literally had to drop the game here
wait a minute...
just look up a walkthrough, that's what I did. It takes a while to understand but once you get it it should be pretty simple.
best puzzle. Powerful and scary as fuck. At the same time classy with a flair.
Hang on a second
Ah, Bioshock Inifnite, truly a classic that proves video games are indeed art. What are some other high iq games for high iq gamers such as myself?
So what's the Bioshock Infinite of movies?
Pause for a moment...
This is when I dusted off the old GameShark
I tried but everytime I look up Bioshock Infinite on the internet I end up masturbating to Elizabeth porn
can't help it man
Puzzle was literally a casual filter, honestly.
System Shock 2 = Prey > Bioshock 2> System Shock > Bioshock 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Biocock Infinite
how the FUCK did this pile of piss, shit, and period blood get near perfect scores across the board?
>You wouldn't give me a bad review, would you?
it was good for the porn, but the game was such a step down from 1 and 2
>it was good for the porn,
Dude thats how you make a best selling game now a days
The gameplay was 2 steps down but the narrative, character interactions and graphics were a step up.
What, you didn't like a generic 2-weapon shooter with toned down plasmids that all do basically the same thing, full of bullet sponge enemies that rush you?
Fudge you !
I finally got around to tge dlc about a week ago and I'm still sad
Plz delete this thread because my feelings
They whored out the Elizabeth model (Anna Moleva) to reviewers
I never finished the DLC why does Elizabeth become such a salty bitch? I get that you were at one point Comstock her father and like gave her up to be experimented on or whatever but you also clearly weren't the same person mentally and did everything you could to keep her safe throughout the game. Plus based on her characteristics being a vindictive bitch just seemed to come out of nowhere.
Sounds like a reasonable action a woman would make to me.
My guess she eventually goes crazy from just killing comstocks
Even the BaS 2 Elizabeth was surprised by the Elizabeth in BaS and how cold and hateful she was
Oddly the thing that upset me the most was the change to the physics engine i loved how everything in Bioshock 1 could be bumped into and moved around
Made the world feel very sterile and plain by comparison
You're mixing feelings with rationalization due to lack of life experience. You're playing dumb for replies, I suppose.
She allowed her own father to be killed. She had grown to love him by that point and now she was utterly alone.
She was bitter, sad and lonely.
She wasn't crazy. And only one Comstock got away from the snuffing in the base game ending.