

So "leaks" aside. How sure are we on Chief and Steve costumes? Are we sure its not going to be more Banjo costumes instead like Tooty, Mumbo and Grunty?

>Lying on the internet

I mean Joker had knuckles and tails.

These Mii costumes are getting pretty mean, almost as much as 4's.
A shame that Sakurai views being an assist or a costume as an honor for some reason.

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Why do threads like this one even get replies at this point

Broke: Getting A's and B's in class.
Woke: Using Yea Forums because the teacher won't stop you.

This is one of those Lax Chris bait threads. He'll see this and think the leak is real then do a shitty 10 minute video about OMG THIS LEAK IS LEGIT GUYS! I think he's fucking autistic or an elaborate intelligent troll.

Nintendo's put other stuff they wanted to forget about in their games. They put the VIrtual Boy in so many games, even though it flopped horribly.

Nintendo went all out with Conker at E3 once and served beer and shit

Rare Replay on Switch would make my fucking dick explode

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I promise I'm not trying to be mean, merely pointing something out. Steve seems as though he's a guaranteed for a unique fighter, not a Mii Costume. And he deserves a place on the roster. He's my number-pick. Minecraft is one game that's stuck with me through all of my gaming years.

Okay so, what level of asshurt are we looking at if bear-bird team actually get in?

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She's in.

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Steve posting will finally die so half the board will be mad as fuck.

Fuck Smash.

If Rare Replay gets a Switch port thats the greatest news of all.

Enough asspain from 15 or so discordfags to make it look like half the board is butthurt

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>It's a character got leaked so everyone pretends to be leaking stuff related to that character
please fuck off

Oh, there'll be asshurt no matter who gets in.

Yea Forums will be half threads about who does get in, half threads of who didn't get in crying and screaming.

He likes to make easy money out of clickbait and troll threads.

That stage is fucking shit and I hope it's not true. Of all the downright iconic locations featured in Banjo-Kazooie, why would they opt for a generic ass castle top? The entrance to Gruntilda's Lair is arguably the most iconic landmark in the entire series and needs to be featured. I know you could say that Spiral Mountain is a pretty mundane pick, but unfortunately we only get one stage and it has to count.

Attached: Gruntys_Lair_entry.png (629x480, 236K)

I heard the same. My source also told me to expect Nintendo titles on Xbox and Windows too, because Nintendo and Microsoft are "real friendly and shit" right now.

Yeah I have to agree with you. Or Click Clock Wood and have the seasons change.

Banjo isn't, though.

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>why Top of the Tower
So we can get a Smash tier remix of this user;

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God guys I can't wait for E3, I just want to experience immense hype for barely any reason at the time with my frens in call