Why have you not done your duty with impregnate a Asian girl with your white boy semen yet?

Why have you not done your duty with impregnate a Asian girl with your white boy semen yet?

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asians don't look like that faggot.

Because I'm not white, and Asian girls don't like me. Or any girls, actually. I would love to impregnate an Asian, though, I think Asians have the cutest children.

Because I want to impregnate white women with my Asian boy semen

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every girl I talk to has a boyfriend or is a lesbian

I'm not white, but I'm still on that quest

You realize that Asian girls think White guys look like monkeys right? Don't even ask them about White noses because they won't be able to stop laughing

god i want to impregnate an asian girl

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I know Asian trans that look like that, dont lie faggot

I live in Alhambra, CA, a suburb of LA that's around 54% Chinese descent and something like 72% Asian. Asian girls definitely look like that.


>Virginity ratio of unmarried Japanese women

age 18-19 74.5%
age 20-24 64.5%
age 25-29 32.6%
age 30-34 31.3%
age 35-39 33.4%

- You can teach English in Japan if you have any degree. It doesn't have to be an English degree.
- The average salary for full-time English teachers in Japan is ~$86,000/year. The part-timers drag the overall average down.

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I mean fuck, man, I tried, but she had an IUD. I didn't know.

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sorry my white boi semen belongs in the toilet, not that i'm ever allowed to dribble it out anyway

People wanna fuck Asians until they realize

>Asian families

>that cuckboy yuta

what about white boys with the fat nose similar to asian

Because my gf is on birth control.

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Oh shit what up. I live in South Pas.

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Well, no point in bothering.

>thinks I'm white
My own semen has been sufficient, that's why.

I'm working on it

Is Bettendorf sleeping?

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Because I'm Black.

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Yeah but you have to learn Japanese first

Not much. Just had lunch. Banh Mi My Tho, on 4th and Valley in Alhambra is probably my favorite restaurant in LA. At the very least, it's definitely the one I visit the most.

There has to be some kind of explanation for why asian girls like white men so much. Who cast a spell?

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Based ejaculating-in-a-toilet poster

In sorry sorry asians think of you like less then animals

Miscegenation is a sin.

bideo games

Stop racemixing. Gotcha! Reverse psychology haha! Racemix all you want, goy!

Porque you no s o y un gringo (Y gracias por crearo problemas con usuando s o y)


cause whites are genetically inferior and cannot impregnate another race

Same, pound it.

Because I dont even find myself worthy of breeding

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Haven't met any asian qt's yet, but when I do, I'll eat them out really good and then impregnate them

Not necessarily. Depending on the institution, they want to teach their students using "full immersion," so actually speaking the language would be seen as a negative. I have a buddy who teaches English to Chinese kids via online courses, doesn't speak a lick of Mandarin or Cantonese. Only downside to his job is that he obviously has to teach based on the Chinese time zone, so his class is at like 3am our time.

have sex

If you click that guy's account you'll see he was banned from Reddit itself, the entire site, so I wouldn't really trust his anecdotes if I were you.

asian males are inferior gooks, lol wtf are you gonna look down on?
ill beat a gooks ass to death

Check out Kosuke over on Main. Place has the best fucking ramen I've ever had.

As blasphemous as it is, their spicy popcorn chicken ramen is actually the best thing on their menu.

t. Ricecel

why good asian women worship white man golem cock???

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Because I clicked on
Yea Forums - Video Games
and not Yea Forums

I love jerking off to Asian women.
I can't stand them IRL because of their personalities and honestly not wanting my children to be Elliott Rodgers but watching K-pop whores dance is hotter than porn to me

>majority of Yea Forums will never know how it feels to cum in a tight asian pussy

f... fucking stop this right now. stop it white people.

asian girls are for US, you can't do this. w-we are commissioning more amwf porn. that will show you

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This, or they don't like me because I'm ugly

Yeah, just dismiss any evidence that doesn't support your claim

It's called dual citizenship, you tard.

they dont, thy just go to where the power is and all the resources, you think any women would go to a cracker if you didnt have a system of white supremacy?


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B U R N - R I C E ; H A V E N I C E L I F E

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I fucked an Asian girl a few years back, didn’t give my real name or number to her and came inside so for all I know, I could have

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>Men getting at one another's throats over women.
You're fucking better than this.

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fake, its called white supremacy

Based. They need to do more races too.

>white is the Asian version of BLACKED
what a world

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t. ugly ass bigger who cant stand the though of beautiful Asian girls wanting whites over his kind

Why dont mods ban this guy? He posts here like everyday.

That makes 3 of us.

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Hell no. I'm poor as shit. White as fuck though

>white women

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Except it's real, lol

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No, stop being such a Passover Worshiper.

they dont want you, they want money, without you having white supremacy and brainwashing ppl, you wouldn't get shit you small dick cracker

Asians out power western culture retard.

video games

definitely a nigger

>linking to reddit

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