What are your expectations from the new pokemon games?
Pokemon direct thread
Why? Junichi "The Hack" Masuda isn't working on it.
Like Ohmori is any better.
He's better than Masuda. Considering I'll never stop buying pokemon, I'll take any improvement I can get.
then you are the problem with pokemon
Ohmori focuses too much on story. He is also very autistically anal about Pokemon lore.
This isn't even accounting for the classic Gamefreak game content removal.
Just look at his games:
ORAS, SM, and USUM were the ones he directed.
I wonder if they learned better from the Sun/Moon pre-release where they pretty much spoiled the entire game and every new monster before it even came out.
>He is also very autistically anal about Pokemon lore
Just like me
none. I don't expect anything good from pokémon anymore.
pokemon fucking sucks ass and anyone who takes this franchise seriously should be euthanized
What does it matter? Shit will get leaked eventually. They have never had a spoiler free release. Gen 5 had its entire dex leaked weeks ahead of time. Gen 6 leaked a handful of remaining mons that didnt get shilled during the promo campaign. Gen 7 pretty much revealed every Pokemon bit by bit to keep advertising for months until release. There was literally only 3 or 4 remaining new Pokemon. If this game comes out by the holidays we only have roughly 6 months left. In those 6 months they will have exhausted all their advertising ammo.
suck a nigga dick
Nothing. The series hasn't been good since Gold/Silver, though a case could be made for Ruby/Saphire
Stuff being leaked on back channels where you can easily avoid it is different from the official website putting information all over it's website and social media channels
niggers smell like shit
>pokémon after gen 5
It's gonna be shit
it was good until XY, faggot
Okay and? Unless you literally cut out Internet from your life for 6 months (Which, let's face it, you won't) you WILL be spoiled in one way or another. You're naive if you think the back channels don't go hand in hand with the ubiquitous nature of social media nowadays.
I was never spoiled by a Pokemon game before SuMo when normies were spreading all the information.
I'll be very surprised if this game is any bigger than XY or SM.
New pokemon...
I'm geniunely curious about how WORSE they'll be compared to shit like Sun/Moon.
It's impossible to get any worse. Pokemon can only go up.