Give me one good reason why games should punish people for griefing over than "it hurts my feelings"

Give me one good reason why games should punish people for griefing over than "it hurts my feelings"

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Other urls found in this thread:

it really does hurt my feelings

It's bad and rude

Too bad

It takes no effort

The natural consequence should be the rest of the server hating/distrusting you. The game itself adding more punishments is retarded and dumb.

There is none. Griefing is just a playstyle, and other players should be the ones to punish it.
But devs will ban griefers anyways, since they could scare away players.

there is no reason, it's up to whoever wants to prevent the griefing to take preventative measures

wastes resources. prove me wrong.

Griefers prevent other people from playing the game in its intended way

Griefing is too subjective and thus should never be a bannable offense. If griefing is a problem in a game the mechanics should be balanced out, simple as that.

Using minecraft as an example is retarded though, there's only private servers on there which is a completely different story. Let fags play on their own safespace servers if they want.

Because then people would feel free to continue to do it and things would only degenerate.

Some people are assholes and will do stuff like repeatedly ks to prevent someone from finishing quests or set up something like a portal or launchpad-esque device to prevent people from going inside. Some people are assholes and losers and do this repeatedly until devs have to change gameplay mechanics or ban people.

The game itself shouldn't punish people for griefing. Other people can punish them for griefing, sure, but not the game itself.

This isn't real life, we shouldn't be restricted by society's rules.

griefing makes people less likely to want to do anything on a server because they know it'll just be destroyed. when they don't want to do anything they stop playing. it kills servers

The best Minecraft servers have ALWAYS been the ones with no stupid rules or plugins

>Join server
>Can't leave spawn
>Go to website
>Sign up
>come back a week later
>Finally leave spawn
>Try to cut down some tree and build a house
>Find "empty" plot
>fuck this is stupid

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If it's a competitive mode, then you should mechanically restrict griefing. Otherwise, either let it free or patch it out if it's really that bad.


How about you make the game unfun for everyone around you? when the entire point of the game is for enjoyment, you go out of your way to ruin that enjoyment you should get punished for being a little shit.

You see a kid playing in a sandbox, you walk over and kick sand all over him and laugh. You should be banned from that sandbox

If you're running a server the players that aren't dickholes will just get annoyed and leave, leaving you with a festering shithole

You should get punished for being a cunt but that shouldn't be moderated by game developers but rather server owners.

Theres really no reason why they should feel they have an obligation not to add punishments either. If you're aware of the calculated risks you can still do it, you'll just suffer the consequences.

>not kicking over his sandbox to level the playing field
The politest society isn't one ruled with an iron fist, it's one where everyone is ready to shoot a moment's notice.

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The little shit should've defended his land, not go crying to the teacher.


people spend time on their hobbies and don't like it when you wreck their shit just because you can

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lol to grief the griefers

When everyone is in on it, it's fine. And actually very fun. Nothing better than stumbling upon old long-abandoned ruins thousands of blocks from spawn, or defending your base from a wanderer who comes too close.

There is no intended way to play games, only intended ways to purchase them.

the problem is that kid doesn't have a sandbox he played in. he has nothing you can strike back at because he only gets enjoyment out of shitting in other people's sandboxes

>"mindless" vandalism
It wasn't mindless, they probably thought it was hilarious

Then they should play on a private server.

Then kick his ass

>8k trains
wow they're cheaper than I thou-
>model trains
Good, they deserved it.

>done by niggers
yeah i’m thinking mindless

It is also hilarious when I smash your mum's face in with a sledgehammer. And your sister's. And your father's. And then your kneecaps.

*tips fedora*

what's going on in this pixelated picture?

It violates the NAP

It's kind of a grey area, if it's a smaller community that can totally work but as the pool of players grow the more likely people will just get pissy over it.

Why should they not be punished?

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Someone set that person's house on fire for kicks

>Spend 5 hours building house
>Dickhead you kill can spend 10 minutes to get a bucket and some lava and ruin it all instantly

Because I think the internet and by extension is a place where people should be free to be assholes. If you disagree then why are you here instead of somewhere more heavily moderated?

All the people in my server respect the NAP

Usually best way to deal with griefers is ignore/walk away. If they don't get the reaction they want, they usually give up.
Or you kill them.

Nobody will get pissy when everyone's in on it. If you join a NO RULES server and then complain when someone kills you, steals your shit, and burns your house, YOU'RE the retard not him.

Should've gone to a more remote location, retard.

by extension videogames*

Picture being so much of a faggot, that you hate that the people you slap slap back lol.

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i think its fine but only on PvP servers where griefing is expected. i was playing on a survival server with some fags on /r9k/ and some anons came on and destroyed everyones shit, basically killing the server. i was pissed, wanted to slit some fags throat after that one.

>no one should be allowed to slap, this is a no fun allowed server!

If people are free to be assholes, they can do it on their own servers that they pay for.

People should also be able to enforce the rules of their own servers, that they pay for, when someone comes around and decides they can be an asshole.

If you do stupid shit, you deserve the consequences.

Learn the english language before posting you ESL piece of shit.

I think should good shit talk and hazing is alright, but if folks are going to go overboard just to LOL at someone, then pikachu face when folks say fuck you and kick you away. . .why are you even in a place that has those rules in the first place?

because i worked really hard on that :(
why couldnt we just build together

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That's not what the thread is about user, try reading next time. The griefed fighting back against the griefer is the ideal solution, this thread is for shitting on idiot developers who try to nanny-state their playerbase and ban griefers outright instead of letting the players handle them.

Griefing people is bad and wrong

>People should also be able to enforce the rules of their own servers
I don't believe in rules

>this is your brain on libertarianism

>admins say it's a grief server
>tell you to get over it if someone wrecks your shit
>starts banning people when they mess with their creations

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That's fantastic. Too bad people have tools and things that they can use to enforce the rules they've set up, even if you don't believe them.

>why are you even in a place that has those rules in the first place?
Because you have fun ruining things.

cool, then you won't be on servers where people do believe in rules.

The griefed ARE fighting back. The griefed are the ones that made a video game that punishes griefers. Don't like it? Don't play that game, bitch. There's plenty of others and you're not required to enjoy every game.

Then why do the places in the US with the most amount of guns spread out evenly and not restricted have some of the lowest murder rates
>inb4 less niggers
A lot of these are southern states that have plenty of them

>65 posts
>no big butts in sight
you shills are slacking, pick up the pace

Some of the best gaming experiences I ever had were on a no-rules minecraft beta server. That shit is pure kino and adventure in EVERY sense. I think it was called smPvP

>Spawn is a desolate wasteland for thousands of blocks
>No trees, ore, or food as far as the eye can see
>The further you go, the more abandoned structures you start to see
>Occasionally run into another scavenger and have to fight or run away
>Establishing a comfy home base in total isolation extremely far away
>Going across the mountain one day after someone raids your base and finding an entire empty castle, turns out you weren't as isolated as you think
>All the alliances and interactions and explorations and intense moments


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People have fun getting those people banned from the game, so what's the point? Both get enjoyment from their actions, seems like a fair trade.

Because the grieved stop playing the game


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give me one good reason why the government should punish people for terrorism other than "it hurt my feelings"

People who get fun by griefing have something wrong with them and should kill themselves. I should know cause I am one of them.

That just means they're pussies that don't belong on the internet.

>destroying ur digital lego house is the same as blowing up white people
ok buddy

Because it's funny

You cannot be protected. The fact is if someone wants you dead and isn't incompetent, you will die. That's just life.

Creating things should be encouraged
If nobody creates, stagnation ensues
Also see: current state of Yea Forums

Give me one good reason why games shouldn't punish people for griefing other than "it hurts my feelings"

>slapping people rules
>w-w-wait, you can't slap ME, mister admin!

Griefers need to remember that the weak fear the strong for a good reason.

>destroying virtual buildings in an online world where rebuilding is trivial, maybe forcing some kid to respawn
>destroying real buildings that take years and millions of dollars to build, killing actual people forever
>equivalent scenarios
This is your brain on internet safespaces.

big ones
preferably in 4k

never happened

Give me one good reason why games shouldn't punish people for griefing over than "it hurts my feelings"

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This is true. Deconstruction should also be encouraged.
If nobody destroys, stagnation ensues.

I create & grief equally, those are 2 sides of the same coin as far as I'm concerned.
>Build ultra comfy base
>Hear glass breaking
>Oh shit someone's here!
>Have to defend base

Maybe I win, maybe I lose and they steal all my shit. it's all part of the excitement and fun. When there's nothing to lose, nothing has value.

Minecraft is such a good multiplayer experience when there's no rules.

you mean rural areas?
it's not because firearms are less restricted it's that a high and poor population in a crowded space is obviously going to be more violent.
If you count accidental injuries there's not a huge difference between urban and rural gun violence.

Because it denies the grieved personal revenge when they have the mommy devs do it for them. It's the same reason vigilantism is more personally satisfying than the police.

Depends on the server. Since you're using Minecraft as the OP image I assume you're specifically referring to that one. Really in free-for-all faction servers, griefing is a-okay in my book. In Build Servers it's just a dick move. It all depends on objective you see. Free-for-all faction servers are all about survival, ergo griefing is part of surviving, you're choosing to be with other players, so you've allowed yourself to be open to griefing, if you wanted to avoid this you could've done either single-player or co-op with a private server with select individuals. If it's a build server then the objective is to build. Not destroy. Therefore, you aren't playing the game's objective right and actively sabotaging others from reaching that goal so you can either further your own or do nothing. At which point, yes a ban or a kick is indeed deserving.

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Effort in creation >>>>> effort in destruction

Its low vs time high preference essentially. Slow build to satisfaction vs burn it all down for shits and giggle now who cares what happens later.

Which is why griefing is nigger tier behavior. Because high time preference is characteristic of niggers. And when you embrace it you get a nigger environment - nothing but african mudhuts.

It absolutely happened. If you want a more normie-friendly example look up 2b2t on youtube. i never played that shit, i quit Minecraft in 2011. but it's the same concept. The spawn being a wasteland and the world full of ruins and settlements. KINO shit.

It's funny watching people screech and cry when they've gotten banned. Just as it's funny watching people screech and cry when they've gotten griefed.

Would you want someone else to just come over and ruin all your hard work that you possibly spent weeks/months/years on just for the lulz?

absolutely based and redpilled

They've gotten personal revenge by getting you banned. Next.

The fact that you post this in response instead of reporting me shows you on some level agree with me. It's all bantz, and when you don't learn to handle it you get hugboxes.

You're free to play on a safe space server where griefing is impossible and see how fucking unfun they are. See:

This. If you're too much of a pussy to accept the consequences of fucking with people griefing is not for you.

>They've gotten personal revenge by getting you banned.
Is it though? It's the difference between seeing someone to the electric chair vs shooting them yourself. You're letting others do it for you.

all the reasons in the world desu.
meanwhile griefers can only come up with "but its ruining MY fun wahhhh"

>don't have time to internet much for a couple weeks
>come back
>suddenly people are bringing up libertarians in every thread
what'd i miss?

Are there any games that do nothing to restrict players, they literally do not care how toxic the environment is?

it's the only consequence that has the same weight as losing one's build, so yes

>Game comes out.
>Tons of people playing.
>Niggers start to grief people with glitches/unintended things.
>Devs do nothing.
>People start to leave.
>Everyone but griefers quit.
>Game dies.

>Game comes out.
>Tons of people playing.
>Niggers start to grief people with glitches/unintended things.
>Devs step in and remove glitches/ban fags griefing.
>Griefers bitch and moan they can't shit in someones cereal any more.
>Niggers move onto next mudhut to burn down.

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Youre just a high time preference nigger

I play on a server with no plugins, but we filter our playerbase, and as a result the server is prosperous

Deriving your enjoyment of a game from preventing others from enjoying it is not a sustainable community model. Punishments should exist as a deterrent to keep the playerbase from devolving into trolls trolling trolls with no one actually able to play the game.

If there's no consequences to being hated by the rest of the server because you have no permanent establishment or investment whatsoever then this isn't a counter. The real culmination of a server hating and mistrusting you is that you get excluded, which is just a server ban

Getting banned from an entire online service is dumb as fuck but a game not having custom servers is already confirmed to be dumb

Yet another "congress should ban lootboxes" round of discussions


Because griefers create griefers. Which is fine if all of your gameplay is built around gameplay a griefer would experience, but if not, people are missing out on gameplay

Charlie Brown is the icon of griefers

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Everyone says this but can you name a notable where it DID actually devolve into nothing but griefers griefing each other?
>inb4 PUBG
Not the same thing. The chinks are playing the game to win as designed, they're just cheating.

Getting griefers banned is even better than just killing them. They can recoup their losses if killed basically instantly, but banning them wastes all the time they spent on the server and makes them no longer an issue for anyone else.

>Post edgy comment.
>reaction image.jpeg
>Well you see you actually agree with me!

Makes no sense user. Your 3edgy5me post didn't violate any board rules, other then a low quality post.

There are people who would prefer to not be griefed, and they will collect their power together to try to get what they want.
If it takes 5 minutes of effort to wreck 5 hours of work, then anti-griefing is necessary to ensure any work gets done at all.
The issue arises when "griefing" is ambiguous and poorly defined, and tends to get defined by narcissists as "Anyone who doesn't give me positive attention", and by jews as "Anyone who questions my deception".
I understand why you'd support griefing if those who push anti-griefing rules are corrupt or self-worshiping, misusing those rules to enforce people being nuthugging sycophants, and I get that griefing is the lesser evil in that case.
But there are cases of people crashing servers or lagging them to death, or preventing any skill-based gameplay from happening by automatically headshotting the entire enemy team from across the map, and in this case the anti-griefing rules are better than the griefing.

Because plenty of web forums will just try to get banned anyone who thinks in a way they don't like.

shitting on libertarians is the new /pol/ fad. Can't have people who are 50% based but 50% unbased.

Thats fair enough but you might as well just have a private server with your friends at that point if you just want a comfy co-op zone

To me random players inherently means risk& unpredictability. It's stale if you're playing with randoms in a little organized box because that defeats the whole point.

Its like sitting with strangers in a waiting room at the doctor's office. Nobody really wants to be there and it's just bland

It's barbaric and uncouth behavior that only nurtures such behavior in real life.
Niggers laugh and cheer at such things, are you a nigger OP?
Seriously watch reaction videos that have blacks in them. They are so emotionally detached they just laugh or cheer whenever something tragic or shocking in the story happens.

Sea of thieves encourages you to kill other players and take their shit they worked for hours to get. Battle Royale as a genre is spawned off the idea of DayZ where everyone would just kill each other and steal their shit.

There's clearly audiences for unpredictable and "grief" style gameplay.

As far as I knew libertarianism was pretty much 50% of /pol/ with the other 50% being natsoc but I don't go there desu, I get my view of /pol/ from what leaks into other boards.

They're all over the spectrum, with 5-10% being unironic communists.

imo most of Yea Forums has had the 'do what you want just don't fuck with me' mindset. its clearly changed since the election. thanks to impressionable underages, boomers and people who want the government to whip them into shape because their parents didn't.

>They're all over the spectrum
unintentional kek

great example right here

What's stopping a server from letting everyone be but also swatting down niggers? They won't be playing for long, and they won't help the community in any way. Just some basic moderation to rid the server of niggers leaves a sizable amount of normal people. Hell, with smart moderators you'll get a community that can lightly grief itself for giggles while still giving niggers the boot, like with GMod and most MUDs.

>Playing ark on a pve server.
>Spend a gorillion hours making base, taming shit, collecting gear.
>Dude lures t-rexes and giga to your base while your offline, takes everything he can, no punishment.
>Wake up having been killed by dinos.

Made me and my friends pay for a server and set it to private. But now we don't meet anyone new.

>What's stopping a server from letting everyone be but also swatting down niggers?
Because then you're not actually letting everyone be.

>Give me one good reason why society should punish people for terrorism over than "it hurts my feelings and sometimes my body"
just get over it society geez lol

>waaa I want safe places
>waaa why would no one join my safe place I'm all alone

me and my group were so lucky we were able to establish dominance on a server the moment a wipe happened. we had complete control of an entire server for almost two years.

>But devs will ban griefers anyways, since they could scare away players.
Don't like it? Make your own game.

Unironically true though.

>prove me wrong.
I literally can't

>go to lake to fish
>see someone else fishing
>drive my boat up to his
>smack the pole out of his hand
>punch him in the face
>throw all his things into the lake
>capsize his boat and drive away
>get arrested

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>making anything

Does this mean cops/enforcement are the apex griefers then
Looks like lesser griefers just need to stop crying

>What's stopping a server from letting everyone be but also swatting down niggers? They won't be playing for long, and they won't help the community in any way.
Like I said I don't see the point. I play private servers with my friends where we all work together and build whatever we want. And we don't have to worry about griefing that way.

When i play with strangers, I WANT griefing. I want the danger element. I want to find ruins and loot them. I want to get in battles with wanderers. I want to get on feuds and burn down their fortresses. I want to defend my base from attackers, win or lose. I want to barely escape with my life& inventory and run out into the wilderness to start over with what I could grab.

That is a whole element of the game that you're completely missing out on by dismissing griefing as inherently negative. In my opinion, its the best part of the whole game and it's only possible with strangers.

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>What, these guys are playing in a mode wher eI can't kill them? I'll fucking show them!

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but grief heavy servers have their downfalls too. Less towns/forts/interesting things being built to see, why build a complicated fortress when it's far easier to just hide your shit under dirt blocks? Or people use cheats to find your stash which just sucks dick and is pretty unfair.

Technically true, but also "allow everyone but niggers" leaves a huge portion of your playerbase alone and gets rid of the number one killer of player motivation. It's a win-win situation for everyone but niggers, and niggers shouldn't be bothered with.

We've talked about getting griefers banned, but what is your opinion on getting griefee's banned?

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GunZ, while not necessarily griefing, did alienate the playerbase and kill any semblance of growth due K-Style tryhards and shitters taking advantage of third party hacks and bugs to fuck with other players (Often-times not even to win, just to be assholes), until it became endless autistic gooks fighting each other, only to stop when some filthy 하얀 악마 dares tread unprepared on their territory.

Looting is pretty based but if a dude built a cool ass building I don't get why anyone would want to destroy it if not for revenge.

you're so fucking retarded. I can't adequately express how much I hate you for being so ridiculously stupid. There is no defending your base. You go offline, someone comes by and steals everything of value and trashes it, you come back online and rebuild, it just happens again. I hate how fucking stupid you are so damn much

Not always an option

>but grief heavy servers have their downfalls too. Less towns/forts/interesting things being built to see,
In my experience that's not the case, you just don't get to find them as easily. which makes exploration even more fun, because you never know what you'll stumble on next or what (who) will be waiting for you inside.

Keep in mind, I'm not saying you should go to any server you want and starting griefing it up, this shit only works when everyone is in on it and aware that there's no rules. And modding/hacking is out of the question as well.

it serves only the purpose of hurting others

The best servers were ones where the spawn couldn't be changed, but the real settlements were like tens of thousands of blocks away. So you had to make a pilgrimage.


>You go offline, someone comes by and steals everything of value and trashes it, you come back online and rebuild, it just happens again.
>he goes offline
Fucking casual

Thats a competitive pvp environment which has its place. Ive played plenty of 4craft in my day. A common denominator your missing here is investment. Even in such a wild environment all the players are invested in the reality and success of the game.

Not the same as some nigger coming onto a server they dont give a fuck about and knocking shit over for shits and giggles, then leaving to find another

Literally why do you think captcha was put in here in the first place.

Even if your some regarded pol poster, this applies to post timers which came before. Even Yea Forums has anti grief measures

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I know that whenever I'm on a "no rules" server I built all my shit way underground to avoid assholes.

Call me lucky because it never happened to me. I built REALLY far from spawn and concealed my houses in deep forests/behind cliffs people wouldn't really decide to enter. Never built below ground because it's just not as comfy that way.

The only thing similar is once a hacker got in the server and teleported to me and started destroying all my shit and spawning giant zombies, but that was cool in it's own way. Like some supernatural force decided to come fuck me up.

And while that sucks for him, he knew what he was getting into and then the castle becomes a ruin for other players to find.

>Literally why do you think captcha was put in here in the first place.
To stop bots, not people

no one likes niggers, so they put in measures to remove niggers like you. no one cares about a whiny nigger angry he can't punch other people without repercussions

The irony of this statement is thick enough to cut with a knife.

wow yea people with xray are really cool and I enjoy that too. fucking mouthbreathing retard kill yourself

>The only thing similar is once a hacker got in the server and teleported to me and started destroying all my shit and spawning giant zombies,
>but that was cool in it's own way.
Dude you're a cuck

I wouldn't label it as pvp either. anarchy or no rules is better bevause there was equal amounts collaboration and teamwork as there was killing, looting, and griefing.

It's pretty disturbing watching insane little children on Yea Forums argue about griefing and anti-griefing, completely incapable of understanding each other or comprehending the predictable downstream effects of lawlessness or authoritarianism
No wonder the world is the way it is, I have no hope for the future of our species of mindless psychopath hedonists

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No, a cuck would whine and cry and that meanie is destroying his house whereas I took it for what it was: an unpredictable experience that just became part of the adventure

Do you toss your controller at a wall and scream when a game has a surprise boss fight? No? I doubt you do.

>join activity with the intention to ruin it
>surprised when you're punished for it

when's hytale

Shut the fuck up armchair philosopher

Who makes the bots

Hint: it starts with the letter p.

There is a beauty in destruction, especially when the thing being destroyed had heart and soul poured into it. MC servers with protection from griefing feel so artificial and stiff. There are no consequences. Nothing is being ventured therefore nothing is gained. The suspense of your fort being destroyed by someone at any given moment is part of the fun.

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>He think people don't run bots
>He doesn't think further actions have to be taken against the especially dedicated spammers.
>He probably has never witnessed CP spam, constant floods, and entire boards dominated by literal gibberish.
Internet anarchy is actually very bad. Not a single site with no regulation is worth anything, it quickly becomes chaos.

Even Yea Forums NEEDS rules. Even 8ch NEEDS rules.

Semantics irrelevant to the point

Crucial determing factor is investment/time preference/ability to engage in the game, whatever you want to call it, regardless if you're playing anarchy, pvp, co-oo whatever.

Thats a people quality, not a server quality.

You can have the most babying policies ever and itll still stuck.
Or you can have no rules, and itll be great.

All you have to do is make sure you keep niggers out. Thats "anti-griefing"

Finally an user with some taste.

>perceiving your word and other people as rationally as possible is philosophy
no bar too low for precious zoom zooms

>the only winning move is to do nothing
based retardbro
it's easy to criticize but it's a sign of someone without anything to add.

Ok but when I join a server that has no rules, i expect there to be "niggers"

That is part of the fun.

Sounds like you're either a hardcore masochist or a self-serving vand

You're trying to be stoic, but really you're just being pic related

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The same reason you'd get life in prison for defacing shit like Mona Lisa.
Someone spent their time to make it, and it's people think it looks nice, so defacing it is shitty.
Nice strawman faggot.

Thanks for the criticism my defensive little pal

>He probably has never witnessed CP spam, constant floods, and entire boards dominated by literal gibberish.
I have, I remember it. I'd still take it over what we have now.

>hardcore masochist
We're talking about minecraft here. A game about placing&digging blocks.

Stop being so hyperbolic.

yeah, fun

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>unironic gangweeder post

It's a video game, faggot

what am I defensive of, retard?

Then later faggot. To 8 chan you go

Yes user, there is an inherent beauty in destroying the beautiful.

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No, it means I joined a server with NO RULES and therefore am fully expecting crazy shit to happen and am not gonna freak out when it does. If i go around killing people&stealing their shit, and then sperg out if it happens to me, that only makes me a hypocrite with stunted reasoning skills.

I never said there wouldn't be consequences for your actions of destroying something another person built.

Placing and digging has nothing to do with masochism. Autism sure. Clearly tons of that in this thread.

unironically cuckold logic where you destroy your wife by having a black man fuck and cum inside of her

I agree with this. Good job user.
but you've made the mistake of not posting bait and posting a serious reply, so this is the only (You) your gonna get from this awful thread

>*sniffle* w-why am I being punished for doing bad things, all I did was punish others for doing nothing wrong

Depends on if the greatest joy to you is devaluing and making women feel humiliated and worthless. In which case yes that can be applicable.

Hot take: complaining about being griefed in minecraft, is the same reasoning as game journos complaining about needing an Easy Mode in Sekiro

Both are people who don't take the game for what it is and want it to cater to them more

Theres no rules and then theres
>hacker tped and started spawning giant zombies

Poorly enforced anti grief is still anti grief. That shit wasnt allowed.

Thanks user.

What about people complaining about being retaliated against for griefing
Oh no, griefing is sacred amirite

You sound like a Jew.

Which minecraft version's better to host a server and mod?

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Perhaps I didn't make it clear but that was an exception rather than the norm, it only ever happened once. Hackers were not allowed on the server.

All in all it was a cool memory, it's like one of those autistic Herobrine creepypastas but I was actually playing it and trying not to get killed by the malevolent invisible ghost being

>give me one reason other than the main big reason which makes it all justified
I hate faggots who use this phrase.

Always the latest

How are feelings a valid justification for anything?

>"Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten."

Because you are a dick

Only if your dad wanted to suck big black dicks instead of raising you, so in your case, yeah.

Because it was the feelings of strong men that built this world, child.

Share griefing stories
>In game of halo 3
>half of the other team has quit
>It's just a fucking stomp, it's not even fair
>Get in a warthog
>Drive up to enemy player
>Get him on the turret
>Drive directly to my teammates to kill them
>Enemy team is actually catching up with us because of this
>Someone betrays me just to blow up the warthog
>Boot him and get a new one and repeat
>Still win anyway
>group of friends and I get together
>Change our armor pink
>Talk about horsefucker shit in pre-game lobby
>All of our tags are [PONY]
>Closely follow behind him and "cheer him on" as the other team kills him
>T-bag him when he dies until the enemy team kills us
>Get matched against the same player in another match
>Warns our teammates about us
>We proceed to play competently while targeting him specifically
>Win by a large margin

Attached: There is no need to be upset.png (404x352, 166K)


Might makes right.

Wanna cry about it nerd?

You should kick over his sand castle but still ban him
Double punishment

>Get in a warthog
>Drive up to enemy player
>Get him on the turret
>Drive directly to my teammates to kill them

Attached: 1558425640044.png (800x800, 1.36M)

When a game isn't designed around pvp and people make it the priority, yeah, it tends to fuck up the game. Perfect example: Red Dead Online, you can be fishing away and some cunt shoots you, there's no map even visible, so there's nothing you can do to defend yourself because the game wasn't programmed with cunt behavior in mind.

That's the devs being naieve. Always assume the players will be assholes.

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>rockstar games
>not programmed with cunt behavior in mind

>later patches punish the behavior severely
>people still do it
People want to be cunts, doesn't matter what you do. If you banned people for a week for killing people, it would still happen.

People play games to have fun and relax, not be harassed by some dipshit

It's easily fixed if they actually wanna prevent it through game mechanics. They don't, they wanna sell microtransactions to people so they buy OP shit to grief people with so people that don't wanna get griefed have to buy the same shit to defend themselves just like GTA V.

What OP shit? The game penalizes you for not aiming for the head, all guns kill in one headshot now, except for the varmint rifle because it's accuracy was stupidly strong to the point where using any other gun was a waste of time.

>be griefer
>log in
>log out
you should stick around and face the consequences instead of be a compltely coward. griefers are often cowards and cant handle people hating them in an online game

Because it eventually leads to the world being a crater of dirt
see: any server with a no-rules-no-admins gimmick

and the equivalent to that in a game is banning them

try acting like a faggot in real life an see how far that gets you user. hope you like getting the shit beat out of you and thats why you act like one on an anonymous image board right

Because it hurts your feelings

The game shouldn't punish players. Admins(ie pve or community servers) and other players should punish griefers via in game mechanics. Me and some friends used to set up trap bases for griefers, they complained quite a lot whenever they got trapped, admins would tell them too bad don't grief. It was good times.

>people who have a hobby that I don't like should suffer

>getting banned from a game is as bad as going to jail
punishment suits the deed

I'll make a script to teleport anyone who's behaving like a nigger to a bedrock dungeon with signs that say NIGGER all around the wall just in case I have the displeasure of you joining my comfy server.

>see my ridiculous exaggeration

My server
My rules

Just kidding, do whatever kid just don't spam shit and i won't mac ban you. Oh wait, no games have dedicated servers anymore, guess you'll have to obey the EULA then.

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what's fun about making other people upset? I legitimately never understood it

>explain morality to someone devoid of it

Multiplayer servers in general are lame as fuck if you're not just playing with friends. Why would you want to play in a server where everything is already done?


Because literally all actions are fueled by feelings

Notice how in some games, destroying people's shit is considered griefing, and in others, it's not.
That's because it depends on the CONTEXT.
For example, in a PvP focused MMORPG, players are expected to be able to defend themselves and if your character gets killed, you knew what you were getting into. Despite completely destroying someone's progress, that's not "griefing".
A sandbox online game is a completely different CONTEXT. For starters, your creations are physically vulnerable 24/7 rather than only while you're online. There are no NPCs you can hire to watch over your stuff. Players are free to hop between thousands of different servers and have immediate access to start playing, so there are no consequences for being caught if caught at all.
Simply put, it's completely impossible to protect your shit from being griefed. This is not particularly the game's fault, either, it has hardly any PvP focus and adding more barriers to joining servers, gaining block breaking privileges etc. is a significant hindrance to the sandbox aspect.
IF there were such a thing as a Minecraft player where your shit was only griefable while you are online and right there to defend it and keeping it defended was feasible, then it wouldn't be seen as "griefing" much. Griefing in a vanilla server is just breaking shit while people are offline or 9000 blocks away.

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Give me one good reason why mods should not punish people for griefing other than "it annoys me"

One server i used to play had it's spawn inside a glass dome. After messing around i managed to escape it through a hole and i discovered a massive ghost town around it, every structure was a bit destroyed but some of them had chests full of items.

I explored the whole thing but i never found someone.

>IF there were such a thing as a Minecraft player
Meant to say "server" not player.

Theoretically if griefing is too easy then it will be so prevalent that the multiplayer dies off prematurely because everyone just gives up.

However, I believe some degree of griefing is necessary for any healthy multiplayer community. It's just about maintaining a proper balance. It can go both ways. For example in Dark Souls 3, the devs put in so many shitty mechanics during invasions that make actually trying to invade and kill someone a tedious and futile exercise, to the point where people just stopped bothering with invasions at all, because there was no point. And no invasions meant no darkmoon blades getting any action either, and also meant fewer people getting summoned for pvp co-op, and all these other downstream effects. Nowadays PVP is basically dead compared to where DaS1 was.

>Multiplayer without griefing: Build something, acquire resources. Then do nothing more.
>Multiplayer with griefing: Build something, acquire resources until someone fucks your shit up. Proceed to start again and eventually get revenge.
Griefing adds dynamism to multiplayer. No rules/restrictions is the way to go.

If I came to your house and set something you worked really hard for on fire, I'd be in deep shit.

>get sick of constant griefing and leave server to be a husk of what it once was
fixed that for you

Does throwing matches count as griefing?

I mean it's the only thing that actually pisses me off. People are trying to play the game as intended and you're giving kills to the enemy or fucking around at spawn when you could be in a private fun time server or playing an entirely different game.

I get it. You got tilted. But why fuck over everyone else

>Griefing adds dynamism to multiplayer. No rules/restrictions is the way to go.
yeah those servers where the spawn is a gigantic hole in the ground are great

Leave it up to the server's host. There are plenty of griefer allowing servers.

What I lament is the lack of variety between the two mentalities. Servers that prevent griefing usually have top tier aesthetics and builds, but having the feeling that you can't mess with anyone's shit kind of blue balls you and it gets boring real fast and I don't even grief even when I have the right to.
In servers that allows griefing, everything is always gone to fucking shit, everything looks like shit. Unless you move thousands of blocks away from spawn, everything is depleted and filled with crude provocative monoliths. There is nothing left to mine, build or fuck with after a few days so griefer friendly servers are all graveyards.

Civcraft had the right idea. Make a gigantic, but limited map that can easily welcome hundreds of players for months and still have ressources for late parties. You have shop systems and ways to buy protection for your blocks using ressources as payment so anyone out to fuck with your shit will have to work hard to fuck with you. You have ways to capture players so that if you find someone griefing your shit you can legit trap them into the shadow realm until you decide to free them and there is nothing they will ever be able to do.
That and I used to play on a server that would reset daily so it encouraged fast mining, fast building, temporary factions and allowed anything safe for cheating. I got banned for cheating with xray because I wanted to mess with some smug motherfucker.

it's a server
it can go down any day and you'll never see your work again

if it's your server, you can have a backup running. so your argument is moot

>Multiplayer with griefing: Build something, acquire resources until someone fucks your shit up. Unable to find who griefed you because they logged out or made a house in the ender 20000 blocks away

i play a game with near 0 moderation, its takes an insane amount of effort to get banned. you know what its resulted in? people hiding from one another, no one comes near each other, and anyone friendly is instantly met with death because "they cant be trusted.". its easier to kill someone than risk interacting with them and them figuring out how to murder you. there is rarely revenge, its just clusters of people who wont leave their areas.

>Multiplayer without griefing: Build something, acquire resources, continue building something until you have a big city with other people, go visit the other big cities to see what the people before you have created
>Multiplayer with griefing: Build a little hut, acquire resources, log in the next day/3 days later to find someone burnt down your hut at 3am, wander around virgin terrain for 5 hours because everyone built their houses 6000 blocks away to prevent griefing, if I'm lucky I'll find 1 or 2 other shitty little huts to check out

pretty fucking based.

>multiplayer with griefing
>Log in, walk as far as you can and realise everything's fucked up, you can barely even farm wood and everyone's gone
>Alternatively: Bunch of spawn camping faggots who go after you in full enchanted gear the moment you spawn.

Give me one good reason why real life should punish people for stealing and burning my house down other than ''it hurts my feelings''

>griefer eventually downloads hacks

Do you realize that you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a griefer?

>Good griefing
Mega-twinked veteran player flies into your plane while you're in mid-transit, headbutts you to death, and leaves everything to scatter across the world in the ensuing wreck

>Bad griefing
Player uses an exploit to get into your player home undetected and destroys everything while you sleep, starts an hours-long argument with admins over whether what he did was an exploit

Types of games for players who want to avoid being griefed from best to worst

1) It's impossible to grief in the game, you don't need rules.

3) It's possible to grief in the game, but there are no rules. You expect to be griefed, so you don't over invest time or grow attached to virtual possessions or outcomes. (Example: RUST)

3) It's possible to grief in the game, but against the rules. You're given a false sense of security and entitlement to the things you're going to lose when you are inevitably griefed.


why the fuck would you build something if the mods are just going to let some 12 year old burn it down?

Same thing goes with real life. Why would you build anything fantastic when the government is just going to let niggers shit on it?

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not everyone is autistic
griefing is inherently either autism or nigger behavior

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hey now, chinks like to grief too

I'm play solo 98% of the time. It's fun feeling the threat that you might get raided or you will come across someone and fight or find someones base and raid all their shit

It's fun as fuck for me personally playing solo

The total normalization of griefing has made it impossible to enjoy shit like DayZ and ARK as anything other than "shoot players as soon as you see them" sims. Absolutely fuck griefers.

I was never into autismcraft, but I don't see how anyone could even bother to play it without multiplayer. The problem with building shit in singleplayer is that you have all these tools to build elaborate homes, buildings, contraptions, utilities, etc, but they all serve no true function because there's no purpose to the game itself in singleplayer. But in multiplayer you might actually have a reason to build shit.

The fault there lies with the game and its mechanics rather than with griefers. The game provided very little incentive to risk cooperation and every incentive in the world to shoot on sight. The end result is a natural progression of what the game set up.

what griefers expect from griefing
>haha yes, come after me bro
>lol, okay here i come
what actually happens
>people move far away from each other and kill on sight

because it is easier to destroy than to create and if someone puts hours in and you destroy it in say 10 minutes why should you not be punished?

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>haha I came here not to play the game but say NIGGER over and over
>lmfao oh boy I don't care about this game but I can't wait to stir shit and ruin this server by griefing!
Do NPCs really do this?

It's fucking embarrassing how people are saying shit like "defend yourself" and "get revenge"

Because you can't otherwise get revenge on somebody who doesn't create and only destroys

There's a lesson to be learned here: it's better to have nothing because everything gets destroyed in the end anyway

to play a game that does not allow people to destroy your shit, then have shit, and look at other people's shit

It's funny because it's really fucking not. If anything it's under exaggerated.

That's a strawman and you know it. You sound like you're bothered by the word "nigger".

or just don't be a nigger

>You sound like you're bothered by the word "nigger".
I really am not, but the fact that this is your immediate response is telling. You faggots always think anybody who gets sick of you is triggered when it's more like you're not creative at all and you don't contribute anything to the games you play. You just act starved for attention constantly and never even do or say anything original. You're boring and barely above the level of bots. No shit you get kicked out for actual players

That's up to personal preference. Minecraft is half creating and half destroying. You have to destroy something else in order to create.

because you're an asshole who goes out of your way to make someones else time worse and by extension trying to rob another player of their fun

Yep, you're definitely titilated.

because the game has power over the players

Cry me a river dough boy. Go play on one of those protected servers if you don't want meanies taking away your internet blocks.

Because if your definition of a good experience is making other peoples' experiences worse in a way you aren't meant to (EG killing the enemy team in your standard team based shooter) then you're a fucking retard who doesn't deserve video games.

>(EG killing the enemy team in your standard team based shooter) then you're a fucking retard who doesn't deserve video games.

I thought defeating the enemy team was the objective of a team-based shooter?

that's a pretty clear and obvious typing mistake

The only time I played that shit everybody was jumping like crazy. What a shitshow.

>it can go down any day and you'll never see your work again

You know the real world works like this too?

I mean, shit, your house could burn down tomorrow, be hit by a falling airliner, a gas pipe could explode, a meorite could fall out of the fucking sky, but that doesn't mean we don't penalizing people who go around intentionally burning down houses do we?

If you're talking about team killing, why the fuck would team killing be enabled if they specifically don't intend you to kill your team mates?

because needing to avoid friendly fire makes a game more challenging. it's not the game telling you to murder your team mates

why do people have fun being mean to others?

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Because it's meant to be avoided and you are often penalized for it. It's an additional obstacle. Your post is like playing a whack a mole game and going "wtf why would they put in moles that I'm not supposed to hit?"

It opens up the possibility of people doing exactly that, which requires more systems that can be abused (aka vote kick and report) which is why I avoid those kinds of games. They're fundamentally flawed when playing with random people.

Yeah don't look at the public opinion on violent video games 20 years ago you might see something that makes you look like an asshole.

What if my personal goal is to hit the moles I'm not supposed to hit? Who has the right to tell me what way I can and cannot play a game? If you will not let me play the game the way I want to play it, I'm not playing it.

How do you revenge against someone who doesn’t even build anything, just moves from server to another to wreck shit while the building owners are away? Framing griefing as some exciting PvP action is just dishonest, you know very well that 99% of people doing it have no interest in playing normally in the servers they grief in.

It's shitposting.


You have freedom of choice, but your actions are not devoid of consequence.

some people have fun torturing small animals because they feel powerful having power over something helpless, and some niggers really like kicking cats, really makes you think

>no purpose
You can say that for practically every god damn game. What the fuck does multiplayer do to give more value to people's buildings? The ability to show off your e-peen? I think it's pitiful you require others for self justification.

Unironically kill yourself. Here's your (You).

>Claim my original post is a strawman
>Act exactly like that.
No matter what anyone tries to tell you, all you want is attention. No matter what response you get your answer will always be "ur just mad". Just an NPC dispensing scripted lines

It goes both ways. You want to impose your agenda on me in the game I bought from you, you aren't getting a buy from me, which was your ultimate objective.

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Because it's not for everyone. Simple as that. If you like griefing, then join servers that have no restrictions. What a fucking non issue.

Why are you playing Minecraft instead of Rust?

Because griefing other griefers isn't as fun as leeching off of people that are actually having fun