What non-modded game has the best character creation?
What non-modded game has the best character creation?
Honey Select
sr3 and 4
I'm pretty sure it's impossible to make a character that doesn't look Asian in Honey Select.
bloodborne is ok
In terms of actual features probably Fallout 4, but the vanilla characters are so fucking ugly that it really doesn't matter how much time you spend sculpting every part of your face.
Probably Black Desert, too bad the game runs like shit.
Recently Code Vein is fucking amazing, Dragons Dogma was good too.
It doesn't. Since it got 'remastered' or something, my toaster manages to run the game completely fine on med-high settings
its not fucking mass effect thats for fucking sure retard
>Code Vein
No breast slider, can't be a loli, and no, it's not amazing.
You get 60FPS consistently?
Dragon's Dogma
Black Desert has the best creator.
Your standard medium/high-budget gook mmo.
>No breast slider
yes there is
go treat yourself
Bloodborne weirdly has the best character creation of any Fromsoft game
opinion dismissed & cops called
60-70 mostly, before the remaster it was absolutely impossible to run it on the same machine
Code Vein is sameface as fuck, and there are no body sliders.
Underrail. Lots of skills and perks to choose from. Many viable play styles.
Dragon Age Inquisition, surprisingly enough
No PSO2. Come on.
can I play with an english client yet or still stuck on jap servers with translation patch
EvE Online has the best character creation ever hands down.
Too bad it's fucking useless and your character is nothing more than a portrait in local chat
mount and blade bannerlord
I liked the anime honey select, but after wasting 2 hours recreating azunyan on it I realized that I would have to do all the boring school shit and fill the class with more girls so I just ended up uninstalling it.
Fallout 4. One of the only things it did right.
drawn to life
City of Heroes. EVE. Dragon's Dogma.
Either someone fed you bad info or you tried this on the PS4
i don't think anything even comes close to black desert online
Yes, and?
Dragon dogma
Right, it's perfect for re-creating anime characters.
Asians are insectoid uggos
black desert online
Playing Mass effect 1 (bought the trilogy on PS3) how do I get good at the combat? And can someone explain to me a bit better how the shooting and such work?
>nobody said saints row
The selection of clothes is eh but the actual character creator is pretty good & you can get a pretty decent amount of variety. Anyone who says you can't make good looking girls is just bad at using it
Aim for the head, take cover and equip elemental ammo and armor
*Saints row 2, I know 3 & 4 were brought up
Fallout 4 desu. The sculpting system, power armor and Glowing Sea are literally the only three things Todd got right.
Code Vein by far has the most in depth and best character customization i have ever seen.
I think the worst character creation was GTA V Online
How do you change a characters hair?
t. Never played Saints Row 2
I find that you can only make something that doesn't look horrendously ugly by getting John Marston as your grand parent.
Dragon's dogma has a pretty extensive but simple CC.
By clicking hairstyles and picking a new hairstyle? I don't really understand the question seems obvious enough.
You can also add extra hair in the accessories which allows you to completely alter hairstyles to something else.
I couldn't figure that out, it seemed you had to pick a certain head preset to change hairstyle
No the head presets are just the face, everything else is entirely customizable into incredible detail and specifics.
Not sure how you missed the hair options it was right there with everything else.
sure as hell not that one
>You can only make one type of person out of a million billion phenotypes and subraces
>Yeah, so what?
You are an absolute unit. Why the hell would someone want a character creator that only creates asian characters?
Face: Saints Row 2
Body: Either Honey Select or Dragon's Dogma
Character: City of Heroes