Beginning gamer here, is pc gaming the best way to game?

beginning gamer here, is pc gaming the best way to game?

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PC and switch is all you need


Yes, but if you're really really casual and might not get into games, it may not be wise to build some high end rig. Stay humble about your first build unless you're willing to go all in.

Play games on your phone.




don't listen to him, consider reading or playing an instrument (electronic)

I would say PC isn't suited for entry level gamers, just buy a console with some games that look fun and see how you like it.

For a non stupid answer.
I have a reasonable PC and through emulation there are AT MOST, 5 worthwhile games I cannot play, and there's active development on emulation for 3 - 4 of those.
If you wanna go deep, I also have a 2dsxl that I modded to hell and back and I essentially can play every handheld console, truly handheld.

This is also perfectly valid, boardgaming is the sane alternative to Vidya.

thanks for the warning fren, but I’m not a normie that needs saving. I’m a shut-in NEET that’s addicted to anime and shitposting, there’s no salvation to be had here. i might as well add gaming addiction to my pile.

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Buy an Xbone and subscribe to Gamepass 200+ games for $10 a month great deal that won't break the bank.



le phoneposter

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start free to play games as a service. NAO

Kill yourself, frogposter. Go "game" in traffic.

ignore this, OP. with a PC you can emulate breath of the wild with Cemu and the switch emulator is making great progress.


if you have interest in emulators for Ps1&2, (S)NES, N64 and GameCube, and if you're adventurous, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii, than 100% worth for PC. It will pay for itself 1,000 times over. Not to mention 90% of console games can be had on PC. Nowadays a PC is basically a better console. Consoles used to have soul but now a days you download all your games anyway. The only justification for getting a console is if you are into console exclusives, but even those are slowly coming to PC since there is so much money to be made; see the Halo master chief series as a good example, although being Microsoft you could argue that one doesn't really count.

Been a console gamer all my life, but after switching to PC years ago I prefer it in pretty much every way.

thanks for all the answers, guys. you’ve given me a lot to consider.

>$300 botw machine
Just emulate, faggot.

Play VNs, at least you're reading with those.

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Play games on your calc

This, but without the Switch

Not this, game pass is coming to PC anyway and you don’t want to be stuck on the shitbox platform.

Pc and switch. you can also get a playstation if you want some of their exclusives too like p5.
Pc will take you the distance though and typically handles alot better than a controller. For controllers, the switch has my personal favorites(Despite how loud the sticks are when they hit the outer edges). The joycons allow you to sit in any way you want and if you have a friend he can play coop without you having to buy another controller.