Old game good

>Old game good
>New game bad
Name any franchise where this isn't true

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Etrian odyssey


perfect dark when xbox came out


Zelda, BotW is the only good game in the franchise. Rest ranges from mediocre to average.

t. 4sperm


4 is 8 years old at this point, and every game that came after was better than it

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This is usually NEVER true, actually. But for every single franchise, that sentiment will always exist, because people want you to think they're deep for pretending to prefer the "old" thing.


Final Fantasy, depending how far back you go. IMO the first one was pure shit but a necessary foundation of course

The Witcher

you can't because when an early title is bad it sells badly and the developers can't afford to make more games.

Fallout up to New Vegas


>IMO the first one was pure shit
Imagine not being able to appreciate the first Final Fantasy. Sucks to be you.

>Sucks to be you
I guess so

Resident Evil

Assassin's Creed unironically

I was gonna say Splatoon but there's no Miiverse and the cringe in the community rapidly hit sonic the hedgehog levels after it became more popular in the west

Dead Space 1 and 2
Mass Effect 1 and 2
Baldur's Gate 1 and 2
Red Alert 1, 2, and Yuri's Revenge
Diablo 1 and 2
Portal 1 and 2
Half Life 1 and 2
Vermintide 1 and 2

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Smash Bros.
Fire Emblem
Star Fox
TES, because Daggerfall was the worst of the first 3 and the other games can't possibly be worse

what was so good in that game that wasn't done better by future installments? nothing.

>old game good
>new game good
Zelda and Doom
>old game bad
>new game good
uhhh, Rainbox Six and Persona
>old game bad
>new game bad
Final Fantasy and Call of Duty
>the eternal chad
pic related

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Jesus Christ I rented Starlink from the library. What a steaming pile. It's a god damn shame what that franchise became.

Did you just disagree with me you stupid bitch. I should kill you. You are lucky I don't.

>and Persona
persona was always good. I see this opinion mostly from cowards too scared to play anything other than what they are told to

warhammer vermintine 2 is better than 1

Post yfw we now live in a world where rage faces are (mildly) funny again and Pepe/Feelsguy are unmitigated cancer that only underages post.

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There are countless games for which you can say
>old game bad
>new game also bad

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Mainline SMT


yeah tell 'em lil zoom

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Pokemon until XY

>implying Fallout got better after New Vegas
>implying Fallout, Fallout 2 and New Vegas aren't the best RPGs
Get off this board zoomer

Deus Ex is the king of this.

Did I make in time for the zoomer shit taste thread?


>UP TO New Vegas
Not him but get your eyes checked, old man

What ever game you are thinking of, it's a shit game LOL

Resident Evil. Pic related is the first game in the series to not be a complete steaming pile. RE7 was even better. RE2 Remake was better still. Aside from 5 and 6, the series has largely improved with every successive game since its inception. Inb4 some crusty old boomer tries to argue the PS1 games were actually good and I'm not a real fan for not liking fixed camera angles, tank controls, ink ribbons, doors that take ten seconds to open, and only having six inventory slots.

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Bubsy. With him, all games bad.

Team Fortress.

This. I seriously doubt most of the faggots that shit-talk or rank the lowest the PS1 Persona games even tried them. The few that did probably played the shitty psp ports with watered down difficulty and absolutely mangled OST. The only game in the franchise that matched the intense dungeon crawling of OG Japanese Persona 1 is OG SMT.

zoom zoom back to fortnite

> persona was always good guys!!
> it's just that the older entries were even more incomprehensible dumpster fires narratively on top of having iteratively less gameplay

What if I've never played any of the Persona games but I think they're all inherently shit due to the fact that they're turn based anime styled games?

Fallout 1 and 2 were well before NV and are better RPGs than even New Vegas. Zoom harder

>the older entries were even more incomprehensible dumpster fires narratively
t. zoomer who hasn't played them

New Vegas is a better RPG than originals in some ways (more ways to complete the story, less obvious bad guys etc.). Obviously it's worse in other ways (stats matter less).

then you need to return to r*ddit.

most of them, retard
can't expect Yea Forums to ever realize this, though, since nobody on here actually plays video games.

Doesn't apply, I'm talking about self-proclaimed Persona fans who only really played 3, 4 and 5 and automatically rank the 3 ps1 games the lowest in literally all aspects because they were told the first games are shit.

what if I told you you don't get to have an opinion on something you never played, user?

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Up until, say, 2002-ish, any dialog heavy game that was imported had 99% odds to be totally fucking mangled. And even then, odds improved slowly, so a lot of games after then, and even today, get fucked. It's not a Persona problem, it's a JRPG problem. It just compounds Persona's problem with plots that burst at the seams and are held together by a layer of tape, string, and spit.

Nice """""""""""argument""""""""""""

Unironically Tetris. The older arcade titles have some merit but the improvements that stick (SRS, hard drops, etc) are always welcome.

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So I presume you are perfectly neutral on the quality of games such as Bubsy 3D, Fallout 76, Anthem, and Artifact, correct? They might be great! You've never played them. How could you possibly know?

Mass Effect is better than Mass Effect 2.

> games that literally any random retard not paid to say good things about them would call shit
These are not equivalent. Those games are OBVIOUS shit. You're not allowed to have an opinion on a contentious subject (is Persona a good series) without actually knowing shit.

Your time is coming to an end boomer. All your favourite video games suck and are just muh nostalgia.

unironically yes. people hate artifact because they were expecting a narrative-driven singleplayer game from volvo. it's not card game fans who are disappointed with it
and from what I heard lots of people liked fo76 but I'm not gonna blindly trust them or tell them they're wrong

Jesus christ this thread makes me sick.

Dungeon Keeper, this is irrefutable.

hitman, wizardry, quake (multiplayer), resident evil, any rhythm game, street fighter 2.
this actually applies to a lot of arcade games now that i think about it

> pay to win dungeon keeper over classic dungeon keeper
I want to fucking die.

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I just played planescape because of you boomers and its absolutely shit.
LOL you're evil because you requested money for your work.

I'll get shit for this, but Borderlands (except I never played the Pre-Sequel). 1 feels like a demo stretched out to be a full game. Knoxx is good. 2 is better in all the ways except for arguably writing. 3 looks to be even better.

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=Apbv8v0JrDg

Have fun killing your self when you find out classic WoW is shit.


fuck off br

I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and say he thought the thread was implying the opposite, because thats what I thought at first after skimming it. otherwise he is baiting because no one can possibly think this

I realized that over a decade ago because I'm not a zoomer. Nice try though, my little retard.

t. seething zoomer

Yep those were the days...

it's probably only funny if you can't understand the rest of the niggerbabble faggot.

dont you have bomba patch tournaments to get stabbed over

Nice jobs moving those goalposts. First, you say you can't have an opinion on a game if you haven't played it, then you backpedal to saying it's ok if the game is OBVIOUS shit. Well, the way I see it, Persona IS obvious shit. Turn based combat and cringy anime artstyle immediately ruin any game they're in.
Even most card game fans hated Artifact and even most Fallout fans hated Fallout 76. You're grasping at straws here

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The gunplay in BL2 feels so much better than in BL1, especially with the extra skills and such. I actually found 2s writing slightly better than 1s, but that's simply because they bothered to record dialogue for all the quests and even some quips from the player character in 2s DLC and TPS. Of course, it still gets incredibly grating at the third run through though.

1 had a bit more variety weapon-wise but I like what they did 2 to differentiate the manufacturers.

Correct, when put in a position where I am expected to offer some opinion on a game I haven't played, I would much sooner say "I heard that was shit" than "that's shit".

Quake, Payday, Killing Floor, Insurgency, Yoshi's Island, Mario vs. Donkey kong, Call of Duty, Resident Evil(combat & ost in 6 is dank), Postal.

>"This game is trash, I read it on Yea Forums so it must be true"
god is dead

Dragon Quest, only VIII onwards (with the exception of V) is good.

Yeah I agree with all of that. Writing-wise BL2 also has an actual villain who tries to make you hate him and want you to kill him instead of Mrs. Gets Chomped in 1. And enemy variety, oh god, BL1 was all just Psycho-Bandit-Bruiser over and over and over.


Monster Hunter
God of War
Dark Souls
Elder Scrolls
Kingdom Hearts

Hmm, sorry, but I can't. All of these series have gone to shit.

First couple Persona games ain't shit compared to SMT games from the same time or even older.

If there's a franchise where the first game is bad Imma be real with you, I don't think it'll gain any traction.

>Even most card game fans hated Artifact and even most Fallout fans hated Fallout 76
fallout fans(me included) were disappointed because they were expecting a singleplayer narrative driven story game(same with artifact), so I can't really personally judge the games quality but my friends were really into it. they're not fallout fans. other friends of mine who are card game fans liked artifact but said it was dead because of no updates. not every game is made for you and you think you can say a game or genre is inherently shit because you don't like said genre then you're retarded. I don't like shmups. I can't say shmups are inherently shit especially not ones I haven't played, that's hypocritical

agreed, but they aren't shit



Old monster hunter is inferior in literally every way
FUniggers are fucking retarded and I have 600 hours on my save file

tes because all of them are bad

Monster Hunter

Strike Fighters
Ace Combat
Gran Turismo
Forza Motorsport

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>Smash Bros.
>Fire Emblem

Depends on what you mean by good. You can't quantify a game's quality by a single number. Graphics and gameplay (moment to moment) generally improve over time, but challenge and a realized in game world (immersion) are lessened over time.

Eh, early Persona just came across to me as weaker SMT games than anything else, but to each their own I guess. I actually haven't played 3 onward, but I imagine I'll like them more because they seem to have more of an identity.

Portal 1 and 2.

persona in general is more character driven than smt. it's less dark in narrative because of the lack of alignments and an apocalyptic setting. P3-5 have better combat and gameplay in general, but since they added the lifesim elements there's less focus on the story
imo the story is better than the lifesim elements so I prefer the first 2

Grand Theft Auto. Don't even try to tell me the original top-down games are better than Vice City and San Andreas.

No one is going to be THAT retarded.


the games are getting better with more soul and money.

Donkey Kong Country

All 5 games are good. Even 3 was. Also Kid Icarus, Classic Mega Man, Doom, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil

Rune factory.

RE 3 and 2 are still fantastic games so you're wrong there. RE 1 has aged like milk, however, but RE 2 and 3 are well crafted games based around item and ammo management. While I like ReMake 2 more than the original, there's a completely different flow to the game that makes it still worth replaying the original 2. There's an experience there that's part of older game design philosophies that aren't necessarily better or worse than where the series is heading now, although it does feel like with Remake 2 and 7 it's really hitting it's stride.


>Name any franchise where this isn't true
I seriously can't. nothing that hasn't been mentioned anyway

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Fire Emblem.

>Villain becomes the hero in the sequel
>He has to kill the hero of the first game

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The goalposts are and will remain here: the majority of people with an opinion on the matter don't necessarily agree with you, so your opinion means nothing without having played it.
Also, the fact that you consider "anime art style" and "turn based combat" to be inherently bad confirm that you are indeed a fucking retard.

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