How do I stop this game from rearranging my anal cavity?
How do I stop this game from rearranging my anal cavity?
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first step to ensure victory is to secure a path to survival. for this, i ask you to look at the bridge railings. notice that they extend past the bridge. if you hop over the extension, the boss will take his time to walk around. by the time he gets around, you could easily hop back over the railing again. no sprinting required, and as much time as you need to use any items you may want to use.
>be aggressive in the first phase
>jump onto the highest tree when the second one begins
>make fireworks during his third phase
by getting good
Have fun.
I wasn't talking about that fight in particular but the game in general.
I beat the whole game just by deflecting mikiring and head jumping. I used like 10 tools the whole game. So just practice.
what boss are you at ?
for me really I only really had a really hard time with 4 bosses, Genichiro, Guardian Ape, Demon of Hatred and Isshin
Genichiro forces you to learn the game basically
Guardian Ape is just fun fun f u n
Demon of Hatred is bullshit. Just gotta learn his patterns by heart and then you won't lose, but even then something might go wrong
Isshin is like genichiro 2.0, no bullshit really
the answer to get good is to stop fearing enemies. Or fearing to lose. Or trying to "preserve" something. For me it was at least
here are a few tips: step dodge has invincibility frames and is especially good against leaping attacks.
you recover posture by holding block when you're not getting hit. if you have aerial deflections, then you can jump and block to recover while still moving fast. if you ARE getting hit, you want to deflect and not hold block, which just means tap your block instead of holding it.
your posture recovers slower as your health lowers. the same is true for your enemies.
use ungo sugar and umbrella/feather when trying to learn a new boss.
That's helpful, cheers m8
one more thing that i think many people don't realize is that using dragon tears after a death will remove the restriction on resurrecting multiple times. so you want to use dragon tears first, then one of the bundled statues, if you want to be able to use all 3 lives.
Oh and how do I cure dragon aids? Do I even need to cure it?
JUST REMEMBERED ANOTHER HOT TIP: you can restock your spirit emblems at an idol without resting, so you can avoid respawning enemies
Start by not sticking it up your ass. The rest should follow.
Your posture recovers faster while blocking. Your posture also can't be broken as long as you keep deflecting. Get used to blocking/deflecting instead of dashing through attacks, which is still possible btw but requires strict timing.
Use jumping for repositioning and avoiding sweeps.
Use mikiri counter against thrusts.
It stops NPC quests from progressing, other than that it doesn't do shit. You will be able to cure it at the checkpoint statues using a consumable item.
>Demon of Hatred
You can make him easier if you use the upgraded umbrella.
Hold block and walk around till you learn enemy attack animations. There are almost zero attacks in the whole game that can damage you through block. Dodge less. Always keep your HP topped off/maxed out. That's about it.
Fun was outlawed in this game. The only thing you may do is defend until the timer is up and your turn to get one attack is in. Then you do this 10 more times for each life they have and defend until you get a one hit kill.
Ever boss in this game is anti fun to the max. The only fun is the stealth part.
Deflecting is the same as attacking. Sekiro rewards aggressive play style.
>that one asshole back at the start of the game
I swear that at least 2-3 of his thrust attacks were not mikiri counterable. It felt like he needed to do a full on "I'm fucked if this misses" thrust to get the counter off.
Any thrust in the game can be mikiri'd. If you get in their face, the thrust hits you a lot faster making it harder to counter.
Gonna have to disagree STRONGLY there. Can't tell you how many times I deflected only to learn that deflecting actually put them in defensive position much faster than if I had simply blocked or avoided the attack entirely.
Now to be fair, I'm not super far in but for example, that ninja at the bottom of the well that leads to the dungeon would 100% block all my attacks right after deflections. Even if I let him finish his attack, you had to wait an extra half second for it to "set in" before you could attack or he would defend. I've had him defend in the middle of his own attacks which was also major bullshit. But the most bullshit of all his moves was his fucking super armor when he does a heavy kick in mid air. Imagine knocking the granny boss out of mid air with shurikens only to learn that his asshole can withstand a full sword attack and still kick your ass into the beyond.
just because it has the perilous sign doesnt mean its a thrust. most enemies have a sweep attack which also shows a perilous sign. just jump in place and bop their heads
Hitting enemies out of air attacks/jumps remains a very good option for most of the enemies for the rest of the game. Same for deflecting, it's the best option you have bar few situations, e.g. mikiri thrusts.
If you deflect enemy combos, a lot of times you will have a window for 1-2 attacks of your own, but the combo is still coming, so learn the enemy movesets and deflect accordingly.
You should mikiri his red sign kick, it's a thrust.
Shouldn't have bought the game then faggot
you sound like you trying to beat enemies by depleting their vitality. you need to break the posture and deflecting does this. i strongly suggest getting the skills that improve ur damage after deflects.
Speaking of dungeon, anyone have any tips on fighting the sniper shotgun asshole at the beginning? I tried sneaking but he seems to see you the instant you drop to ground level so I can only kill the goon on the rafters and the rest attempt to fuck me. They're not easy kills either.
Right now, I've assumed there's another way into the dungeon later besides the well so I put it off for the time being with the expectation that I will be able to deathblow him from another angle later since so far every miniboss has had the potential for a deathblow with the right approach.
I was for a while but unless there's some gaming god out there, you have to deplete their vitality to slowdown the recovery on posture or else it becomes extremely difficult to make sure you don't get fucked from being too aggressive.
Also, for instance Lady Butterfly spend ages inside her illusions where she has PLENTY of time to recover while you try not to die and at least for me, I had one snap seed. I can't dispel 50 illusion events.
if you're talking bout snake eyes, poison her ass while she's getting up. i'm not sure but i dont think you can sneak up on her, atleast in the first encounter in sunken valley
idk what mini boss u rly talking about tho
Poison swamps? You can sneak past him for a stealth deathblow, use the grey candy for invisibility.
That guy can be a pain, but he's weak to jumping, even though his grab can sometimes catch you in the air. Don't jump away from him, try to stay where his head is. Also, he can be poisoned. If all else fails, you can keep running away from him making him walk in the swamp, - he'll get poisoned eventually.
Just run away from illusions. When she turns them into fireballs, run in circles to avoid them all. It's not that hard.
That's correct, for the bosses it makes sense to focus on their vitality a bit so they can't recover posture as fast.
Once the sculptor has it, go to him and talk to Emma, then find the secon person with it and talk tio him, then return to Emma. She'll explain to you how to cure it.
yeah, during lady butterfly's 2nd phase i just ran around waiting for her illusions to disappear.. eventually i got her so low her posture wasn'te regenerating that much
I beat her by doing that but not before I had 0 gold and 0 experience. Her fucking fight made me realize posture was the only decent way to kill. Pretty much the only fight that was easy for me was the bull and the horse guy. They were also fairly fun. Not because of their ease but their design.
Jump. Don't forget to use pacifying agent and divine confetti. If your attack is high enough you can almost burst him down.
I don't know what to tell you. Snake Eyes was a pain in the ass for me too, but everything else in the game was a blast on my side.
Check out this guy obliterating Owl I guess:
Just jump. The attack is telegraphed and easy to recognise.
Deflect the one where he thrusts his sword at you and at the end of the combo when he has his neck exposed for a couple seconds hit him with the spear thrust prosthetic move for very good damage.
Here's a little cheat : when you die first, resurrect, quit the game, and then continue. You will spawn outside the boss battle arena and able to replenish on the sculpture.
Kill yourself and hope you get reincarnated as someone who isn't complete dog shit at video games.