defend this
Defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
have sex
have intercourse
where did the have sex meme come from? can someone give me a rundown?
Americans are jealous
If you were to have sex, your opinions would start to align better with mine.
Someone posted "have sex"
he got like 20 (You)s, half of which are paragraph replies. For only two words.
This is an amazing salt-to-effort ratio so he kept doing it.
trannies from places like resetera use it as an insult, same with incel
make fuck
This but he got noticed and people started copying it.
people used it because it actually triggers virgins and you get tons of (You)s
handsome collection is a good get
Then someone me decided to respond in kind with
and it stuck around
Yea Forums rampant shitposting, following the growing popularity of "lonely ryan gosling" posting. It was an attempt to hit a soft spot with anons and sound like a cunt, it was garenteed replies so it became the go-to for baiting or falseflagging as a discord tranny hedonist that thinks sex is something noteworthy as a life achievement.
have sex is the best reply to farm (you)s unless you want to full blown rp as /pol/ or someone from resetera
>everyone I don't like is a tranny
That's why Trump is going to lose 2020
Gay and retarded
>Trump losing anything with the absolute state of the democratic party right now.
cope tranny
>PS Plus prices are rising in France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and Japan
Im not sure if I should care or not. Also:
>paying for PS+
I wish
Why don't they have the colors spaced properly? Looks like shit because the red is just a strip
as a non-burger I pray to god he wins again for the shitposting season that will ensue.
Where did this even happen?
Shitposting that came out of Captain Marvel which for some reason hasn't been filtered yet (nor has incel despite being used at twice the rate of soi).
what? I've had sex and we clearly disagree on opinions
I don't care what a american have to bark.
Can you?
some based employee wanted it to sell like shit.
>wants to lose another 4 years of inmense butthurt and assblast from each side
make nooky
why would trannies use it, they cannot even have sex
I wish
>april clickbait
>has nothing to do with gaystation
Sounds legit. Reeeee am I right fellow gamers?
what a horrible fucking website
Who said that modern medicine can give functional vaginas to these people?
Playstation? More like Gaystation.
Japanese devs need to come together and file a class action lawsuit on Sony.
Seek to perform coitus.
>piss off and insult people enmasse
>say they should join your side afterwards
Are you trying to be retarded or were you just born stupid?
As soon as I see that part
Have assigned sex.
Nice shill thread
>I like this skin
>PS+ Is shit overall, even more now since they axed ps3 from it. Hope they can go for Microsoft like thing
>Censorship is scummy as fuck, should be penalized
Get ready for disappointment. For the record, doesn't matter who is on office, you'll always be a loser faggot. Sorry.
Oh no, the gays!
and videogames belong to them now
>Censorship is scummy as fuck, should be penalized
This. The reason the government should step in and put an end to it.
SJW's with no actual retort or argument. It's their fall-back and they think it's somehow offensive or something and wins the arguement. idk. They don't run on logic so I don't understand their thought process.
>not being gay
You seem to not be content with gay people playing videogames
I dunno, imagine the reaction on /pol/
Gay sex is fun.
playing is not the problem
but some of them became devs and are making gay games without proper classification
i dare to say a proper gay/lgbtbbq content is enough to stop the war
If you enjoy having aids maybe
lol just use condoms
It's an insult coming from people who put pussy on a pedestal because they can't ever get laid, such as liberal male feminists and trannies, so they project what they perceive as the ultmost insult towards who they dislike.
If you took a real poll, I assure you that 70%+ of people on this board are not virgins. Probably closer to 80%. No one is being insulted by being called virgins. No one feels the need to rabidly defend their sexual activity. They're just annoyed by the sub-Saharan-IQ retort used by faggots with no real counterpoint or argument. They're just trying to eject themselves from the topic.
Love yourself
/have sex$/i
/Have sex$/i
/Have sex.$/i
/have sex.$/i
... 4chanX filters are your friend.
My defense:
The free market operates in such a way where if someone is stupid enough to pay money for something they don't need because it makes them feel important, they deserve to lose that money for that thing they don't need. Capitalism is a good thing, even if you don't like all the shitty, pandering products.
Im not a conservative, but gays still rub me the wrong way. Are there any guys out there like that who still dont like gays even though you dont worship Ronald Reagan or Hitler?
You mean 90% of Europeans
but arent most people stupid and irrational? Hardly a good defense
where are you getting this info?
He will. I voted for him in 2016 and will again in 2020. But, about 2 months after he won, it was obvious from the reaction he wouldn't win again. The main problem is that nearly 30% of registered democrats didn't vote in 2016. They won't make that mistake again. Democrats winning 2020 is inevitable. They have the numbers with millions to spare. They just need the motivation to vote - which they have, after 2016.
It doesn't matter, though. It's always just more of the same. This our-team-vs-your-team shit with American politics is like a sporting event or a prom king vote. It doesn't actually change anything, no matter who wins. They'll all corrupt as fuck. I mean, Obama was pretty damn good for the most part, but that healthcare bill fucked half the county deep and hard up the ass. It will take decades to recover from it, and that was his only real individual blunder aside from some anti-net-neutrality stuff that slid under the radar since it was just stepping stones.
Me when I was below the age of 20, conservatism is a matter of growing up and how long it takes you.
Faggot hate was rife in even my primary school, There was one kid with long straightened hair that read fairy books, we used to bully him endlessly about it. He ended up becoming a real gay aswell. His mother was single and a modernized headcase.
What kind of conservative are you, the pol stuff is mostly just edgy stuff and free market conservatism is not appealing to me
It's just a guess based on my interactions over the years, basically, nobody gives a shit about this stuff, one in ten/twenty people are raging Marxists and even less unironically Hitler, mostly because of hate to Marxists
you dont have to be a marxist to not hate gays
I don't just hate the gays, I hate all sodomites.
Do you think Jesus Christ died on the cross so that you could defile the temple of your body by covering it with bacteria from the anus and or mouth? Neither anal nor oral sex can lead to the furthering of God's kingdom on earth. Straight people are guilty of this as well and they will not be spared from the flames of the Lord
Jesus isnt he messiah, he did not fullfil the prophecies of the messiah
>2019 Yea Forums
Not giving a shit is not hating you numbskull
It's exploit dumb faggots who view their sexuality as their defining characteristic for money month
why are faggots so desesperate for distancing themselves from society?
Might be the same way jews are
If you were the one who said 90 percent, then you have worded yourself in odd ways. Writing comprehension is a virtue
I'm gay and I wear all gray and black. I'll wear brown, burgundy, or navy blue when I'm feeling festive.
My colors are on the inside, my personality is so beautiful that I don't need to wear my rainbow on the outside.
My face is also beautiful so don't even go there
Started off as a regular conservative. The logic appealed to me, plus I think it was due to just having an upright upbringing, I was taught to hate people that were too lazy to put trash in the bin, or hit their children/acted aggressive in public. My town is rife with scum so anything to set myself apart was attractive.
Gradually grew from there, not going to write a biography, but I've ended up on the full blown autism /pol/ spectrum where I unironically wish germany won ww2. When I listen to hitler speeches, david irving or read old books from old fascist groups, it's like a breath of fresh air to hear nothing put pure common sense and honest reason shine through.
I can't stand Ben Shapiro and boomer christian types. At the end of the day it's all about themselves being right, they get kicks from looking down at people. Hitler was all about bringing everyone up to a standard so nobody would have to tolerate nonsense anymore and would finally be able to get on making actual progress. It's just nice to listen to somebody that isn't just speaking from a point of personal egoism and encourages change through leading by example. Basically doesn't exist these days.