It's ok when it's Nintendo

It's ok when it's Nintendo

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"All Ages"/"General Audience" is not the same thing as "younger demographic," fuckknuckle.

both of those are okay

MLP is a show aimed at little girls who promote friendship and kindness. Either way, this whole thread is stupid from the get go considering you are trying to defend fucking PONYFAGS of all things.

Tbh I dont know what the fuck were people mad about back in mlp days, it actually has some good writing. Just spergs being spergs I guess

Hiro should remove the GR15. Only barmeyfag and
still get triggered at rainbow horses.

>My Little Pony
>in the year of our lord 2019

If you think MLP is funny there's nothing wrong with laughing at what you think is funny

Bronies are very different from someone who finds a kid's show amusing.


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Its something as if people would be mad about watching Spongebob, but no thats apparently the meme child show of choice around here due to its mature plot and storylines

Fuck you faggot hypocrites

It's 2019. Hating on MLP is old now.

>Nintendofans are allowed to look at tits

So funny how little girls can't even attend the meet and greats because of the scum that go there.
>get to finally meet the woman who does your favorite pony's voice
>have to stand behind a 500lb balding man that hasn't showered in over a month

The containment board worked then. We should get the jannies to keep /pol/ as a forced containment board desu

I always had a theory that people who actually hated MLP fags enjoyed it themselves

but I have a problem with both of these things user

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Yep. Rounding up all the communists and resetera trannydiscorders and forcing them to post their political shit on /pol/ will radically improve Yea Forums.

Finally, someone gets it. Adults who like Nintendo are retarded manchildren who never grew up. It's fucking pathetic to see an adult play Kirby and Star Fox and shit.

Nintendo games are aimed towards everyone, MLP is aimed towards toddlers

Politics is a bit too nuanced to properly moderate, especially for a staff that does it for free.

This implies MLP gets standard treatment for cartoons when that isn't true.

like i checked every mlp fan wants to fuck one of the ponies

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nintendo games are aimed towars children. MLP is aimed towards little girls

don't make me get my nigga branyfag to dab on you

/pol/ and /leftypol/ need to both be contained, I agree.

tell that to nu-nintendo, because they seem to think those are synonymous.

Lmao great defense. Nintendorks are pathetic

I don't know either. I never watched it, I only saw clips, but it honestly just looked like a western version of a CGDCT show, I don't know what triggered people over it, was it because people were drawing pony versions of things they liked and people were making pony references so they thought there was some media takeover going on? I honestly have no fucking clue what happened with MLP.

Most MLP fans are people who play Nintendo games exclusively. I wonder why hm?

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the majority of bronies just wants to fuck the ponies, thats all

Good lord that is an ancient image.

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Why did Lee leave

>implying nintendofags don't want to fuck children

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I get the hate against bronies because alot of them are gross furries but this does make a pretty good point for the ones that just genuinely like the show

First and, might I say, best post. Consolewar niggers get the cross.

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Nintendo games only sometimes skew young thematically while being designed with gameplay that's intended to be satisfying for people of all ages. MLP is written for children while also being aesthetically aimed at children. THAT being said no one really cared about dudes liking MLP beyond the speed at which an annoying subset had to insert their fandom into every part of their existence. During the heyday of MLP fervor you couldn't escape some fucking loser who was empowered by his fanaticism and wouldn't stop trying to talk about and explain his passion for the show. You literally couldn't escape it. It was like the noisy obnoxiously vocal furries to a power or ten.

>I don't understand

You're a retard then. Regardless of the little girl demographic the fact of the matter was you couln't have a thread without retards spamming their interest in the show or trying to derail the thread into something pony related. If you can't understand why that annoyed people you are part of the problem.

kids don't play nintendo

You seem really seething right now because some people were able to effortlessly defuse your "bulletproof" argument.

So what's the story with that webm, or did someone actually put in that much effort to hide all of the pony

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>Video game
>You play it to enjoy it. Maybe finding a trick to share with the community. Lots of interactivity.
>A cartoon for children
>Can't do anything but watch it. All you can find is slight animation inconsistencies to autisticly sperg over with other autistic spergs. No interactivity.
There's a very obvious divide.

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I mean, there's waifufaggotry.

i call BS on this. You can be banned just for posting humanized MLP characters.