MMOs are way too much of a time sink and consist of mediocre gameplay. Id rather play a normal rpg with a story that actually makes me care and npcs that are interesting
Id rather have a remastered version of this game than classic wow
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Too bad, games are all about profit now.
I want this remaster to op
games should be subsidized by the government like how tesla and amazon get subsidized. Otherwise well only be getting fortnite and mobile shit from here on. We will never get good rpgs like this anymore
>tesla and amazon get subsidized
fuck out of here with that stupid shit
a remaster would only make it worse
why, the graphics in dao are bad
Nice clickbait article, is that how you get all your information you stupid fuck?
this is common knowledge see
dragon age isn't even that old just go play it
la times is clickbait? lol
Oh yeah, sure wish i could have DAO with lootboxes and a limit of 8 skills per character. Also no ai tactics please, im too stupid to figure that out.
I've actually heard of schools doing esports now, so the govt helps fund that at least
Letting them ship for less isn't subsidizing you fucking nigger. Go back to r/eddit
I disagree. DAO is one of the few gen 7 games that legitimately deserves a remaster, and I don't mean a half assed up the native resolution and change the lighting a little remaster, but an actual full blown overhaul of everything from the character models to the environment textures.
I don't think it'll ever happen though, not so long as EA owns Bioware.
What is the reasoning behind it though? I mean what is the official reasoning the government gives for subsidizing multi-billion dollar companies?
Yes it is
idk, but tesla is subsidized because its green energy
>wanting yet another fucking last gen port
You are the cancer killing video games.
So is the local super market subsidizing me when I go in there with a coupon?
>games should be subsidized by the government
Yeah, that because that worked out so well for Rhode Island.
Shit game
>inb4 acne covered faggot gives some emotionally charged response
Dragon Age is basically a singleplayer MMO though.
It's an array of things, from job creation in markets that need it, to energy incentives, or in some cases because they're afraid of what will happen to the economy if the company in question hits a rough financial spot and has to respond accordingly.
This is why you hear people in congress every once in a blue moon talk about breaking up large companies every so often, because having to give a company tax dollars to keep them from failing because they're so big they'll devastate your economy if they disappear is not a good thing.
if it aint broke don't fix it
works in poland. The free market has failed us. We get almost nothing but crap to where the best thing in gaming this year is the return of almost a two decades old game
we get crap because you only buy crap
maybe stop buying crap?
It sells off its carbon credits to other companies though, so there's no net green benefit to Tesla
Literally the only thing these pawns accomplish is making money for people who acquire funding for these shitty protests
DaO is in no need of a remaster.
It still plays and looks fine
If there's nothing but crap on the market, it's hard not to buy crap. It's why the 'free' market is a flawed concept
>it's hard not to buy crap.
no it isn't, just don't buy crap.
see? very easy
It might be actually be piracy. Companies aren’t making a profit on deep single player games with good writing, so now everything has to be some half-multiplayer, skin deep, micro transaction fest.
>MMOs are way too much of a time sink
>remaster this single-player MMORPG instead
dragon age is shit
yes, because the free market only listens to me and not the market which is filled with people who buy crap
and what are all the lil zoomers going to be buying who are the big thing companies are looking at. Its why mobile is the new console for many comapnies
This is a thing that is possible to do? What the fuck?
They give a subsidy in the now to stimulate more growth, with the expectation of even greater tax revenue in the future.
Feed the pig = get more bacon. It's basically just the logical way for a government to invest in businesses.
Fuck not you, I meant
dai was the single player mmo
Sounds like communist gobbledygook to me
Weird, sounds like capitalist shenanigans to me
Totally agreed, OP.
They should also make a Sekiro remake soon, now THAT was a good game.
Capitalism cares about the environment?
No, that's why Tesla can be given tax dollars for creating carbon credits that can then be sold on for a profit
absolute degenerate for even having this faggot pic in his files :D
The United Nation is capitalist?
Yeah but it was created by the UN, and they're not capitalist.
t. crAAAp connoisseurs
things look bad because you only play mass market garbo.
expand your horizons instead of having a cry about it on the internet.
Whether or not the UN and its ability to be lobbied is capitalist is debatable, but the abuse of the system by Tesla certainly is a capitalistic action
I spent so much time on this game back in the day and now when I play it I can barely stomach it. Its probably the ugliest game ever made, not graphically but as far as artstyle.
So yeah, its got potential for a real good remake. Not a remaster, remake.
The abuse of a system created by socialists that have no jurisdiction is capitalist? What are you arguing again? That the UN can tell us what to do?
You may as well just go communist then and just tell everyone to be nice people
Stop being retarded, free market will never work in the sense you envision because people will always be easy to manipulate, stupid and most of all only think in the short term.
thats gonna be a yikes from me dawg
The UN isn't an economic system retard
>The UN isn't an economic system retard
Oh how wrong you are
This. If they remaster it will have da2 and dai style of combat and gameplay. And dao on pc was the only one with good gameplay.