ITT: Experiences with randos online
ITT: Experiences with randos online
Find a kid in a server on Gmod, add him as a friend, pull up alt account on laptop, join his games for over an hour just to fuck up his creations with the black hole spawner.
>Be me
>Started using Discord more and more a while back
>Eventually joined lots of gaming and fandom servers that happen to have common userbases
>Meet familiar faces, become recognizable and liked
>Am slowly integrated as a member into a Discord friend group/network of sorts spread over these servers
>Lots of people e-dating in the network
>Lots breaking up and then e-dating other members
>One sweet girl I met and some gamer guy I knew hooked up
>They e-date for a while, then meet IRL and actually fuck
>Guy proceeds to brag, girl proceeds to teehee don't tease us
>Suddenly later, everyone finds out that the girl was actually underage
>Like seriously underage
>I cannot stress how underage she is
>Still she was pulling tricks on older guys and getting to e-date and then meet them IRL
>She was doing it since 12 y/o, at the time everyone found out she was 15 y/o
>Was pretending to be a university student the whole time
>Fucked three fully legal adults from Discord groups and got away with it
>Jailbait girl is kicked out of every group and disappears from Discord
>MFW all the guys swore off of e-dating forever then and there
>MFW seeing how scarred the ones who fucked were
>MFW they talk about developing trust issues and a fear of affection
>All while the jailbait girl still trucking on social media and doing completely fine
>She still tries to get in contact with me sometimes
That's not even the worst I've seen
Always glad I never got too close with online randos
in 3 years, go sleep with her and post a video of it in the discord for maximum kek
based negroes stealing women and leaving them alone with children
one time i played tekken with a guy online
i won some matches and he did too, was pretty fun.
and then I blacked his sister
that's not based...
>tfw no smelly NEET gf
3 years? 16 is fine unless you're full fucking Jewish.
>randos online
This is the mentality that has killed MMOs. Now nobody talks to each other and nobody parties together unless they're part of a secret discord elite squad of friends4life who talk to each other 24/7 and gatekeep against randos and form cliques to fuck the game over for everyone else
nowadays other players might as well be fucking bots since they wont communicate with you in any way
>Mirror matches during Splatfests
>Fucking around in an area away from the heavy activity because mirror match
>See opposite team player approach
>I dont fire, neither do they
>We jump and squidbag around each other
>Draw dumb shit on the floor and walls
>One minute left
>"Guess I should head back and get some clout before time's up"
>Give one last booyah before running back to my team
>Can hear them booyah back from the distance
>Find a teammate doing the same with someone on the opposing team
>Booyah at them both before swimming away
>She emotes at me while jumping around with the other player
Unspoken ceasefire like those are nice.
>gatekeep against randos and form cliques
just like in real life.
Schizo white nationalist discord was pretty funny
I dated a 15 year old when i was 23 for 2 years lad
Grow some balls
fuck off pol
>Play dead rising 2
>Get grouped up with some jap/asian something that doesn't speak English
>Talks nonstop even though I'm not talking
>End up playing like 8 hours straight with this guy just broing it up and doing stupid shit
>Basically finish the whole game in one sitting
>Sends me some long message once it's all over
One day I'll find out what that message says
But I'm lazy as fuck so it wont be today
I'm not really pretending to be an expert at Vidya, but i'm quite good at a few of them, and tend to use lesser characters and what seems to be rare picks from my own experience.
I always wondered what it feels like for the few that stick around for more than a few matches but that I repeatedly kind of steamroll. I've met other low/mid tier heroes like me and it's kind of difficult to apprehend at first, but interesting.
>porked tits that werent done growing yet
She had big titties
Girls peak at 16 dont believe the thot centric lies
Grab them while they're still pure
>playing apex solo a few months ago when it was still ok
>username is horsefugger123 for keks
>get into match with a duo
>ones pretty quiet but the other one is loud, has a country accent that was either faked or sounded like a parody
>starts talking to me about horsefucking, uses some terminology that i'm not familiar with, finds out i don't actually know anything about fucking horses
>spends the next 5 minutes accusing me of being a filthy lying cityslicker who goes to starbucks every morning instead of fucking horses
>transitions into accusing me of being a schtoop (read: nigger) for playing bangalore and being a lying cityslicker
>spends the next 10 minutes ranting about how much he hates schtoops and what he'd like to do to them (mass graves among other things)
>on the verge of laughing my ass off the entire time
>did some ok plays, nearing the end of the game, starts saying that maybe i'm not that bad, for a schtoop
>they both die, end up clutching a 1v3 for a victory, they're both hooting and hollering the whole way there
>they don't accept my friend request
actually might be true since I porked the same girl from 17(I was 17 also, inb4) to 21 and didnt notice a change
More from the same
>Around a year to two ago from now
>Gaming group mates enter a trend of becoming transsexual
>Nearly all male to female
>Rarely any female to male in group, mainly because rarely any females in the first place
>A lot of the MTF trans start to date each other
>One young MTF (Like 14) complains to me about how the others seem predatory
>And how they pressure guys to get into transitioning
Should young impressionable (and usually suggestible) teens really be exposed to this kind of thing. It always seems fucked up to me.
The pressure and suggestions do come from adult transsexuals too, as in people who should know better. It's a bit fucked up to be manipulating kids.
why are her legs so huge
What's the problem here? She was clearly willing to smash. It isn't like a adults were mindfucking a little girl into wanting to have sex with them. I have no clue why people think underage girls are innocent when some of the biggest whores I've ever met weren't even 16.
But she didn't lie about her age to you did she
Unknowingly fucking an underage isn't the same as doing it with knowledge and consent
Originally told me she was 19 and I believed it but I fucked her after I knew her real age
The problem is that they didn't know she was underage, she lied the whole time Doesn't matter if she wanted to smash because the guys didn't want to.
From my knowledge of the girl, she was doing it as an impulsive thing, sort of affected by an american middle schooler's mentality of wanting to be popular and "at the top". And if someone took advantage of that she could have been ruined for life
>I fucked her after I knew her real age
So with knowledge and consent.
Yeah and I'd do it again