>robots use they/them pronouns now
Robots use they/them pronouns now
Other urls found in this thread:
They aren't a male or female. They're a robot. Not really a big deal.
>an connection
should've spent more time proofreading grammar that matters
Robots using they is correct
so glad you shared this piece of news for me to get outraged at OP
really fuming that this fictional robot uses pronouns i don't like
It sounds like it's referencing it's animals too, but it's not. So unless it's composed of different AI personalities, then why couldn't they use "it"?
It's a singular robot, not a plural entity.
>they feel "an" connection
Any literary anons, is the correct?
seems like "they feel a connection" would be better right?
you use "an" before words starting before vowels and before feminine nouns and adverbs, it's correct
Im fine with that pronoun use for things that are inherently genderless but only if they can use proper fucking grammar in doing so.
This is awkward to read.
This is pretty much out my ass now but I am really hoping this character is a "we wuz legion" concept. Like a billion different personalities popping up. The glados cores I guess are a good example of what I am getting at..That would really put this they/them outrage shit you are pulling to rest. I mean its name is flak. Could be a double entendre.
I don't know. I'd think it would cool.
oh no a thing without gender doesn't use gendered pronouns
the fucking sjws are doing a something
Why on earth would it be "an"?
It doesn't start with a vowel by letter or by sound.
Nor is it a feminine word in english either.
Still hoping it's more of a joke on the fact that a robot is non-binary.
If not, it's a robot, so it's acceptable. Legion did it back in ME, though declaring him a he as they do later is probably hatespeech now.
I'll be pissed if Fl4k doesn't have a maculine voice given the appearance though.
thanks anons
Somebody think of a singular pronoun right know itt that isn't retarded like xe or xer so that libtards can be grammatically correct.
>Jon is pulling the car around, they'll be in soon
Come on now. This isn't hard.
Dude. Everyone is a dude my dude. Or a fuck. You filthy fuck.
legion was also literally a thousand or so programs and not a single entity. There was never an individual in the first place.
Until 3 anyways but 3 is full of issues
This. People need to stop abusing the language. It's a robot. It's an it. Nothing wrong with being an it.
That doesn't work universally. "He brought this here" doesn't work as "one brought this here." Unless you're suggesting we change "one" to grammaticaly fit here, which is actually a decent idea.
that's too ambiguous, what if someone is in the car with jon? what if they're hidden in the trunk and your inaccurate pronoun usage gives away his secret?
jackie chan
unironically, they
If you are not a post op tranny you don't have any right to demand any special pronounce.
An AI isn't a robot, any more than you are a body.
I mean robots dont have genders so Fl4k technically is an 'it'
Plus the wording kinda looks like its using they to refer to both Fl4k and the 3 beasts
If we do that we lose the ability to differentiate between individuals and groups. You're retarded.
Don't talk shit about loaderbot.
does the robot have a deep voice or a high voice?
that is the gender people will refer to (him) as. Sorry Anthony Burch, nobody wants to play along with your tranny bullshit.
>the social constructs of humans are strange to them
even animals have differing roles between males and females
This sounds like they is being used for multiple entities not a singular pronoun. Just Yea Forums being triggered over everything as usual.
It's used when coming before a word starting with a vowel sound, not the literal vowel letter or anything about feminine vs. masculine. Pretty sure someone suggested in another thread that there may have been another word between the two that got removed for better fit against Fl4k's character art, and it just wasn't properly edited to catch that change.
I want ESLs off of my board.
>hoomans writing about how robots should feel and be talked to
>an connection
If they won't proofread neither will I. Every instance of he/she is just a typo.
Yeah well AI don't pay taxes, so fuck them, they're whatever I call them.
>FL4K wanders from world to world acompanied by beasts. While they...
Are you guys retarded?
Cant you read?
always nice to see Yea Forums getting just as triggered over pronouns as the people they hate
Yes because using they removes all context.
"Jack is on the way, they'll be here soon"
"Jack and Jake are on the way, they'll be here soon"
Works both ways, and there's no confusion about how many subjects
Use context clues, brainlet kun
Design is pretty cool ngl. Nomad robot look is an aesthetic i havent seen a lot
It's a joke about Binary code. There's a badge on his chest with a crossed out 1s and 0s on it.
>jackie chan
that faggot is long gone, nothing to do with this game
They has been an acceptable singular pronoun for longer than you've been alive
In other words, he's "non-binary".
Why don't you go ask Yea Forums what they think of your excellent idea. Not every sentence actually gives context like this. What you're arguing would actually downgrade the English language in terms of written clarity. This would open up such potentially massive holes in logic I can't think anybody with a brain would actually believe that it was a good decision.
Too easy to equate these freaks with people with multiple personalities (a legit mental illness) instead of just being trans (a legit mental illness).
>they feel an connection
So this is the power of they singular pronoun advocates
What?! no, the first instance does not work and is 100% completely wrong.
>i get mad at words because I am based
>searching for reasons to get mad every day is healthy
So what, Fl4k is Java instead?
> This would open up such potentially massive holes in logic I can't think anybody with a brain would actually believe that it was a good decision.
It really won't.
>posting hardtimes as bait
wew lad
I'm suggesting that this would allow for massive holes, not that the worst would happen in every single instance in which it occured. Both scenarios are down grades, faggot.
They has been a singular pronoun for a very, very long time.
This isn't a new development.
Context isn't only a sentence by sentence basis, you take everything you've heard and use it to derive meaning.
If I said "they're going to the store" alone, theres room for confusion. But no one would say that without previously saying the subject. Just like you wouldn't say "he is going to the store" without giving a subject before hand.
You're actually just looking for things to get triggered at.
"It doesn't work but I refuse to say why! But it's wrong trust me! I'm not triggered at a different and accepted use of a word because [people I don't like] started using it!"
Why isn't flak an it. Flak isn't multiple things so they is retarded unless flak is a product line of robots. This is just braindead shoehorning faggot politics for no reason.
What? I posted it because it's humorous and accurate.
I think he meant a gender neutral pronoun.
this bitch getting E3 gameplay reveal while my n1kk4 Fl4k is the only one that will be left without any gameplay. Why is life so unfair?
Yea Forums would def hate Mother 3 if it came out this decade.
Flak is the shitty summon character who will be useless in ng+ so the devs didn't give a fuck.
>If I said "they're going to the store" alone, theres room for confusion.
Holy shit nigger did you actually just type this
Apparently the AI for Fl4ks pets aren’t something they are trying to rush out or anything, which if anyone that tried to play Gaige in 2 will tell you is probably a good thing.
Woah, times change. That's deep.
>an connection
>Times change
Only Yea Forums cries about memes/pop culture references, guy.
Isn't they plural? really doesn't strike me as equal to something like he/she or him/her
but maybe it is grammatically correct in english, the language is pretty strange in general
How would I go about cosplaying as fl4k? I can't make my own costume.
I thought it meant the robot and his beasts?
They can be both.
It's correct either way.
>not "it" for actual robot flavor
D- please see me
Mass Effect 1 at least had interesting speech patterns like that for the Hanar. And the Elcor circumvented Poe's law by stating their intended feeling before making a sentence.
Shame they threw all that interesting stuff under the bus for jersey shore shenanigans
>captcha has me select all images with a bus
Not really. They/them for a single person is very odd to anybody familiar with the language.
Only a week left until we get gameplay of my wife. I'm excited
no, user.
>Tumblr gets triggered by everything!
Yeah that's gonna be a YIKES from me...
if she doesn't have at least a whole tree on spilling as much ammo as possible, I'm going to be severely disappointed
they've always used they/them though, especially if it's an AI hivemind
Yes, tranny.
Umm no sweaty, that c identifies as a vowel.
either based or cringe
muh no gender bullshit
setting robots as bunch of inside programs, like legion.
>why are these people pointing out grammatical errors and mental illness lol triggered
"It" carries a negative connotation, and is mostly used for anything non-living that doesn't have sentience in some way.
A robot arm that screws on bottlecaps would be an it
A sentient robot would be a they
They has been a singular pronoun for longer than you've been alive, esl kun.
Have you read the thread? It's only Yea Forums autists that are triggered by a proper use of "they".
If you know a guy and still refer to him as they you are grammatically incorrect.
Are there even any trannies in the BLverse?
That's the change idiot.
The only people who have an issue with it are those who have shit lives in the middle of nowhere and need someone to be mad at. "It's those that look different than me who are bad, not the corporations"
You wouldnt be triggered if someone named Charlie asked you to call them Chuck. Using "they" instead of he/she is the same level of change and is a non-issue.
You don't even have to go through the whole "trans people reeeeeeee" thing, because they is non-gendered so you bypass the calling someone a different gender mental block people here have.
You're the retards getting pissy over a robot not being male or female
Robots have always been male IF they were to be referred to with a gender. No such thing as feminine robots.
but to be fair a female-identifying robot would be pretty cool. everyone would call it her, and we wouldn't have to waste a female player character slot on butch darkies
Only in English because theres no gender-neutral pronouns.
Would've been more fitting to call it an "It" then
>People rationalizing or feeling the need to defend this instead of not giving a fuck
The game will be good, pronouns won't change that.
Pronouns were a mistake, should just refer to everything by its proper noun.
it depends on the voice
boycott mass effect
Yeah, mhm, oh okay, didnt read. You're still wrong though
If a Charlie asks me to call them Chuck, I will. If I actually give a fuck about them, that is.
If a Chad asks me to call him Stacy, I could, unless asked for his actual name. If he legally changes it, also fine. But I would never refer to him as "she" or "they" except in cases where I decide myself that I want to keep his gender ambiguous.
I agree it's fine for the robot to be "they" because it's a fucking robot, without gender, and singular they is actually a thing. I use that quite often, in fact.
Every single robot in the Borderlands series has used gendered pronouns. What makes FL4K so special?
>literally telling me to use preferred pronouns because it should be a non issue to me
Lmao kill yourself tranny
It's a fucking robot, you dumb shit.
The word you're looking for is shitlord, or alternatively, chud.
I have a mutt at my work that wants to be called they
Everyone at my work calls her a she
A and B are the same color, but your brain makes B lighter. If you squint your eyes, it breaks the illusion.
I can't wait to see my wife in action as well, the girl can go though.
you gay faggots will go out of your way to get offended like some kinda fat tumblr queer
holy shit get it together
>a non-faggy weebshit looking mech that actually looks cool
i mean it might be sentient but it doesn't understand human social construction according to the blurb so i don't know why it would make a point to assert itself as some kind of sapient individual especially if it has some kind of strange affinity for wildlife
you would think it'd adhere to some kind of monist worldview instead
>The nurse is going to be in here in just a minute.
>I wonder if they're going to diagnose user with fatal autism?
I kinda like how the "beastmaster" class is a robot.
>they feel an connection
>the nurse will be in here shortly and she'll be able to help you with that
>oh good thank you, but let's not jump to conclusions on their preferred gender, lol! It's a common mistake I know but better safe than sorry, right? H-haha
>ummm... ok?
>*silently checks "fucking retard" on clipboard*
"one" just makes you sound like a Khajit.
I just assumed it's multiple assimilated ai's or some shit, but you never know with gearbox.
This the Tales from the borderlands bot?
Moze looks cool.
Vladof guns look the best.
Hope they don't fuck her up by turning her into a raging dyke or a tranny.
Cosplay guide points towards both ways, Gearbox is doing everything in their power to hide that answer
>negative connotation
Saying they could just as easily be construed as assuming someone is a BPD schizo and would hurt their feelings, maybe even more then calling them an "it" with all the mental illness shame shit people talk about now
The point is you could make this fucking stupid pedantic argument endlessly going even as low as "She has more letters than he and therefore it is oppressive to XYZ"
Factually they both work, regardless of any argument some sperg is going to make about how one is so much more offensive
Really? Looks just like him.
"They/them" makes no sense even as a genderless robot. The closest proper "pronoun" would be IT, because it's a thing.
Best waifu from the best manufacturer.
its not
also tales is not a videogame
go to Yea Forums if you wanna talk about it
Who gives a fuck? Do you let these people live in your head and come up at every possible thought? Let people have their fun you faggot.
if it made a point of distinguishing itself as an individual it'd probably choose one or the other
Because they have self-awareness, using "it" is inappropriate as it implies a lack of agency -- it implies a thing rather than a being. It's also proper grammar.
We don't have specific language for non-binary thinking agents currently because they only recently joined the popular discussion and even those that are fluid generally fall into one chosen gender the other primarily.
The other option is making up a word like "xhe" or whatever which is possible but is a hard sell for a lot of folks.
This. The usage if they/them is solely for the purpose of promoting gender theory shit, you cannot refute this.
itt: people misunderstand basic english grammar due to SJW obsession
I can't help it if I hear voices of course don't "let" them live in my head
Assuming sentience, "it" would become demeaning. "They/them" has been in use for hundreds of years as a general third person pronoun, too, so it rolls right off the tongue.
Robo-racism could be explored linguistically with people who try to deny robot agency and sentience with "it" while those who don't using "them." That would be a good bit of world building.
yeah sure but this is not that
this is autistic gender bullshit
trans rights
>unspecified antecedent
but here it is specific
Why? The very description says that they don't understand a lot of human concepts and the idea of gender would probably be incredibly foreign to a thinking mechanical being. It's not like they desire to be human or anything, so they have no drive to emulate humans.
They're self aware and are capable of critical thinking. That's enough to be a thinking being. That doesn't mean they want to be a biological or emulate what they do.
that'd be gearbox punching way way way above it's belt
Even as far back as Chaucer you have general use non-gendered third person pronouns, with they/hem/hir. You're illiterate if you're trying to insist that a general use, singular "they" isn't grammatically sound.
Difference being the usage spawns from the subject's sex being unknown, but knowing it is one of the two. A robot wouldn't be they/them, itd be an it, or in fiction where robots somehow have quirky human characteristics, theyd be the respective he or she.
There's a shitload of male nurses, user.
>the social constructs of humans are strange to them
>refers to itself as they
The amount of hypocrisy in such a short paragraph. How are people getting worse at speaking the English language? How do you fuck up your own language?
Don't a fucking idiot, a robot can't possibly have a biological sex/gender, that's why the epicene is proper grammar here. That's why we have epicene pronouns, for situations where it wouldn't make sense to use a gendered form.
Epicene means undefined sex. Robots don't have a sex, so it's grammatically incorrect to refer to them as having one. You're letting tumblr rot your brain.
But it's not. There's no discussion about gender anywhere in the character description. The whole reason "they" is applicable is because they have sentience but do not have a gender because they don't understand certain human concepts, gender seemingly among them.
This isn't gender politics because the damn thing doesn't have or seem to have any concern over gender. It's just acknowledging that it's a thinking being, not just a very good robot.
True. Gave me an idea for my next short story, though, so thanks, user.
>the test results are in. sir, yo-
>it's ma'am!
>i'm sorry. ma'am, you have testicular cancer
I thought I would check the skeleton again, and maybe it really is Loader bot
Didn't you play Detroit you robotist scum?
it's a hard sell for a lot of people
So do you call illegal immigrants it as well?
forgot image
devs literally had a discussion about the gender of the robot prior to reveal
why do you think i browse tumblr
Okay. And? Being polite takes no effort, you've acknowledged she's got cancer, big whoop.
What? Why the fuck is "knowing it's one of the two" somehow implied in its usage? It's a pronoun used to specify that you're referring to another person/thinking agent, rather than an inanimate object. In human terms, it's used when we don't know the gender but it's equally applicable when there's no assigned gender because the usage is gender neutral. That's the whole point.
literally who cares
>a robot can't possibly have a biological sex/gender
When the gender is revealed that determines the pronouns you use. They/them is acceptable only when the gender is unknown, once its revealed you need to use he or she, and rarely it.
>obsessed with nitpicking a fictional character's pronouns and arguing why they're the wrong pronouns, grammar be damned, on the internet
you tell me
Source? What was the context of the discussion? Could it possibly be that the character is non-binary because it doesn't have any gender identity, just as I said?
They implies plurality. It should be "it" and "its."
I hate gender faggotry as much as anyone else, but a robot being like this does actually make sense. But they'll probably ruin it anyway by making the robot say dumb shit like "durr y u not just think you are woman then you will be one?"
>obsessed with nitpicking a fictional character's pronouns and arguing why they're the wrong pronouns, grammar be damned, on the internet
that's Yea Forums
Proof? In English or it doesn't count.
So it makes total sense for a genderless, sentient robot to use they/them as a third person singular.
Who cares about Borderlands 3?
It's going to be an Epic Store exclusive. Fuck them
>a robot can't possibly have a biological sex/gender
That's why it's "it".
Yes, but in a scenario where THERE IS NO GENDER TO UNCOVER, continuing to use the neutral pronoun is appropriate. How is this difficult for you?
It doesn't. Scroll up. There is literally a definition for singular they in the topic. They does not imply plurality.
twitter somewhere
some guy from gearbox said "i think our genderfluid audience will like this one"
>why the fuck is knowing it's one of the two somehow implied
Because they left the umbrella has to be either:
>he left his umbrella
>she left her umbrella
Nope, it is a placeholder pronoun or used for passive objects.
>in fiction where robots somehow have quirky human characteristics, theyd be the respective he or she.
In fiction where robots are conscious they'd somehow develop gender/sex? Get your head on straight.
They call Pokemons "it" and no one throws a fit. Whatever.
They has been used as a singular third person pronoun for almost eight hundred years. It's not an improper usage.
Why is Sayori a trans icon, when she doesn't even have a character trait that could be considered able to the co-opted by trannies?
Is it the suicide that makes her relatable to them?
But they're a thinking agent, which is why you refer to them as "they." A hermaphrodite wouldn't be called "it" under any circumstance. We use gender specific pronouns when it's appropriate. It's not in this case so we use the gender neutral pronoun to still respect their agency.
Nope. It is a placeholder pronoun or used for passive objects. If you were scheduled to see a new doctor for an appointment on the 15th you wouldn't say "it's going to see me on the 15th."
Why would a robot with sentience necessarily be gendered? That's a strong assumption.
Unless the person who left the umbrella has no gender. You're assuming all creatures are binary male or female and you're not taking into account this fictional scenario in which a thinking agent has no gender to assign.
Just because you can't wrap your head around it doesn't make it incorrect. You're adding caveats to the usage that don't exist definitionally.
Actually, yup. The only placeholder is they/them for singular individuals
>theyd develop gender/sex!?
Itd be for the purpose of the humans communicating with them or talking about them retard. You call siri, cortana and alexa she. HAL or Android 16 are hes, etc.
It and They are both fine in terms of non-gendered singular pronouns you autists, and it's been that way for a longer time than any of you underages have been alive.
So one dude on Twitter acknowledges that the character is non-binary and so some of their audience who struggles with gender definition/fluidity may be able to relate to them.
And you decide the whole reason they're using "they" -- which is perfectly correct grammatically -- is to appease that crowd.
You're a dumb shit. It must be hard being that mad all the time.
>A hermaphrodite wouldn't be called "it" under any circumstance
that's because they are human. this is a robot. IT is a robot.
>they're a robot
They get enough flak, and the work jobs a lot of North Americans don't want to do, so I leave em be. AI on the other hand deserves an iron fist. Fuck those robots. They're the ones taking er jubs
>unless the person who left the umbrella has no gender
>you're assuming all creatures are Male or female
Dumb English Major clinging to your degree
>If you were scheduled to see a new doctor for an appointment on the 15th you wouldn't say "it's going to see me on the 15th."
I would if it was a robot.
You would not call a hermaphroditic baby an "it" and you know it. Well, you might but most decent people wouldn't.
You idiot, a "placeholder pronoun" is a pronoun used where nobody is being spoken of. They/them is not a placeholder pronoun. You would say "it rained last night" not "they rained last night."
Stop letting your understanding of English grammar be dictated but what you think of SJWs on the internet.
In terms of how popular fiction applies the word, "it" is often used to dehumanize a subject. The fact that Fl4k is being treated as an AI on the road to sapience/sentience I can see why gearbox isn't using the word.
>And you decide the whole reason they're using "they" -- which is perfectly correct grammatically -- is to appease that crowd.
While this, specifically, is probably not the case, it's plausible that the character was created with that in mind.
Confirmed for ESL
You've just fucking hit the crux of your retarded argument. If it's capable of a sentience on par with a human's, it should be given the same basic respect any one human would grant another. This is the focal point of how many science fiction stories?
You call something it when you think it is lesser than you.
keep crying
>It's a underage/ESL morons don't understand how pronouns work episode
Do your English homework, Jimmy
why is she so perfect?
That's a social projection of today's morals, not a grammatically accurate statement. You are right, I wouldn't do something like that, I personally WOULD say , 'they/them", but not because "it" is an incorrect term.
So what you're saying is external agents might assign them a gender whether the actual being agrees with or understands that assignment or not.
And I'd agree. People are simple, shallow things and try to make things fit their existing worldview. That doesn't mean the actual thinking agent you're dealing with would begin to identify that way. You're assuming they would eventually begin thinking like a human rather than in their own unique, mechanically inclined mindset.
I mean, the character is a beastmaster who doesn't identify well with humans. Them not adopting the concept of gender just because others try to push it on them makes sense.
>If it's capable of a sentience on par with a human's, it should be given the same basic respect any one human would grant another
No I wouldn't. It still a robot.
They/them is exclusively used for a group of people or a single person when their gender remains unknown to you, that's it.
>this robot is stupid, IT cant even follow simple instructions!
>they feel an connection
Can you make less degenerate edits
or make more and send them to me
If they're an English major they're dumb as fuck if they think "they" doesn't have heavy usage as a third person singular.
Yeah. I think it might be a thematic thing. It is for non sentient objects while they is for sentient objects. (I hate the grey area of animals. Like, I call a cockroach it but a dog or chimp they. What do I call a bird? I'm not even sure)
But it IS inaccurate because it implies the subject isn't an agent. We have a different neutral pronoun for a reason.
Yea Forums Doesn't know how the english language works, the thread
>blah blah blah social construct
You will never be a woman
Everyone shut the fuck up and post robots
he/him is both masculine and neutral depending on context
Well, you're a son of a bitch then. The fact that you wouldn't respect another's agency just because they don't have the same physical makeup as you is fucked and you should evaluate that about yourself.
In the context of the game, the robot IS a "person" in that it's conscious and thinking, but it also has no sex/gender because it's a robot, so you cannot possibly know what sex/gender it has, which is why they use "they." Just like you don't use "they" to describe the weather last night you don't use "it" to describe a person.
Do you use tumblr or reddit by any chance?
>we lose the ability to differentiate between individuals and groups
How rich is it that someone speaking english thinks that their language isn't largely based on context and thinks he can call anyone else retarded
do you realize just how many words that are spelled or pronounced exactly the same change due to context?
Maybe I'm just giving you too much credit and you're just a stupid ESL
So this is just a thread for people who dont read very much?
Why is ESL trannies always pushing “they is singular” meme?
It is a fucking issue because now if someone tells me 'They washed the dishes' i have to ask them if he meant a retard or a group of people
It defeats the entire purpose of pronouns
I'm not saying gender is a social construct. Biological gender is, most of the time, binary. What we're dealing with in this scenario though is something which has no gender or concept of gender by its nature. What I'm saying is I can absolutely see people projecting a gender onto them because they're incapable of wrapping their heads around a genderless, sentient being and would decide some aspects are masculine or feminine and start viewing the machine that way.
Singular they has been in use since at least the 15th century.
The personality of this character has been purposely hidden by G-d to determine who will identify the life force energy or karmic drive as belonging to the 3 animals the robot feeds. This is made clear in the link spiked dogbowl/dogcollar looking thing. When freedom is hindered by joggers and rape happy cops, yeah, having an upgradable computer licence to avoid violence becomes expected.
>The genitive form its has been used to refer to human babies and animals, although with the passage of time this usage has come to be considered too impersonal in the case of babies,[citation needed] as it may be thought to demean a conscious being to the status of a mere object.[1]
This would mean in this theoretical world, you would partake in Speciesism. The human as a concept is no more than the electrical impulses of the brain and general nervous system. Your memories are simply stored data that your brain uses to change it's equations and outputs. A robot can be made the same, and it likely will before too long.
That doesnt fall under the use of they/them.
>this robot is stupid, they cant even follow simple instructions!
Sounds retarded and ESL as fuck. Never said it is used for a person.
This isn't new you dumb shit. SJWs didn't introduce this. And if you're in a conversation about a genderless, sentient robot, context alone is enough to make it clear what you mean.
I'm a son of a bitch for calling a robot it? OK then.
>Sounds retarded and ESL as fuck.
t. ESL
I'm not pissed about this. Unless they explicitly take time to talk about the robots sexuality and descrimination, "they" is cool and appropriate, and harkens back to the days when hive mind and cyber punk originated
It would be appropriate, given that robots are actual objects, unless they were sentient enough to wish not to be considered one.
X went to the store.
Where did X go?
They went to the store
Not very confusing to me
the retard would be you for being unable to read the context of the situation.
Furthermore, it wouldn't even matter if you know who washed the dishes as long as they're washed.
You're just being difficult for the sake of being difficult.
They has been used singularly since even before your father was a little hormonal dipshit like you.
Nah. They can often be used to describe a person of indeterminate gender in a distant manner.
>My regional manager is dumb. They thought I was in charge of procuring goods for my store.
Gearbox should make "it" commit suicide at the end of the story.
This way the trans community could relate to the character even more so.
>The fact that you wouldn't respect anther's agency
Did the robot actually choose "they" or is that just what Gearbox is writing as a description.
>If it's capable of a sentience on par with a human's, it should be given the same basic respect any one human would grant another
>No I wouldn't. It still a robot
No, you're a son of a bitch because you wouldn't respect them the same as you would any other person just because they have a different physical form than you do.
it's really not
singular 'they' is used in contexts where the gender of the subject is still unknown
But you obviously know who your regional manager is so you would never use they.
>I have no argument, and I must meme
What did they mean by this?
I think he means moreso the Robot's inherent sentience/intelligence, instead of agency.
all gearbox does is rip off blizzard
as well, the robot-animal fondness thing was done for overwatch's robot. forget the name
But the gender isnt unknown, it's a robot without gender evidently, so you wouldnt use they, you would use it.
B-b-but language evolves all the time so it's okay if I get it wrong because that's just evolving into being right!
No, what I'm saying is that using "it" removes the agency from the subject in its usage. It implies the subject doesn't have agency. Basic respect for the sentience of another being should preclude its use when discussing a thinking being.
You'd use they
Are you a spic by any chance?
>People need to stop abusing the language
5 minutes earlier
>lol cucked
>"I like mecha, b-but not that kind!"
Worthless nigger opinion.
Trannies are not sentient
Spic spotted
It's a robot, so it's "it". You're really mad over this, are you a robot by any chance? Also how do you even know it was the robot's decision to go by "they" and not just the Gearbox description.
We've already been through the rules of they/them usage, no you wouldn't.
Better question Why is the a in flak replaced with a 4
Yeah you would
>before feminine nouns and adverbs
How dare you try to bring my language to your trashy spanish level.
The usage of singular they is neutral. We as humans use it when gender is unknown in normal conversation because generally there is a gender to assign. When discussing a non-gendered being, the neutral pronoun would still be the most appropriate term because they are gender neutral.
Again, when discussing a hermaphrodite, "they" would still be appropriate, not "it."
GUYS his gender depends on if he plugs into the wall for power or if he needs to be plugged into for power
Literally LITERALLY the first sentence of the description contains "EMERGENT AI" and "SELF-DISCOVERY"
You retards have a lot of nerve telling other people they're makinga fuss over nothing
>not knowing what singular they is
Hands off the keyboard, nigger.
What's wrong with saying "it"? I grew up under the assumption that there are 2 genders and if the gender of something was not clear we would say "it". Using "they" seems fucking retarded and implies the walking body horror is a collective entity(no shit, we're multicellular organisms but genders exist and are a tangeable thing in human society.)
It's not just spanish user. All the other romantic languages use it.
If robot sounds like a dude, it's a he.
If robot sounds like a chick, it's a she.
Fuck you if you say otherwise.
Show me where in the definition of singular they that it says "using a neutral pronoun only makes sense if there is a binary gender to uncover."
We use it in normal conversation when a gender is unknown because we're normally talking about humans who normally have binary genders. If we discovered the person in question was a hermaphrodite, we wouldn't then start calling them it.
Think you replied to the wrong guy.
Robots are an It you retard.
is this an american thing? (no bait intended genuine question)
I've used they/them for years and no ones ever bit my head off before
And if it has a gender neutral mechanical voice?
Fucking spic. Feminimity or masculinity works nothing like that in English, connection isnt feminine, and you wouldnt say "a honor"
It's the right reply, I assure you
It is a gender neutral pronoun.
Why are you all so mad over this?
"It" would sound less janky than "they"
Read the topic holy shit.
no it doesnt, you’re just wrong about the word “they”
Basically nails it on the head. Look back to TNG. Data has masculine features (fully functioning, as the series points out) but during the trial regarding his sentencing, Data was referred to as it, made to an object to dehumanize the character.
>not having binary gender
We call those "mentally ill" kid.
Even hermaphrodites prefer to lean one way or the other, but I'd hope you were sensible enough to call it an "it" as well.
>hat you're arguing would actually downgrade the English language in terms of written clarity
Jesus fucking Christ. First and last (You)
It just sounds jankier.
Machines don't need pronouns, they're things not people.
Not when talking about a robot. When talking about a person, it would. Would you say "I just got a new talking car. I will drive them over so you can see!" sounds funky compared to "I just got a new talking car. I will drive it over so you can see!"
Not really, but regardless it's not something you'd be saying a lot unless you built a shit ton of robots to be your buddies. Then again I've known people in robotics and engineering who call things he or she
Robots don't have sentience.
People get upset when you use "it" to refer to pets, user. That's not going to catch on any time soon.
Should start using this instead
They just adds confusion.
they is perfectly fine to refer to a single person, whether their gender is known or not
How dare you try to bring my lanuage to your trashy "romantic" level
But if their gender is known, you'd obviously go by the gender?
Well "it" is used for non human things more often than not so makes sense. Besides the point one of the first few questions/topics brought up about someone's pet is usually the sex.
>omg cute dog! What is it?
>its a she!
Or alternatively:
>omg cute dog, how old is he?
>she is 9 months!
>oh, well shes big!
Call it a he anyways. Like I or anyone else gives a damn what it thinks it is. Everyone just says what's easiest and that's he.
Ok, spic, my argument is that losing the plural aspect of "they" would sacrifice functionality. If we use they and them for both singular and plural instances, we lose a specificity we once had. There is literally no benefit to doing this other than to create a neutral pronoun for faggots. It would be better to find an alternative that doesn't sacrifice a pretty fucking useful rule.
Theres absolutely no reason not to call them by their gender when its known unless you're trying to make a dumb statement about gender theory.
>"it" is often used to dehumanize a subject
That's because Robits are human retard
Didn't they do this same shit for Zer0?
English IS a romantic language
Humans would be better off without names.
He sounds like a dude and has no bewbs, so it's a he.
Worse, they's a Californian thing
Nope he's referred to as a man throughout the game. Although his "true" name and gender is not revealed.
... this would actually be kinda clever, and then you could make sex jokes about a "guy" robot that longs to be plugged into because he's robo-gay and retarded trannies can obsesses over that character
and you queers could fantasies about a girl-bot who wants to plug her self into things aka have a robo-dong
Pay attention retard.
It isn't. I don't give a fuck what your dumbass 3rd world English teacher says, she's wrong and stupid and so are you. Never trust a shitskin to teach English holy shit, good life lesson for everyone.
What kind of a retard thought using a plural pronoun as a singular pronoun would be a good idea.
So Jon is bringing friends?
Westerners, because English is a retard language.
That's a rip-off of Tank Girl not D.VA dummy
And sometimes they have child-birthing hips.
There's not much of an option, English merged most of its pronouns awhile ago and you can see what shitshow it is to try and come up with new ones, so we just have to repurpose old ones. It's the same reason we're stuck with "y'all" as a plural second-person pronoun, because we merged "ye" with "you."
>calls itself FL4K
doesn't seem like it wants to be taken seriously by humans
>they feel an connection
Does this mean that is fl4k an hero?
Not about the game, but the times we live in.
>English merged most of its pronouns awhile ago and you can see what shitshow it is to try and come up with new ones
You just need to be popular enough to make shit up and have it catch on. Shakespeare did it.
More like child-manufacturing hips
And now I'm imagining robot mothers with a miniature factory in place of a womb
In my language we don't even have a separate word for 'gender', just sex. It's used for both, since, you know...
Sounds like your language needs to get woke.
must be weird to talk about grammar then, because gender means something very different from sex there.
That's how it was in english for a while, then the two terms were created but used interchangeably, and then you can guess the rest.
Not weird at all 2bh
Robot rights have been being violated at extreme proportions as of the lately. Really pisses me off.
unless i'm mistaken, according to the oxford english dictionary it's grammatically incorrect to use they as a singular pronoun for something that is not human.
Gender was originally used as something entirely separate from sex in English and Latin though, it came from Genus and was used to classify nouns based on inflections. It wasn't used to refer to sex until like the 1970s in the US.
u wot
Starbound did that.
He better not have a boring personality or a shit action skill. Seems like each animal is going to be separate.
what's your problem user.