>Worlds greatest RPG studio died during your lifetime
Worlds greatest RPG studio died during your lifetime
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But Blizzard is doing fine.
but cdpr is still doing just fine?
yeah i too miss Troika Games
best trilogy. Powerful and scary as fuck. At the same time classy with a flair.
Kotor was the best thing they ever did.
Its a shame the couldn't recapture that decent ME3 multiplayer
I laughed
Obsidian is still around though
RIP Black Isle Studios
But Atlus is still going strong
>At the same time classy with a flair.
I chortled.
The only correct answer. Even Troika were but a pale imitation.
Updated my journal.
BiS was good but only back in the 90s and early 2000s. Their old titles cant compete with last generation of RPG games like Mass effect 2. They just lack the lore, graphics, combat and scale
I can't tell if you're trolling or not.
and Kotor 2 was superior in every form
come on dude, of course he's trolling.
You missed "epic", that's zoomers' favourite word to misuse.
this but unironically
>Doing fine
That's not how you spell Cavia
Y-Yeah, that's why their most anticipated games are remakes of 10+yo games... haha...
EA's greed is a hunger that can never be sated.
Been wanting to try TORtanic since people keep saying the Sith storylines are fun despite everything, is it worth it?
lol no
I too miss Looking Glass.
Black Isle died long time ago
Sith Warrior storyline is worth playing before the game shuts down. It will bring you back to the good old days of star wars & eu, full of diverse planets, lore, characters etc. It is possible to immerse yourself into it for a while even if it's a themepark type of mmo.
tortanic is way better than ME3 no doubt about it
Atlus and monolith soft are doing better than ever OP
Well I'm convinced, I enjoyed ME3 (obviously I played after the ending patch) despite it being the weakest in the series. How much will my refusal to give EA any shekels interfere with the experience, I heard it's freemium now.
Wouldn't call them an RPG studio.
Eh, Ultima Underworld and System Shock 2 were pretty influential.
>no romances in anthem
>beta male virgin protagonist Freelancer
Shoulda had romances in Anthem BioWare that shit game failed cause no romances BioWare
*weakest in the series until Andromeda
Forgot that one existed, refuse to even pick it out of the bargain bin for 5 bucks.
>Romancing anything rendered on frostbite
>Somehow good despite the constraints of being a wow clone tier
Stih Warrior
Imperial Agent
>'The star wars story' tier
Jedi Knight
>Wasted potential tier
Sith inquisitor
>What were they even thinking tier
Jedi consular
>'I'm lovin' Cloud City, my head's in the sky' tier
This is objectively the correct list.
Shoulda had romances BioWare I'd buy shit game Anthem if it had romances BioWare
Based and redpilled.
I get the joke, but it's not true. They are clearly not doing fine.
See now that one is funny. Cause CDPR are doing well.
Get it?
Damn, here I was thinking Sith Inquisitor would be fun after Sith Warrior.
Was gonna post a pic of the Spanish Inquisition but got IP range banned from uploading files.
>bioware makes literal sjw-bait action 'rpgs'
>bethesda went full walking simulator
>obsidian became retarded for some reason
>troika died after giving us the masterpiece that was vtmb
This leaves german rpg devs like the guys who made risen and gothic. We are truly in a dark age of rpgs. All those modern isometric crpgs sucked as well.
Obsidian didn't become retarded, 2K was behind the Epic Store bullshit.
This is fucking bullshit, I can't post images on an image board and I didn't even do anything.
SI's issue is it misses the point of the character. SW is supposed to be Vader and SI is supposed to be Palps.
Why then does the SW cause multiple jedi to fall to the darkside when the SI fails to turn a padawan.
Why is the SW story a sprawling tale of sith politics and galactic intrigue when the SI is force Indiana jones?
Why do video games need genre tags?
All it does is relieve the designers of producing proper gameplay trailers. They can just tell you what genre it is, and you're supposed to just know that it'll come with X, Y, and Z, because every fucking game is going to be the exact same paint-by-numbers garbage nowadays.
Fuck off with these CGI trailers and mass production design work.
I hate what this industry became, or that it's an industry at all. Fuck Sony. Fuck Nintendo. Fuck Microsoft. Fuck Gaben. Fuck Bobby Kotick. Fuck Reggie. Fuck Shigeru. Fuck Iwata. Fuck Kaz. Fuck Phil Spencer. Fuck Jamie Kennedy. Fuck Geoff Keighley. Fuck Hideo, Kojima and Hideo Kojima. Fuck those slav cunts at CDPR and every eurojank studio. Fuck Squaresoft. Fuck Enix. Fuck Blizzard. Fuck Molyneux. Fuck Electronic Arts. Fuck Disney.
Fuck (You).
Fuck my ass.
and most importantly:
Fuck the janitors
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fuck konami
Sith Inquisitor is the lamest ghost buster in the galaxy.
It's not that bad, it's got nice ideas, humor etc. If I recall correctly it just becomes very repetitive at times. That's why it's not recommended for tourists. It starts of nice and goes downhill toward the middle. You basically need to WANT to play Sith Assassin/Sorcerer and if you want more Sith after Warrior you'll end up at least playing the Korriban intro for Inquisitor. It is what it is. Definitely not the worst story in the game, but new players might feel like dropping it if they're not otherwise interested in sticking around long term.
If you want a terrible Mass Effect clone, play Trooper. (Don't it sucks)
inconsistent garbage heap
hideous like every non-Epic unreal engine 3 game
literally gears of war but shit
mass effect 2 lacked scale. all the environments were tiny and full of copy-pasted assets
Maybe the first Witcher. The rest are action rpg. Not that Bioware is any different. Last rpg that they did was first Dragonage, and even that one was polluted with timed ability use.
fortunately most people disagree with you sweetie
But Underrial devs are doing fine
Falcom and Obsidian ain't dead yet.
Even at their peak, Bioware was far from the "greatest".
I can understand liking the characters and the music and stuff, but literally how can you think the combat or the lore is good
>thermal clips
What pissed me off was how Conrad Verner was treated like an idiot for pointing out how retarded they were.
Jade Empire