Daily reminder that teledji is based and did nothing wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
Teledji was a shit.
Loldorito's alright though.
Daily reminder that Elezen are cute and NOT giraffes.
Unironically, the thorne should retake power, uldah should be governed by hyurs not lalashit
The throne is lalashit too.
Is there a Yea Forums cross-world linkshell? My server is dead as fuck and my fc is too.
>Lahabrea dead
>Igeyorhm dead
>Nabriales dead
>Emerollolth dead
>Mitron dead
>two mystery niggas dead by Gaius
How low should Seiryu EX's health be when you reach the second stack add phase, on a okay and but clearable run?
The Thorne family is Hyuran you dumbo.
The thorne dynasty, they ruled Uldah before the lalajews made them step down, and now theyre pretending thorne stepped down on their own
What is she looking at?
Lalafells are good at destroying their own civilizations: 1st it was Mhach. Then Baladiah. Then Sild'hih. Not sure why the asciens are not trying to manipulate the Ul'dahns
>not playing Gunbreaker Viera so you can be a GUNny
The Mhachi were proto-mhiggers
But then...what's that one looking at?
>New ability: Spar - forces the target to attack you for 10 seconds
>Riddle of Earth now instead reduces the damage of the next attack against you by 50%
Would this make MNK more viable balance-wise?
as soon as Seiryu yells out "IT BURNS", he should be at 45% or lower HP. anything higher and you will most likely hit the enrage.
At whatever Eos is looking at
Add in a Counter to that for classic FF flavor
God damn Eos is best qtip
That's Rhalgr
Actually the two mystery niggas killed by Gaius aren't dead because Gaius doesn't have any means of permamently killing Ascians. It took us remaining Hydaelyns strength to knock Lahabrea out of Thancred and a massive chunk of aether out of Nidhogg's eye to kill Igeyorhm, Gaius doesn't have access to either. He's just larping as an ascian hunter.
More like lalafells are good at taking over civilizations
Yes, as a Highlander. All the Mhachi zombie enemies you run into are Hyuran too. Nymians were the Lalafells. People just mistake the Mhachi as Lalafells because Shatotto invented black magic.
>Gaius doesn't have any means of permamently killing Ascians
As far as you know, you mean. We were shown he took two of the red masks. Where's the Heart of Sabik, user?
What if the two guys with him do have means to permanently take down an Ascian?
Reminder to farm any glamours or clears on the current tier before its dead content
Gunbreaker is still GUN to me.
They were the Garleans of their time
>tfw just starting hydatos today
do i have enough time?
you can finish your relic but BA is pretty much impossible on NA now unless you're in a discord clique
Sorry for the /r9k/ FFXIV edition but help me out here.
>Been single for a few years.
>Lost contact with most RL friends.
>PLay FFXIV to curb the boredom/loneliness.
>Get to talking with random partymember when another one d/c'd, hit it off.
>She asks if she can add me as a friend, agree. At this point i'm unaware/don't care about her gender.
>She asks if she can add me on discord afterwards, she does.
>Keeps making lewd jokes sending me mods so I can see how sexy her character is. I humor her.
>Check out the things she has linked to her discord, it's a irl girl. Worse, she lives like 5 minutes away from me.
>Add her to FC cause she doesn't have one and needs a lot of dungeon runs to get things cleared.
>She keeps making really suggestive jokes about us towards my FC, making innuendo's about me.
>I drop my spaghetti non-stop.
>Part of me wants to return the jokes, but i'm afraid it'll turn it into something she doesn't want.
>I know that the only reason this is keeping me busy is because of my state irl atm.
I don't know what to do. The awnser here is probably "have sex" but if I could do that easily she wouldn't be in my head so much.
>ARC for Arcanist
working on pyros
From what I told Hydatos is far more easy to level in.
Pyros is pretty empty at 60 players max usually right now so hopefully I am able to finish that quickly
>Alphinaud and Tataru accused to be heretics
>w-we can't win the case
>expecting dumb talk no justu anime bullshit done by some other character to beat the bad guy
>tfw have chad WoL do trial by combat
HW is pretty based so far
>Part of me wants to return the jokes, but i'm afraid it'll turn it into something she doesn't want
Then you've already failed by being a pussy bitch treating her with kid gloves.
I know what you mean. I also have a tiny phimosis penis.
>she magically lives near you too
100% being catfished.
Alright, thanks! We were like 55% at best when it happened. I didn't expect a clear from the start, but it was still odd how slow the health depleted.
just play it cool for a while, don't confess any feelings til much later, or maybe she will reveal something about herself that ends up being a red flag anyways
Take your time with HW, it's honestly the best story within the game and the areas are iconic to this game.
Stormblood is such a letdown.
>Emerollolth dead
>Mitron dead
>people still think Lolorito is an evil megalomanical cunt and not an Ul'Dahn patriot because ot Teledji
Yeah, but you need to hurry. Think it's still possible to reflect farm some stuff like the mammets all the way to the west and the sprite island in the south east but you need to be high enough to get exp from these.
>the liondaddy pill
Take it and the bunny cunny will come!
>He took two red masks
Yeah, and Ascians can reform their bodies at will with all of their equipment, there's absolutely no reason to assume that two absolute nobodies were too irrelevant to even be named had something on par of Dragon Eyes or Tipsumati. And given how Garleans can't do magic, I doubt Heart of Sabik (If it wasn't spent completely after casting Ultima) would be used by two absolute nobodies.
Hell, how do you even go about finding an Ascian, anyway? They can turn invisible to anyone without Echo at will, going by what Elidibus was capable of in 2.1 and onward.
Also only reflect farm mammets during the day, they mutate at night and will murder you because they turn from magic to physical enemies.
>he didn't roll on Gilgamesh or Leviathan
This would be a great occasion to bring back Haymaker
seething WHM tranny
Gee it's almost like it's set up as a fucking mystery that will be solved later. The masks were shown because they wanted to show you that Gaius is killing Ascians somehow. For all we fucking know, Gaius awoke to the Echo and was made into a Warrior of Light.
Make one. To my knowledge there isn't.
This whole sequence was the hypest part of the whole story. It hasn't gotten anywhere near as interesting ever since.
I am really looking forward to the Trust system.
>It's supposed to make no sense! iTs a mYSteRy
There are no male Viera, user, so pussy is the only option.
You can't say it makes no sense when there are several possibilities on the table already and we just don't know what the fuck is going on you stupid autistic faggot.
Are you unable to make speculation without the game explicitly laying everything out for you? Fucking retard.
Imagine being this fucking stupid, god I hate anime posters so much.
>make no sense
you mean can't explain something? Almost as if it's to be revealed later...
>the dumbest shit
Interesting, I was just thinking the same about you
I know, but I've never heard of these two.
Same, i hope the devs aren't lazy fucks and it isn't just the faggy scions as trusts
Its too bad Estinien destroyed' Nighogs eyes. The WoL could have used them to capture and/or destroy Asciens
Should I main WAR, DRK, or BLM for shadowbringers? I've only gotten WAR and DRK over lvl 50
We literally threw a rock at one and hoped to fuck it would work. And Thordan comes out to dab on one with an ancient corpse sword. There's so many possible ways to take out these supposedly immortal beings. Which fits in with them being shitters that try to act bigger than they actually are.
someones gotta make it
Mitron was the Ascian of the First and we saw Arbert kill him in an Echo flashback. It was the final trigger for the Flood of Light.
Emmerololth was killed by Galuf when he teleported the entire Isle of Val into the aetherial sea.
I think Emmeroleth had a brief speaking line in ARR. Mitron was only mentioned
Trying to do Seiryu EX is hell now because all the players suck atm. You either got tanks that fuck up the tankswap or DPS that are so bad that you hit the enrage with 20% HP left.
WAR is still looking like a solid tank for any situation and an absolute dungeon destroyer.
DRK may have exclusive dialogue but there's no guarantee. Level up them both while you can because once Shadowbringers hits you won't have insta-queues for dungeons.
Let me take my wife with me!
We have too many trannies but the average normie is nice until you point out that they are fucking up.
How is Samurai? Is it fun?
XIV's community is a bit hugboxy but MMOs in general are like that nowadays. It's certainly a welcoming one and relatively patient with newbies and newbies to higher-end content like EX and Savage.
load of shit. i've had much more nice people play/talk with me in world of warcraft in the past couple years. everyone in ffxiv just tells you to watch a video on the dungeon or makes passive aggressive comments
DRK and BLM are in the shed so WAR
If you ignore the fringe /xiv/ trannies then it's probably true. Close proximity to that cancer here on Yea Forums skews their perception of what the community as a whole is like. Note that "good community" does not necessarily translate to "good at the game" either
If by best they mean laziest, shittiest at games, least willing to try and improve anything about their lives, touchiest, whiniest, then I'd say they're right on the money.
Samurai's the most engaging of the melee DPS alongside MNK, I've been in love with it since it released.
I'm sticking with Scholar. How fucked am I?
If this was real I would say ask her out, but it's not and you're a fag
Enjoyable. You like numbers and feel good animations?
We have no choice or else we'll be reported thanks to the new ToS
You're not, SCH is still going to be busted as all hell for raid content. You'll just be more bored during downtime.
If you enjoy simplicity, it is.
Pulling a dhit crit Midare feels good too.
I mean it ultimately depends on what server you pick. The community is different for each one. Balmung has the trannies, Gilgamesh has the elitists, Ultros has the memers, Moogle has the french, etc.
The story is decent. Too bad XIV is an mmo waste of time
Hostile to people that treat the game as a day-job, welcoming to the "average" player.
You're not in any more danger of being banned for being a faggot than you were under the old ToS, GMs still treat things on a case-by-case basis.
>Implying he wasn't altered by Ultima Weapon and now possesses a means of eradicating Ascians due to it
FFXIV does not deserve a subscription fee to keep the game running in its current and future state. Change my mind.
>only got my clear because a good farm party forgot to put the duty complete flag up
we're all gonna make it
I've experienced all of these flavors and I can always parse out who's actually been in contact with the people they complain about from who's just regurgitating memes, because the French are far and away the worst out of all these groups.
that word doesn't mean what you think it does
dissipation has literally no downside due to the embrace nerf and it auto-resummons fairy, so it's a free aetherflow+largesse
energy drain is gone so you'll be spending excess aetherflow on sacred soil which gives a MASSIVE regen for 15 seconds now with a 30 second recast
you'll be healing more than ever before but your dps is 2 buttons now
Name one complex class in this game.
>level boosts
>story skip potion
>mogstation existing
damn, bros....
>because Gaius doesn't have any means of permamently killing Ascians.
Gaius might have the Heart of Sabik, which would be plenty of energy to kill Ascians. It produces catastrophic amounts of energy from nothing per the Ultima spell, after all.
Would you recommend it or DRG? I'm a healer refugee who doesn't really play dps often.
It's GUK you fuckign
Is it really necessary to Hand and Land jobs? They really don't interest me at all but at the same time I'm going to need money. Is it at boring and compmicated and soul crushing as I think it is?
>Available information states that these possibilities are implausible at best
>This goes completely over the average Yea Forums posters head
Hope you enjoy your """""mystery""""" with non-existent setup and pay off.
Newbie, and weirdly I've started enjoying the combat more since I discovered the button for locking onto targets. Something about the camera and movement change to orbiting around the target feels better.
Also I'm in Gridania, do I really have to traipse halfway across the continent to unlock the ability to dye clothes?
What flavor is Excalibur?
why would it be gun....?
So the demo shows 5 trusts, 2 for each role besides tank
what candidates are there though, besides JQ instructors? Fordola, Gaius, Arenvald and Raubahn?
DRG does less big numbers but is a bit more engaging and has buffs that make them preferred for group content. Plus, being a spearman in vidya and having more attack variety than "thrust up" and "thrust down" is refreshing.
DRG will be easier to transition into than SAM, but SAM itself is pretty unga-bunga. All of the melee DPSes are deceptively simple, their biggest hurdle comes from proper positioning. MNK is the most complicated if you do the Tornado Kick rotation, but that's pretty much going away as soon as ShB hits.
imagine not realizing that ShB is taking the same steps that started the downfall of WOW
Why don't you stop being a pathetic manchild, put down the fucking video game and meet people outside of an internet connection, holy shit. You're only hurting yourself the longer you remain an incel. Don't be like 90% of Yea Forums
>non-existent setup
The set up was showing the fucking Ascian masks on his hip you dumbass. You can't actually be this fucking stupid.
>FC has a real life meet up at a local barcade
>everyone is in their late 20s or early 30s
>no one spouts memes
>no one is an annoying drunk
>we all have a good time, I establish dominance in Third Strike, get humbled in Tetris Attack
>flirt with and kiss a girl that summoner in the group
>have plans to go out with her in 2 weeks for her birthday
What the fuck, you guys told me only trannies and socially retarded autists play this game
Hoary Boulder
Do you like BRs? Because I know a bunch of lads who'd love to try ff14 if it didn't cost 60 bananas a month.
You will see [_] Return to the Waking Sands enough times to get the dye quest done
Tell it to me straight lads, what are the odds they give back Dripping Blades to NIN?
I'll keep playing it nonetheless because I have fun with it
I'm friends with 8+. I would much rather take a Brazilian than some girl (boy).
>Is it at boring and compmicated and soul crushing as I think it is?
If you make proper use of leves you can get them from 1-50 in a few hours. After that it's just a matter of doing Moogle and Namazu quests.
Yes, give me more Fordola, shes unironically the best mhigger after Raubahn
I dunno specifically but from my experience in PF they are just okay.
it's PGL
And my point is that it makes little sense for these masks to actually mean 2 dead Ascians because Gaius doesn't have the means of killing an Ascian permamently. That's the whole point of that discussion you illiterate monkey.
The story will leave you through every important piece of content to unlock so are sure to always follow the msq. The place where you unlock dyes is literally your base of operations for the base game.
Low to nil but you'll probably get your potencies raised that nullify the removal of those damage-up traits.
See . Yea Forums is overexposed to /xiv/ degeneracy and projects it onto the playerbase as a whole.
well machinist is the one actually using a gun so that would be retarded.
>having a muscle-fu do embarrassingly feminine things
>And my point is that it makes little sense for these masks to actually mean 2 dead Ascians because Gaius doesn't have the means of killing an Ascian permamently
And my point is that you don't know if he does or does not have a means of killing Ascians permanently you god damn moron. But we were shown the masks because they wanted to show us that he's killing them. There are multiple possibilities for how he's doing it, including some new method that the writers have yet to present. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Just a shot in the dark, but I'm halfway expecting our main buddies in the beast tribes.
>wins trial by combat
>based pope straight up tells you about ascians
>let's go save raubanh
How can one expansion be so fucking cool?
You can always just spam unsynced dungeons and sell glam prisms after trading in loot, if that feels like a better way to spend your time
My man though I'm partial to the idea of that with a femroe instead
Imagine being such a loser you pay money to play FFXIV.
Alright, sick, I'll stick to the msq then. I didn't want to just leave the starting area for one quest, and I can wait.
I'm nearing its end, it's a great and wild ride. I somehow dread Stormblood since Anons keep saying it's less good than HW, but I'll see it soon
ff14/tactics raid
why didn fight an occuria
fuck this shit
Keep an open mind, it has some good parts too.
The sub is there to keep you fucking poorfags out. You aren't welcome here or in any other games that require a sub Nobody likes your fucking kind in games. Go back to Runescape or any other F2P korean shit. There's a thousand of them made just for poorfag skinflints such as yourself.
Occuria are Ascians, user
Aether, Crystal, or Primal?
>but I'll see it soon
You're going to hate Lyse so fucking much, the Stormblood msq quality is inversely proportional to Lyses screentime
She is perfect
>What the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm going to go with autism
Did your class get hit that hard, user?
Nah. Well, maybe in a way. They have the esper symbols for masks though.
Aether is full, Im not memeing, the only way you'll get on even the smallest server is by waiting until the middle of the night to make a character
Primal still has a few small servers you might get on
Crystal had plenty of space every where that isn't Balmung
Rework Fists of Wind to give a 10% chance to dodge attacks and counter with a 120 potency attack for 100TP, or 150 potency if you're in Oppo-Oppo form.
Crystal is cancer and Aether is filling up with Crystalfugees.
Stormblood is basically the flipside of HW, it doesn't really get good until halfway through but the post story is arguably better (outside of Nigghod obviously)
>not playing all the jobs
Casual and fucking poor. Drown yourself garbage boy.
Stormblood is pretty good. Yea Forums has weird obsessions that makes anything related to said obsession completely worthless to them. See trannies.
They're not literally Occuria but they fill the same role in the narrative, stringing along all of history according to their design. And their names are those of the Scions of Light from XII which I always assumed were Occuria.
but why thet posses bodies when they get that cool as fuck monolitic form.
they dont even posses cute elezen girls, whats the point ?
Everytime I see these fucking fairys they remind me of one I dont like.
Any quest with a blue mark has something to unlock (There are some normal sidequests that unlock certain things too but nothing you need to worry about as a new player.)
Bullshit, too many braindead weebs
If you play on NA it's full of fucking trannies as well
Lewd the fairies.
I just finished it this week, and Lyse doesn't bother me. Is she some sort of scapegoat?
I'd be mad too if I had to play all jobs post-Stormblood.
>Aether is filling up with Crystalfugees.
>he thinks it's just Aether
could you imagine not playing classic
>Spending one hour of work on a monthly sub is too much
>Lyse doesn't bother me.
Lyse is meant to be bred by the warrior of light
Point taken. Still more open servers here though.
At a surface level its fine enough. Most people don't sperg out in-game and the people reaching out to someone new also aren't likely to act like an asshole to someone they approached first.
A big part of this is because SE actually polices behavior like that. In games like WoW unless you're spamming nigger in trade chat you probably won't be warned/suspended for acting like an asshole or telling someone that they're playing like shit and need to improve. This keeps chimp outs to a minimum as most people just keep their mouth shut unless they have something helpful to say.
On the other hand it also feels like it feeds into a different kind of 'toxicity'. I see far more passive aggressive snipes at other players in this game than I have ever seen. People want to talk shit but not get suspended so they do it in a backhanded way. It's like listening to chicks shit talk each other sometimes. Not to mention how much communication is driven out of game to places like Discord where SE has no moderation. The amount of clique bullshit and fake niceties in this out of game community is astounding. If even a portion of that were present in-game people wouldn't gush about how great the community is.
As long as you stay in-game and don't engage with people outside the game, you should be good.
I'll indulge your subhuman brain this one last time:
>Gaius, someone who decided to trust an Ascian he knew nothing about, gets tricked and almost dies as a result. He sets out to hunt Ascians to take vengeance for what they've done
Now, what is more likely?
>Gaius somehow aquires intimate knowledge of Ascian weaknesses
>Gaius somehow aquires a tool strong enough to desintegrate and permamently kill an Ascian Heart of Sabik is actually the closest thing to that, I'll give you that
>Gaius somehow becomes capable of using magic and therefore wield that aether to kill not one but two Ascians
>Gaius finds not one but TWO Ascians capable of going invisible, teleporting, doing all manner of magic.
>Gaius without his powerarmor to boost him somehow becomes on par with WoL in strength allowing him to beat not one but TWO ascians into submission before permamently destroying them
>Gaius evading any form of retribution from, say, Elidibus for instance for killing two major Ascians and pushing the world toward the flood of light all the more
or 2.
>Gaius somehow finds two Ascians, manages to beat them and take their masks
>He goes on about his day not knowing anything about the threat he had no means of knowing anything about and said Ascians respawn like they are supposed to when they aren't completely destroyed
>Retarded anons like yourself get to claim that he killed 2 major ascians who were never even named
the people who defend the sub fee are also the people who spend 200+ USD on fast food. don't bother
Barely, the game has been exploding in popularity, new players are going to be pretty much condemned to playing on Crystal since almost every other server is regularly getting character creation locks
user Aether has twice as many locked servers right now.
He got cut in half for starters
It’s just 12$ a month. That’s nothing unless you’re poor.
I'm really fucking glad I left that shithole datacenter the nanosecond it was created.
Its still like it used to be? Just login in an weird hour to make a character on a busy server?
I love how Alinea ill from Moogle only ever uses one defensive buff as WAR while trying to be MT.
user your entire fucking argument here is that the story didn't already solve the mystery for you going into it. We were told that Gaius is hunting Ascians and shown the masks he took as trophies. He is killing Ascians somehow, and how he's doing it is meant to be a mystery for now. Your arrogant autistic ass can't fucking let go of:
Get a brain you fucking chimp.
Sure can, it's gonna be great
Why did they split the EU data center bros, PF is fucking beyond dead outside peak times
Why does everyone keep coming to Cactuar, get the fuck off my lawn
I just got to the quest where you bury the Scion's
How am I supposed to take this seriously when
Fuck dude
>12$ a month
Not to mention f2p games have worse content release cycle, try some for a long time and you'll see. Keeping children/br out of the game is also a plus.
just login in the morning when people are at work/school and you can create a character on any server except for balmung or maybe gilgamesh.
i wonder why
>Keeping children/br out of the game is also a plus.
>he thinks children and brazilians DON'T play ffxiv
There needs to be some kind of incentive or, advantage or leniency for being a crafter in only 1 discipline. It's a ridiculous time and money investment to be an omnicrafter and the gap is only getting bigger.
I think something like, needing slightly fewer of an ingredient or 1 less ingredient overall would at least be something to help the imbalance.
The small corpses take a shorter time to pick up
>not appreciating the detail that the cast bar for those actions was tied to the body size you were picking up
Children don't, they don't give a shit about Final Fantasy or MMOs, they only play Fortnite
This makes no sense.
I'd rather take my squadron members desu. Hopefully the add more command missions or just integrate them into the trust system too.
How's RDM looking for the expansion? It seems like SCH is gunna be super boring so thinking RDM or possibly MCH.
You're right. F2P content release cycles suck, same with B2P. once the money dries up the dev cycle suffers, see GW2 and how lacking in content the new expansion was compared to the last and how much money they were hemorrhaging so they had to downsize the dev team.
Im not sure I believe this data given the trend of queues and new player preferences seen online.
>"Why aren't you speculating on the story"
>user speculates on the story
Stay mad, faggot.
>try to throw primal fag a bone, say the whole game is growing including his DC
You're just a retard that wants stupid data center wars, just like a console war fag, fuck off
>Seize day
Fuck this mode
RDM looks more of the same as now.
You can make money while leveling crafters if you're not retarded
Wow that was an awful lot of projecting just now.
>Spend 130 hours getting through ARR/ARR-Post
>spend another 30 working my way through HW
That's when I bailed.
I like the game, but holy fuck is it long-winded.
I'd have to go through the rest of HW, the HW post story, Storm, the storm post story all to catch up to Shadowbringers
>Maelstrom wins
Of course
Nigger Balmung isn't even in the top 3 anymore and Gilgamesh is number 1, pay attention
She lied to all of us user. This is a safe place.
This is true for literally every PVP mode, Adders and especially Flames are full of absolute fucking retards
>patch comes out
>spend 3 hours
>you cleared all the content
>have to wait 4 months for the savage tiers
>4 months come
>do content for 2 weeks
>all cleared
>4 months again
wow, great game
I didn't see. Just saying how to create a character on almost any server.
>gets btfo
Every time
then why do i keep meeting a few 16 to 19 year olds in every linkshell/free company i join? children enjoyed wow too. shocker, i know. it's almost as if it's the exact same game
Jesus you're a sad sack. All I said was that Aether had more locked servers, which is an undeniable fact, and you sperged out for no reason. Take a break my dude.
I hope leveva unjusts her hair in SHB
I didn't say he couldn't speculate you dumb nigger. user is saying that Gaius CAN'T be killing Ascians because he didn't have that capability last time we met him, and I'm just telling him that he's a god damn moron.
>new game comes out for $60
>spend 5 hours
>beat it
mouth breathers don't understand this is the perfect sandwich situation and you can effectively remove one alliance from the match
Assuming there's no premades, on Seal Rock the victor is determined by the node spawns. You can accurately predict which team will win just by looking at a timeline of node spawns, without even knowing which team is in which spawn. Starting in the caves also gives you a massive advantage and increases the likelihood of winning by multiple times.
Flames are so fucking stupid that they can actually decide who is going to win a match now based on which of the other GCs they choose to hound endlessly while giving the other a free ride to get all the nodes/crystals/whatever
Going to seem stupid, but with flash gone, isn't it going to be harder to gain AOE hate quickly? Played PLD since 2.0, and always used flash to gain quick hate with one or two uses, then go into my full damage combos with no fear.
Now I try to and my AOE damage version, and I keep losing hate rather quickly. Yet a number of people noted no one used the skill, so how have PLDs been gaining a quick burst of AOE hate and able to go into their damage combos at once?
Might make this qt a retainer
this is why mmo players don't buy games, though
yes, teenagers are children
in the summoner questline you kill a bunch of lesser ascians just with your summoner powers
>I didn't say he couldn't speculate
>I just said that he couldn't speculate on anything that disproves my claim
Ah, I see. Well good luck to you.
Wrong, retard. They're teenagers.
>duty roulette leveling
>average wait 15m
>several minutes later
>number #15
>probably 5 minutes to pop
>take a 2 minute piss
>your registration had been withdrawn
>wait another 15 minutes
>pops, doma fucking castle
>tank leaves after the first pool
>I didn't feel like dealing with that either, leave
>role waiting list #50 17m
Alright Yea Forums
What's the best minion?
Oh, I see the problem. You're illiterate. Well best of luck to you and I expect to see you back here licking my taint next time we see Gaius.
>join RP session
>RP as a ghost
>Get reported and people get angry at me
The heck?
>starts out post one with retarded DC wars bullshit
>n-n-no you started it
What a fag you are
Terrible bait.
Dress-up Alisaie of course
Speaking of EU PF, I've been looking in PF to see if I can grab some people for my static since a couple people left and good fucking lord the people looking for statics on Light are abysmal. One dude even had grey parses in a 24 man, I don't even understand how that's possible.
Get over it already.
Flames are like 70% bots and 30% autofills
if you're in a third world country sure, but not in america/UK where it matters
PLDs still use Flash now. In ShB you get Total Eclipse at level 6 so that's your standard AoE threat move now. With tank stance it should be fine.
unironically you should try finding people on reddit instead
Half of the ages you listed are legally adults.
>can't smoke a cig
GUNbun > GUNzen > GUNgar > GUNlander > GUNra > GUNfel > GUNlander > GUNote > GUNbun
Wind up Nanamo. She sits on your shoulder.
Only for this year.
Americans confirmed literal manchildren.
I never use them but the smallshell is my favorite
Mameshiba and Abroader Otter.
This is the chad tank for Shadowbringers. Say something nice about him.
>Going to seem stupid
You are stupid, all tank moves are getting increased aggro in general in ShB and currently you would just use CoS on CD
Shut up user
imagine living outside america LMAOOOOO no wonder you're so bad with money
cloud of darkness succubus
or the blue chocobo hatchling with the floaty device
murrr i want him to impregnate my smol sissy foxboi ass uwu
Am I supposed to flip a coin here?
t. 20 year old that considered himself an adult at 18 but now that he's not 18, thinks 18 year olds are children
I was really surprised that they did a custom animation when he got yaas queen slayed
>100% anatomically correct
>final score Mael 800 Adders 100 Flames 0
reddit wouldn't be able to handle our bantz, /pol/ would blush at some of the shit said during our raids
You could have just typed American
That user prefers Highlanders so you can guess the order.
But when I pull a mob and use it, if folks are AOEing and have better gear than me, I lose hate quickly. With flash I can use it twice at the start, and keep the hate with no fear hence forth while doing my DPS rotation.
I get the idea with ShB, but was more curious how others were doing it, as I only use CoS after doing a flash or two.
>Admitting to being retarded at 28
Collar will clip with long hair, won't it?
you're the one who hasn't moved to america yet retard lmao i can't imagine typing what you're typing
hrothgars are faggots though.
Cloud of Darkness is cute and rests on your shoulder
Use the Europe Raiding Central Discord instead.
>Moving to America
That bad? I'm on Light too, my static is just missing one healer now and our candidates have been pretty solid so far. Our static's atmosphere is kind of throwing people off, though.
What jobs do you need, lad? Might be able to refer some non-shitters to you
Reminder that Hrothgar STUDS belong to Viera CUNTS.
That's true. Thing is that the Ascians have different masks depending on their rank and in SMN questline and that one time in 2.0 MSQ you kill a low rank Ascian who needs a body nearby to possess in order to stay alive after death. Gaius had masks of Ascians of the same rank as Lahabrea who are essencially impossible to kill without destroying their aether completely by either feeding them to a primal or dispersing them with a stupidly powerful blast which we aquired from a staff used in attempted sealing of Bahamut and later from a dragon eye that's been building up aether for over a thousand years. Kind of a difference in power there.
Based and Shishoupilled
>how others were doing it
Our gear doesnt suck, upgrade your shit
The stretching on those chausses
>we want to remove the meta
>better buff trick attack
It's over bro...
>we have too many trannies
okay tranny lover, just because you go out seeking them doesn't mean literally everyone else that plays this game runs into them.
It's just part of a blanket potency increase because they lost damage elsewhere.
Whoa man if only there was a way Gaius might have had access to a relic capable of casting a spell that physically shouldn't even be able to be cast on this dimension
I'll check it out if I start feeling desperate and raids are around the corner
A few of them haven't decided their roles yet, would probably need at least 1 tank and 1 healer though.
You're not wrong. No game at the moment should require a sub fee. All games and expansions should be P2P.
My worry is if they're going in with that mindset, it's going to be a bit harder for a tank to play catch up when leaving. If they're going to force tanks to lean more on having to have higher gear to keep and gain hate, rather than now when we have flash that helps make out that difference? It'll be a bit rougher I worry when leaving for a period, then coming back. Meaning more folks will just que as DPS, and hope to gain sloppy seconds on tank gear for their tank.
>this entire part of thr main questline in Costa del Sol where you keep getting jerked around to prove to these supposed heroes that you are worthy or some shit
>despite the looming fucking threat of Titan on the horizon
Please tell me it gets better. These chucklefucks and their dumbass quests are driving me up the wall.
Sudo is unleashed!
That's the worst quest in the game. It gets better, but only due to that quest making you welcome anything past that.
It gets worse before it gets better
Honestly you should have just let Titan smash that pirate ridden shithole and their tranny grandma dictator
>Please tell me it gets better.
It actually gets worse. Right after the trials and tribulations of proving yourself to a bunch of useless nobodies, you are sent on a fetch quest where you get the wrong thing 3 times in a row
skip all the dialogue if you want, there is nothing important until you get to titan
I suspect that even if NIN's personal DPS is now so low that Trick Attack doesn't make up for it (not fucking likely), people will STILL take Ninjas just for the parse padding.
thats probably just a continuity error
gaius said in one MSQ that the three top dog ascians were lahabrea, elidibus, and an unknown one that was presumably Solus
It's by far the worst and I don't think it adds anything
I just finished it not to long ago and it's fucking cancer
After Titan was the redemption of that though
Same with AST, really. Doesn't matter how shit they are at healing if you can throw an 8% dps increase on someone for most of the fight
Red masks are Overlords, which are the top dog Ascians.
The most important Overlords are the Source-born Ascians, which are Lahabrea, Elidibus, and Emet-Selch.
better than her sister
You right. I think a lot of comps are going to look pretty similar because of that.
What short skirts exist in the game?
nah. enjoy questing for 300 more hours just to get to the awful endgame
A bunch
>Yoshi in Heavensward: we want DRK to be the tank for more experienced players who seek a complex job
>Yoshi in Stormblood: DRK was too hard for the average grug xaela edgelord player so we made it braindead
>Yoshi in Shadowbringers: we want GNB to be the tank for more experienced players who seek a complex job
Just barely until you get to Heavensward.
But a woman didn't kill him?
I want to see their other 10 sisters.
Do you not get a fantasia for Shadowbringer?
I'm new to the game, and I'm at the same part that he is
Do you actually make any choices in the game aside from which Guild to join?
Every fucking choice so far has been joke choices
Is there any point in the game where I can choose to side with the baddies?
I'm so fucking sick of helping Hyur's and Giants
So in other words, the big money-maker this expansion is going to be setting yourself up as a freelance parse booster for hire? Even better if you do it with a couple friends so you're covering AST, NIN, and DNC and all stack on the person you're jewing.
A bunch, though Scholar corners the market for short skirts with thigh high socks.
Well fuck me. I hope those cunts get their shit kicked in later down the storyline. They totally fucking deserve it.
Please tell me that they do.
I felt it was due to DRK requiring more for roughly the same result really. Or at most a small amount better if perfect.
What job has objectively the worst story?
Did you just assume xir's gender?
Poor BRguys who don't know how to make it cost only 29 bananas a month...
Mind naming some?
Fuck I want something just like that but for BRD.
GNB isn't even complex though, it's just slightly more active than the other tanks.
It does mean what he thinks it does.
It's just Yea Forums uses it exclusively to refer to underage girls, because Yea Forums is creepy like that.
>Is there any point in the game where I can choose to side with the baddies?
No, fuck off
MRD + WAR, easily
It's so boring.
Pretty sure none of the expansions gave one.
Paladin. In ARR all you did was light some torches and that's it.
Bard is kinda boring
Poachers and fetch quests
>SCH 60-70
You go from learning about Nym to learning about fucking White Mages more than WHM questline ever did while helping a lalafell fuck the fish.
Nothing matters, it's only for your personal in-your-head flavor. Quite a few people would have joined the Garleans by now if it were possible.
Well if we include starter classes, Lancer was a pretty big shitshow of a storyline. Luckily Dragoon turned it around
You aren't understanding, your concerns are a non issue with the coming change, everything you do will generate increased aggro
Go read a summary or something, damn
>the fairy shed
Every time
Stormblood sucks except for Zenos.
actually I meant to leave it ambiguous and forgot I typed it twice. Probably should be more fleshed out instead of a circle, like each one beating two but losing to two as well
>Is there any point in the game where I can choose to side with the baddies?
This is a Final Fantasy game. What do you think?
Can ninja choose to use the rogue run instead of the gay ninja run yet?
Paladin or Warrior.
The only fantasia the game gives you is for clearing ARR's base content.
Paladin in general was dull.
>HW: Hang out with some idiot kid who recovers his mentor's armor piece by piece in memory of him. Only surprise, he we never actually dead and the whole thing was an overconvoluted scheme (which blond paladin even says as much about). Then you fight. The end
>SB: It's a tournament. That's it. And the villains' "plot" was pointless, because they could have literally just sat back and let the fucking hero of Eorzea sweep the tournament and they would have gotten what they wanted.
>playing the naruto job
>doesnt naruto run
So after the main campaign, I was recommended to roll for a DPS to clear the story with. Been rolling MRD/WAR until now.
What's a good DPS class to tackle?
its not matter of looking for them, most trans people i've meet want you to acknowledge they are trans and "progressive"
that said I pug a lot, ive joined a few discord servers because god knows why some people need fucking callouts for FUCKING LAKSHIMI, earlier today joined a server and we were talking about suzaku mechanics (teaching newbies to stop sucking) and this tranny joined and said "hey im not sure if you guys noticed but im a transexual voice acress" followed by awkward silence, then i proceeded to ask if anyone had any questions and this tranny asked if no one was interested what kind of voice acting they did, after the ddr part this tranny kept talking about imitating suzaku's voice and that abomination's voice almost hurt my ears, I felt bad for dropping almost instantly
They are all in a good place right now.
If you wanna be "meta", since Ninja is still gonna have trick attack in 5.0, it seems like a good bet. Otherwise, just do whatever looks interesting.
gonna need sauce
Yeah I don't know what I was thinking
I thought that an mmo setting would change that sort of mentality of linear hallways but fuck me I guess
>What's a good DPS class to tackle
Why not just mute them?
I'm sure this totally happened
Paladin sucks, Warrior sucks, Monk sucks
Dark Knight and Rogue/Ninja outside of its 50-60 are the only really good ones, the rest are varying degrees of OK
whats his endgame?
because im an idiot and forget that option exists
I kind of liked how the Lancer storyline was a subversion of the typical "Strong student from rival school challenges weaker sensei" by Folques getting absolutely fucked up and the teacher proving to be more than anyone's match.
I'm leveling an alt character on Levi so I don't have to grind on a server with a shitton of ping. Is anyone else on that server or am I basically alone?
It mainly just annoyed me how the antagonist was just so fucking obsessed with courage. He was actually sympathetic, but I quickly got tired of him repeatedly showing up and being like "I have much more courage than you, prove you have courage by doing X thing"
And then it got to the point of him basically being suicidally brash and the whole arc was obnoxious. If they had just focused on his resentment towards his past fellow students for selling him out, it would have been more compelling.
>story is about racism and everyone thinking duskwights are niggers
>turns out he is just a salty nigger
>never spoken of again
>no justice for anyone but a nigger is dead
Really like those soldier designs in the background. Hope we see them again.
Not a fan of the shield (it's the "previous artifacts put into a blender" bit of ShB at its most literal) but the sword is to die for and the armor is a perfect blend of AF3 and AF2, with AF1's bulkiness on the limbs
Most of ARR is a fucking shitheap, Heavensward is great, Stormblood is tolerable when A CERTAIN FIST-CLENCHING CUNT ISN'T ON SCREEN.
Crashing this shard.
Cloud of Darkness, Succubus, Kain, Estinien (the two dragoons both try to fight with you on the overworld), Nanamo, OMG, Construct 8
Why is she the only decent cat?
Someone told me that Viera reproduce by wandering into woods controlled by Male Viera that run a train on said female Viera.
Is this true?
That's not the story at all.
>Lyse can't even make herself useful and clench your dick
We just fought them as end dungeon bosses, they are the emperor's personal guard so we will definitely see them again in the story the only question is if it's us as WoL or if it's us as role action Zenos who fights them.
Why is there literally 0 art for these HW relic girls?
The comfybara minion
More like male Viera raid the outlying villages where female Viera live and just take and rape whatever they feel like.
it absolutely is, he took the fall and everyone already thought less of him for being one
but he acts like it's some great injustice when he DID do something wrong and got punished for it
he's a nigger
Nope, the only thing that gives a free Fantasia is ARR. The only other time it comes as a "freebie" is from buying Heavensward's collector-edition.
>Yeah, of course the tempered Ananta can join the handholding circle! Why would they do anything bad? :)
>mfw the sylph hit me the hardest
No, male Viera are solitary and territorial, there wouldnt be enough of them in one place to run a train on a Viera female
The wandering into the woods to get "raped" part is true though
I like Y'shtola
this was the tranny
I have no reason to lie but im not going to try to convince you
Because she actually has something resembling a personality rather than being a plastic dead eyed fuck doll like all the other cats
She's a step below Godbert
He's mad that only he was punished when there was more than one party guilty. The point was that he failed his test and couldn't stand being subjected to such an injustice, with the teacher being quite aware that Folques alone wasn't responsible for the misdeed. A lancer has to be patient.
trick potency buffed by 100, suiton the skill you have to use in order to use trick in relevant content nerfed by 80, slashing debuff gone, poison traits gone, somehow this is a buff???
>it absolutely is, he took the fall and everyone already thought less of him for being one
They let him take the fall because he was the nigger and then pretended they didn't know him when time came for punishment, his friends out-nigged him. You didn't pay attention
Nashu is nice too
Absolute garbage taste
Not your personal army.
It still boggles my mind that we went from
>Everyone knows of tempering, tempered people have to be put down immediately or they'll try to resummon their god
>Only WoL and Thancred remember that tempered people are a threat that needs to be dealt with
That's WoL's life. Hauling corpses of people he knew, watching them disintegrate, fall over dead and die stupid, easily preventable in hindsight deaths.
There's no other option.
>too much light is bad
>too much dark is bad
>Ascians cause chaos so as to keep balance on the stars
So... are the Ascians actually the good guys?
>there are still people that believe kayako figures out the fashion log stuff on his own and isn't just copy pasting other peoples work
Lyse is so fucking stupid she actively lowers other people's IQ just by being near them.
They aren't causing chaos to keep the balance user, they are doing it to revive Zodiark
There can be more than one bad side you fucking retard and just because someone is opposed to something that's bad doesn't mean they are right
No, they still want to unleash their dark god.
I mean really I think it depends on the nature of the tempering. Ifrit and by extension his tempered are all complete cunts. The tempered Sylphs on the other hand, while assholes, aren't necessarily an existential threat to everyone else.
While the WoL is spreading darkness in the 1st Shard. He's egging Varis to spread Black Rose in order to trigger a Calamity. Thankfully the WoL will return in time to stop it
And this is how you know your opinion doesn't matter and you should fuck off to crystal
Isn't it funny how crystal sounds like one of those tranny brothels?
Goddamn fuck that cunt and her retarded fist-clenching. It wouldn't be so bad if everyone didn't treat her as an amazing leader after she literally does nothing but fuck up the entire MSQ
No. They are only doing it so they can unseal Zodiark. Once they achieve that, I imagine the scales will tip. Additionally I believe that our journey in shadowbringers will more reasoning behind the flood of light. I doubt it was just winning against the Ascians that sent the first shard into its disaster.
No, Ascians are full of shit, they want to rrevive Zoriark and for that they will invoke a rejoining. If the rejoining was perfect, they could have restored it all, theoretically, but now that at least one world has been fucked beyond all hope of savlation, it's impossible and an imcomplete rejoining would most likely have disastrous results. They still want to proceed with it though, which shows that they in fact don't give a shit about anything that doesn't involve their endgoal.
yes, it gets better around the time when the crystal braves are formed
I'm sure he was friends with LAurentius
It depends on which primal is tempering them but Lyse's brain fell out of her asshole when deciding that aggressively expansionist tempered beastmen (pretty close in behavior to those tempered by Ifrit) should've been allowed in.
Is elezen Zenos our friend now? Or is he still a villain
Solus may be an insane badguy, but love his fashion.
No because reviving Zodiark will likely kill everyone, the true path is going down the middle and taking out both sides.
He is still out for blood.
t.anti gunbunny
he's our tsun rival
Make no mistake, he wants to find and kill you. But he also wants his body back.
Momentary truce i'm sure. Enemy of my enemy is my friend and whatnot.
He'll be the new Emperor one we return from the 1st.
>he wants to find and kill you
He wants to have a fight of a lifetime, he's had plenty of opportunities to have WoL killed.
He's become Seto Kaiba to our Yugi
>Lyse how should we show that we want everyone to be treated as equals at this meeting, maybe we should bring in a round table to symbolize that there's no one head
>No, let's all sit on the floor, don't you remember how fun kindergarten was?
I'm actually happy she didn't fall into a coma, it means we wont have to deal with her on the first, and if we are lucky she'll get BLACK ROSED
At this point, I want to get rid of both hydaelyn and zodiark.
>elezen Zenos
Still villain, and hes a hyur now
Is Zenos OP because of his manufactured echo or is he really that good
i want to fucking choke her out with my dick
>Is elezen Zenos our friend now? Or is he still a villain
Yes. His idea of friendship is constant fighting.
It's a combination of
>He's that good
>He had power armor
>He received a Sharingan
He was already a highly skilled warrior and had an incrdibly powerful physical form, such that elidibus wanted to use it against us. The Echo enhances him even further beyond.
>6,385 of these fuckers for a full iLv360 set
Don't forget the part of being a practically genetically engineered superhuman
Both, he whooped your ass once with no modifications and didn't actually get beaten until the Ala Mhigo lv. 70 dungeon
>someone saved my shitty FRAPS screenshot
I wish there were dialogue options that make it sound like you like to fight Zenos as well instead of these reluctant goodie-two-shoes responses.
>people do all sorts of terrible shit in quests that's immediately forgiven or handwaived
>elf dude pretty much just guilty of being a overconfident asshole
>dies horribly
Do Savage
>Start playing again beacuse lol 1 week free
>I forgot
I tried fighting a mob my level and it almost kicked my ass. What the fuck? Am I just getting old?
Wasn't there a feature for different skill sets on one job?
>1080p and still chugs at 56fps
Third worlders should be banned from having subscriptions.
Baby giraffes are cute, adults are just sad except for a few rare exceptions like Aymeric and Haurchefant
For me it's Nanamo. Cunnybus and Puff are good too.
don't bully, I still had a Phenom II X4 955 and Radeon 7870 at the time.
he's such a cringey mary sue ass character. I was reading the Yotsuyu short story earlier and he fucking instantly kills atleast 5 assasins surrounding him blades already drawn and at his throat despite being ambushed and not having a weapon on him, pre-fake echo. Just a shit AND HE CAN MOVE AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT AND HE IS INVINCIBLE AND HE HAS A 12" DICK SOFT type character. Nothing compelling about this piece of shit at all. Can't for the life of me figure why they revived such a boring villain but thordan and ilberd are gone.
I'm returning after 6 months of leave and I don't even know what is happening.
gridania is a fucking hateful shithole
did you not realize this yet?
literally NOTHING good comes from there
Surely you mean the dindus of the Syndicate
When are they going to let us have kids in this game.
Duskwight Bro's
How do we restore Gelmorra?
Say goodbye to the constant three months content update then
the point is he's a prodigy killer of the absolute highest caliber but he's so fucking unhinged even his own dad doesn't actually consider him a person
he's a force of nature with no actual goals of his own
this sly guy really has no idea what the fuck is going on in this podcast
why does mrhappy have him all the time
Job or classes?
WAR 50-60 and 60-70 is horrible, off the top of my head.
The summoner character was similarly sympathetic, even if he was an idiot for working with ascians.
Interestingly, the summoner questline is in gridania too
Uh oh
What do we do?
he'd be a mary sue if he wasn't treated as a dead-eyed shark by everyone around him, including his biological family
It is the ideal city state. They keep to themselves, their territory, and keep foreigners out. We should hope the rest of society learns from this.
Why the fuck are you listening to Brappy's podcast in the first place you dumbfuck?
I for one enjoy the presence of the Ham Incarnate.
What's up with everyone leaving crystal?
So where are the Ishgard houses? I'm still waiting to settle in the best city on the planet.
As a beginner gatherer can anyone explain to me about scripts and shit. It's been a while since I hit 50 and read the description about them and even then I never really did it before. I'm currently like 64 and have only leveled with leves and bought my gear off the MB but I figured I should probably know how to get scripts and whatnot.
I tried looking these up but there's no actual detailed guide on how to start.
>forced to suck elemental dick every few minutes or else they'll get consumed by aetheric hellfire that could potentially spill out into surrounding areas
He's better because of it, honestly. It makes for good comedy.
>not wanting to poke a tonberrys slimy cunt
>Gridania a hate filled prejudiced shit hole that has to live at the whims of insane elementals or else star in a reinactment of that one scene from Evil Dead
>just fucking everything about Uldah
Who would have thought the nearly lawless pirate dictatorship of Limsa would be the best of the 3 main city states, post revolution Ishgard being the clear winner overall though
It gets better during heavenward.
>post revolution Ishgard being the clear winner overall though
tfw no Ishgard GC
they also worship fucking alien energy beings who can't tell mortals apart and just kill them indiscriminately when upset
bunch of fucking uncivilized tree niggers who won't even let the cats hunt animals
they 'choose' and kidnap hyur children to raise as eternal children and practice forbidden world-ending magic because they're special and chosen
>lol sorry the elementals said you aren't allowed medicine for your dying mate
FUCK treeniggers
burn the whole fucking thing to the ground and see what the elementals say then
>Garleans enter the forest and nearly genocide the Sylphs
>Elementals do nothing
>Garleans carpet bomb the forest from the sky
>Elementals start killing Gridanians
He has Ascien blood, so that explain some stuff
Wind Up Nanamo, I will never let her off my shoulder
Nah, the elementals aren't so bad according to the lore book. It's just hard to communicate with them.
Fuck the Sylphs
Ascians aren't a race you fucking retard.
desu it'd probably feel amazing
I'd swallow my pride and fuck the everloving shit out of one of those little freaky fish-women just to see what it's like
I'd pump that green cunt so fucking full she'd be guaranteed to birth my bastard abomination
genuinely would a little
I can't even remember what his endgame was
You can hunt. But the criminals poach to the point of overkilling and driving species to extinction. That's why they are poachers, not simply for killing.
>according to the lore book
There's a scene in 1.0 where they fly into a rage and start slaughtering Gridanians because the Garleans are attacking.
Yes it gets better in ARR. Sit through the dialogue there are nice moments and then big, big moments. early ARR and early HW are -absolute- dogshit no matter what a Heavensward shill will say. Both have -shit- quests early on but get better. Saying more would be spoiling things but, simply put "Yes" "big yes". Early HW's questing is similar fetching shit though and anyone that defends it I would punch in the teeth especially the lead-up to HW and the hypetrain it gets you on just leading to (initially) such an absolute lull. TLDR though: Yes. People telling you to skip dialogue for a lot of/the whole of ARR are retarded though.
>post revolution Ishgard
Ishgard needs a wall! No! A bigger wall, and Gridanians will pay for it! Outsiders leave!
To be fair they fucking asked for this
Tree niggers got fucking sick of Gelmorra and wanted to breath some fresh air
Duskwights were right in wanting to stay in the underground cities where they didn't have to suck elemental cock all day
He's called Mr Fatty.
because the mooncats have fucking mouths to feed