Twitch streamer hasn't cleaned room since 2005

Remember to clean your room, kids

>Twitch streamer 'Jaegerrmeister' completely shocked viewers during his June 3 broadcast when he revealed that he hadn't cleaned his bedroom since moving into his house FOURTEEN years ago. Video game players having a dirty bedroom is a common stereotype, but Jaegerrmeister beat the absolute living daylights out of that trope after he revealed just how messy his room really is.

>Piles among piles of exploding trash bags, Amazon boxes, and food wrappers could be seen behind him as he began his cleaning mission on stream. We were watching his cleanup stream live, and asked him specifically how and why his bedroom got to that state.

>"Wait, Dexerto? Am I gonna have a fucking Dexerto article about me? What the fuck?" the streamer asked before answering our question. "Basically, I moved into this house in like 2004, 2005, and I didn't clean it. Now it's this bad."

>He then realizes that popular World of Warcraft streamer Asmongold is watching his stream and decides to show him the mountain of trash he has in the corner of his room. "That's about a two meters deep of trash," he tells the camera as he pans over to the gigantic pile, "There it is, boys."

>The streamer also revealed that he had two trash bags full of urine, as well as a pot with mouldy mac and cheese that looked like literal feces in it, although he didn't show much of this on stream - much to the relief of the viewers.

>As to how his room got to this point, Jaegerrmeister himself revealed that he thinks he could have a mental disorder. “I'd like to advise anyone who doesn't already play WoW to avoid the game at all costs, else they have a room like mine," he said in a private message to us.

>You can follow along with Jaegerrmeister's epic room cleanup live on his official Twitch channel. It's fantastic that he's finally cleaning up 14 years worth of mess though, and we wish him the best of luck in the future

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I haven't cleaned room since like 2004 myself but I also don't let things pile up. So there's really just a lot of dust

imagine the smell

I haven't cleaned my keyboard in 10 years
The keys I don't use are pure dust

sent ;)


Good for him to clean up but jesus christ it should never get that bad in the first place.

I mean christ if I don't do a good clean every like month or two I feel like I'm living in filth; and I already usually keep things pretty clean anyway. How can you possibly not clean anything at all for over a fucking decade?

Say hello to your new influencer and leadership figure modern world.
They are even worse than the previous retarted celebrities of the 20century

Based livinginhisownfilth bro triggering the twitchthots

have an answer from someone who showers 10 times a year

when you don't respect yourself and have no hopes for the future living in filth doesn't matter one bit.

when you don't leave your house it's not like anyone's going to smell you either.

trash even inside the computer

I literally want to kill myself every single day. That doesn't mean I don't shower or pick up my room. How long does it take? Maybe like 10min total. It isn't even self respect, it's just basic functioning. Shower more often you disgusting fuck. Maybe if you did the simple shit in life like took the absolutely bare minimum, even less than bare minimum, of yourself, you wouldn't have zero hopes.


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For 14 years that's not that bad honestly.

you sound like a beta cuck who is too pussy to actually off yourself

a) The challenges one faces are subjective to that person.
b) Depression is only qualified as depression when it interferes with normal functioning.
c) Not wrong about cleaning up and doing the simple shit. Having a baseline like that really helps the mind.
d) I eat ass

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>Literally who does something
>Warrants a news article apparently

Yes, it was the fucking game that made you a slob.

How is this video games?

what is wrong with americans

>I literally want to kill myself every single day.
>not attempting
pfft casual, you'll never make it

Ecelebs are not video games

Why doesn't he just hire a cleaning service?
I hired a cleaning service and now a nice lady comes to my apartment once a week and cleans up everything in 2 hours. Best decision I ever made.

Yeah but this guy isn't really famous or an eceleb, he's some random guy that perfectly embodies gamer culture

funny how you don't say this in giant bomb threads

Can you imagine the amount of mice corpses

>being this lazy
americans everyone

I can't even leave food containers or plates in my room because it bothers me to smell the leftover food after I'm done eating it. I can't imagine having a literal stack of that shit 2 meters high.

how much you pay and how much is she stealing from you

thats like a 10 hour job or more, shits buried deep


Mmmmmm soo niiiceee

that nigga finish HxH yet?

Ha this fucker has money. w0w Ain't that nice

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that would be a fucking expensive job, the entire place needs deep-cleaned, aired, and a lot of shit probably scrubbed and disinfected
guy probably needs an exterminator too, no way he doesn't have insects

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How much does that cost you?

>tfw falling asleep to the sound of roachbros crawling into empty bags and cans

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>14 years of Garbage
>for a stay-at-home warcraft nerd
HAHA, no fucking way. I've seen fucking grandmas who've made bigger messes in 3-4 year spans. That shit is EASILY more like 1-2 years of trash.

He's clearly enhancing the truth here just to get relevant

Not American. But yeah I'm too lazy to dust off everything and clean the bathroom every week. I tried doing it myself but I always let it slack after a while. So why not hire someone who does it better in a shorter time?

25€/h, so 200€/month
Could get it cheaper but this way I'm dealing with a company instead of some standalone foreign woman, so if she messes up or needs to be replaced, the company can deal with it. And I needed her fast.
Got nothing to steal so she's not stealing anything.

In the streamers case, yeah. But still there are people you can pay to deal with that who will probably do it faster than you ever could.

When I went to help clean up and pack stuff to help a friend of mine before he sold his house I found out he had about three feet of trash covering his entire bedroom floor, and his fridge hadn't been used for over a year. Depression's a hell of a thing.

I absolutely do.

If you are a twitch famous type with income from that, you can at least have a cleaning service. Im disabled physically due to fatigue among other things, so I don't dust vacuum and fully clean my rooms as much as I'd like, but I still make an effort to do so at least monthly...but even in the mean time the worst thing I can see is cat hair due to having a super armored cat who sheds everywhere. I don't leave trash or eating utensils around, anything that can go rancid etc . Physically cleanliness is very important to me and I can't stand going more than one day without a shower.

This isn't an issue with WoW or anything else external but rather something internal. Even worse I can't understand how he would stream showing that and not be horribly embarrassed

but why does this happen?

>The streamer also revealed that he had two trash bags full of urine

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>when you don't respect yourself and have no hopes for the future living in filth doesn't matter one bit.
that's completely wrong

Does taking out the trash count as cleaning?
I thought that was just a basic function, like flushing the toilet.
Why wouldn't you take it out?

Imagine if the rats or bugs chewed through them. Why not spring for bottles you can seal at least?

you have/had some bitchass meme depression then

most people dont have 200€ to waste every month on something they could easily do themselves

especially not some depressed loser who never showers or cleans his place

I can't handle shit like this man. Same when Asmongold showed his lair. I have to clean/vacuüm/mop every single day or I can't take it. I can't imagine how some people are able to live in their own filth.

>hoarder decides to clean his room and broadcasts it live on twitch
kinda wholesome honestly

I've had my room be messy as all fuck but I guess I have never crossed the line of just leaving food related stuff on the actual floor for longer than one day

you hear of severely mentally ill people starving themselves to death because they can't leave the house
you can't really reason with people who have mental defects

being depressed doesnt make you lose your sense of smell
you are fucking retarded

again, meme "''depression''""
go write about it on tumblr or whatever the fuck

I'll be out soon.

They probably lived with it long enough to get desensitized to the smell.


You don't know shit you dumb normalnigger

being depressed, however, can make you apathetic to everything going on around you to the point of ruin
t. thrown into a mental hospital as a child because i wasn't feeding myself properly to the point my health was at risk

>pay a college girl 60 bucks and she comes over to clean my house and do my laundry while wearing lingerie and heels while I take pictures of her and we talk about her classes and shit
Maids aren't that expensive, and if I ever need a really good house cleaning I can get a team of hispanic women to do a full deep cleaning for like 90 bucks

He lives in a state that still treats prostitution as a felony

i've been severely ill most of my life
i cant work or go to school
i cant have relationships
you dont know shit about being depressed

>Twitch streamer hasn't cleaned room since 2005

Reminds me of "Two guys fuck horses after going to Trump rally" or whatever it was.

Them being a Twitch streamer isn't connected to them being a manky fuck and mentioning the two traits in the same breath is duplicitous.

>two bags of piss
>not one bag
Jfc this guy doesn't even have the decency to piss in a bottle or something easily sealable? Lord knows he was probably swimming in them

Where the fuck is the video games

americans don't call them apartments, we call them flats you dolt

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My grandpa was a crazy old bastard and a hoarder. He had over a hundred bikes out in his yard. There was a camper of dogs in his driveway (he was apparently planning to make a sled dog team). He nailed frozen pizza boxes on the wall in order of how much he liked them and only after he died did we figure out his carpet was orange.

I think it's relevant because he's streaming himself cleaning his room on twitch. It's like saying "twitch streamer plays smash bros"

How do you live? Neetbux?

Yes because everyone in america uses this. h*ck off faggot. It's an apartment.

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My absolute phobia of cockroaches keeps me from hoarding and letting this happen to me

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Same here bro. Surfaces that I dont interact with regularly just have quite a bit of dust on them.

Are you fucking her too?

I'm going to clean my room up now, jesus fuck.

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>cat thing right next to speakers
Poor deaf kitty.

>it's just basic functioning

Yeah well, even that is a struggle for some. I manage to keep myself clean, but I'm always falling behind on cleaning my apartment. I manage to do the bare minimum so it doesn't turn into a fucking trashheap, but I never get around to cleaning the place properly.

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cats literally evolved in a way they can sleep no matter the noise around them.

imagine just diving into that filth
you could probably swim in it like a biohazard ball pit
imagine the satisfying pop as your body weight explodes the years-old piss bags spraying ancient fossil urine all over everything
just becoming one with all the mold, bugs, and decay

Not video games.

Vacuum and wipe down the surfaces jesus fuck it doesn't matter if you don't physically let things pile up

im no cat expert, but blaring a speaking next to a cat ear probably isnt so good for their hearing, long-term

I asked my mom and aunt help me cleanse the place properly last year. Now i just keep it clean. See if someone vawn help you with the big cleaning user. And then keep it clean afterwards.

I get mad tunnel vision when I'm in the dumps. Often I don't even register how absolutely filthy I'm living. It took dozens of flies swarming around my kitchen to realize just how nasty it must look to an outsider.

I have spider web on ceiling, don't know how clean up.

I actually feel sorry for him. He defiantly had something happen to him that causes him to not letting things go. Hope he gets better.

Is this the e-celeb thread?

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What the hell? I replace my cheap Amazon keyboards annually.

you got a broom right

Leave it up there. Spiderbro will take care of the more annoying bugs for you.

>Buying from Cuckazon

Good goy.

those are worse than americans
they're gamers

Already did a couple of times, and it slowly gets worse again over time. I do get it reasonably tidy on rare occasions, but that's only if someone's coming over. I'm completely unable to do this shit for my own sake.

Was a bit easier to get help last time too. My mom had just found out she got cancer again and people were rushing in to help, and a friend of hers offered to clean my place after helping my mother with it.


i could never live with myself living in my own filth. disgusting.

>user made his mother who had cancer clean up after him because he's not enough of an adult to do it himself
Kill yourself

>two trash bags full of urine
okay, how the fuck do you dispose of that? isn't that some kind of environmental hazard you can be prosecuted for?

i'm really clean its my main good trait

What? No. A friend of my mother helped her clean for a while when my mom was going through the worst of her treatment and that friend offered to help me as well.

Sorry to hear about your mom, user.
I used to have my house real dirty too. But i basically wrote myself a Day schedule which includes shit like doing the dishes, dusting, showering, etc. Maybe you can try doing that? I dunno man. Now that i keep my place clean i can never go back. I just feel better when everything is clean.

its honestly pretty comfy after a while. its like a city builder game where your room is the map, and all the bags and food and shit are the buildings, and the bugs are the cars and city people.

>This is the room of an average PS4 owner

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Is this the absolute state of this board, that people give a fuck about the messy room of someone they watch play video games? This isn't even tertiary, this is absolute e-celeb wankery. FUCK you and FUCK this site.

everyone with a messy room has trash everywhere.
my room is a mess because its full of shit, computers, work materials, monitors, 3d printer, clothes, tools.

i need shelves but even then i dont have the space for the shelves themselves.

i have 2 grocery bags worth of trash but still the entire room is full of shit.
i even bought an 8x10 shed which i filled almost entirely with videogames and electronics/computers.

cry more

That sounds like good advice. I'll give it a shot, thanks.

>hold it over the toilet
>poke a hole in the bottom