Yo what the fuck?

Yo what the fuck?

Attached: hrPwMAU.png (641x339, 321K)

Other urls found in this thread:

github.com/BLCM/BLCMods/tree/master/Borderlands 2 mods

Damage control for all the bad PR Randy caused

trying to get people nostalgic so they'll buy BL3, games always go on sale/free on PSN before a sequel

It's free on PSN in the month of june, this is probably a way to cater to the PC crowd as well

its taking into account all the stuff you already own from the bundle

should i buy it?

except its not? its $6 for the entire bundle regardless if you own anything

downloading it for free on playstation plus, rn. feelsgoodfam

Still cheaper to buy this collection on pc as opposed to buying a month of ps plus.

I've never played Borderlands, am I missing much?

Eh, not really.


Sure, it's worth 5$ if anything

You mean at no additional charge. Since you lose access to the game if you don't have plus.

It's bearable is coop, horrible in solo

>all those newfags on psn
oh god no
fucking hell

Not really, its a big mess but the gameplay has fans and the "humor" has "fans"

>free on playstation plus

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Xchads get to keep our free games


Yeah, it's not a great series but it has a lot of content so for thos cheap it's worth it.

The first game's nice. Very basic gameplay loop but all the character classes are fun, the random-stat weapons keeps you juggling guns even if you only have four weapon slots. Plot's barebones but it's well done, all the writing and voice acting stuff is good.
The sequel's two steps forward, a lightyear back.

>ee on playstation plus
He fell for it, Goebbels was right

This just lends more credence to the secret DLC rumor

you only keep the 360 games user, the xbox one games go away when your gold runs out

It only gets good once you find that one gun that's overpowered and can carry you though to the end.

p-please buy my games... I need to pay for legal fees...

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Boy am I sure glad I'm not Randy Pitchford...

post yfw you meet this criteria as well

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They're doing this because BL2 is getting one more DLC to tie it with BL3. Look it up

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well... there is a non-used rainbow rarity which was added with the HDR/4k patch...

>implying iam gonna pay money for a shitty game that ill stop playing after a few months
also i still got 4 years worth of psn plus

[citation needed]

which one of these should I get for coop with the boys?

I got my copy for free on a flash drive I found at Medieval Times

who cares about the story
I just got it for cheap character dlc and some lame hats for 2 bucks

So is this only good with friends?, because I don't have any.

What did Randy do this time?


presequel is more balanced but 2 is gonna be way more populated and has the dupe glitch to share legendaries and shit

borderlands 2

he exists

last thing I recall hearing was that he retweeted animal abuse and then played it off as a social experiment to see how people would react


>don't give wet willies to my coworkers
>don't assault them at conventions
Feels good

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thats how it works.
T. let my gold run out and I lost my "free" games until I renewed it

whens new dlc linking to 3?

Borderlands handsome collection goes on sell at 90% off at least every 2 months.
We get a thread about this every time it happens.

Yo what the fuck?

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>played it off as a social experiment
After I found out he calls people "muggles" I'm not surprised by anything this man does.

You dumb niggers don't know about the upcoming dlc?

>last thing I recall hearing was that he retweeted animal abuse and then played it off as a social experiment to see how people would react
He can't be that stupid, right?

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Lol pcuçks

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this but the other way around

paid or free i wonder

What IS the context for this pic, anyway?

I don't know shit about Borderlands, I just come here to laugh at Randy

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He basically your highschool class' moron but at the position of CEO that gives him a huge ego boost

I bet it'll be paid.
Just what everyone wants, a DLC you gotta pony up five bucks for on Steam, just in time to have to buy the new game somewhere else.

>only Borderlands 2 and the Meme-Sequel

>free dlc

That's still wildly overpriced for this shit series. You'd have to pay me to go back to this fucking trash.

This sale happens all the fucking time.

The game is old anyway, who cares.

I legit think BL3 might hit records for being the most pirated game.

that still costed you 60 bucks

Lucky console user, I wish that PC had free games.

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you're paying more money in the long run since you have to buy a psn subscription every year

so that's $60 every year, after two years you'll have wasted more money than if you just actually bought the games.

How much does it cost now to use your own internet that you already pay for on your cuckstation?

97% off though.
It's never been this cheap.


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gl playing co op online

>he doesn't know

Attached: look at this dude.jpg (728x1024, 183K)

Enjoy your chink miners.

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>co op
nothing of value was lost

How long does it last?


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except without online these games are ass
god you're retarded

must suck not having friends

That's a really convincing data analysis you've got there, buddy

The fuck, mine's 95%.

Ok faggot, fuck these few dollars a month. Get a fucking job NEET

this is a man who paid money for the duke nukem rights just as the metoo movement started up

>Going anywhere without security extensions
You're right kid you deserve it

These are ass one way or another, I would have fun playing with fuckin sticks if it was in a group of friends

T. friendless permavirgin

>it's not a great series but it has a lot of content
Why the fuck would you recommend someone playing “a lot of content” if the content is admittedly not good quality? You’re basically telling someone to waste a shitload of time on a mediocre series instead of finding something enjoyable and playing that instead.

Learn how to use Google, retard.


Assuming this is true, nobody leaves that browser tab open after having started the torrent

pc virgins stay seething
imagine being this retarded

It's not free dipshit. You're wrong, I'm right. Accept that fact like the bitch you are. Also nice presumptuous projection queer. Kill yourself.

Which one should I play, BL2 or Presequel?

>seething because pc gets the better deal


a small price to pay for le service

BL1 is pretty good.
BL2 was ok until they added absolutely fucking retarded levels of scaling
Pre sequel toned that shit down a bit but lacked content overall.
BL3 seems to be going more into BL1 in terms of gameplay.
Mind you I don't pay attention to the story and basically skip all dialog in those kind of games just so I can get loot and shoot people faster, so I don't really care about the meme humor and the gay shit for the most part.


The reborn mod for bl2 is nice

Presequel is unironically more fun, but BL2 has way more content.

>a website devoted to theft is also immoral

every year you can get PS+ subscriptions for like 35-40 bucks though. it was just on sale for 40 bucks on amazon like two months ago and will be again near black friday probably. plus you get 2 games per month so that's 24 games for 40 bucks. not a bad deal even if most of the games are shit or you already have them. was a better deal when they used to give you 2 vita games and two PS3 games every month too though.

it's 4/month if ur not a retard and buy from a sale. pretty good deal desu


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How the fuck do you even play this game online?
The endgame farming you do requires constant saving and quitting. Why would you want to go through with a group?

I heard about that, something about Lilth and the rest of the Raiders first run in with the CoV

copyright hurts humanity

Lol you can m8

>upcoming dlc
>for BL1
u fucking wot

that's unironically based tho.

Where did you get that. It's going to be for BL2, obviously.

Okay, what is it?


Called commander lilith and the fight for sanctuary supposedly

Dunno, people assuming it's going to bridge the gap between BL2 and 3.

Oh, neat.

>can't gift the collection to someone else

>nothing for xboners

What's the best solofag character in BL1? First time playing, am downloading on my gaystation.

They're all fairly good, so it's more a question of:
>Shotguns and Explosives
>Assault Rifles

This game is like 6 years old, the only way they can move copies is if they make it dirt cheap, plus it's cheap advertising for 3

Played a bit of Sonic last night. Fun game but to the non-expert, it feels like I'm fumbling my way through the levels and missing a ton of shit.

Roland, his turret has a skill that has a 70% chance to immediately revive you

>needing revive
Play mordecai and destroy everything with snipers/mashers or just use Lilith with hellfire.
It's not like the game is hard.

Wait a jewish second, the handsome collection doesn't even have BL1, the only good one? Just saw the description on the PS4 page. I don't even want this shit now.

Lilith, Phasewalk is so laughably overpowered that you can walk through whatever the game throws at you

Lilith with the Mercenary mod is probably the most broken thing. Get an SMG with a good effect and a big enough mag and you can stunlock everything to death by shooting at face.

What's the best looking BL3 weapons and why is it Vladof?

I don't know why you nigs keep claiming BL1 is the best when the quests are so utterly mmo trash tier boring.

Because unlike in BL2 we don't have to hear about bonerfarts from the wacky hunter character while doing our mmo trash tier boring quests.

TPB openly admits to using browser miners you dumb fuck.

it's dog shit

The guns were better, the loot leveling weren't fucked and the characters weren't constantly yelling "hilarious" dialogue at you

Because it doesn't have sjw, gay shit and memes.
Also revolvers.
Also also, the gun generation is not limited to getting a matching grip.

They wanna push this sale really hard to get people interested in Borderlands before 3 comes out
They put The Collection on the free PS+ list for this month

Loot and gunplay is better. Quests are a bit dull, but atleast they're not gay like BL2. Also I just prefer the dark atmosphere of BL1. BL2 has this faggoty hippy vibe.

>BL2 super bundle is discounted 97% to $6.02
>BL1 has a 33% sale, $20
I know nothing about Borderlands but I have to assume this means BL2 is dogshit.

literally says it right here you stupid fuck.

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Works on my machine ;)

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BL1 recently got "remastered" so they're cashing in on it. However, it's better than BL2 in many ways anyway.

>Also revolvers.
It's amazing how many people don't accept this as a problem. I've had multiple friends go, "but borderlands 2 has revolvers" and they don't seem to care that only one manufacturer makes them and they're all boring and wimpy.
I miss getting an explosive revolver that would not only blow a raider's head off, but turn the three other raiders around them into paste.

>broken port with 0 patches is good
Fuck off Randy

you have ad-blocker, which blocks the miners

Sup frenchie

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Thankfully they seem like they are stopping with the "mixing manufacturer parts" bullshit in BL3.
Now when you think about it, it makes absolutely no fucking sense that competing manufactures would share parts.
Hopefully it will be closer to BL1, although now you don't have global parts that can spawn on anything like in BL1.

Mate, I just mean in BL1 in general you fucking mong. I got the game for free so I don't give a shit.

Basically how it is supposed to be played

It's less broken than the original PC port was.
Have yet to encounter an issue that wasn't already in the game in the first place.

>stop paying for playstation plus
>lose access to all your 'free' games

Laughed at a cat being tortured

I got it for free too and still feel ripped off. Fucking 15fps in Old Heaven in Ned's DLC.
Broken quest markers in coop if you've done the mission before, horrible frame rate, buggy ass mini map.

Yeah, BL1 guns were so much organised which just made the loot better. I genuinely can't understand why with BL2 and Pre-Seq they have always been obsesses with "WOW THERES LIKE 40 BILLION GUNS LOL EPIC".

Neds DLC is awful in general desu. Put me off bothering with the other ones.

Now they do. They didn't before and they got caught. Which is why they now announce it.

How are you having framerate problems?
I've played the game three times over already with the framerate unlocked and the only thing that has ever made it noticeably dip is the stupid crows in Jakobs Cove.

And, depending on your playstyle, anything by two of the vendors are complete trash.

Wtf, you have shit taste, no offense desu.

Still better than Moxxi's

I recall them being open about it for what feels ages.
You tell me nigger. Even a guy on youtube with the newest drivers couldn't run the game well. In Old Heaven in the DLC my 1060 sat at around 9% usage. Not 99%, 9% and I had like 15 fps. In firestone I get like 70fps and the mine area drops it to 40 or 30.

All the dlc's are kinda shit because there's no fast travel between zones for some retarded reason.
Farming craw or armory in knoxx without the oasis hub mod thingy is agony.

you know as well as i that not every game that they giveaway every month is worth downloading

actually most of it is trash
last month for example, what a joke

It's fucking boring though, all the enemies are so slow and easy to kill.


>average Yea Forums user

On one hand, the video really wasn't that bad. Pretty tame stuff. On the other hand, there wasn't really anything funny about it and its obvious people would feel bad for the cat and wonder why you're sharing it with all your friends. It's less that he's stupid (and he is) and more that he has absolutely no sense of self-awareness.

I didn't know there were digits on Yea Forums

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>buy game for 90% off on steam
>wait for borderlands 3 to go 90% off on steam too

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Even though I have PS+ I wouldn't brag, it's a shitty service where you pay for p2p online. The games were a lot better when it was just an optional service for discounts and monthly free games. Rip PS3 and Vita.

I get it for free so I can't complain

its for the best that you don't play it
game is absolutely dreadful when it comes to dialogue and alright when it comes to gameplay

When does the Randy's USB Edition come out?

>doesn't include any of BL1
Are they ashamed of it?

They're afraid of people playing the best one first.

BL1 has a new remastered version so it's not in the pack.

they removed gore from BL2

Therr ia a disclaimer at the bottom saying they mine DMR, why post that instead of the graph?

That's one of my gripes with it too.
It's just no fun if you can't snipe a low-level raider and watch his gibs catapult into the sky.

They didn't totally remove gibs from BL2 but you need to do overkill damage for it to happen such as a Ravager or a Fastball. I really appreciated seeing the limbs pop off the ragdolls in 1 though. Shame it's not as apparent in 2.

Well it's back in BL3.
So far it seems promising, provided you'll be able to ignore the undoubtedly cringy writing.

glad I dropped consoles right after ps2

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Hopefully modders will find a way to get rid of the unskippable cutscenes like in 2 and TPS for when I inevitably get more than tired of the story. (In a perfect world, they'd be skippable in the base game.)

It's fucking boring. Literally like 2 hours long at most and the environments are basically just really elongated plain environments. The enemies only gimmick is that "WE MAKE YOU SLOW, LOL FUN AND CHALLENGING". BL2 had a much better halloween DLC.

1 is a solid 7/10 all the way through and 2 has tons of content gatekeeped by one of the worst beginning hours of a game I've ever see. I'd say 2 is a 5/10 for the first 20 or so hours and an 8/10 when you finally make it through.

Yeah OP, WTF?

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what in tarnation

So I already own bl2 but I guess I kinda am interested in presequel due to the bl3 buzz. I've tried it before but think i never really gave it a fair shake
If I bought it would any of you fags be interested in playing or is it too much of a bad game?

no absolutely not

even with a group of friends and drunk out of your mind the game is near unplayable if you like video games

it's literally "free" on playstation right now

t. doesnt know how bundles on steam work

you know you can just exit craw's map and enter again to farm him right?

Doesn't matter, you still need to drive all the way there.
Also the game wiil crash if you farm him too much in one go.

Assaulted former top voice actors, left child porn at work again, molested employees, etc. (The usual)

only bl2 is worth it skip the presequel
unless you have free money froms the steam trading cards go for it

but hes right though.

its 97% off regardless of your previous items.

so what's the best place for BL mods? I really want to make some changes to the game

github.com/BLCM/BLCMods/tree/master/Borderlands 2 mods

I think I am mentally deficient, but I love the borderlands franchise. The shooting is basic but decent enough that it lets you have fun if you put together a good build.

Presequel is pretty bad though. They unironically made a character in an FPS where her ultimate was fucking auto aim. How the fuck does a huge team of people put that in with no one pointing out how fucking stupid it is?

It's a poor persons rationalization to not being able to afford the things they want.

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thanks user

Not even worth pirating.

>see borderlands thread
>one of my favourite games
>whole thread is people talking shit about it

It's alright/fun especially if you play with friends. The problem is that the theme of the game is moving further away from it's original premise and further towards tumblr tier trash with every release.

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Who cares.
If it's not a competetive game anything goes.

>hurdur is the game's not "GREAT" it not worth playin' XDD
Just cause a game isn't a 10/10 lick my wet pussy doesn't mean it's not alright to play you goon.

Anybody remember when the whole game was an exact copy of some animation? (including characters)

I'm already mid playthrough of BL2 on PC, so I'm not going to replay it on PS4, but is it worth the $6 to buy this and get the DLC for BL2 for my current playthrough and also Pre-Sequel on PC when I already have the collection on PS4 now because of PS+?
Truly a tough decision Yea Forums I need help.

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Your mum's a homosexual.

Only if you want a shooter with a cringey story/writing, clunky as fuck gunplay but tons of class/weapon variety which to me doesn't mean shit if everything else is half baked

Reminder that he did nothing wrong

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They copied an animation for the intro cutscene to BL1 but that was the extent of it.

not just that, they took most of its characters like Tiny Tina and Mordecai.

It's really good if you like not seing shit because of weapons and effects

Yeah you're missing the entire first game and all it's extra content if you buy this collection.

Even at $2.88 I still don't want to purchase Pre-Sequel



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It has best boy though

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>Borderlands is one of my favorite games
HAHAHAHAHA holy shit
what games do you play where fucking BORDERLANDS is one of your favorite

S-should I?

today I'll remind them

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You just can't discuss Borderlands on Yea Forums unfortunately, it's always "le Borderlands was never good" or "yfw you aren't Randy/Anthony" the whole thread, gets kinda annoying.

I'm still expecting Yea Forums to explode on September though, Borderlands is the only big reléase that month

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then go to Reddit where you can jerk off Randy about how great his game is

I guess I can see Tiny Tina, but I don't see samurai cowboy as Mordecai.

>Really just fucking wanted the first
>It's fucking on sale but $20 compared to the bundle for $6

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I remember years ago an user posted a long-winded, rambling explanation to this that actually made a lot of sense. I have since forgotten the explanation, but I do know there is a good reason for it.

It was also one of the first games to be heavily shilled on Yea Forums which left a bad taste in people's mouths, and we know Yea Forums likes to hold grudges.

And the games never been older.

>admits to mining you openly
>leaving a tab open after finding a torrent
it does like 10% of my CPU for a few minutes, I'll take it for not having to pay for games
we have threads every couple days that are unironically good, but it's like Star Wars threads on here. Sometimes they are exactly why I still come to this shithole and sometimes they are a flaming pile of shit

>comparing Star Wars threads to Borderlands threads
>implying that Star Wars threads are able to be bad
what makes you consider a Star Wars thread to be bad?

>3 old shitty games for 5 bucks

>0 lore talk
>little talk about old classic games
>just bitching about modern games and movies and possible political connections
you'd be surprised that happens quite a bit

>its shit when they start shitting on shit games

there's a difference in shitting on the games for a few post and a 500 post thread of just bitching about it, mixed in with some good ol politics.
that's not what makes the other star wars threads so damn good

But user you payed for that, don't you know?

>Bought it like 4 months ago for 10 bucks

Imagine a shooter but instead of them dying when you click the head, you have to spray 300 bullets into them and they dont even flinch in the meantime.

Damn I'm tempted...

Nice try randy but FUCK egs FUCK chinks and most of all FUCK YOU (you're still my fellow c word bro tho)

Not even for free.

It's because it's free on PS4 fucktard

>Critically acclaimed.
>Universally recommended.
>Defined a genre.
>BL1 sells over 10m copies.
>BL2 sells over 12m copies.
>BL3 is one of the biggest games of the year.
Now link us to a game you think is great so we can laugh at it.

It's free on PSN and they're releasing DLC for 2 as a bridge to 3, to be announced at E3.
Don't tell anybody I told you, ok?

Randy this is just sad

>a lot of people played it so that must mean its good
didn't know Gangnam Style was the best video on youtube

98% or bust Randy!

Is it worth?

>BL1 sells over 10m

Also BL2 is at over 20 millions now


It's free on PSN


Attached: Screenshot_20190604-183913.png (760x782, 205K)

BL2 is shit, I liked BL1 a lot better but I haven't played it since release so I'd probably hate it now too.

your brain on Yea Forums

Attached: consider.png (800x917, 495K)

how long is that sale going on for?

Prove me wrong libtard

>consider the following
>ad hominem
the absolute state of Randy

mine was a gift this year ;)

Not him, but taste can significantly change with age.

t. someone who cringes at the time wasted with Payday 2

What was so bad about 2? I enjoyed the gunplay of 1 a lot and kept meaning to try 2 but never got around to it

Borderlands 1 had the problem where if you get something good yeah it's going to feel good, but then you get the times where you don't have shit and the game feels like a slog because you're still using a legendary weapon that's better than 95% of everything you can find 5 levels later

It's fine solo. Don't worry about it.

Why can't I get a pearlescent in BL1? I ran the farmory 50 times before I gave up and just finished the damn quest and Crawmerax never drops one and I've killed him at least 20 times

I can't believe Yea Forums has been useful to me like wtf it's been so many years and this is the first time I like a post.

It's about time I pay for this game I beat it many times renting it on the xbox 360 and I pirated it many times and played with friends via hamachi


Shutup you foreign faggot, no one cares what you third world apes do

Sorry I meant Payday 2. Unless it has the same issues

For one, the devs fucked so many times with the levels, the balancing of enemies and so on, I lost track so many times what worked and what didn't anymore. Yet, the gameplay by itself would have been fine if it weren't for the playerbase. Imagine a people so autistic they make Yea Forums look normal. Hosts who insist on speedrunning everything and kick anyone at the tiniest mistake. It doesn't even have to be a mistake. If you don't play their way, you find yourself suddenly in the main menu. Then there were players who threw tantrums if they weren't allowed to stealth the entire map by themselves. Then there was the griefing that got out of control - for instance, kicking players during extraction and thus robbing them of their progress points.

>not using a suspender
loling at you

it still is