How do you decide who to play in fighting games?
How do you decide who to play in fighting games?
Looks and combat style
Last tekken i lvoe lucky chloe, she's basically eddie but muh dick
I'll play if it has good voice acting
Go through the single player mode, whichever one of the characters I end up liking the most is the one I use.
Pick who I like design/concept wise.
Pick out of those depending on who feels most natural to me initially.
I typically like cute girls, especially the edgier/dominant/sexier ones, and I like zoners. Pic related.
Exposed belly button
Look and personality. If I like multiple characters, I main the one that is higher on the tier list or has a playstyle that fits the most with my strengths as a player..
Which girls look the cutest and whoever plays the best of that lot UNLESS a male character really stands out.
Playstyle and character design for the most part.
Trick question. Yea Forums doesn't play fighting games.
Whoever has muscle busters
Is she adjusting her butt floss?
If they're a shoto or do huge damage
Good taste
Ah, a fellow man of culture I see
By if they have command grabs or not.
Whoever has the most delicious armpits.
start with the game's "ryu" to get my fundamentals down and then really start looking for who's the most visually appealing based on attack/taunt animations
>is it weird?
>is it cute?
>do i get to be STRONK and SLOW?
Basically either the freak lad, a waifu or a grappler, even better when its all 3 together.
yes, always
feels good man
>arms up
>big tatas
Don't do this with me...
Whoever looks the most fun.
Male: If they look cool
Female: If they look cool and make my dick hard
Usually narrow down who looks the coolest then filter by playstyle.
I took up yuzu for three reasons; her solid neutral game, her combos look cool af, and ELBOOOOW
Whoever feels right to play.
I play every character and their little tutorials and select one I think feels nice.
I'm a Dudley main myself in UFSIV
Facesitting-based movesets
I choose by the Sexy Scale.
For example, in Soul Calibur 6 I pick from Mitsurugi, Ivy, 2B and Taki.
I picked Mitsurugi because I want to be him - so for male attractiveness that must mean he's sexy.
Ivy, 2B and Taki because they're sexy.