Nintendo at E3

The direct isn't until Tuesday 11th June – 09:00 PT / 12:00 EST / 17:00 BST / 18:00 CET

Why is it so far away? What are your predictions? I'm hoping for more Mario Maker 2 content and some ports of Pikmin 3 and 3d World.
>He wants more ports
Yes, I do. Pikmin 3 and 3D world are great games and I'd gladly by them if they come with new modes and characters. Besides, I'm sick and tiring of having to use the Wii U gamepad. If a game doesn't implement the gamepad very well (Or could be easily ported over) then I'd rather have it on switch.

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I'm hoping for the 37th entry in my favorite classic franchise, Mario!

>What I want
Bayonetta 3
Info about that secret project by Retro
AC 2019 not being shit
Smash DLC newcomer being someone unexpected
>What we will get:
More ports
AC 2019 being shit
Smash DLC being some predictable trash (banjo/steve/reimu/doomguy)

I hope Banjo gets in. He's the Bear with the flair.

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i dont think the smash newcomer will be predictable

I rather prefer to see another bear getting in

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I'd hardly call Banjo predictable.

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Of all things you could hope for at e3 you hope for a fucking port of the worst mario game. kill yourself

If Banjo did get in what kind of special treatment do you think he'll get? Sakurai mentioned that the DLC in this game will be held to a higher standard since they're asking us to pay for it. We've seen this with Joker and his victory theme and animations as well as his final smash. What could they possibly do for Banjo?

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give me 30 minutes of Fire Emblem desu

I hope M&L goes full 3D this time.

He HAS to knock on the camera for one of his victory animations. Other than that I don't know. All of Joker's content coincided with his game. Banjo doesn't have much like that. What are they going to do, put eyes on all of the results UI, replace the smash 64 music with the pause theme and use a jigsaw transition? I don't think they'd put that much effort into it.

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FE4 remake
Top Down Zelda
Animal Crossing
>Don't want
FE 3 Houses
Anything resembling B*TW

Chibi Robo is there. I can feel it this time.

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I want a Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD bundle, Metroid Prime Trilogy, and that's honestly about it. Anything else is icing

I'm sure he'd get some quality treatment. It's a shame both he AND Steve can't be in, since Minecraft is the obvious choice.

grunty rhymes for his taunts

>Banjo gets in as a playable character
>Minecraft gets a stage for 0.99 (free for people that bought the pass)
>Steve gets in as a stage hazard
I think this is the only outcome that would make everyone happy

so all you want is a bunch of inferior ports? Just play the fucking games you mindless drone. Nintendo doesn't deserve money for anything that isn't an actual brand new game.

I want Metroid 5 to be revealed but it probably isn't ready yet, more likely a fall Direct.

gruntilda as a boss battle that also acts as a stage hazard AND as an assist trophy

warp-style stage that takes you through grunty's lair

two stages

I doubt it, unless it's a smash taunt like for the starfox characters.

I want new games too, I really just can't think of any series that I want a new entry in that would be unexpected

I just want NMH3

They should just make something like the codec where Grunty makes a rhyme about Banjo's opponent

Y'know what that actually would satisfy me. I just want a Minecraft stage, and given the current layout of the stage screen it seems that Steve being playable would be the only way to make that happen.

it'd be a passive aspect of the gruntilda's lair stage. every 2 minutes or so grunty will make a comment about herself, the game, or one of the fighters.

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I want anything Metroid.
I will not get anything Metroid.
It's ok.

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give me a new 3d mario, please just make it odyssey 2 or galaxy 3.
otherwise i don't give a shit

I'm all set

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Waluigi game

As any direct there are only two-ish things I want to hear
>Pikmin 3 (or all 3)
>Monkey Ball

Yep, fuck you.

>We've seen this with Joker and his victory theme and animations as well as his final smash
Most of Joker's moves are recycled from half the cast. Slapping in a few models and voices doesn't make him made better than everyone else.

post em

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Fellas, I feel like there are enough games hanging in the air that we might only get at most two new reveals. By my tally, Nintendo can talk about:
>Animal Crossing
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Fire Emblem
>Daemon X Machina
>Astral Chain
>Bayonetta 3
>Super Mario Maker 2*
>Pokemon Sword / Shield*
>Smash DLC Fighter
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Link's Awakening remake
>Other Nindies coming out
>MAYBE another Wii U port
And that's all figuring Nintendo would be banking on Pokemon, Animal Crossing and Link's Awakening for holiday sales this year. I get that Mario Maker and Pokemon have their own directs, but I imagine we'll still see a few minutes on each of them in the direct.

I'm still holding out for Pikmin 4, or at least a port of Pikmin 3, but I can't fathom any big reveals coming that we don't already know about.

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Sin and Punishment 3 please

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I just want Luigi's Mansion 3 to be good.


Found this one

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I at least hope we don't have to stay constrained to the level design of Dark Moon. That game had some pretty fun ideas, especially with the first couple of boss fights, but the mansions had to be shrunk down and broken up into missions so people could play the game in 20-30 minute sessions.

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Hopefully Grunty is a boss or at least a stage element that talks every now and then. It'd be a lot of work if it were for all characters so I'd be fine with some general lines.