3x3 thread
3x3 thread
Is this bait?
This would be an actual 3x3 around 10 years from now.
10/10 3x3
I know you’re baiting but I’m still posting mine.
I wanna call this bait, but it has Reach and AC7.
What fucking sicko made this?
Trash taste OP
your taste is not good
Both Reach and Ace Combat are fucking garbage. AC is boring as fuck and a watered down sim for braindead zoomers while Reach is the same but with shooters.
Some good ones but...
Prototype though?
Don't let them get you down OP
Like and played all but the last one
for me it's video games, no chart needed.
Do you got a link to that generator site
besides ace combat 7, this is a joke right?
Ace Combat fucking blows
My favorite characters
now what do they all have in common
Yeah which DMC and MMX is that supposed to be fagit
Dark Cloud 2. Man, I love that game. I was thinking of going back to it literally just the other day.
Played Shadow of Mordor, Doom, Battlefront, and Fallout 4, and enjoyed Mordor and Fallout 4.
Played Halo, L4D2, and Doom, enjoyed Doom.
Modern Warfare 2, although it was quite a while ago.
Maybe I need to play more weeb games, I couldn't recognize any of them, yet they are people's favorite games. I recently tried FF1 for the NES and liked it quite a bit. FF2 has been a slog though, it just feels like more of the same.
>he can’t recognize DMC3 Dante
but Ace combat is for boomers tho
but why ace combat tho?
Dark Cloud 2 started my descent into appreciating JRPGs. It came along at the right time in my life
I never got how 3x3 rankings work and at this point I'm afraid to ask.
Boomers play real sims.
Probably bait, but whatever. 2.5/6
D44M is good despite its issues with pointless RPG elements and level design/enemy placement. FO4 is okay with the right mods as an exploration, survival game and not an actual Fallout game (this is the .5). MGSV was fun, but I was spared the disappointment of actual MGS fans since it's the only MGS game I've played. Never liked Halo. Shadow of Mordor was boring. And new Battlefronts are trash. Actually the first one was the only Battlefront I really liked.
MGR:R is great. I need to reinstall and hope it doesn't persistently crash in the exact same spot on me this time around. And I still listen to the OST when playing KF. Also Doom.
My nigga 1/1
MW2, Dark Cloud 2 (preferred 1 though), and MH. I liked the setting in BB, but it seemed like the Souls issue of enemies' jumps becoming pseudo-flight and them being able to swing through walls that would normally bounce your attacks were both cranked up to 11, and it just annoyed the shit out of me.
TF2 was fun. I couldn't get into any of the Witcher games despite trying all 3.
Like F:NV, and Banjo-Tooie (which was a game my dad and I would play after we beat OOT and one of the Myst games together). Got bored of TLOU pretty quickly, and didn't like BB.
Like HL2, Morrowind, and PoE. Never cared for GTA or Witcher games.
what you liked/what you played
It took me a couple threads to figure out when I first started coming to Yea Forums.
>what you liked/what you played
Thanks. You're a good egg user.
Sunless Sea took me ages to get into, but once I did I found it weirdly absorbing. I'm not above save-scumming every few minutes though.
3/8 didn't play ghost, liked reach, ace combat and mgs5
9/9 we are very different persons
9/9 nice
9/9 love trauma center
8/9 dont like smash and pokemon, love soa
8/9 dont like kh
8/8 didn't like center
9/9 nice
8/9 didnt like botw
9/9 nice
13/16 dont like pokemons and kh
9/9 witcher 1 is grossly underrated
9/9 kf1 is fantastic
9/9 deadbolt is pretty cool, i love commandos
Game names are at the bottom of the image.
>Sunless Sea
Holy fuck that's a good game, albeit I've not played much of it myself but I really should.
Love Isaac, New Leaf and SS were fun.
Bayo and the Spy are great picks, I think the Spy would be my pick for a TF2 character as well but they're all so damn good.
I like Bayo, and if that's Crash 2 I quite liked that one, can't really tell Crash games apart though.
I enjoy the Civilisation games.
My big problem with it was that it is super obtuse so you have no fucking idea what you are doing but it's exactly because of that that the game can surprise you, also the unterzee and its locations are quite unique
sell me on dreamfall in one sentence
It's a charming spiritual successor of classic adventure games, that blends several character arcs together across a blend of fantasy and sci-fi.
The stealth/combat sections are kind of shit, and the sequel went through a lot of blatant development issues, but I can't help but feel nostalgic for the series.
5/5 (Prototype, MMX, Revengeance, inFamous, DMC3)
Either 2/2 or 3/3 depending on if you actually mean Travis Strikes Again or just NMH. MGR and WL4 are great though.
4/5 (+Smash +Viewtiful +++W101 +DKC2 -Platinum); decided I'm not doing half-points anymore. I just didn't like Sinnoh much despite the huge improvement Platinum was.
1/1 for UNIEL
Same rating because I liked Brood War.
4/4 (T7, Odyssey, Bayo, Crash); I should see if I can get Dong Freeze for cheap nowadays
Pretty good taste. I'm more of a Wonder Red guy when it comes to Platinum characters but you're fine with Bayo & Armstrong.
3/3 (Twisted Metal Black, SGII, SM All-Stars)
3/4 (+Galaxy +Gold +Kirby -WoW)
2/2 Sunless Sea is great
3/3 playing through Shovel Knight atm, really liking it
4/4 playing all the SH games, 1 is great but I can't wait to get to 2
>playing through Shovel Knight atm, really liking it
Good to hear, that's a fun one for sure.
Since people have their bigger charts in this thread, here's my 5x5. Been meaning to go through my backlog lately but a few things have taken my attention, like that free cult-classic Polish platformer that was put up for Free on Steam that I gave a go, and Eat The Dungeon.
Shovel Knight is good shit my man. Plague of Shadows feels so much better to control and has a much more interesting story, and Specter of Torment feels like a brand new game in the same world to an extent. Can't wait for King of Cards and Showdown.
DMC is based, DD is based, God hand is based, Kirb is kool, I have no idea what after burner is but I like ace combat, so based, and Wonderful 101 is also based.
Altogether I give it 4/5 based points.
Afterburner is even arcadey-er than Ace Combat from my understanding of Ace Combat. The original Afterburner came out in '87 or '88 I think, as an arcade game. It had a fucking radical sit-in gyroscopgic cockpit cab that I've been lucky enough to use a couple of times in my life despite being born years after it came out. ABII is basically a 1.5 with more mechanics and levels. Climax was a revival in the late 00s after a handful of shit semi-sequels that hit consoles in 2010 that is ABII with polish, modern visuals, and new mechanics, and the console version added a ton of unlockable settings to tweak your experience with the game to be different, easier, harder, or just plain crazy. It got pulled because rights to the real planes lapsed but the mobile port which is basically the same game recently came back via SEGA Forever.
3D ABII is a 3DS remaster of ABII that has a level select, the ability to do a picture-in-picture that has a 3D model of any of the ABI or ABII cabinets (including the gyro cab), amazing depth-of-field effects in 3D mode, and a completely new campaign with new levels, new mechanics, and a new story that has actual 1v1 dogfight boss battles. It's one of the best remasters ever made.
behold, taste
you guys are cool
-KH2 -Halo
-Gravity Rush 2 -Ace Combat 7
i liked water combat
Sounds like something I should check out sometime, then.
why, user
why subject yourself to that?
I'm a filthy slut for underwater shit. Also I used lance which was a very easy water weapon...
what even do these numbers mean
If you're not smart enough to figure it out on your own, you should at least read the thread.
I'd recommend it. The only ones you can really get these days that are good are 3D Afterburner II on 3DS and the mobile port of Climax, though. Climax on mobile plays as good as a phone game could though, and it's either Free with ads or $2 adless, which is honestly really good for how great a game it is.