Movie shit or baby shit?

movie shit or baby shit?

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Gameplay >>>> Politics, le cinematic experiences, intentionally ugly characters

If Reggie was right, why is he fired?

How come every Nintentard says their games are fun but they actually aren't?

>neil cuckmann

False Dichotomy

ill take fun for 500 alex

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Oh snap

Nintendo, take a look at the longest running gaming franchises. Most of them are Nintendo & after 25 + years are still more relevant today then any other franchise Sony has created

Why does every Snoy say they like games but the actually like movies?

He resigned to become a family man.

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OK but when did Reggie say "The game is a battle"?

why is it designed to make reggie the evil guy / side and the other as good. literally just fighting to make vidya stay vidya.

He retired to focus on his family. You know, those people that disowned you.

We have this thread everyday.

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Based and guilepilled.


Not every game has to be 'fun', entertaining is probably a better metric.
Compare to movies, The Road isn't fun but it is entertaining.

We already decided this during our 2019 contest
> Zelda: BOTW (Head 2 Head Win Percentage: 67 %)
> The Last of Us (Head 2 Head Win Percentage: 36 %)

the gameplay has to be fun

Are horror games "fun"?
I think enjoyable is a better word

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what a fucking faggot numale

I'm a ps4 primary platform user this gen, and I agree with Reggie. I want to slap Neil and tell him "Fun is the priority of videoGAMES you fucking idiot, not politics."

>Advance Wars
>Star Fox
>Chibi Robo
>Kid icarus
>Brain Age
>Super Mario Strikers
>Mario Golf
>Dr. Mario
>Golden Sun
>Paper Mario
>Wii Sports
>Custom Robo

Nintendo franchise games are either dead, take a decade long hiatus, or are just more Mario and Zelda shit. Nintendo has a bigger graveyard than most companies.

I think you could classify them as fun. Haunted houses and roller coasters are considered fun

oh yeah also forgot to add ARMS kek

You don't actually believe these generic corporate excuses, are you, anons?


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>neil cuckmann vs the regginator
babby games all day every day

Now post the Sony mass grave of dead franchises.

It's almost like Mario has been around longer than Nathan Drake or Kratos. Ask anyone who isn't a shit eating manchild like yourself and they'll tell you Mario is cringe and they'd rather play actual games for actual men.

Cosidering I can see movie shit in actual movies, then baby shit.

I refuse to even touch a game if there's so much as a hint of story being shoved in my face. It's why I hate Bayonetta, Uncharted, Xenoblade, TLOU, God of War, Metal Gear, and pretty much every AAA game trying to win a hollywood award. It fills me with such contempt and hatred whenever I try and play a game and end up with cutscenes shoved in my face. And don't give me crap about them being skippable, or the "gameplay" making up for it. You have the audacity to smear shit in my face for hours on end, and then imply that it's okay because you won't do it anymore? It does not deserve to exist. Being optional is not an excuse.

Infact, I invite all of you to tell me why we shouldn't eradicate every single story heavy game from the face of the earth.

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Lol, Americans flat out love Mario & 12 of the top 16 games for every single region of our country are Nintendo games

baby shit every day of the week
if I want a movie I'll watch a movie

>play actual games for actual men
So, qte mobies, Modern 'White Helmet glowniggers' Warfare, and bing bing wahoo but with poopy cowabunga mahble man and crash?
Real men only play Dwarf Fortress and Marble Madness



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> Most important Country in world history
> Not meaning anything
Cope, i would love to see what shithole country you come from

Both are valid in the sense that each have their niche, but if I want introspection I don't really go for games or movies. Especially when the game is an AAA group tested product that plays the safest you could play while wearing the guise of mature and daring.

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you sound retarded
"debate" me morons seem to forget that you're just not worth arguing with because you're not there to actually have your mind changed, you just want to feel like you're ganking on someone with "facts" and "logic" when really you just refuse to listen or consider alternative veiws.

if you need me to explain to you how a narrative interactive experience could be worth while then you're being intentionally ignorant in the first place

Fighting shit

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be open minded user

>if you need me to explain to you how a narrative interactive experience could be worth while
Do explain what I get out of paying 60 dollars for a product I barely play, and would actually lose nothing of by watching a let's player on youtube. See, when gameplay stops being the focus, you lose the one thing that separates the medium from books and movies, and at that point every trip to youtube is 60 dollars saved.

Druckman just looks like a pretentious cunt

No we don't

I skipped most of the cutscenes on Bayonetta and it was fine ... dare I say fun.

>most important country in the world is filled with gullible, emasculated corporate cum guzzling zombies (such as yourself)

Have sex, Nincel. Maybe you guys would do a whole lot better if you stopped worshipping Mario after the age of 11.

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kys ACfag

Who are we?

What country in south america are you from?

you're retarded

Something in between like RE2make

>no argument

Now do the same with the quick time events, torture attacks, sex fanservice, and everything else that isn't the gameplay. See if you'll still like it. Story is just one problem in the industry, the biggest, but still just one.

>Doug Harris AKA ACfag

actual autism