FFXIV Shadowbringers

3 weeks and 2 days left, have you done all your prep for the expansion yet?

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The only prep I need is the agonizing wait for Gunbreaker.

I feel like I need a little more gil. Do you think 100 million is enough to get a good lead on crafting?

Finished Heavensward 2 days ago, just making my way through the post-Heavensward content and then I'm going to try and get through all of Stormblood...

You've got a long way to go then.

You gil fags need to chill the fuck out. What's even the point? Does it somehow feel good, with one of the most useless mmo currencies of all time?

I should be able to start Stormblood content tomorrow but yes most definitely

I like being one of the top crafters on my server, so the gil just lets me power through to max level by limiting how much I have to farm.

Rate my bun

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cmon bruh at least use the gridanian lighting option cant see shit

I have on Balmung. Not on Cactuar, though.

Shit, I need to get my alt together.

Stormblood is the worst content in the game.
Just skip the story completely
Pretty much you save the day Anything after Stormblood actually matters within the story far as plot goes.

Will the level jump be to get to lv70 when the expansion drops?

Not immediately. They don't usually update the level/story skips until quite a bit into the expansion.

100m gil and you got crafting? You need to step it up brosef, I got nearly 60 mil and some 10-20 mil potential on the market and I don't even craft, and I only somewhat recently returned to the game.

I also just recently returned, and spent a lot just getting every crafter to 70, then buying the fucking gear I needed to finish the story.

Fair enough then

No, in fact I'm not leveling an alt I have on another server because I don't want to pay 18 dollars to transfer from a laggy as shit server.
Am I fucked, guys?

>I don't want to pay 18 dollars
In the game, or in life?

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Just bought my Sky Pirate Coat of Fending for my GNB glam so yes I am all set.

Got all my DoH to 70 today, but I'm not sure if I should even bother with desynth.

I just started playing again recently.
My plan is to get through Heavensward before Shadowbringers come out

I have the money, but holy fuck I don't want to spend it just to get a shitty kitty off a european server.
Her gear is waaay better, but it's just not worth it.

I'm trying really fucking hard to not cave in and buy shadowbringers. Really fucking hard. Talk me out of it. Tell me its just a lazy grind once you hit max and not worth the cost.

No. I really need to. I have so much on my fucking to-do list just to be caught up on Post-Stormblood MSQ

Its useful for buying a house.

I'm considering switching to a controller, actually. It just seems like a bitch to set up buttons for all my classes and adjust to them before the expansion. I've been leveling up stuff to clear out my armory chest, so everyone is like 50 to 70 right now.
Is the switch to controller really rough, or will I be fine relatively quickly?

I use a PS4 controller and everything feels very smooth and natural. So a Switch controller is probably the same. And yeah I can heal on controller easily as well. Just need to set up your target filters for when your weapon is drawn and when it is sheathed.

Can confirm this, when I'm doing low stress/effort content I play exclusively on a controller as a WHM. And I'm the leading and go to healer of my 100+ guild

which class is the stinkiest

Black mage all those robes and hat must stink of sweat also BM set look like they all wear diapers

Get glasses

Do you have separate filters for switching between healing and non healing classes? I've heard that you can just use up and down for party only and left and right is for everyone. For dpsing as a healer, I imagine just making tt macros would be enough?

ronin SAM
look at the SB opening movie and the derplander in SAM attire in general
he looks fucking dirty.

I use left and right for enemy targets and up and down for party members.

God I would fucking wreck her

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Should I pick this game up? I remember maxing out my thaumaturge before the original version went offline.

Huh? I thought those came out with the launch of stormblood, and that was the first time they released?

That sounds simple enough. How does alliance healing work? It's an L1 button, right?
It's worth a try. You can level all jobs to 35 for free. Heavensward is genuinely amazing, Stormblood is great, and the base game is solid (barring some issues).

still need to finish the MSQ. Picked up the game about a month ago and im partway through stormbloods main quest.