Tiers thread. Keep it vidya. I'll post a handful to get the thread going...

Tiers thread. Keep it vidya. I'll post a handful to get the thread going. Don't forget to call out your fellow posters shitty tastes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What an embarrassing taste

The only thing more embarrassing is not sharing your own tastes

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>Smash Ultimate
Stopped reading there

>fighting game

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Last one I've got. Now its up to you faggots. But don't worry, I'll be here to call you a retard once you post yours.

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>cold stream anywhere but garbage tier
>dead center in shit
Why you gotta be like that

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>Steal not the sole occupant of S
>pretending Hydro doesnt belong in F
into the trash it goes

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>didnt play the only game on the PS4

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Hydro is okay. They should've expanded on the game mode.

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What's supposed to be the category being ranked here? Shooters?

C-tier is WAY too generous for Turbine, Junction and Hoodoo.

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>all smash games
>not in normalfag tier
>he hasn't played unist or vf

>Battlefront 1 above 2

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I can agree with that. I did that list at 2AM while also rating more based on enjoyment.

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I'd swap HL2 Ep1 and Opposing Force

and L4D1 is completely deprecated now thanks to 2

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>ultimate number 1

anybody who touts an opinion like this and calls himself a """"competitive player""" is either

A. someone who never got good at Melee or any Fighting game that requires a brain
B. someone who never tried getting good at Melee or any fighting game that requires a brain

also not having any Tekken at the top immediately discredits your opinion and you're probably nothing but a online shitter you faggot, I bet you main Wolf or Snake in Ultimate as well


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Playing Hydro on servers with competent players is the worst experience I have had playing TF2

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TTKs on most of CE's weapons are super painful. 2 is bearable because they give you a decent starting weapon and actually give you ammo for it unlike the pistol from CE that runs out fast

>KOF14 shit tier
How? It has a functioning online unlike most KOFs and has gameplay that is a good mix of 2k2/98 and 13? It has its flaws but its better then half the games in BREDDY GUD XD XD XD you faggot. I bet you rank games based off graphics and feel good points. I also guarantee you haven't played half the games on that list for more then a few hours.

>no pre-Mod war CoD games
mega cringe my nigger

Attached: Untitled.png (557x614, 210K)

Its a smash fag. Hes a fighting game poser

>all that casual trash up top

Kys 17r

all fighting game posters on Yea Forums are posers, if I pretended to be good at these games and challenged this thread to matches to defend my tastes I would get ghosted

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No one owes you anything retard. How about you make an argument instead of "1v1 me skrub" like a child in CoD. Thats how you're q poser.

SFxT wasn't so bad once it got patched like 2-3 times and all the DLC went free and all the gay gems eliminated/banned in ranked or options in lobbies. Its just a shame it died from all that gay shit well getting there and half the cast being locked and "not finished" was pretty awful.

But after the fact its neutral was pretty good and even if it was lame I prefer losing to what I lost to more then SF4 where well I feel it was better in that gen in most regards shit like Seth vortex/Online Fuerte/ERyu/Elena all the either auto neutral tier shit like Elena or burst damage weird unblockable/in front hitting shit into 40% and the same made it painful.

SF4 did not feel like the kind of game where any vortex should've been scarier then AE Akuma id say. And his still had insane options but Seth being able to option select some matchups to death ST style was just retarded. Im pretty sure Seth has a OS that killed E.Honda if the corner ever happened. Where if E.Honda did anything dp would beat even his ex headbutt and if he did nothing he'd get spd'd


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Sunshine and 64 are perfect, odyssey good. Rest can go away

>galaxy 1 and 2 are trash
you probably have Parkinson faggot

Kasumi, Momiji, Mila, Helena, and Ayane are the best.

Tina and Rebecca may or may not be good depending on future releases.

no argument on an anonymous image board is going to sway anyone so why bother, also nice job dodging a hypothetical duel bro

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>dont care
kys casual i bet your steam account is only 2 years old

I dont play your shit high tier games "Bro"

Primarily ranked by combat quality, but other qualities can bring it up or down (Revengeance would be a tier lower if it was ranked on only combat, for example). Within a tier I just put them in release order.

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>Source babies calling others casual
even with the ABSOLUTE STATE of GO in 2019 its still the most casualized CS game

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>Rising Zan
surprised to see that game on there since I have only seen it posted here like twice in 10 years

Rising Zan was practically a prototype for what DMC1 actually accomplished. A 3D action game with both melee and ranged options, special attacks based on a resource, various boss fights, and even a ranking system with ranks like Bitchin'. All this in a 1999 PS1 title, although it was janky as hell and lacked real depth.

Both the Japanese and English intro themes are 10/10 too. JP has Hironobu Kageyama hamming it up and the English one is just super catchy.


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>ultimate higher than melee

Classic is the only Mega Man series other than Zero where I've played enough to rank them, and Zero is only four games so it doesn't need a tier list.

Z2 > Z4 > Z3 > Z1

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You have good taste overall. I'd put some of the Hyper tag fighters higher, but that's just my kind of fighter, and if it's not yours that's cool. However:
>Alpha 3 above Alpha 2, let alone in S
>MK9 as the best modern NRS game (they all play like shit but MK9 is the jankiest one with the least content/new ideas/visual quality)

dustbowl belongs in SS, I don't care how shitty it is it's so fun

this guy fucks

It wasnt ordered you shit heel

I was just scrolling by the thread and I want you to know that this is genuinely one of the worst ones I've ever seen. There's so much to say about what's wrong with this, but I really have to point out fucking SFxT and DBFZ in 'inpeccable'. Are you fucking high? And not one game in your top tier deserves to be in there.

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I would switch cod and cod 3. I personally enjoyed cods campaign more compared to 3

What is actually the problem with Fallout: Tactics? I never played it.

Alpha 3 was what I grew up with. I enjoy 2 and can see why people prefer it over 3, but yeah the Alpha series is probably my favorite iteration of Street Fighter.

I put a bit more time into MK9, as did my friends. Come X, none of us were feeling it anymore, save for one in our group. I play some NRS games with him every now and then, but I'm probably not the most qualified when it comes ranking them. They just really are not my cup of tea.

this is some of the worst taste I have ever seen

>Blazblue in shit
>DBFZ/SFxTK in Impeccable
>KI/UMVC3/SMASH/SFIV in god tier

There is no way you can play half of these games competently, and yet you post them all anyway

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SFxT disappointed me so heavily as a fan of Tekken growing up that got into 2D fighters in the later 00s. The worst part is the conversions of Tekken characters to 2D was actually really good; SFxT Steve is my favorite boxer in fighting games despite the game being bad. Also I'm a big fan of DBFZ and I wouldn't call it impeccable; team composition is too restricted and the meta is too pressure-heavy until you have Anchor vs Anchor. Alpha 3 up there is also laughable.

UMvC3 and KI Reboot deserve their top spots though, and SCII is a really great game overall even if it's just "quite good" as a competitive fighting game.

No real issue in terms of game play. It's a strategic action game, not a rpg so it is bad as a fallout in those terms
(Yes it has special and other skills but there are no side quests or character interaction)

doesn't matter, having ultimate at or anywhere near the top still shows how much of a shitter you are

Squad based, not a lot of RPG elements. Meh to bad (depending on your autism) lore. It's OK.

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put MW2 in S tier and MW3 in A tier as well and I agree

I think MKX and INJ2 are the best ones in terms of balancing content, gameplay ideas, cool guest characters, etc. I think they both play pretty poorly overall, but they're the best ones; INJ2 is probably better objectively but I personally prefer MKX for the Variation concept and having Jason, who gave me the closest thing to true fun I've had playing NRS games. MK11 is a big step down.

Have a tier list made by a committee of 4 autists

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you have to be 18 or older to post here

Its fun.

>Top Tier better than the "Waifu" section
>18, Armstrong, and Fubuki only in Mid and not higher
Other than that you're pretty good I guess.

4 autists with shit taste

The way it worked is that everyone got to elevate one girl of their choice to waifu tier.
I fought for higher placements of 18 and Armstrong but got voted down

nigger, MW2 came out almost 10 years ago

I'm 22 you faggot, and MW3 was essentially MW2 but without all the noobtubing, what killed MW3 for me were the dogshit maps

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2 should be lower but other than that you're spot on

XIV should be F

>Allt his generic taste

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Lower II, XI and XII, raise VIII
>No Tactics

Lets see you do better faggot

>Pokken and KI both high up on the tier list


You're either a WoWfag or a XIfag, either way fuck off

Pretty nice list (mine's ), even if I'd fight for Devastation in at least A. I don't like how that particular list omits various 6th gen games and modern indies but has games that I don't really consider full-on action games like the early Onimushas and Okami, hence why I edited it so much (and put on the covers of updates like DMC4SE since I rated them based on those and not vanilla). Yakuza and Darksiders are completely out of my wheelhouse so I didn't rank them.

I know it's a haha funny meme, but giraffe blowjob does not deserve to be shoved that far down by any stretch of the imagination. Its still the toppest tier of TPS in terms of its own set of mechanics.

XIV is objectively worse than both of those games, with the stipulation that we are talking about per-Cataclism WoW.

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>XIV is objectively worse than both of those games, with the stipulation that we are talking about per-Cataclism WoW
XI and XIV are so different that it's hard to compare them (though I would agree that XI is better in the end).
WoW was only ever good in BC and WotLK and even then I would say its never been as good as XIV. Most people's love for that game, especially vanilla, comes from nostalgia because they peaked in 2004 and think that Classic will let them go back.

That's only true for RE6 Mercenaries. One of the many issues with that particular tier list's lineup is just putting the RE6 logo and not Mercenaries specifically (like how he uses the original, vanilla versions of Ninja Gaiden1 & 3 instead of Black/Sigma 1 and Razor's Edge, DMC3&4 instead of their Special Editions, etc.)

>P2IS higher than EP
ok retard

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How much of an improvement was Razor's Edge for NG3?

I don't know how these work entirely yet but here's a cover if its ever needed.

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I would honestly take WoW's classes, combat, dungeons, and PVP over XIV's any day.
XIV has a better story, music, and visual design; that's about it.

Here's my SMT Tier List:
>S Tier
P4 Ultimax
>A Tier
Jack Bros
>B Tier
P4 Arena
>F Tier
Devil May Cry 2

I saw this on reddit too my dude, have an upvote

Faking it is S tier with IRL groups

NG3 vanilla was kind of all the shortcomings of the Sigma releases made in the development of a full game. Razor's Edge basically does the inverse and makes 3 more like vanilla NG2, while also adding all the bells, whistles, and playable waifus that the Sigma games did.

You have to make your own tier list to have the exact lineup of images you want, and I'm not fucking around with that so I edited mine in Paint.net. I tried to make a DMC Series Devil Arm/Gun Tier List once and it just shit itself and didn't make it after 30 minutes of uploading images off the wiki to the site.

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WoW is trash bro.

>Super Castlevania Bros in GOAT over CotM or CastleKino

Specs are a big advantage over XIV jobs theoretically, and they definitely did have some good complexity back in the day, but this was mired by severe imbalance where there were only one or two optimal builds and everything else was shit
The faster GCD makes WoW far more fun at lower levels but at max level I'd say old WoW and XIV are about equal in complexity. In terms of boss mechanics there is usually a lot more going on in a XIV fight rather than a WoW fight
Subjective, but I can understand not being a fan of how linear XIV dungeons are.
Despite this you are completely right that WoW PvP is still better than XIV PvP

Your list sucks and the list that you're using sucks. UNIST WOULD'VE had Darkstalkers 3 and CvS2 for company in S tier, but instead of having a bunch of other shit like Last Blade and Samsho, we have joke answers and shit.

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>Only really interested in Classicvania
>Can never play Adventure ReBirth because Wii Shop is dead and I cared/realized too late
>Konami put the shitty original GB Adventure in the Collection
At least I played Contra ReBirth

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cant you still pirate/emulate them?

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Yeah but I don't know if Dolphin works on my Thinkpad or not. I'll be emulating a lot this Summer so I'll probably check, but if not then I'm fucked until Konami does a ReBirth collection.

>Most short haired girls are mid or below.

Looks fine to me.

Rather than rank MvC games, here's a couple based on individual characters.

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I like you.

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>Hsien Ko, Vergil and Dante that low

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>Someone else who's played Shinobi
Nice. Never played Nightshade though. What makes it worse than Shinobi for you?

Based and arctic avenger pilled
schizo poster

I'd probably put Hsien up a bit. I labbed Marvel 3 recently with her as the dummy via Random and the tune reminded me how catchy it was in that game. Vergil's theme is very good but they do some weird stuff with the percussion to up the BPM on it; it's not as good as the themes it's remixing. Dante is in "inconsistent" because, well, his Infinite theme exists. MvC3 Devils Never Cry is godlike, but the Infinite version is so bad that it basically balances out. Chris is similar, while Tony & Ryu just have had like 3 different themes in the series before remixes so it's hard to rate.

Nightshade trades the "my sword must kill" mechanic from Shinobi for what's essentially Enemy Step for the sake of being a more vertical, air-based game, and that doesn't really equate to better combat. It's still good and has a lot of unlockables though.

Between you and me, I haven't played every single game on that list. I just wanted to be comprehensive, barring series I've never once touched like Yakuza which I omitted. I'm also not an expert or even particularly good at all the games I did play.

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>gorod krovi that high

Cool, thanks. Then it looks like we both have games to play user.

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>halo 2 is considered good but CE is rancid shit
>COD 3 that high up
> OG Battlefront 2 in the same tier as trash like Fallout 3 and Serious Sam 2
>Half-Life 2 above 1
You're weird.

>at the top immediately

lol at this shitter aris drone, tekken is a game for aspies and retards

> Most people's love for that game, especially vanilla
Absolute bullshit, After the Nostalrius fiasco and the relaunch on Elysium countless people, such as myself and my friends, played Vanilla for the first time and it was excellent.

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you should rank the DLCs too

>smash bros
stopped reading there

not him but 2 is an improvement over CE in every way other then weapon balance

>Better visuals (obviously)
>Better level design with far more varied indoor layouts vs the copy-pasted ones in CE; and outdoor environments that aren't just overly-large, empty fields and have actual complex geometry to vary up approqches to encounters
>Better story that has actual good writing, multiple narrative threads, symbolism, character development, etc
>Better soundtrack
>More weapon and enenmy variety
>Better MP map design
>More responsive and tighter core gameplay
>More options and modes

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The bottom tier is missing an obvious choice of course it's Lanky

SH3 is not S tier at all

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>tekken is a game for retards
>immediately have to draw up a strawman using some e-celeb

you tried user, 2/10 made me reply and now go back and """"practice"""" some more 3 frame links faggot

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who needs to practice a 3 frame link besides executionlet morons

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Only games that I've played enough on to form an opinion

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Bro no matter what you say, you won't convince someone about Tekken or Virtua Fighter because like me think 3D fighters are just ass and not even close to being as good as 2D fighters. At most, someone can respect Tekken as an FG but will never enjoy it like that

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even low end computers can handle the sprite based wiiware titles, so you should be fine

not a bad list desu

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>ultimeme in the chart at all
>even better than melee
Holy mega oniuns YIKES

what game should someone new to pokemon play?


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I guess if you're brand new then the Kanot remakes (Fire Red & Leaf Green) would be a good place to start. Then you can play Emerald, HGSS, Platinum, and B2W2. You can fit Yellow/Crystal/BW/Colosseum/Gale of Darkness in there if you want.

There's also a lot of good spinoffs. Mystery Dungeon Red and Explorers of Sky, TCG, Conquest, some of the Ranger games, and I've heard good things about the 3DS Pokemon Rumble.

Great taste


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Easiest sign to spot a pleb is to see whether SFxTekken goes at the top or the bottom and you sir/maam are looking pretty pedestrian right now. Also no, unist is not in its own category and it is not even better than SF4 or KOF13. At best it matches them

>DMC2 that high
What did he mean by this?

tee ko would be good if it didn't take seventeen years just to do the setup
also quiplash is just Cards Against Humanity except actually funny

>minish cap that low
>ocarina that high
>wind waker not at least A tier

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i can debate this.
i'd swap odst and reach because odst was just a different flavor of 3, and one that i liked a lot. reach still fucking ruled though. otherwise really based taste there, chief

>Mother 1
> Not shit tier
Opinion discarded

Where the fuck do you get off saying that SFxT should be at the top? I was excited as fuck for that game and I think it got over-hated due to the general anti-Capcom sentiment at that time, but it was absolutely fucked up, especially before the 2013 rebalance.
>Normal damage is the same across the board with the exception of THREE big bodies getting marginally higher damage
>Frame data is fucked
>Game pace sluggish between damage, combo time, the timer itself, etc. to the point where timeouts were actually common in tournament
>Pandora was absolutely worthless
>12 on-disc DLC characters PLUS 3 PS3-exclusive characters
Most of the cast was fun and the music was bangers but you're insane if you think it's above B-Tier. I say that as a fan of both Capcom Crossover fighters and Tekken (ESPECIALLY Tekken Tag) for as long as I've liked fighting games.

Now you've gone and made me sad that TxSF will never happen.

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Its at least a B tier game. Like people should realize almost every fighting game is kusoge because everyone talks so much about balance when an actually balanced game like unist is boring as all hell

>SFxTekken goes at the top
Based retard. The rest of your fucking post is discarded

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>UNIST is bad because it's too good
Based retard. Again.

If you renamed "Okay" Tier to something harsher this would be 100% perfect.

Spot the G*rman

>mvc 1 that low
>mk3 over 2
>third strike below 2
>ssb above meele

Disagree with most of that, actually. Allow me.

>Triple S tier
Live and Learn
You Can Do Anything
Endless Possibilities
>S Tier
Open Your Heart
Sonic Heroes (Melodically. The Lyrics are straight up bad.)
His World
Super Sonic Racing
Fist Bump
>A Tier
I Am All of Me
Sonic Boom
>B Tier
Reach For The Stars
All the Storybook Themes
>Samples aren't Lyrics Tier, but the OST is SSS tier tier

A balanced game can be fun. UMvC3 has 50 characters and 49 of them are viable with a properly-built, fully labbed-out team (Press F for Iron Fist), and it's my personal favorite fighting game.

TvC is also a more balanced and also better game than SFxT that came out in that same timeframe. I'm still the guy that thinks SFxT was pretty solid, but you're a fucking madman for saying it's A or S-Tier.

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Black Knight's OST and by extension Sonic Theme (Knight of the Wind) are 11/10.

Too much water, 2/10

i like anyone who enjoys KI.

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>UMvC3 has 50 characters and 49 of them are viable with a properly-built, fully labbed-out team
So I need specifics to make some characters work where others I don't. Sound pretty balanced.

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>I have to worry about team synergy in a team fighting game
Yeah, no shit, you stupid retard. That's why I avoid them and play UNIST or something where I don't have to worry about that. It takes another level of dedication to find a team that works in perfect sync.

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star wars games(at least the ones i've played)

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Play KOTOR 2

Isnt it blatantly rushed and unfinished? Maybe I'm misinformed.

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>witcher 3 over 1
You tried to go for contrarian points but you failed where it mattered the most

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How's this for harsh?

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academy is such a blast

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Not any more so than any other Obsidian game. It really is a big improvement over 1 though


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if you do play it remember to get the Restored Content mod as well.

SC6 is better than SC2

2 was good, but the shitty balance, poorly designed/balanced movesets, and glitches drag it down.

switch cold stream and dead center. switch blood harvest and swamp fever. I'd say bump hard rain up to kino but I know you're already pushing the limits of public opinion by having it in awesome.

>tfw genderswapped hisoka never gets any love

>XIV over KoF XIII
Glad im not alone

I get that portal 2's jokes somehow got even more oversaturated online than 1's, but it's still easily the better game IMO

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based and redpilled

Spic detected

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These are pretty solid lists but I honestly don't get why DMCV is that high. It was a really solid return to form for the series, but no way was it better than 3.

Your placement of moon disgusts me

>not just 6 and 9 but also 5 above 7
bold and phenomenal.

>ricochet not being S+

put some respect on Most Wanted you scum

>Christie, Lisa, Tina, Helena, Rachel
>all below A tier, some are even D tier
Trash taste.

The ONLY objectively correct tier list

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Anyone the played Richochet before it died have long since past of old age. Don't pretend to be one of them

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is the map too difficult for your feeble mind, plebian?

Attached: Tier List.png (1280x612, 292K)

>Says it's objectively correct
>It actually is
Great job user. You passed the crucial "Did he recognize that Jungle Beat was actually great" test.

>No PS1 Spider-Man
>No Shattered Dimensions
>No Maximum Carnage or the SEGA Arcade Spidey beat-em-up

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Attached: Game List.png (1280x984, 674K)

none of those were open world. if they were they would be on the list, as would friend or foe, and edge of time