Ads are longer than the actual content of the video

>Ads are longer than the actual content of the video

Which other gaming channels are slowly falling into crappiness?

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They gotta make money somehow my man.

That channel's been crappy for years.

Jontron. He's barely even vidya related now.

Did you KNOW that mario brothers 2 wasn't MARIO it was RESKIN?? YEAH!!!

No they don’t, stop trying to make YouTube a career instead of a hobby

Then they should study a career and get a real job like everyone else?

What ads? Is this some kind of in-joke for plebs who don't install uBlock Origin on their browser?

>take stuff from wikipedia
>"lmao look at these crazy vydia facts!"
Larry is one of the few that actually delivers vydia trivia. Fuck DYG and their tranny agenda.

Ads IN the video, not the kinda you can block with extensions.

Yes, get a real job. For example, producing a television or radio show that attracts thousands of viewers/listeners where the show makes money by playing commercial breaks and...

Uh, never mind.

Are you REALLY comparing a actual television show with a youtube video you make in your fucking free time?
For fucking real?

He said a real job, not jewish nepotism.

Then 95% of videogame content will be gone because 'muh jews!!!' boogeyman.
Keep crying boomers.

I liked them before their youtube channel became big and they basically abandoned their site.

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That channel thrives on pop culture and other entities/people doing actual research for them to steal and throw ads on. I hope they get flushed down the shitter.

>I already know everything

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Whoever tries to shill me vpn providers, TOP OF THE LINE f2p mobile games that they suuuurely play non-stop as proclaimed, or an assortment of razors and buttwipes.

You stupid nigger, if you EVER thought DYKG was anything but bottom-of-the-barrel garbage, you are literally everything that is wrong with modern Youtube. Kill yourself you fucking low-life normie kike. That goes for all of you who say anything remotely positive about these fuck heads.

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>eceleb that I like voices for a video on DYKG
>mouth breathers in the comments say that he talks too fast
>one of the largest dislike ratios for their channel
>he never comes on again

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The Youtube wiki words it nicely.
>The site features video content focusing on video game related made-up trivia and false facts, hosted on video game entertainment website, covering various franchises.
>The site releases videos featuring un-verified content found on old online message boards presented as trivia based on different franchises.
99% of the bullshit they spew is unverifiable conjecture at best and flat out untrue at worst, and all the retards like this guy just fucking eat it up

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I stopped watching like 3 years ago, it got even worst now? I prefer to get vydia triva from Larry