When and why did you stop playing League?

When and why did you stop playing League?

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Because they """reworked""" all my characters

>almost two years ago
>gf at the time played daily
>got me to play with her
>it was never, actually fun and she'd just get angry with herself and the team
>break up and uninstall
>ignore league ever since
>wonderful new league-less lease on life since then
>jerk it to Tristana sometimes
I count my love for shortstack impish girls as something beyond league, so I count it as leagueless.

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>7 years ago
started college and quitted gaming, never bothered to go back to lol

This. Give me back my pizza feet

>Reworking champions so they can only be played a certain way
>Reworking champions for LCS because they weren't as crazy to watch
>Reworking champions and making them something completely different
>Making champions that aren't enjoyable to play against

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Trick question; I never started. You couldn't pay me to play an assfaggots.

Hash is always right.

When i got banned for the final time over screaming at some retard throwing a game.


>my little pony fandom
This nigger is fucking stupid

Is this satire or autism?

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>it’s a sylas game
>it’s a Yasuo goes 0-7 in lane but gets fed pressing R
>it’s a Zoe game
>it’s a tahm never dies game
>it’s a Diana never gets played but we’re going to nerf her game

I don't care about the models, I'm just sick of them deleting characters I like and then making new unrelated ones with the same name

i got tired of the design homogeneity
>no, this guy looks too unique! make him cool or cute!
fuck off with this. why can't twitch be a dumpy waddling fuck. why can't trundle be a garbage troll. why can't sion be a tiny little magic dwarf zombie
even if an old character looks interesting, they'll inevitably introduce some shitty rework that just makes him forgettable and generic

>not three pigtails


Quit after the Bilgewater event ended. I had already quit ranked a while before this, so it wasn't like this wasn't a long time coming. They kept reworking, retconning or removing characters and game modes I cared about, and for them to add all these interesting new items and gameplay elements only to remove them before "lol special event" was the final straw.

Dabbled in Dota for a short time before I realised I was just burned out completely, so I quit the genre and started playing Tetris instead. Made me a much happier person.

>keep making darius less and less relevant
>make trynd pretty shit
this sucks

Because my favorite champion is garbage and the people who are supposed to be your teammates end up harassing you more than the actual enemies.

2012, got a dota 2 beta invite and never looked back
Funny thing is a friend cried because I left league and he was alone, then called me saying he was making “the switch” to dota

Quit like 2 days ago. I was new so I queued with friends and I ended up playing against smurfs or people in their skill level. Same thing would happen when I would try to play solo or with another friend who just started with me. I kept getting paired against these higher elo people and I belonged nowhere in their skill levels.
Every game I would get stomped and ? pinged every second
>just /muteall
I can't learn anything if I can't even stay alive the moment I run out of my base

Season 2 because I got bored. Played swain. It was pretty fun in hindsight

killed in cold blood
too pure for this world

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Turned into complete shit after season 2.

I redownloaded it a couple weeks ago and been playing on and off, might stop soon though for some reason the matchmaking feels exploitive like it forces you to go on win/lose streaks in the hopes you’ll buy a skin for a character you feel you’re good with or buy a new champ if you’re frustrated with losing.

I liked poppy's old kit better, her passive and ult were stupidly broken and hardly anyone played her. Getting kills was easy at top lane because people thought they could win the trade letting my passive do it's thing and bam I snowball into murder gremlin mode. Yes her kit was basic asf but I had so much fun playing pre-rework poppy. Now I just find the new cookie cut poppy boring to play as. I just really hate how riot handles reworks.

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Around 2015. Itemization just went to shit.

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Infinitely more fun. Too bad it arrived way too late to the party.

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I never played league. I'm here for midget porn.

Because you've fundamentally experienced the game after the first hour. I played another 50 before I just went to play other games.

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Closed beta '09er here. Got banned Dec 2016 for calling someone a nigger.

I didn't like grinding just to be able to play different types of characters in a genre when the entire appeal is a huge roster.

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i never stopped
im playing right now

>Making champions that aren't enjoyable to play against
this is the big one
nobody fucking likes fighting against cancer champions like Gnar, Teemo, Nasus, etc.
regardless of the "competitive viability" of these cunts they're still annoying and a pain in the fucking ass.
Any champion that forces you to not only change your entire playstyle but ALSO the items you build just to not get fucked by them is a mistake.
Hec and Sylas are also pretty big cunts right now to fight, the former for being "unga bunga I press E I win engage I press R if I fuck up I disengage and Sylas just being a menagerie of fuck you

how is little demon, tristbros? the only skin I have for her is Riot GIrl because it was free.

Never played league, tried Dota 2 is and thought it was alright. Played it for like a year with some friends. Never been a fan of ASSFAGGOTS. More of a regular RTS guy.

This. Nunu was the last straw for me

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>Own Crimson Akali
>They rework Akali
>Crimson Akali outright gets deleted and replaced by a completely different skin

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Blood moon pretty much fills the red outfit aesthetic that crimson would have. If they stuck with crimson it likely would've ended up too close to blood moon

>its similar
>now just buy it again goy

it was a fucking recolor before, if you bought it before the rework you're actually retarded
Infernal is a pretty good skin anyway now though

I have never played LoL on my entire life
I do fap to the yordles tho

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RIP Ryze

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My comp just started playing with low ping but horrendous FPS, made it feel terrible to play
Otherwise, I was able to stop because they changed up Swain and I didn't like the Lucius Malfoy look at all. They did good for my boy Viktor, Azir, and Veigar but I do prefer the old Draven passive too.
Jhin was also incredibly fun to play and so does the new Morde but I've gotten away from the game long enough not to care so much.

>Akali wearing white and Akali wearing white with sleeves is different enough
>Akali wearing a red ninja outfit is too similar to Akali wearing a red and gold robe with a big white horned mask

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those two skins are two entirely different themes
crimson akali was just "red akali"
Blood moon is basically "red Akali" but with a different outfit
it makes sense that they'd just turn the one that was a recolor into something original
Stinger at least had the bonus of not having skins with a similar color scheme to it

Akali's entire outfit was changed for the rework, Crimson Akali could have just kept the old outfit which would be different than the rest of the skins, including Blood Moon. It would even make sense because its a legacy skin.