Why is he holding back Yea Forums?
Why is he holding back Yea Forums?
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Because anime/manga is for fags.
They'll answer this in Cold Steel 6 haha
He can't stop winning. I recently found out that coin collectors were buying ToCS1 just for the Mira coin, while shelving everything else.
Haha... That's our Reanaroonie...
Crow...Shining bonds...Dazzling Jewels...Thors...
How many years do you think NISA has left? Will they eventually sell their Falcom licenses to XSEED? Who is even still working at XSEED? Is this the end for American localization of lewd games?
Is this game chuuni
It's practically required to be more or less chuuni to be a member of Ouroboros
I will play it
Best character in the arc hands down and one of the few redeeming things about sen 4
Too bad you're not part of it.
At least until they decide to make an Ouroboros arc
Everyone of note left xseed, no?
>a prequel about being a covert
Ouroboros operative set in Arteria
I just want Trails to be good again, damn it.
>accidentally press submit before finishing the post
>captcha wasn't needed this one time, as if on purpose
I feel like Moot is directly responsible for this
>mission objectives are to lose and then tell the heroes everything is going as planned
Couldn't be any worse than what we already get I guess
>the story is told in reverse, like Memento
>instead of experience points you get "Holding back points"
>you're super powerful in the beginning, but the more you fight the more you hold back
>endgame becomes really damn hard if you fight too many times
The enforcers get requests from the Anguis just like bracers do, albeit much shadier shit. There’s opportunity there.
>that fight with Laura's dad
Is there any point where Laura challenges Rean as well? In fact I would love to see any of the other party members trying to take on SS5 Rean.
Only played the first game. I remember Sara fought him at some point but it wasnt a real fight.
In a few bonding events they spar together. Laura is stronger than non-ogre Rean.
Yup...that’s him alright...
Oh no!
Because it's a game for kids and if everyone was serious they would have killed more than half of cast.
You take the general faggots out
You put the PC port in
Thats whats its all A BOUT
What was her issue