When did the definitive JRPG become Persona instead of Final Fantasy?

When did the definitive JRPG become Persona instead of Final Fantasy?

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It hasn't & never will be, in terms of sheer legacy & popularity in the gaming community. Final Fantasy is the 3rd most iconic franchise of all time

When Final Fantasy pissed away all of its good will

A visual novel is not a JRPG user

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When Atlus made the most perfect girl in the series

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Brother, persona 5 is a VERY GOOD GAME. The combat is actually VERY FUN

>*Uses 50 HP item on you instead of mediarama to heal everyone*
>*Uses garu on each individual enemy*
>*Tries to destroy the world to save her boyfriend*
Pffft... nothing personnel, Aigis...

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>Final Fantasy is the 3rd most iconic franchise of all time
Ask any normalfag and the only characters they can name, if they name any, are from FF7, one trick pony.

Same for Persona honestly

Denial and delusion.

When FFXV was dogshit.

> 26 Billion dollar franchise
> FF6 or FF7 have been included at the top of every single best game list on the internet since their release
> Somehow not iconic among gamers

JRPGS are mostly known for their stories.

Persona is known to have well-written stories.

>what is Xenoblade

One trick pony

FF7, FFX/X-2, FF13 & FFXIV all grossed well over 1 billion dollars.

Persona 4 is the best game in the series and none of you faggots can tell me otherwise. The story is well done, the visual style is simple (even if it's slightly off compared to other games), the main characters are nice and cute, the combat/scouting system of the series is simple and efficient and just great to use, there are no stupid weapons in this game and all weapons have their place, the difficulty level is easy (if a bit tricky) but the payoff is worth the difficulty for the ending...so what do I say about "the best"? And if you want a challenging game and don't mind learning the game mechanics or mastering them (and you should, it's very similar to the combat aspect in some other games) then Persona 4 is for you.

Want to know why no one bothers to play Persona 3 or SMT anymore? I found the answer after playing Persona 4 Arena , a game in which you can go around solving other people's problems. Persona's design wasn't as much about solving mystery problems as it was about showing everyone the world is still full of characters who are just trying to make a living, and a small party of friends who aren't going to help them out anymore. It's a story where everyone but the protagonist gets his or her lives ended, but no one gets treated well.

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>*FF6, FF8, FF10, FF15 block your path*

I disagree because it doesn't offer a challenge, even in Merciless every boss fight except the twins is easy to win in the first try

>he wouldn't destroy the world to save his waifu

I would dare you to tell me the names of some characters from Final Fantasy, but since you're already defending them of course you would know some.
Ask a random faggot on the street and they will be dumbfounded by that question.

I agree though it was years after P3.
I love Anne.

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> OP literally stated specifically "Gaming Community"
> Crying about recognizability among casualfags who don't reguarly play video games
Persona fags are literally retarded, every single gamer has played Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, Kingdom Hearts & Final Fantasy X at this point

Personally that's been postponed until P6 at least.

Ask any normalfag and they won't know what Persona is


1 > EP > 3 > IS > 5 > 4

Daily reminder

That’s a weird way of spelling Makoto

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>implying normalfags can name any persona characters besides joker and his harem


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Persona will never ever be more popular than Final Fantasy or any other iconic jrpg solely because it’s an 80+ hour game with every new game being longer

P3 has been out for over 10 years and you faggots still post the same 5 pics over and over again.

My parents have never heard of shit like Tetris, Doom, Skyrim, GoldenEye, Castlevania, League, World of WarCraft & Half-Life. But still know what Final Fantasy X is, despite having never played it before

When you kept making this thread