Soul Calibur Thread

Is this appropriate combat attire?

Attached: d programs steamapps common soulcaliburvi soulcaliburvi binaries win64 soulcaliburvi.exe Super-Resol (1440x2560, 2.16M)

Poor soulcalibur. Used to be among the greatest fighting games. Now its been reduced to a shitshow where the fans are all faggots who only care about playing dress up, and the combat is now all style over substance. Damn shame.

Distractions are low but effective

Yeah... Admit it, SC was always about style, and that doesn't mean it's bad at all

SC6 is honestly pretty good though, if the Reversal Edge system wasn't a thing I think it would be absolutely great. I think it's the best SC since 2.



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Play Taki.

Attached: takitaki.jpg (640x360, 68K)

Sc 1 and 2 were pretty simple tame games. Now we have all this cinematic cancer like reversal edge and super moves. It shits up the gameplay.

Attached: d programs steamapps common soulcaliburvi soulcaliburvi binaries win64 soulcaliburvi.exe Super-Resol (1440x2560, 1.42M)

It is to my DICK

Soul Calibur is an ok fighting game but it is also softcore porn. Don’t forget that

never can be too safe

I'm fine with Super moves, Reversal Edges are cancer though.

>Is this appropriate combat attire?
Why does this question only get asked with respect to female outfits that show a bit of skin?

If a male character wears massive pauldrons that would realistically obscure his peripheral vision and prevent him from turning his head you don't get hordes of armchair martial arts experts whining about how totally impractical it would be in a real fight.

Because we're not gay

Raphael will not appreciate you posting these pics of his daughter

Is this 2004?

Attached: Capture.png (1017x714, 2.19M)

Namco hates SC so they gave the devs no budget

Do you really need a budget to not program in horrific texture seams?

She's my secondary

Attached: Amy Breast Envy.jpg (1024x724, 118K)

Likely an oversight

It's a mod

>trying to make sense of fantasy and vidya
Anyone who does this is retarded anyway

Attached: Scum.png (342x388, 314K)

Most of us aren't female here so we don't give a shit

I wish I wasted my money on MK11 dlc instead of SC6 dlc; I'm at least having fun with 11.


Is this appropriate combat attire?

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No ass

>allows for movement
>protection on the shoulders and hips


Where is her ass

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She's like 13

Attached: IMG_e90596b1-c15b-41ee-b5f2-6b2c83a9f600.png (1920x1080, 2.28M)

13/14 year olds have small asses

Yeah and

I've seen 10 year old boys with more ass than her

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Hey casfag all of these are shit. Kill yourself nigger.

Attached: IMG_4c000f6d-7c61-4899-9b73-f309b418caf4.png (1920x1080, 1.56M)

I miss Xianghua's big jiggly SC2 ass.

No u

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Seems like gravity doesn't apply to mommy's milkers.

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>still no news about Cassandra's release date
Where is she scamco

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>that ankle

Please tell me there's a bulge

My nigga.

You should see Taki's torso during a throw

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11 has worthwhile stuff to unlock while 6 has garbage character parts that barely make anything remotely serious.

Attached: Big hug.webm (1280x720, 2.52M)

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Attached: RIP Kakyoin.webm (640x360, 2.39M)

Attached: Oraoraoraoraoraoraora.webm (640x360, 2.4M)

>in a fantasy fighting game

Attached: Amy.png (510x510, 342K)

Attached: Zero-two perfect.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

I appreciate this

Attached: Satsuki sudoku.webm (640x360, 2.52M)

Delete this right now.

If I can't even make a cool looking knight in a game that advertises character creation the game is shit.

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Attached: IMG_7a298400-6965-4441-bd41-485be40f323b.png (1920x1080, 1.96M)

I'd still eat it

no this is

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Attached: gods i wish that was me.jpg (2160x3840, 2.4M)

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Why isn't he 2B?

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>Ivy's tits don't look that big in her default
>put Xianghua's shirt on her
>Ivy's tits literally grow twice in size


Is this a problem?

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Mya-nee is fat

Damn I need to play some SC6, thanks boys

Attached: IMG_6e444ee6-1cfb-4561-9b07-77634b3f4bce.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

infidel harlots shall feel the wrath of Allah
I remember I got kicked from a room hosted by a streamer once

Attached: Soulcaliburvi 2018.10.24 - (1024x576, 2.86M)

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ghastly looking game

For me? It's gotta be Seong Mi-na.

Attached: seong-mina-soulcalibur6-screenshot.png (1920x1080, 3.53M)

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>Used to be among the greatest fighting games
I mean it's always been good and it's easily my favorite, but it's always been wayy too niche for me to ever call it that

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dumb gorilla.

Attached: you're open.jpg (3840x2160, 3.54M)

I think he's more alluding to the fact that SC2 is probably one of the most highly regarded and best selling fighting games ever.

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Best girl

Attached: IMG_2d0e5b12-02cc-48e3-bc38-bd776c7b9c21.png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

If Reversal Edge didn't exist this game would be so much better

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Why are they so sexy?

Attached: Yoshi sudoku.webm (1280x720, 2.66M)

Attached: Teleports behind y-.webm (640x360, 2.83M)