>He only goes full renegade or paragon
He only goes full renegade or paragon
>mfw when went full paragon
>mfw even so I killed the council and letf the humans to rule the space
MFW I go full renegade
1 > 2 > 3
When you do that ending just right for 2 though
Paragade for me
liara > tali > samara > miranda > kelly > jack > shit > ashley
>he plays point and click games
>but only, if they are military themed
I'm really glad that these binary morality systems fell out of style, much prefer the witcher approach to having a stat meter keep track of my good boy points.
thanks for remembering me of this massive faggot. him, what they did with TIM, reapers being nerfed, shepard random retarded PTSD.
and people say ME 3 was only bad because of the ending jesus christ
>living in the past
Mass effect peaked at #2. Get over it.
>Not being a total asshole to absolutely everyone except your friends
>Still tell your friends to fuck off if they try to give you lip
This is the most fun way to play
The morality system is retarded. It gives you an ultimatum of only pursuing one path exclusively or it locks you out of morality choices later in the game.
Whenever I replay ME games now I just cheat Paragon and Renegade to full from the start and pick whatever dialogue choice I feel like in every instance.
People give ME3 shit, but it's the only game that really got the Paragon/Renegade points system right by putting them in the same charisma pool of influence, rather than forcing you to play one way or the other to get the best dialogue persuasion options.
I choose paragon when dealing with my squadmates and renegade with everyone else
What a edgy faggot, his fights are pointless and somehow spared due to cutscenes.
>Hmmm, should i send that edgelord guy i supposedly know to find out what's the deal with the missing colonies?
>Nah, let's spend the earnings of a small country to bring back Shepard instead
>*goes back to snorting blow from a Batarian hooker's tits*
Delete this
Paragon for my crew and anyone I view as a decent person, Renegade for criminal scum.
You don't get rewarded for anything else though. There no 'speech' attribute to level up, so you're forced to raise either your paragon or renegade bar whenever you get the chance if your desired outcomes require it.
>tali wants to take the fall and cover up for her genocidal father
>tell the truth
>locked into renegade path
Fuck that.
It's forced replayability. Developers think they're sneaky with this shit but that's all it is. Half the time the choices aren't even meaningful and it's just the complete opposite of whatever the other choice is
>Batarian hooker's tits
Do you think they have four titties like they have four eyes?
>not just cheating to get full both so you can play it like an actual fucking rpg
I hate this "you're not good/evil enough for this choice" bullshit, i want to play through the game and pick what i would realistically pick, thats the whole fucking point
>He thinks mass effect is a point and click game and not his incel game which stands him out from the crowd as a individual
Mass Effect is as normie as it gets though
I think they have rows of nipples, with only the top row actually looking like breasts.
30 year old boomer here. not 1 normie I know knows about this game unless you call everyone that doesn't play eastern RPG's normies
That's disappointing.
I'm 30 as well and you're literally talking out of your ass. Mass Effect was the socially acceptable version of Star Wars and Star Trek for casuals. Your experience of being 30 years old in a 3rd world country does not equal the same for the rest of the world.
you have to in 2 though
Guess we had different experiences user didn't know the midwest was 3rd world but /pol/ eurofags tell me so
Speak softly and carry a big stick.
1 > 3 > 2
4 > 3 > 2 > 1
get on my level
in 1, yeah, paragon mainly
interrupts in 2 and 3 changed that shit real fast tho
some of them were just too fun not to use
Based and human pilled
Colonies was not the only reason Illusive Man brought back Shepard. Shep is a beacon of hope, walking testament of human will and courage a living force of nature. Well you catch my drift
to be fair.. there's really no advantages to going in the middle. In fact, you far barred from selecting certain options if you don't go full on side.
"Beacon of hope" varies depending on the Shepard, and it still doesn't explain how on earth they managed to resurrect him/her or how there was anything left to bring back.
Except in ME3.
Fucking stupid game.