Who cares Nu-Doom fucking sucks. It plays nothing like Doom.
It's a game aimed towards consoles. Only console idiots praise this game because they've never played Painkiller or Serious Sam before.
I grew up with the original Doom, Quake, UT etc.
Painkiller is awesome but Serious Sam is meh.
Nu Doom is ok, it's fun enough, i think mostly the gory executions slow it down too much.
I grew up watching big boys play the original Doom, Quake, UT etc.
I wanted them to shotafuck me in the butt and I would sniff the insides of their pants when everyone was sleeping
I really hate the glory kills. It's a mechanic added literally only for consoles.
does Yea Forums not like Painkiller and SS anymore?
one guy doesn't
I love both of those games, but I don't want Doom to play like them.
its shit
You can't stop me from having fun.
I've played all these games and you're a fuckin faggot. Fuck you.
I do, but when I play Doom I want to fucking play Doom. Remember how people were mad about Doom 3? It was a fine game, but played nothing like Doom. I don't know why the reception to 2016 was dissimilar.
Man the left building guys really have been slacking off. In like every screenshot they're significantly behind the middle and right buildings.
Wait, it's a painting, not a print?
Pretty fucking badass
Who's that Pokemon?
It's a team effort maybe middle and right guys should help out left side more.
this. arena battles are fucking garbage, and the engine can only support a few monsters at a time.
how is forcing yourself to play something fun?
Painkiller is pretty good but SS has always been fucking shit and I never got why people fawned over it. It's like someone played nuts.wad and decided it would be great if you had to play it 15 times over the course of a game.
>Classic Doom
>I'm gonna fuckin die, I better use my wits and strength to overcome demons and gtfo
>I'm a fuckin green power ranger
>smart app shoulder gun
>please lock me into this chamber and spoonfeed me different powers
>resource management? punches ammo out of enemies after a 3s pointless animation
Whoever owns these building must make alot of money when e3 comes around.The grand theft auto 5 one they did awhile back was awesome
Are you kidding me? I've been wanting to get my hands on this sequel for months.
Did you not play the first game?
The builds are also a hotel so they make bank on the people going to E3 too.
Who honestly likes Nu-Doom? It was a short game that wasnt memorable and the multiplayer was even worse.
Yeah. I thought it was pretty solid. Is that an issue?
I doubt even the developers like the game.
Quite the opposite. From what I know Hugo and Marty and the team enjoyed just going as crazy as they could to make the game as gory and insane as possible.
were they the 2 people left playing on the servers?
I did.
What's your problem? You think devs can't enjoy doing things too?
You can skip glory kills and also not use the chainsaw, you know that? Or is it too hard then, huh?
i guess my problem is that im too honest
It's 0.5 seconds long.
Yea Forums being once again contrarian in order to seem "Cool" to their peers.
Blow it out your ass
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.
>tfw actually like doom 4
>Yea Forums hates it and compares it too doom 3 when doom 3 was such massive shit it made duke nukem forever look ok comparatively.
I don't understand why Yea Forums has such a hate-boner for it because it's not like the classics. It's fucking fun as fuck. It doesn't have to be exactly like the original.
Doom 3 was fucking shit and failed at being a good half-life clone.
Doom 3 is unironically a great game. What are you on about?
>Who cares Nu-Doom fucking sucks. It plays nothing like Doom.
Could it possibly be *gasp* a different game!?
There are hundreds if not thousands of Doom 2 mods, some of them better than anything id can come up with themselves. You could play classic Doom from now until the day you die and probably never get bored. Let NuDoom exist. It's fun in its own right even if it isn't the exact same fucking game again.
>Nu Doom is ok, it's fun enough, i think mostly the gory executions slow it down too much.
NuDoom's biggest problem is its environments. No one wants to climb around for 20 minutes to get to their favorite fight.
It’s my favorite Event Horizon-esque game. NuDoom is fun but also not Doom and I’m confused that Quake is faster - until I realize most people playing and liking NuDoom use a gamepad.
I don't mind them.
How much do it takes to paint these?
Having played every single Doom game to completion I can say you are over exaggerating. First Doom was too easy. nu-Doom was harder than first Doom unless you're playing on Nightmare! difficulty. Doom 2 was a major improvement but even that had its flaws. nu-Doom 2 looks promising.
People bitching about chainsaw or glory kills could just not use the chainsaw or not glory kill. Fucking retards.
>until I realize most people playing and liking NuDoom use a gamepad.
Exactly. It's a console game through and through.
Time? Weeks
Money? Millions
Nudoom is painkiller you pretend boomer faggot. Painkiller was the game that had the dumb locked arenas
>People bitching about chainsaw or glory kills could just not use the chainsaw or not glory kill. Fucking retards.
I also never understood this, and I kinda like the violent punchy animations. You don't get that physical 'rip and tear' without doing an animation like this. Doomguy rips a demon in half in .5 seconds and you're back to shooting. I mostly did them to change up the flow and get ammo, otherwise it's easier to just shoot them again.
Glory kills are the opposite of what they should be in a shooter like this, being rewarded to run up to a guy as opposed to some slick killshot. When I get the upgrade to increase my glory kill distance I’m instantly reminded of MW2 knifing commandos. At least staggered guys still drop a bit of health when shot the fuck up.
Really? Why do it then? Do people actually give a shit about them?
Yea Forums loved it
bitter boomers booty blasted beyond being btfo
Yea Forums loved NU-Doom. Any hate is just very very very recent contrarianism. This is the only thread I have ever seen negativity on it.
It's beautiful.
>This is the only thread I have ever seen negativity on it.
Then you must be new here
Whatever you say my contrarian friend. I am sure you are looking cool to everyone right now.
I played DOOM 1 and 2. Is that a demon or an angel that them boys are painting? I've always wanted "angels" in the DOOM canon. Why not have a "heaven" faction that isn't quite as good as it seems?
Halo/Metroid fan here, why is it always old ass boomers that complain about these series so much, I mean damn?
Is D4D/D4T and Quake Champions: Doom Edition still being updated?
bawling boomers blunder blindly
>being hyped for a game by modern id
>being hyped for a game published by Bethesda
reeks of onions
How's that filter treating you fuckboy.
>anons make legitimate complaints about the game
>only comeback nu-doom fans have is "you're a contrarian!"
>It's a game aimed towards consoles.
I wonder why?
The guy on the left is taking so long because he fucked up.
Look here, it doesn't match up so I don't know how the painting process is but he needs to redo it
Don't tell the Halo fans on Yea Forums this but most people except a small few don't actually care if Infinite has sprint, they just want a good fun campaign with a fun multiplayer. In other words, when these boomers leave Halo, the number drop will be very small.
Because it's made by greedy jews who want nothing but maximum profit. Unlike the original Doom games.
look at this dude...
you think the jews in charge of western devs are going to listen to logic? We already have SJW devs being stubborn to fan demands, you think they are going to listen to a bunch of pirates, regardless their status?
BASED Romero releasing better Doom games for FREE.
old doom is so fucking overrated, the game is really quite easy and there are objectively more decisions to make in fights during nu-doom than original. at least you have a double jump and arenas are based around vertical as well as horizontal movement. original doom is still good but the combat is mostly just circle strafing and spamming the shotgun.
Eh... Sigil's good don't get me wrong but some of the level design is not up to Romero's old standards and there are far better fan made mapsets.
I've played halo since CE when I was 8 years old. sprint is honestly fine, though i'd prefer a default high movement speed, I understand it's not like that for balance (the way power weapons are placed and maps designed would have to change significantly if you could move while going very fast). and movement abilities are fine as well, I don't like clamber due to the way it affects map design, but that's it. I have hope for halo infinite.
everyone who isn't a faggot reddit tourist
You guys are a bunch of contrarian cocksuckers. DOOM 2O16's singleplayer was great, just not worth $60 for the lackluster MP and disappointing snapmap.
>nobody denying it's literally a console shooter
The single player was okay. But I could think of ways that could have made it much better. But I'm gonna wait and see what they do with this sequel.
>stop being enthusiastic
>old doom is so fucking overrated, the game is really quite easy and there are objectively more decisions to make in fights during nu-doom than original
They’re both insanely easy, and I wouldn’t say NuDoom has more “options” because the fights are more sporadic. Classy Doom can flood you with baddies at the same time you progress the level, while NuDoom has to pit you in a giant room with bad guys to remain interesting; the level exploration and downtime is very boring in NuDoom.
>original doom is still good but the combat is mostly just circle strafing and spamming the shotgun.
Objectively less circle-strafey than NuDoom due to guys shooting bullets i.e. hitscanners. Ironically enough Doom’s the game that might’ve balanced them the best: They can be meddlesome but they’re also made of paper.
holy shit guys! doom is a fucking console shooter! why is it so praised?
>pretending the original DOOM isn't on console
>Legitimate complaints
>In this thread
Yes, "onions-doom" and "console-doom" and "zoom-zoom doom" are all fantastic criticisms of the game. Most of these faggots are edgy contrarians who never played the game but want to hate it to look cool. It has it's problems, but no one is this thread are talking about them.
fuck you
Legitimate complains such as...
The original Doom was not designed around a console while Nu-Doom obviously is. Glory kills were only added for retards playing a FPS with a controller.
excitement BAD. Be miserable to prove your maturity
>g-glory kills are added for consoles!
But they're okay in Brutal Doom, right?
but original doom is totally playable and finishable with a controller. glory kills are not for controller users, they were put in to make the game more like brutal doom, and to create a flow for combat so you don't run out of ammo all the time.
>current id and bethesda
>not going where the millions are
>being enthusiastic about a game published by Bethesda and made by modern id
No taste at all, shameful.
>brutal doom
>i.e. easy mode with violence
>ever in any form “okay”
And NuDoom was literally built for the BD crowd
The number drop will be small because the series is long dead. Halo 5 is literally free and has nobody playing it.
Shameless Bethesda shill, nuDOOM fucking sucks.
So is it for consoles or not? You're changing your argument now.
>create a flow for combat
>constantly disrupts the flow of combat
also, nobody but edgy teenagers and console tards like Broowtal Doom.
bite me
it allows you to decide to get close and use a glory kill to obtain ammo, or use your gas to get health, it adds a decision to combat.
>but when I play Doom I want to fucking play Doom
Then play doom, this is doom 4, a new game with new mechanics and engine.
Nothing about a game sequel guarantees it to be a perfect copy of the original outside of a spiritual sense.
>I don't know why the reception to 2016 was dissimilar
because it was fun?
>and to create a flow for combat so you don't run out of ammo all the time.
Easily done by making them drop ammo on death.
Better yet: Make them drop MORE shit with cleaner headshots, long distance headsets - reward the players aim. Glory kills are the opposite of this because aiming with a stick in a hectic fight sucks, and caked with MK goreporn.
It was quite a fun romp, better than most games of the same genre. And you're an idiot, multiplayer was fun.
Who gives a fuck, the pace is WAY too slow to even be considered a DOOM game.
nu-doom needs to either stop being a pussy and speed itself up or just quit.
fucking slow ass animations every other kill and several minutes between fights lmao
>nudoom fans are also brutal doom fans
hahahaha like clockwork
bye then
>So is it for consoles or not?
Tailor-made for console kids, absolutely agree
>You're changing your argument now.
Different user. You are the worst.
it can't speed's entire fanbase is playing with analog sticks
the between fight time is too long, I agree, but calling the game slow is extremely disingenous, especially compared to every single FPS currently coming out, as well as most FPS games that have ever existed, movement speed is fast, TTK is fast, everything about combat is fast, glory kills actually speed combat up because you don't run out of ammo and can get HP back
>Nothing about a game sequel guarantees it to be a perfect copy of the original outside of a spiritual sense.
damn straight
Doom 3 continues to scare the ever living shit out of me to this day. I replay it every October.
>You are the worst
I'm not the one assblasted that a franchise has changed over the course of 25 years
nah I think I'll stick around and keep talking shit. kids here probably never even touched doom 2 kek
Sprint might be fine if they didn't also lower the base move speed so much that sprinting just brings you up to what used to be the normal speed.
Going too fast while trying to aim with a pad REALLY shows how much a stick is not a mouse - not like auto aim was any indication.
>Bethesda Makes Quake Champions
>butt mad fans complain about Muh overwatch
>they tone down the power
>add tons of mobility to game with characters like slash
>no one fucking plays the game
I didn't even really like Nu doom that much, but I gotta admit you sound like a fag
You two are my niggas.
Go play DUSK and then try telling me that NuDoom is fast paced.
Just because NuDoom is different doesn't mean it's bad. If anything a fresh start is exactly what was needed for Doom.
As somebody who didn't mind QC's powers, the problem with the game go beyond the actual mechanics. Game modes and maps appear and disappear all the time, no actual server browser and latency issues out the ass. A real shame, because the actual movement options being nods to different id games throughout the years was done well.
It would still be bad, because you can't shoot during it. Separating map movement gunplay is the foundation of shitty modern games.
If Halo wants to change it needs to look at the games it was based off of. It needs to become more like Quake, more like UT, drop the weapon limit, and any movement mechanics added have to actually require skill. If Halo 6 is anything like 5 in the multiplayer department it will flop because it will just be another generic modern shooter with a halo skin.
Because despite what people say, no one really wants "classic" gameplay. AFPS is a dead genre filled with 40-year-olds that keep waiting for a "savior game."
And Yea Forums is a bunch of 22-year-olds pretending to be boomers in DOOM threads that are deliberate contrarians about nuDOOM.
I literally finished dusk yesterday, top tier game btw, but it being fast doesn't mean doom 2016 is a bad game, honestly at times I felt you were too fast in dusk, and no it's not because i'm shit, but it's that it made you overpowered (under max difficulty) due to being able to dodge everything so easily. doom works in it's own gameplay goals and is fun in it's own way, as well as challenging.
Imagine the scaffolding breaking and falling to your death. Your last creation was that piece of shit.
Well duh user, it is a demon infested city, of course it will be soulless
That honestly just looks fucking cool.
Spreading satanic imagery right before us. Unbelievable.
funny you say that
Dusk was a good game that less than 70k people bought, compared to nuDOOM's 3.6m in 2016 along. Seethe about it.
To this day I still don't get how Doom is demonic and "worshiping satan" when you are literally killing demons and at the end of the second game kill what is basically a stand in for satan. Was American Puritanism still that rampant during the 90's?
Marketing budgets are incredibly bloated.
Me too, Halo 2 and 3 fans complain too much.
That was only in Reach though, Halo 4 and 5 have faster base movement than Halo 1-3.
I've never used glory kills in Brutal Doom. Aren't they only usable with a berserk pack? They don't replenish health and ammo either.
DUSK also didn't cater to console and was a much better game because of that.
Was a 'better game' for a mere 70k people. What I'm trying to say is, nobody gives a fuck, Oshry. Go back to the gym.
yes, it was. harry potter was decried as blasphemous since it used magic like paganism, well into the 2000s, christians are retarded.
>comparing the sales of a game made by one man to a game made by a multi billion dollar shit churning machine
Based retard
During the 90s my friend's Christian parents thought Diablo was going to possess him through the computer and command him to kill them in their sleep, despite the fact that you fight Diablo. Religious people are nuts.
>no scenes where you sit still for a moment as a lady uses a computer
>small as fuck, sensible install size
>more frequent fights throughout levels
worst game imo
Stay mad and keep up those reps Oshry.
Americans are stupid, Christians are stupid, it was a double whammy
Here comes the New Blood Interactive boomer defense force. Getting a little late for you isn't it grandpa?
>all that 80s fear about fucking DnD nerds being satanic
So was there a very short moment where being one of these spergs was technically the most metal thing ever?
You guys could post a 10/10 naked girl with a spread wet pussy and half of you faggots would still find fault with it. Eat shit.
Literal nostalgia goggles.
There is no such thing as objective perfection.
Religious people are usually fucking stupid, in other news, water is wet.
t. angry roasty
Somebody post the review of Doom (Or was it D44M? I forget) from the nun.
Im also reminded to remember half the people in the world are dumber than the average person too.
It's okay dude, I'll help you out with that dopamine hit (you) need in your sad life. There there. People like popular thing and it makes you mad, I know.
>get a room with a window
>look outside
>only see an identical wall of windows 20ft away
I was more commenting on le soi meme basically being a criticism of others being happy instead of miserable, and considering them lesser for that.
>Why not have a "heaven" faction that isn't quite as good as it seems?
Because literally every game already does this. Heaven being a force of good in DOOM is actually unique.
>tfw nu-doom has its problems that unfortunately most likely wont be addressed in the sequal, but still glad to have a decently fun game to play even if the originals were better
Go back to r*ddit you shit eating retard, who the fuck posts like that. fucking zoomer
Hideous Destructor considering archviles as fallen angels is a neat idea
>one of the most realistic shooters is in doom
Angels being literal soldiers sent by God to help The Slayer is pretty neat.
I’m looking forward to it, too. It was just insanely overpriced but I bought it instantly at release so I blame myself for thinking it the great second coming of shooters.
I hope the fallen angels lore is good. The early concept art looked amazing.
Just the moral panic of that day. Much like how there's a panic whenever the SJWs or the /pol/niggers get their panties in a bunch over something.
>he isn't playing Amid Evil
December 31st
At least that's what sites like gamestop and newegg say
why the fuck did they bring angels and religion into this shit like some bad Supernatural rip off... fuck the direction of this series
I may look into it later but those weapons are a big turn off. Wasn’t a big fan of Heretic.
that's always a placeholder d8 m8
Is it gonna be using Vulcan again? I can run nudoom on ultra at like 250 fps with that shit
It’s just enough to trigger oversensitive people and cause them to overreact to give the game more exposure, just as planned
>nu-doom was 50 GB
>is 70 GB now
>nu-doom 2 will be 90 GB
>110 GB a year later
We actually don't know if it is actually angels and religion. For all we know, that is Samuel Hayden's new body.
I don’t buy early access shit but I’ll check it out when it’s done
Unless I'm mistaken there isn't any actual tie to christianity. They're just being called angels because they seem to be the opposing faction to demons.
It looks like it's a race that it's technologically advanced and also controls something equivalent to argent energy. I feel like it's going to turn out that demons/ hell are a byproduct or something gone wrong of the angelic entities in the ancient past
>games with better graphics take up more memory
This has been an ongoing thing for as long as the game industry as been a thing. Keep up.
>sekiro is barely 16 gigs
And gameplay is faster in NuDoom making it harder to appreciate the graphics. I don’t remember PC games being this fat as fuck prior to this gen.
>Fast paced
The game comes to a crawl the moment you actually have to fight enemies.
>THE BFG9000! This baby can kill nearly anything, except the final boss....CYBERDEMON.
>tfw SplitGate feels like the multiplayer DOOM should have had
It was mostly due to snapmap, the bloated multiplayer and the dreaded uncompressed audio.
Why is nu-doom orange instead of red?
Hell no
>call of duty used be take up 10-15 GB
>muh next gen happens
>dude 50 GB lmao
>last couple of games have all been 80-90 GB or more
Have a dream of cod mw being just 20 GB.
>zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom ZOOM ZOM ZOOM ZOOOOM
hwoops thats right, those were a thing. yikes, idsoft
>next gen requires more space
Why are you dumbasses surprised?
Also they are still pushing Megatexures.
shouldn't christcuck gamers really be giving it a score bonus on occult shit because you're destroying it? the demon's aren't the good guys here.
That's bullshit and you know it
>why yes! i do enjoy nu-doom and classic doom!
And they're pretty great.
You shoot demons in fast-paced environment with sprawling level designs, metal soundtrack, and with deep hell aesthetics... I think it's fucking fine man. You purist retards are like
>Hurrrr this game isn't exactly like a game from 1993, hurrr.
>Sir it's 2019.
both games are good in their own ways, neither game is flawless but not to the point of being broken
the shitflinging is stupid
absurdly based.
I forgot about those. Just weirded out how games like RE2 and Sekiro look great yet combined aren’t more space than Doom ‘16
>sprawling level designs
Whoever thought Doom levels needed points of no return shouldn’t make Doom levels. It all goes beyond the surface.
Classic Doom can’t be matched, and NuDoom is a great console shooter
>Doom 2 was a major improvement
Doom 2 fucking sucks
I want to conceive and raise a child with that nun
*Tips Fedora*
and 'Dialogue scene that doomgoy doen't give a shit' that player doesn't give a shit
Nu Doom threads used to be so comfy man
>metal soundtrack
I'm actually not a fan of this. I kind of like BFG Division, but for the most part, I don't like metal music. It feels fitting for the setting, so I don't mind too much, but I liked how the first two games had a more varied and sometimes less noisy soundtrack.
>one wants to climb around for 20 minutes to get to their favorite fight.
Are you a retard? Classic dooms levels can be fucking labyrinthine if your not familiar with them
This isnt a bad thing, but both ganes have big levels
>pain eles
Poor Sandy had a hard time but there was still much fun to be had in Doom 2. Also current Doom wouldn’t be as fun without it fwiw
>People bitching about chainsaw or glory kills could just not use the chainsaw or not glory kill. Fucking retards.
why can't it just be a better mechanic than press X for awesome?
>Are you a retard? Classic dooms levels can be fucking labyrinthine if your not familiar with them
That post is talking about having to trudge through the levels to get to your “favorite fights”, why are you assuming an unfamiliar context?
How many people do you think are actually relying on those win buttons?
>Why of course! I think NUDOOM is leaps and bounds better than the original!
>wh- y- yes of course I played the original!
try being original if you want a (you)
Typical NPC response.
>muh 80-90 GB
t. piratefag