Was this seriously considered a bad game when it came out?

Was this seriously considered a bad game when it came out?
What the hell's wrong with it?

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It’s a movie mate

Its just a LOT of cutscenes. The actual game is fun, what little there is

>1 hour cutscene
>Walk about 20 feet, little stealth actually needed
>trigger 2 hour cutscene

We could start with the entirety of chapter 3. I actually don't think the observation mission itself is so bad. But it has the most lengthy and lamest cutscenes - outside of 5 minutes of weapon clicking noises -, a bad chase scene, a bad boss fight and the worst cutscene to gameplay ratio.
Aside from this and some other stupid shit I actually do like MGS4.

For one, the ridiculous installation times. You had to delete the install of a previous chapter, then spend 20 minutes installing the new chapter every time. Also, the installation size was pretty obscene back when most PS3's still had meager 60 Gig hard drives. Also, the amount of cutscenes were no joke. A typical playthrough on your first run might take you 20 hours, of which only 8 hours were actual gameplay. The story was also pretty mediocre. It felt like fanfic trying desperately to tie up any and all loose ends from the previous games.

It holds a Guinness record of longest video game cutscene. No joke

no, it was very well received. only became cool to hate it later like with most games.


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absolutely nothing. just Yea Forums being complete retards as usual.

There was a major controversy revolving around the early reviews, because Konami disallowed reviewers from mentioning certain things such as load times and cutscene length. It was unironic corruption.

>I've loved you ever since Shadow Moses

Its a good game, but yeah theres too many cutscenes

360 port imminent bros

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Terrible writing, long cutscenes, only 2 good levels, horrid ending. The gameplay was fun but everything else was terrible.

I can't wait.
The HD collection was totally a hint that they're porting MGS4 to 360.

MGO2 one of the best online shooters ever
Not gonna rewrite the whole thing I posted in the last MGS thread, it's just a really solid shooter with lots of to-this-day unique mechanics.

Honestly the whole section with Big Boss in the end was on the whole different level of retarded than the whole game

They killed MGO2, the only hing that was worth

Speaking purely gameplay-wise

Chapter 1 and 2 are godlike

Chapters 3 and 4 are cool in concept but lacking in execution.

Chapter 5 is like 5 minutes long when you don't count cutscenes.

Overall I still think it's a cut above most other games of that era, but MGS3 is a tough act to follow.

if they do, what will they call it? we've already had substance, subsistence..

but why wasn't it an online stealth game?

>Liquid Ocelot in MGO
I pity those who didn't experience this.

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I was there and yeah a lot of people were disappointed. Kojima had talked it up for years and it wasn't anywhere near what it was supposed to be. Tactional espionage action pretty much ends after Act 2 and the plot is a giant tasteless mess.
The best time I had with that game was replaying Acts 1 and 2 over and over.

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>Kojima had talked it up for years and it wasn't anywhere near what it was supposed to be.

That's literally every MGS game though

>ganeplay that's decent but with barely any level design utilizing it or even any opportunities at all to explore it
>act 3 existing
>the ending scene with big boss being a giant kick in the dick because "snake... had a hard life" was a surprisingly decent ending for this shitshow

Some promising mechanics buried under a shitton of bad storytelling. It tied up all the loose ends from the previous three games through agonizingly long and tedious cutscenes where Solid Snake was nearly as much of a non-character as Venom.

Konami's relationship with Kojima had clearly deteriorated to a hostage situation by this point
It's like he made a game designed to end the series forever

Literally every MGS is full of cutscenes, some longer than others, I don't see the problem

The ones in 4 were pretty tasteless

The ending cutscene of MGS4 is literally feature-length.

It has lots of issues with executing some of its gameplay ideas and has pretty shaky storytelling, to be charitable. But when it's at its best, it's excellent.
It's basically the KH3 of last gen.

Post your copy of MGS4.

>but why wasn't it an online stealth game?
It was.
3 stealth gamemodes: Stealth Deathmatch (SDM), Sneaking Mission (SNE) and Team Sneaking (TSNE).
Free for all, all players have stealth camo, and the arena gradually gets smaller and smaller to force the players into the center (like how battle royale games do, only back in 2008)
Two teams play a regular team deathmatch EXCEPT one player plays as Solid Snake, equipped with octocamo (in practice, works like stealth camo). Teams win by either having the most kills when time runs out, or killing the snake player three times. Snake wins by collecting three dogtags from team players (can only collect from KO'd players). If the teams are large, another player plays as the Metal Gear Mk2 and gets stealth camo and a KO move to steal dogtags for snake (I won matches for snakes using the mk2)
The main stealth gamemode. Two teams. One team armed with lethal weapons must protect one or two CTF targets from the attacking team. Attacking team has stealth camo and nonlethal weapons/traps. Defenders win by killing all the attackers or defending the flags until time runs out. Attackers win by KOing/killing all defenders or grabbing a flag and returning it to their spawn. Absolutely fucking awesome gamemode, really fun, perfectly balanced and unique.
>"stealth camo"
renders your character literally completely invisible except for:
- equipped weapons (unequip unless shooting)
- your shadow (hide in darkness
- environmental effects (e.g. dust kicked up under feet, footsteps left in snow)

The ones in 4 as well as being far, far more numerous, were also far, far more shitty. Often literally so.

I think most people were in denial. Reviews were all 10/10 and everyone on the forums I used to go to gave me shit for being a buzzkill when everyone else liked it. Few months later most of them would admit it really wasn't all that good.

I never had MGS4 until the Legacy Collection, I wish I could have played MGO2

Literally nothing, it's my favorite MGS game,
Second to best gameplay after V
The best story and movie wise.
There is just enough gameplay so it doesn't drag out like 90% of videogames while feeling extremely content-packed.
The things anons say about install/load times are fuckin bizare, played it this year and it installs/load without a problem faster than most games on ps3
If there is one thing I would like changed are infinite spawn points for enemies, its just bad design

If you don't remember, there was an unprecedented review content embargo at the time. I remember the review in PSM3 magazine, it was like six pages of "we can't actually talk about what's in the game, so instead we'll talk super generally about the 'artistic integrity' and the 'mature themes'"
Konami had an iron grip on what they were actually allowed to say about it.

it's an awful game and an even worse movie

>The best story and movie wise.
Imagine if someone unironically thought this

>The things anons say about install/load times are fuckin bizare, played it this year and it installs/load without a problem faster than most games on ps3
That's because it was patched to allow you to install the whole game at once only recently. Silly zoomer.

If you own a PS3 and a copy of MGS4, modders brought it back and it's still played every day.

>The things anons say about install/load times are fuckin bizare, played it this year and it installs/load without a problem faster than most games on ps3
They patched it a few years after the fact to be able to install the whole thing from the disc at once instead of being forced to install each chapter at a time.
And obviously if you get the digital version you don't need to bother with it at all.

4 goes overboard with them. Get better at analyzing.

This image is not even slightly an exaggeration. I think at least one scene was longer. It was a good game though.

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L1 scenes
hidden stuff

Seriously post your copy of MGS4. Or take a screenshot of your trophies with timestamp. You never played MGS4 in your life.

unlike MGS4, those cutscenes were full of characters, dialogue, developments and ideas that were fun and engaging.

>45 minutes
Child's play for MGS4, the ending from the Ocelot fight onward is straight up feature length.

have sex

Fuck off shill.

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A lot of hate came because it was a PS3 game at the high of the "PS3 has no games" meme here on Yea Forums.

What kind of argument is this?

There's also the codec conversations, where you could call most of your contacts up at any point for optional information or banter about what was going on right then. It was a fantastic and unintrusive tool for world building and immersion and MGS4 dropped it like the main theme song.

war never changes

Otacon is the only codec contact you need

MGS4 had a ton of codecs, what are you taking about?

At least it has Sunny.

I don't really care about gameplay. No what is wrong with MGS4 is that its a bad movie.

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Think he means V

No its not fun. Especially Chapter 3. The shit at the end of Chapter 4 is clunky and unfun as well.

All I remember about MGS4's codec is that you can jiggle Rose's tits by shaking the controller.

Like I said I liked the game, it's just not hard to see why it was polarizing and heavily meme'd.

Play 1, then play 4, and try and tell me that weren't just jacking off when they made 4

but I agree
I was addressing the fact that "not touching a controller" was a choice, not forced on you

Too many Americans on Yea Forums.

4 diminished the codec, V just got rid of it completely.

Xbox still has follower here, let that sink in

Not nearly as many optional ones as in 1-3. I tried calling people up the first few chapters to get some extra input and all they did was repeat the objective to me so I stopped bothering.

To be honest, mgs3 used codec much less than 1 or 2, it's a trend

3 has my personal favorite codec in the series. Maybe there's less of it but what's there is so good and full of character.

Yes the Codec convos were abysmal in 4.

Yup, spot on

>console exclusive
don't know, no serious guy ever played it

Its funny they did the same with MGS5. Reviewers weren't allowed to talk about microtransactions. They didn't even got to play online.

Games media is a joke. And yet Yea Forums can't shut up about reviews.

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>What the hell's wrong with it?
It's been a few years since I last played it, but my memory is as follows:

>Gameplay, while pretty good, felt more third person person shooter than stealth at times
>Absurd cutscene to gameplay ratio, to the point that it feels like a parody of itself
>Literal feature length cutscenes
>The story ranges from alright to so far beyond full retard it feels like it was done that way out of spite
>Retroactively shits all over the entire series up to that point in a desperate attempt to tie up loose ends that weren't meant to be tied
>So much nostalgia pandering, it gives nintendo a run for their money
>Most of the bosses were so boring, I don't even remember their names
>Mount snakemore

At the end of the day, I still like the game, it had a bunch of great moments, fun set pieces, and the story, while stupid, was still an absolutely wild ride (even if it wasn't quite for the right reasons),

7/10, probably the most flawed game I enjoyed.

Say what you want but entering Shadow Moses was peak nostalgia. Everyone that found the SOCOM knows what I mean.

Fans are craving for the mgs1 remake and shadow Moses is the most nostalgic thing about it
man I wish konami would stop being retarded

Yeah I love that part. You could tell Kojima was struggling with getting old when making this game. The whole game is so sad.

True but Conan wouldn't be interested in that nerd crap.

>Rose: How's your psyche Snake? I have nothing else to say so just shake my titties around
>Raiden: I got cucked and became a depressed weeaboo, ever heard of bushido Snake?
At least Otacon was still alright.

>I don't care about gameplay
Finally a semi-sensible MGS fan. Yesterday someone on a Death Stranding thread unironically asserted that Metal Gear has been a pioneer of innovative gameplay despite every installment being a decade obsolete on release.

>despite every installment being a decade obsolete on release

the smell

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La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo's cringe fest

>Chapter 3
>Chapter 4
>Chapter 5
>Fun gameplay

I like MGS4 but the problem with it is it has the best stealth gameplay but not enough places to actually do it

ITT: zoomers pretend this isn't the best moment in video games


You make me want to restart it.

>Shills for an old ps3 game of a dead series
Do you even know what shill means?

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MGS1, 2, 3 and even Peace Walker had interesting stories. Its why I finished those games.

I don't think I ever played a game for the gameplay. Gameplay gets boring. A story has you hooked in.

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That's one of the greatest moments in all of MGS. It's made even more special by how the whole game is terrible up to that point.

That wasn't Sony's nor Kojima's fault tho. It was done like that because at the time HDD's didn't had little space and the higher space ones were expensive. The expensive PS3 at the time were 80GB and the cheapo PS3 had a 20GB.

>Snake... had a hard life. He needs some time to rest.
Post your face when you grew up with Solid Snake and heard this line

tfw I hate mgs4s story but I still get emotional every time Otacon says this

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I love that small nighttime city mission where you can look back and spot those little metal gears wearing a trench coat that are following you. We were speculating wildly about what that thing was in the trailers like now with DS.

At least it gave context for the greatest line of every videogame ever

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Nah people loved the game when it came out and still mostly do. Even people who are critical of it still can't deny how awesome it was at moments. And it did have a satisfying conclusion.

Like every time, with every Kojima product, the majority ate it up, while the hardcore fanbases were very upset with it.
I used to frequent Metal Gear forums back in 2008 when this dropped, and in anticipation of it coming out, and it was a pretty big shitshow.

I remember how I felt playing it the first time, feeling let down and disappointed by the direction the story took, by the gameplay pacing and other things. I still kind of loved it, I mean I have a complicated relationship with this game, it's a dumb game and it shits all over the canon, by all means it shouldn't exist really. But I also like it, it's a unique game, and just seeing the scale of it, how the budget was allocated. The fact that it even exists is a marvel, it is for sure the last of its kind, we will never see a game like MGS4 ever again on that scale.

Imagine a game with 9 hours of cutscenes, where you watch more cutscenes than you play the game, where so much of the budget went into that portion of the game, just doing polished and really fucking well choreographed cutscenes with amazing sound design, which by the way MGS4 has incredible sound design, not just cutscenes but the gameplay too.

It's a fascinating game. I enjoy it sort of isolated from the canon. ACT 1 and 2 are still a lot of fun, sneaking around in a battlefield was a great concept and they did it pretty well, I mean more of the game should have been that, but what there is, is good.

I'll take MGS4 over 5 any fucking day of the week.

>The hardcore fanbase
Why would you

its the best MGS game and on of the best games of all time.

1 and 2 shit are definitely better though

nah mgs4 has the best mechanics of all of them and it also has the best feel. after that game you feel like you have been on an adventure that took months

Stop being wrong.

you can play with yyour ebenies emotions

Perhaps it's a little unfair to judge the game too harshly for this when mgs1 became a sort of boss rush game about 2/3rds of the way through, but the game never established a consistent track of stealth gameplay outside of act 2. Act 1 only had a couple sections where the training wheels were taken off, Act 3 just had the gimmicky trailing mission, act four was mostly a nostalgia walking sim outside of a few robot sentries, and act V barely had any stealth at all. What your left with is the shitty story, some decent but samey boss fights, and some lowrent tps shooting galleries. A far cry from its initial reputation as one of the greatest games of all time.

MSG4 was very good, except it's really really short.

After the last mission, which I didn't know was the last mission, I thought "okay now that the game has taught me all it's mechanics and features, it's about to get even better" and then the credits rolled. IIRC, you're still being taught things up until the last moment.

It felt more like a movie with a playable tech demo. I don't even mind long cutscenes, I just wish there was more gameplay to try out all the weapons and stuff.

Good mechanics don't mean shit without good scenario design.

the game is fan service done wrong

>MGS4 has too many cut scenes, Yea Forums hates it
>when you get to the core of it most of Yea Forums criticism of MGSV boils down to "I wanted more cutscenes"

>when it came out
People liked most of the game except for the ending when it came out. They wanted grim dark sad ending instead of what we got.

So basically they wanted MGS3 being the game right before MGS4 to not make any sense or have any purpose.

Act 1 and 2 are legitimately good if a little too heavy on codec and cutscenes, but even MGS2 and 3 have the issue of codec call, cutscene, walk 30 seconds, codec call in the early game. The early game is bogged down in all these games.

The problem is Act 3, 4 and 5. 3 is a long ass trailing mission, with a ton of cutscenes in the middle, followed by another on-rail MEMBA THAT section. Act 4 is just shitty robots in a nostalgia level, if they had human guards it could have been salvaged because the boss fight is fun fanservice.

Act 5 is okay, but definitely a bit too cutscene heavy

>buy all the mgo dlc
>virtually every lobby had heroes disabled so they could play as their waifu OC

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Act 5 literally has 1 area of stealth. It’s a good and tense one, but seriously it’s 1 fucking area

there is a balance
mgs4 is 20 cutscenes for every 20 minutes of gameplay
V is 20 hours of gameplay per short cutscene with no ending in a game that claims to be the missing link

Konami have always done sleazy stuff like that.

In the early '00s, they pulled all advertising from Edge for a good six months because their reviewer refused to give the most recent PES game (I think it might've been 2?) more than an 8/10. They pulled the same shit with Hyper a few years later when they refused to promise in-advance that they'd give MGS3 more than a 95/100.

all objectively correct

I honestly think the stealth during the shadow moses chapter is far undervalued by most people. I don’t know if it’s because it’s not human enemies or what but it’s nearly a full stealth chapter followed by an explosive action finish.

It was made to cater to the then-current MGS fanbase, which apparently consisted of gun nuts and weaboo emoes. Ergo, that caused problems later on, as people’s started to change and culture shifted
Nice aesthetics and atmosphere though

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Even if it was a shitstorm, I'm okay with it
Solid Snake deserves to enjoy what little life he still has left but Rose should have been hung

Critics loved the shit out of it, this was when game critics were every so slightly less shit.

It has long cut scenes, yeah, its a fucking kojima game. Its a little too cerebral for the FPS retards to grasp, no surprise there. They need something stupid like TLoU which has a dogshit story but everyone who is too retarded to understand anything remotely complex thinks is amazing. The gameplay of MGS4 is second to MGSV in its genre.

That story was a stinker. Gameplay was way better than everyone acted like it was. Too bad there wasnt more of it. Then MGSV comes around and they cry about the story even harder and the gameplay. What a world

It's a great game.

It's one of the worst Metal Gears, however.

