I really struggle to believe that he was originally intended to be gay.
I really struggle to believe that he was originally intended to be gay
>companies start treating gay people as a marketable demographic instead of people
Welcome to the club.
looks like overdesign to me.
It’s hard to say. I feel like Tracer was made gay as a last minute PR stunt. Wasn’t there some convention where an audience member asked blizz where the gay characters are, and the staff made a dumbfounded face as if they had never thought if it before?
He wasn't. Neither was Tracer. It was just J.K. Rowling style clickbait "soooo progressive" horseshittery.
Although I'm not sure what your image has to do with it. Every gay guy I've ever met liked beer and bbq.
I know a gay guy with the shittiest fashion sense. He wears khaki cargo pants and old beat-up sneakers.
Are they seriously evoking the boomer sip meme?
>gays and trannies seriously think these companies give a shit about them
it's kinda sad
I find Tracer being gay believable. At launch she reminded me of a lesbian coworker who looks and acts similar. 76 being gay is a complete asspull though.
In terms of character, maybe. Her design has retained the same basic elements over time
They both weren't.
The vocal minority didn't make a big ass stink about "diversity" and "inclusivity" until after GG was living rent free in their minds in mid 2016 and onward.
That's when Devs started their corporate pandering to a newfound, highly exploitable market full of literal faggots.
>I've got your cock in my sights!
I dunno, OP, in retrospect it was kind of obvious.
panderwatch doesn't have any intent other than corporate profits. it's not some kids dream world game they scribbled out in high school it's committee "consensus" ("what's the consensus on" - no stop just kys) with no real direction or vision.
have sex
have sex
have sex
have sex
have sex
have sex
have sex
I could buy Tracer being gay since she plays pretty heavily into the perky lesbian stereotype.
S76 being a homosexual was absolutely just a response to Blizzard getting hammered in the press for the Diablo Immortal fiasco and that "Ellie" shitstorm. And it worked too, not one outlet called out how disgustingly transparent it was.
She's an energetic cheerful tomboy which happens to be what a lot of lesbians are. I doubt it was planned, but not too much of a stretch.
have sex
>She's an energetic cheerful tomboy which happens to be what a lot of lesbians are
Not even close
>gay people can't be traditionally masculine
go outisde
Wow, you really changed my mind! Who knew that having sex would make you blind to corporate marketing asspulls?
have your (((you)))
blizzard does nothing but co-opt memes since people at up the stuff in wc and starcraft. that at least felt like genuine fun and over the last 15 years it's devolved into full cringe desperation with their endless barrage of already dated references.
The e-sports girl who turned out not to actually exist.
>it's le pride month
>let's slap some plastic rainbows on our product and charge a considerable mark up
You're really not seeing this shit?
>Stereotypes aren't actually representations of reality
Do you still live with your parents?
In either case it literally couldn't matter less, the narrative has zero impact on the actual game, the actual gameplay isn't even canon is it?
>durr i can make Yea Forums post too
>Generic call of duty point and shooty man to try and bait in FPS players
>His storyline is he's fucking Captain America but edgy now
No, he was never intended to be gay, it was a 'subersive' asspull because no one expected it.
Soldier 76 is gay.
Oh hey cool.
A good way to dodge that bad press about Blizzard.
They knew a 'girl' made it onto an esports team ahead of that debacle, but did and said nothing about 'her' getting on that team in record time even when proof was shown it was all just a test by some dude.
you faggots are dumb if they simply wanted to appease fans it would have been both mccree and hanzo
oh hey, at leat you were smart enough to change your op's pic when doing the same thread over and over
He really wasn't it was obvious even from the reveal that it was slapped together really quick. Around the same time blizzard was in some controversy with their esports shit with the whole Ellie debacle.
Soldier 76 was created by Chris Metzen in the 90s. "I'm a one man army" is a line directly from the Soldier comic Metzen wrote in 2004. After Titan failed, Soldier finally made it into Overwatch in July 2015. He was a gritty, jaded, serious loner - a Clint Eastwood impression who only cared about fighting. He wasn't gay, and nothing in his origin story, animated short, or in-game voice lines ever hinted that he might be.
Chris Metzen left Blizzard in September 2016, and a few months later the Soldier 76 character started to change. Blizzard published a comic in December 2016 declaring that Tracer is lesbian and hinting that Soldier is gay.
Sucking dicks isn't part of the Soldier character Metzen conceived. Blizzard faggots changed Metzen's character only AFTER he left. They destroyed his character for good boy points.
Don't be dramatic. They didn't "destroy" his character, they just made unauthorised changes with no substance to it. He's not a rainbow flag pride parade dick sucker.
Republican and Christian aren't the same thing. I know, what a shocker...
I work with one, he is a fucking cunt and spouts Yea Forums memes. God i want all fags to fucking die dude holy shit, even conservative fags need to fucking die I hate gays so fucking much fuuuuuuuuuuuuck
have sex
>DOMINATED, ya fudge packing fruit cake!
>I find Tracer being gay believable
I don't. Lesbians this attractive don't exist in real life.
This. Here's your average lesbian couple
Yeah, I remember seeing a tranny on twitter (daughter turned "son" of a famous BR podcaster) all happy because Blizzard announce this character was a faggot. Sometimes I feel sorry for the. I mean, they're mentally ill and the media says it's something to be proud of.
Sorry for the typos. I'm too tired.
>Lipstick lesbians being an actual thing
Stop watching porn
>they're mentally ill and the media says it's something to be proud of.
Not jsut the media, mind you. Education institutions like colleges are now teaching would-be doctors and scientists that homosexuality and trangenderism is natural and normal.
go back to Yea Forums faggot
it was actually really funny i came our to my family the same day solider was revealed to be gay and my dad cared more about 76 than me
>i know one real lesbian like this fictional lesbian so it's believable, but because i don't know a gay dude like this one fictional gay dude it's an asspull
hypermasculinity is a huge red flag for detecting the gay
That"s not funny, that's sad.
It's pretty fucking sad that you have to worry about your children absorbing propaganda in their cartoons and games now.
If you honestly have your worldview shaped by stereotypes you're a fool. Gay people can wear socks with sandals. Not all of us are fashionable, especially tops.
Metzen has a twitter right? Someone ask him if Soldier's gay. His word would be final in this circumstance.
> t. experiences the world through 4chins
>Hasn't actually met a self-sustaining lesbian
He's characterfluid, he's whatever the fans what him to be
>Originally designed as grizzled disillusioned retired hero veteran
>dad memes
>Blizzard gives him dad skins
>gay 4 reaper fanfics
>Blizzard makes him canonically a faggot
The design at the top is much better than what we got.
>I think real lesbians are all like the ones in fictional media but you're the one with the distorted lens
gay boy here
i'm so pissed they made SOLDIER the gay character -3- it feels so forced/fake, i understand not all gay guys are fem twinks like myself but really, soldier?! they should of just waited and created a new character who is gay from the start (Overlord from Meka PLEASE)
there's nothing gay about soldier, it feels like they just wanted to shoehorn one in somehow, and decided to go with the super likable, honerable veteran dude, so noone would be offended by stereotypes or whatever, fuck that, give me a cute little twink to play, we want someone we can relate to D: and masc tops like my BF would enjoy a cute twink as well.
It would be hard to throw a rock and not hit a completely socially maladjusted gay sperg here desu
speaking from personal experience
this but unironically
i try and be as masculine as possible specifically because i think it's hot and so i can attract other men who feel the same way
that said 76 was pretty obviously done for brownie points
He'd probably say he was just so he wouldn't get blacklisted
It's hilarious to see people like this tell themselves this so that they can avoid feeling inferior to masculine men.
>Y..you're just gay
It's because faggots have daddy issues
I have actual lesbian friends. they aren't all old and fat with buzzed hair. get outside
Zarya should have been the gay
Of course he wasn't. Blizzard literally said that only one of their characters was gay back when the game released and that turned out to be Tracer.
No one said they all were, you utter retard
Ok gaylord
Bullshit, all lesbians are fat tomboys. Any who aren't aren't actually lesbians.
trust me, i understand all gays arent fashionable, my boyfriend is a 100% "str8 acting masc top" with 0 fashion sense, but you guys already have characters you can identify with and relate to, like all of the current male roster, slapping a "Gay" label on them doesn't change anything, the stereotypical small, girlish gay boy NEVER gets represented in video games unless its a little skit (Garudo Link, etc) i know so many of us would love a character who IS more on the feminine / cute side, and accepts it/embraces it, like we do IRL, we never ever get characters like that :< it's crappy, why are companies so scared of stereotypes, when so many of us EXIST, i am a stereotype, and there's nothing wrong with that.
why the fuck did you reply to me you fucking retard
>muh daddy issues
There`s a funny and offensive animated video of soldier 76.
Hes white
He was a role model for kids
He was a target
Every time I see this number it fluctuates in factors of 10. Take you faggot propaganda elsewhere.
The levels of cope here is off the charts.
>I'm sure that chad fucking all those chicks is really just compensating.
>I'm sure he is draining his balls in all those women because he is trying to escape from his sexuality
>I'm sure he is just playing sports and being athletic to cover up his gayness
>daddy issues
i have a healthy relationship with both of my parents. masculinity is just a desirable trait, i want to be masculine and i want my partner to be masculine.
Faggots have daddy issues
>i want my partner to be masculine.
Because you have daddy issues
but I don't
>pink dollar coined in 1990
>lol fag this is all propaganda
user, I'm not even a fag, you're just retarded to think no one cares about LGBTQ
Perky lesbian? I know like ten, and every single one of them is overweight, wears exclusively flannel, has a mens’ haircut, and acts the way they think men act, except they have no clue how men act.
But you do
big brain post
>projecting this hard
alright user
D...do you not know what "average" means? It doesn't mean 100%
The number is different every time it's posted, but at least yours accurately represents faggots only being 2% of the US market.
>faggots don't have daddy issues
holy based
>daddy issues are exclusive to faggots
>everyone of them has it
Omg who is that man in your picture he's so hot
>Faggots don't overwhelmingly have daddy issues
>implying he knows from personal experience
lol you have daddy issues
>cheerful lesbians
i've only ever dated masc tops :<
my dad was an alcoholic drug abuser who left us when i was 3, i saw him maybe 3 times growing up, he shot & killed himself when i was 19.
maybe i do have daddy issues D: is that why i find straight/masc guys so hot?
>Faggots don't have daddy issues so often that it should be considered a trait
>hey winston
>hey soldier 76
>guess what
>im gay
it was literally in the opening cutscene
>still implying he knows from personal experience
>doesn't deny it
you're daddy issues
>has daddy issues
>numbers havent been edited in literally years
is it me or does he look like trevor in that middle picture ?
I dont care about homosexuality, I just dont want people to be happy together. everyone should be as alone as me, or give me a gf. choose one.
it's okay user. we won't judge you that hard. thanks for the bumps though
>I have daddy issues
It's ok son, I forgive you for being a faggot
damn someone is seething
if anything, that's you, my man
lesbians irl are not like in your games and cartoons
Son, it's okay that you literally eat shit off of other man's peepees. I'm sure God will forgive you, somehow.
>posts on Yea Forums
>preaches God
His apron says "raise the steaks". He wants to see your steak (tubesteak) rise. Are you up for the challenge?
>is a faggot
>has daddy issues
>can't think of a new comeback
>still replying to his half assed shitposts
come on user
>is mentally unstable
>thinks I need any other ammo
HON, do you know what you eat when you eat a girl out? (not that you ever have) much worse, shit+ piss+blood + thousands of other disgusting bacterias. do your research, i'm gay and i know more about a womans vagina than you do, lol.
>Are they seriously evoking the boomer sip meme?
Did you not grow up in American suburbs or rural areas? BBQ culture existed before zoomers invented the boomer meme. Drinking diet beer, yard maintenance, and grilling have always been quintessential "Dad" things, especially in the Summer.
>doesn't shitpost on a shit thread
>so retarded he still can't
>women shit from their pussies
Thanks captain daddy issues
You wanna stick to bigger college campuses, thats where the attractive lesbians tend to be easily found, especially if it has more girls than guys there.
I went to a college that where the guy to girl was 2:7. A lot of cute girls, but a hella lot of lesbians and gays.
College lesbians aren't actually lesbians user.
you don't know as much as you think you retarded faggot
This is a serious question I have for gay people.
Do you actually like it when a characters gayness is a big reveal and a twist at the end of a comic rather than something normal?
To me it seems rather dehumanizing that your sexuality is just being used as a "shocking" twist.
Faggots are like women, they crave attention. Young ones especially gobble up any sort of social validation.
No only if I was actually invested in the story in some way. Other than that I'll just take the porn that come with it since it literally doesn't do anything to my life
>Although I'm not sure what your image has to do with it. Every gay guy I've ever met liked beer and bbq.
Not the op but everything about that costume shouts "dad who loves embarrassing his kids and wife with shitty jokes." It's a very straight stereotype.
Remember when this guy was revealed to be gay and Yea Forums lost its shit because its LITERALLY what they asked for how to present a gay character?
Kratos is gay, get over it
>Yea Forums invented boomer stereotypes
God this place is full of retards
No, because only zoomers played that trash.
Hot. Can't wait for more porn
>Yea Forums lost its shit
No because outside of a few epic based troll threads and the general no one gives a fuck about Apex Legends enough to care about a games gay agenda.
I dont wanna say you're wrong, but I also dont want to say you're right.
I've met a few, dunno what to tell you.
>I'm just an old soldier, but it seems odd to me that despite being only 13% of the population,
Welcome to Blizzard, where personality contrasting "stereotype subversion" gimmicks take the place of legitimate writing skill.
>here's a big dyke with purple hair, only she's from evil right wing vote hacker land and dislikes our token minority! isn't that so unexpected and quirky!
>here's a generic timid Asian scientist girl, except unlike the usual stick insect she has a voluptuously negroid-shaped body from the neck down! isn't that so unexpected and quirky!
>here's the generic good guy GI Joe father figure leader, except he's a homo. isn't that so unexpected and quirky!
>here's an "autistic" character that, rather than being a fat and stinky white guy who sits at the spawn at his computer masturbating to anime, is a /fit/ as fuck and charismatic Indian woman that acts and dresses professional and feminine. isn't that so unexpected and quirky!
>here's the token "scary" slasher film psychopath character, except instead of being afraid of him everyone laughs at him instead. isn't that so unexpected and quirky!
>here's the token robot character, except instead of the standard "I'm a robot!" gimmick we give him a stereotypical Buddhist monk persona that you'd totes never expect a cold unfeeling machine to have. isn't that so unexpected and quirky!
Is it a gay agenda if the character is literally just gay?
That's what happens when a company decides to pander. It's not just games.
I knew quite a few lesbians and bisexuals in my time. You know what? Every single one that came out in highschool either went straight or went bi. The ones that came out after highschool ate pussy like there's no tomorrow, but many of them shaped up after/during college.
Most people today have an obsession with subversion.
It's pretty dope we can all get together and hate on the real menace to any society, disgusting lesbians.
disgusting haircuts, body types, faces, there isn't anything in this planet more disgusting than a lesbian.
>Soldier, seventy dicks reporting for duty.
You know that line makes sense now.
>To me it seems rather dehumanizing that your sexuality is just being used as a "shocking" twist.
The problem is that being gay shouldn't be a character trait, but companies are doing it ad nauseum. No one playing a video game with a male lead character is saying to themselves, "I bet this guy loves to fuck women in their pussy". But whenever a gay character is introduced its implied that the characters one defining trait is "they have sex, preferably with those of the same gender as them".
Its a phase a lot of kids go through in highschool for attention.
I would think being ranked 50th in education would be more concerning.
But I guess Alabama knows better.
Post-modernism was a mistake.
Why does being gay matter for the character though in a video game? Do we really need to know?
Faggots aren't any better
>Being gay is mostly people seeking attention
We know his motivation involved his boyfriend. Thats part of his story. Would you get this worked up if the word "girlfriend" was used instead? Even if you dont like Apex, it was done 100% the right way as nothing more than a story touch.
wow that's very unexpected and quirky of you, user.
It's crazy that just 13% of the population can drag down an entire country like that, huh? Speaking of which, hows your black and middle eastern population doing?
You had me up until Symmetra, /pol/-poster. When she was created she was a joke on the "indian tech support" character because she was an indian that used technology and was in the support class.
Good story and character writing is hard.
If we just make cardboard cutouts fuck the same gender cardboard cutouts we can get mass appeal with minimal effort.
>Would you get this worked up
Not worked up at all, pointing out one gay character "done right" doesn't dismiss the multiple others that do it just for attention.
They probably knew the son was gay for a long time. You know if you're raising a faggot kid.
Look at this delusion. Reflections was Metzen's last comic. He wanted Tracer and S76 to be gay.
This was 2015. Let's not also forget that Metzen NEVER left Blizzard. He retired but he still comes in as a consultant. He's a voice of Bastion and always comes in to record new lines.
>"I've got you on my thighs"
It's on his ultimate dude, how can you miss that?
Being gay is the new drinking doritos and eating mnt.dew.
He's talking about bouncing his son in his lap, obviously.
Being gay is the new dying your hair black and getting a tattoo
Pic of the only good gay vidya character
Did I ask for all of that you dumb faggot?
No no user, the quote goes I've Got you IN my thighs.
76 was definitely a bottom. so he's twice as gay as you thought he was.
>tfw this is canon
>Haha, when I was a kid I listened to loud music and smoked pot, what did you do?
>I went to the local gay bar and let them run a train on me... haha... ha
Worse, it's full of actual fucking children. Most people that frequent and post are I'd say roughly 23 and under. Most people are teenagers to early 20-somethings, so their only point of reference to shit is the internet, which is why it always seems like everyone mistakes things as "references" to something from some bullshit parroted internet nonsense.
No, there are no good gay or nigger characters. Kill Yourself you poser.
Better then yours which has a 100% white population.
Which country is that again?
Oh right, it doesn't exist and never will.
We don’t care, fag
>european country
>100% population
Where is this fictional utopia?
He would almost be good if Kojima went all the way and confirmed he won the BB bowl instead of imply it.
So being gay makes you a liberal, aha
>High school and college kids all had a phase where they thought they were gay
Gee, color me surprised. It's almost as if kids are retarded and need at least 10+ more years of life to actually get a grip on themselves.
Most nu-gays are liberal, yes.
hello r*ddit
You know maybe that’s for the better. I’m a gay and honestly I just can’t think of gays as anything other than ridiculous. Even if you don’t outright say it the subtext of douching out your ass and taking docks is pretty degrading. It’s impossible to do s “serious” gay character.
Yeah gays can only dress one way and one way only.
I swear you faggots complain about the dumbest shit in Overwatch while completely ignoring its actual gigantic problems as a game.
So your dad isn’t disappointed in you? Are you sure, user?
When's Reaper's turn?
Wait, Ocelot is gay? Since when? Where was this confirmed?
Sorry winston I can't come right now, I have to spend 30 minutes rinsing the shit out of my colon!
you definitely have mental issues, faggot
>shit+ piss+blood + thousands of other disgusting bacterias
Believe it or not, women have more than one hole down there. It’s part of the reason having sex with a woman is better
Never you can fuck off
Women don't have penises? Are you sure?
What does /pol/ have to do with any of this?
Well to be fair it only takes 30 minutes if you really eat like shit but yeah the implication is still unflattering.
For someone who believes torture is the 'ultimate' form of expression I'd imagine he'd enjoy it regardless of whoever was getting the water board. I feel the same way about Volgin, dude is a power hungry monster. As long as he's in control he'd probably enjoy that aspect more than whoever it was with despite having that implied thing with that fuck boy Raikov.
boomers are hot and masculine, get over it.
That's the point. They don't write their characters as actual members of a specific archetype, they arbitrarily apply minority brownie points to their current roster on a clockwork-like basis as a desperate means of keeping their decaying phenomenon relevant. Why do you think Tracer was "revealed" as a pillow muncher during the holiday rush rather within the game itself on release?
They actually don’t. I know, I used to be skeptical too. Surely all those porn pics must be photoshopped. But I actually somehow managed to find a girl crazy enough to find me charming and to my pleasant surprise, I found that they do indeed have another place you can put your dick. You don’t even need to buy lube if she likes you a lot
Wait, you mean I've been stretching my asshole for my future babies to incubate for nothing?! AOC LIED TO ME!
It makes sense for them to pin minority status onto the "good guys" in order to score the most virtue points. McCree would have made far more sense as a gay character but having someone with an actually flawed personality being the token homo would have been too "problematic" for a company that puts PR ahead of integrity.
I don't really give a shit, just as long as they give equal treatment to straights rather than guilt tripping us about how heteromale sexuality is an "objectifying power play".
What’s McCree’s personality flaw?
have sex, incel
I mean it's kind of a big deal that mental illness has become political. What's next, air?
I can't wait until these surgeries are seen as lobotomies.
They can, it's just that the macho gay archetype might not be what you want, see >pride and egotism aren't personality flaws
>gamer scum talking about mental illness
Of course she lied, user. Everyone knows babies are delivered by stork. They’re attracted to the smell of sex. Specifically between a man and a woman (it must smell different).
How would you even push a baby out of you ass? That’s about as ridiculous as saying women push them out of their vaginas. Where’d you even get a crazy idea like that?
Imagine if someone with good taste was in charge of Overwatch. The concept artists are so wasted.
No user, I’m actually asking. I don’t know anything about overwatch.
But my biology teacher said the reason are assholes are so stretch is for childbirth... user, my asshole is mostly scar tissue now and I have to put a tampon up there to stop the drainage... what am I to do?
Is one of them your mom? Does she work at Nintendo?
>posting the typical Am*rican woman, gay or straight
I really struggle to see why this triggered Yea Forums so badly.
>being a good little foreigner and drinking his koolaid
Make Yea Forums American again.
>implying Am*rican political parties exist in Overwarch's Star Trek clowniverse
>"but...he doesn't ACT gay"
please im so lonely please come hang out at the straight pride parade.......
Waaaaaait minute. When's straight pride month?
And there's a better character for that, see
yeah he shows no signs of self destructiveness or mental instability that are ubiquitous to faggots
>straight pride parade
I'm pretty okay not having another group of people fucking each other at public events or exposing themselves to children..
At least straight people don't try and bring kids into their little fuckparties.
It's 2019, user. The time of atheist Yea Forums is long ogre.
I don't mind gay people cause that means more women for me. If the entire world was gay except for me, woman would have to fuck me. Fuck lesbians tho
Are you sure you were paying attention? Only girl butts are stretchy to accommodate a man’s penis. That’s why girls even have buttholes in the first place because as we all know, unlike guys, they don’t poop.
If nothing else, maybe you can sue for malpractice?
It's because the RSS Overwatch has been death by a thousand cuts, and the number of people past the bullshit breaking point keeps climbing.
Gays are so stupid that they actually believe multimillion dollar companies actually care about them and not their disposable income/poor impulse control
Probably it wasn't but this gives me hope that D.va has a cock.
I work with a lesbian woman. Trust me her girlfriend looks so much like a man it's ridiculous but they both do sustain themselves well I'll admit
>All gays are the same stereotype
if you're a fatty you have daddy issues
i was thinking about getting back in OW to have a fun timewaster game but that's when 76 got gay and i was like ehhhh ill pass
No one else does
I'm still waiting for them to fix my main.
I wonder how Metzen feels about Blizzard making his Not!Captain America+Not!Punisher gay.
>whole team goes 76 for fun
>we're all buttfuckers now
posing as what... a homophobe?
>OW panders to everyone
>people still bitch about no black female
>"but orisa is piloted by a black gir---"
>"What about symettra or pha---"
>bomber jacket
>assless chaps
They know their target audience
I do *like* the top designs more but what we got is more thematically in line. Top mid is almost a little too much out of Guilty Gear or Blazblue though