They're fucking IN

They're fucking IN

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Other urls found in this thread: of problems with Monster Hunter World/

Doesn't matter, the game is flawed at its core

List of problems with Monster Hunter World:

>Inb4 "b-but nintendo..."

>Healing while running, can dodge while healing, move while shooting
>Many other actions can also be dodged out, including sharpening
>Traps are placed almost instantly
>Weapons in general are more mobile and stronger, think adept + brave movesets from XX combined
>Except for the hunting horn, the weakest weapon in 4U and Generations, which got NERFED in World thanks to the removal of double note system
>Overall DPS for weapons was raised significantly, up to G rank levels in a High Rank game
>Even easier mounting thanks to much lower mounting threshold (sometimes activating the mount after 1 hit), with the grappling hook taking you right back into the monster even if you fall off as a consequence of an attack
>Environment recovers health, puts the monster to sleep, paralyzes it, etc.
>You have access to your full box even during hunts, meaning you can stock up on healing items anytime
>Mantles give you OP abilities like no knockback, never be seen by the monster unless you attack or a full new health bar
>Monsters have been given more generous weakspots, the main example is Diablos with a 40 MV in its head for blunt weapons, as well as a new 45/63/40 weakspot on its head, making them more exploitable
>The changes above wouldn’t be so bad were it not for the fact that monsters DO NOT adapt to these changes, resulting in an incredibly easy game from start to finish
>The monsters themselves are also very slow and passive when compared to the old gens, they rarely string attacks together and have slow and predictable attacks in general
>The only change to tempered monsters are their damage and maybe their HP, so don’t expect actual challenge there. What a joke.

Continuing on the next post.

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>Arch tempered monsters have demonstrated that Capcom, when tasked to make existing monsters more difficult, instead of making them more aggressive or faster, will instead double down on their shitty gimmicks (Vaal) and raise their damage do simply absurd levels (Kirin)
>Elemental damage has been casualised, everything has an element it is weak to, good raw weakspots are always good elemental hitspots as well
>Though you might have trouble finding an elemental weapon worth a damn, considering the game leans too heavily on fire element monsters and too little on other elements, resulting in a boring roster of 34 monsters, of which most are tutorials (Great Jagras), gimmicks (Zorah, Behemoth, Kulve), irrelevant (Dodogama) or straight up garbage (Lunastra, Vaal)
>Behemoth specifically is a fucking disgrace
>Kulve specifically is a massive waste of potential, what could’ve been a fun and challenging fight (one of the few in World) against a huge monster ended up being a gimmicky mess that could take you from 20 to 50 minutes of attacking a barely moving damage sponge just to reach its true phase, where the fight actually begins, and you don’t even get to kill it in the end
>The rewards for killing it are weapons barely any better from the ones in the game already, and are in no way a replacement for the relic system in 4U
>And yes, it's a timed event monster, have fun
>It has one of the worst high rank final boss in the entire series, it’s yet another damage sponge that barely does anything
>Chasing down the monster takes a lot longer than in previous games, expect to spend a lot following the monster, especially in awful maps such as the Ancient Forest
>3 monsters per area means monsters encounters are much more common, making cheap hits from attacks you can’t see or getting combo-ed by 2 monsters at the same time much more common, in fact, Bazelgeuse is specifically designed to interrupt you in your hunts, it gets old very fast

Continuing on the next post

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>Heartbeat shows about how much health the monster has left
>90% of the weapons in the game are reskins of the bone and iron weapon models, with monster parts glued on it. Contrary to popular belief, this does not change in high rank, the weapons still look the same, only using a different bone or iron weapon model
>New skill system removes negative skills and is dumbed down
>The system makes so using full sets are almost never worth using, making the classic “fashion vs optimal armor” battle even more one sided
>No gunner armor. No, alpha and beta armor are not replacements to the old gunner / blademaster dynamic, mainly because of the fact both usually have the exact same skills on them;
>On that note, Alpha and Beta armor look almost the same.
>Soundtrack feels very generic and boring, a step down from older games
>The music for past monsters was changed for the worse, Deviljho especially
>Pre order bonuses and day 1 DLC
>DLC is overpriced content that should've been in the game in the first place
>Events now cost money as well
>Quests only available only during a certain timeframe
>This means essential, end game gear, are going to be locked behind a time frame. An example is the Dante legs, which 2 points into the weakness exploit skill, there’s no other legs like in the game
>Guild and village quests were merged, amount of quests lowered drastically
>Lobby system is garbage, it manages to be worse than the one in a 3DS game, now this is an achievement
>Playing the story missions with other people is bad, with you needing to see the cutscene first, then send an SoS signal, only then, other people can join.
>Can't give rooms names, nor give them a password
>Only way to reliably play with randoms is to use the SoS system, which means you will be fighting almost dead monsters with people who will leave as soon as its dead

Continuing on the next post

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>SoS system is complete garbage though, most of the time you search a quest, you don't find anything, implying that there is no one fighting that monster, however, if you try to search for it again immediately, you might actually end up finding open quests that you should have found on your first search. You can also end up finding a set of quests the first time you search, search again and find a completely different set of quests. The game never shows you all quests at once, it makes finding quests for less common monsters and specific investigation extremely and needlessly complicated. The system is completely broken, and it still hasn't been fixed by the time of this post.
>No way to play offline without turning off the internet
>The chat is awful and encourages people to not use it
>Loading is much longer than before, with quests needing two different loading screens
>You can't pause the game at all
>Transmogging removed, new system is awful and limits the player on what sets they can wear
>Only 1 palico is allowed, no different classes
>Cats no longer can use special abilities like in XX or 4U
>Seasonal events are a complete uneventful joke, their armors are garbage and not worth using, the emotes cost money, the changes to the hall are superficial and the new mechanics are worthless
>The menus overall are terrible, item sets are hidden behind a number of menus and extra button presses and are in general more annoying (radial menu is irrevocably tied to the item set loadouts rather than optionally or a toggle, or combined sets) meaning the system is an overall regression
>Default camera settings place everything to the side of your character for no reason other than to look at flashy visuals, in spite of being uncomfortable and awkward to play with
>Default camera setting is permanent lock on

Continuing on the next post

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List of problems with Iceborne:

>Deluxe kit necessary for a new armor set
>Pre order necessary to obtain Yukumo armor layered set (it will be IMPOSSIBLE to get this set otherwise)
>This confirms that the awful layered set system still hasn't been replaced by a proper transmog, the timed event quest system is back and the willingness for the MH team to keep doing awful, anti consumer practices as long as they can get away with it
>Banbaro is a barroth reskin, with a different charge gimmick. When talking about it, the developers only focused on the visual and ecology aspects of the monster, only mentioning how it only charges at the hunter, so don't expect a good fight
>Beotodus is a Lavasioth reskin, looks more aggressive but don't expect much other than a neutered fight that will make you miss Agnaktor
>They didn't bother to change the turf war, they use the same animations as the Barroth vs mud Lavasioth one
>Nargacuga has been slowed down, attacks are more predictable. When talking about it, the developers focused on irrelevant non combat aspects, such as how it moves and its turf war with rathalos
>Velkhana looks like another reuse of the Kushala skeleton, it doesn't even look unique, they even share the same element
>In general the devs focused on talking about how good the graphics look and the endemic life, and not about the gameplay
>Music sounds like shit, it's obvious that they kept the same "shitty movie soundtrack" mentality for the expansion. Narga's music is awful, as expected
>New hunter actions makes the hunter even more overpowered. You can now activate a mount from a slinger shot, something every single weapon can do now, GS can stun monsters mid combo, etc. This follows the same design philosophy of world, making the hunter overpowered and the monsters a joke so braindead people can still beat the game
>Palico skill that revives you and gives a free cart

Overall I'm very worried about MH's future. Feel free to add to the list.

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Keep seething you bitter old faggot boomer

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>worried for MH’s future
>best selling MH to date
I know it’s bait and copypasta but it’s funny to realise someone actually dedicated his time to typing this shit up. Also I really hope the Fated Four are gonna be in

>Inb4 "b-but nintendo...
Fucking nintentards, you're not fooling anyone weakling.

feel free to make a come back and prove any of the points wrong instead of flinging buzzword insults like a drone

>Sales = quality
Every time


Sounds like someone’s seething, huh

just a single point
pick an easy one

>implying I defended MHW’s quality
can’t expect much from a retarded boomer’s brain.shit for brains,learn to read next time.

Worldlets are incapable of saying anything coherent, let alone posting a proper argument

>seasonal armors are not worth using
The best helmet in the game is a seasonal item (Gala)

MHW is fun and Extreme Behemoth is more difficult than anything in the Nintendo games.

is that official art? i'd love for gore magala and zinogre to be in.

are you still gonna be seething that Iceborne will be sell as much as the base game did?kek the tears will be delicious

thank you

I have to admit, Glavenus actually has me pretty excited. It'd be great if the rest of the F4 were in too.

>Retarded worldfag can't even interpret his own post
Top kek

>Ay Dios Brachio
Now just give me the rest of the Fated Four and I will buy your game.

Post claims Dante legs are "essential endgame gear" which is wrong. They are numerically inferior to Drachen, Nergigante Y leggings, among others

I unironically like the weapon designs in world.

It is. It is looking more than likely that almost all of the monsters in the poster could be inside Iceborne.

>Points out a major flaw that falls into another point of the list

>>>"This means essential, end game gear, are going to be locked behind a time frame. An example is the Dante legs, which 2 points into the weakness exploit skill, there’s no other legs like in the game"
Worldfags really are retarded


>actually enjoy World
>fucking despite the irreversible damage that World did to the fanbase

Enough. Is. Enough.

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Claims game is "very easy" when Extremoth is by far more difficult than anything in prior mainline games. When doing it solo it's even 10x more difficult.

>Dumb worldtards are contradicting each other now
Fucking lol

After the Glavey reveal I'm getting my hopes up that they're all in. They made the 3d models for that picture so aside from Lagy I don't see why they wouldn't be.

That point is also wrong. Dante legs are not optimal not "essential". And Gala is tied with Nergigante helm, which isn't seasonal.

>Not enjoying shit solely because YOU do
You are weak as shit my guy who gives a fuck about these “people” and their “opinions”. I just wanna hint monsters with like-minded lads and lasses. Not nitpicky shitter who love hearing themselves talk.


rad. that's exciting. i was so hype i didn't even see lagi and seregios in there, how neat. i hope they all make it in

You have been proven wrong dozens of times you fucking obsessed retard, you have posted this wall of text in almost every single MH thread, have you no life outside of 4chin?
And yet, every time, every single time you are proven wrong you start mumbling incoherently
>I-It doesn't count!
And when the next thread comes you are always there, with the same shitty pasta, like that guy from My Name is Earl who got hit in the head and kept repeating the same day over and over again.
Just fuck off already

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whose head is on the left side
lao shan?

Holy fuck
I'd rather play mh on the go, but you're a sick degenerate, why those rows and rows of text if you don't like the game at all

N-nooooooooo!! Those are mhxx exclusive monsters

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>transmog mod
>transmog mod
>transmog mod
>transmog mod

Feel free not to be a console cuck.

>Dante’s armour
>not using Drachen 4 piece with eye patch
truly you are retarded

>Proven wrong
>When all the posts are worldlets seething and crying about nintendo, at some points contradicting each other
Top kek, stay mad, subhuman faggot

It says chasing down monsters "takes too long". This is wrong, because you can wing drake around the map, making it much faster than games like MHFU where fliers could force you to run the whole map.



can we now say that 85% of the new monsters introduced in world suck right.

They're just fucking reskins with two new moves, it's tradition of the saga

That’s Fatalis


Nincels will never get over losing Monster Hunter.

>Kushala always flies from whatever zone in the bottom of the ancient forest and the volcano area to the very top
At least play the game, retarded faggot

Odogaron is good
Bagel is good

That's already more than 15%

fuck, i was 100% fatalis had longer mouth
maybe just me remembering psp pixels wrong

>World did to the fanbase
what fanbase lol, you people hated each other long before World


Case in point

>Top kek, stay mad, subhuman faggot
Try to hold back the tears next time

And you can teleport to camps which are right next to him. At least play the game, retarded faggot

It's too hard for them to put in fucking gaoren, yamatsukami or some monkeys?
I know capcom doesn't like to create a skeleton if they can't reuse it 500 times, but ffs
Posting Wojak
As expected from a iphone user

Who gives a fuck about the new monsters. People only care for the old flagship monsters. New monsters are just a bonus.

>You can't feasibly fight monsters wearing a single set!!!!
>Seasonal gear's the ONLY viable endgame gear!!!!
So what is it?
>Healing while running, can dodge while healing, move while shooting
>Weapons are stronger
Not flaws. You're just mad.

Mama Mia!

That's nice and all but you'll still be seething and posting this while everyone is enjoying the game.

>Nincels will never get over losing Monster Hunter.
Monster Hunter has never been exclusive in 10 years retard

I just realized that 90% of the "points" in the wall of text would also apply to MHFU. This proves that the wall of text was made by someone who started with the shitty 3DS games.

World's great.
Stay seething.

>PSfags, Xbonefags and PCfags are all enjoying the game
>Ninceldos were the only ones that went balistic since the game was announced
Yeah, i can't see who could be behind all this shitpost

Just turned the game on to confirm you're bullshitting, kill yourself, subhuman worldtard

>the irreversible damage that seething Nincels did to the fanbase

Fixed that for you.

wahoo le bing bing


Gammoth could be in. Makes sense why they didn’t make Banbaro on 4 legs. They would be too similar. Or there’s no Gammoth and they’re just lazy. Time will tell. After Glavenus’s reveal anything is possible

>>You can't feasibly fight monsters wearing a single set!!!!
>>Seasonal gear's the ONLY viable endgame gear!!!!
You managed to interpret all 3 of those point wrong, that's very impressive

>>Healing while running, can dodge while healing, move while shooting
>>Weapons are stronger
>>Mantles EXISTING

>>monsters DO NOT adapt to these changes, resulting in an incredibly easy game from start to finish

And kill yourself

The original prototype they made for world had a working or at least semi working lagiacrus in it and the only reason its not in world is because they couldn't fix the skeleton for it which they've had plenty of time to deal with

Not an argument, try again.

You've posted this shit in enough threads to have an equally long laundry list of counter arguments.

Post yfw you will never be this mad at a video game.

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Truly, look at all these points proving me wrong

And many more in the thread. Stay mad, faggot.

By now I think it's safe to say that Monster Hunter world has generated more overall butthurt over its exclusivity, or lack thereof, than Bloodborne.

The pure, distilled levels of seethe still thriving within even this very thread is beautiful.


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>Or there’s no Gammoth and they’re just lazy.
Implying bringing back a shit old mons is not being lazy.

Tigrex is looking good. Can't wait for the rest.

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I'm afraid that's not an argument, braindead anime poster, try again

Everyone knows this. PC, Xbox, PS4 players are all happy. The only one absolutely FROTHING are Nincels. This thread proves it.


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What’s this about glavenus being revealed


Have sex.

Are they fixing guild halls in Iceborne so you can actually eat and hang out with your party before the quest?

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Oh shit, this is my first time seeing the sales figures.
Monster Hunter can finally be free of the mobile menace.

Monster Hunter World sold the most because it's the best. Stay mad. of problems with Monster Hunter World/
Now go fuck off and argue to a wall


yeah, but is HE in?

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>Whoa, hey guys

At the end of today's Iceborn story trailer a blade like slash appears across the screen, with an accompanying scream. Which is basically how the last trailer teased Tigrex, with its roar. Tigrex was in this trailers video as a monster.

Also, Nargacuga was teased in the exact same fashion when the expansion was revealed, so I think it's pretty safe to conclude Glavenus is going to be in.

Resident evil is the most successful game in the series and resident evil 2 remake kicks it right in the jowls, your point?

Latest trailer ended with a tease for him. They re-enacted his ecology short vs a Rathian.

New trailer shows his feet and tail slash at the end.

I'm glad Monster Hunter is not being held back by Nintendo's gimped consoles anymore. Finally Monster Hunter is on real consoles and can be played like it was meant to be played.

133 times the list has been posted and not once it has been proven wrong, feels good.

Stay mad, little faggot, I'll post the list and ruin every MH i see and there is nothing you can do about it :)

Yes she (He) is in.

>Monster Hunter can finally be free of the mobile menace.
Good thing nips love to play on portable devices
Wouldn't like to choose one or another option because some greedy fucks just want the game on x or y console

Please give bubble boi


Dante legs aren't optimal. And Gala helm has the same skill efficiency as Nergigante alpha or beta.

At least try playing the game

Once again, see and kill yourself

resident evil 5*

Judging by the sales figures, seems they don't want to do that with monster hunter. Since it outsold the last 3 combined.

>Wouldn't like to choose one or another option because some greedy fucks just want the game on x or y console

Good job describing Nincels.

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Extremely based and redpilled to the max.

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Extreme Behemoth is more difficult than anything in a mainline game, so you are wrong. Cope

>on real consoles and can be played like it was meant to be played.
This statement makes no sense
Mh should be only pc exclusive, fuck your underpowered consoles and fuck your early access to every option in the game you cunts

>being so mad you post it 133 time
Holy shit you're obsessed.

Thanks for bumping the threads and contributing to them. The more exposure of the true Monster Hunter games like MHW the better. Everyone needs to forget about the gimped Monster Hunters on Nintendo's consoles.


Friendly reminder, biggest selling capcom game it isn't going away boys.

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Tell that to the previous holder of that honor.

>Worldfags are bragging about fucking behemoth
Top fucking kek, talk about Stockholm syndrome

Good job not getting the point yet again as well

Turning threads into a bunch of manchildren screeching about console wars sure is going to make people want to buy your game right?

Keep crying harder nintendies. The truth won't be silenced.

>Judging by the sales figures, seems they don't want to do that with monster hunter
You forget mh world barely surpassed 2M
It's a fuckton in nipland judging only a couple of games have done that in the few 5 years, but you're saying it like the 12M sales were exclusive on nipland

Hey guys, best Fire Emblem commin through. After all, it did sell the most.

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You're the one crying about world in a monster hunter world thread

and yes all monster hunter shitposting boils down to it not being on nintendo and no amount of "Y-YOU'RE JUST A CONSOLE WAR FAG!!" will change that. Stop being a poorfag and get a PC.

m-more of this?

>Implying it's just one person
Truly braindead

This is a MH thread, not some anime waifushit simulator thread.kindly fuck off

>he thinks lagiacrus is getting in
Kek enjoy

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What's the difference, nigger? Both games threw gameplay to the dogs.

I have a PC, PS4 and a Switch, I can play pretty much any game I want. Sucks to be you, obsessing over people playing something you can't. Enjoy your shitflinging MH threads

His entire rig is complete and he was going to be in world. The only thing that stopped it was the current roster of maps not accomodating for him well enough. Lagi is probably the first candidate for being in

>Good job describing Nincels.
Good job describing snoytards and nyntoddlers
One is pissed because of a series that outside ps2 were never exclusive to begin with
Other is as shit because it's bragging about a game because it's not on the other console
Both of them are fucking cancer to their respective fanbases and need to fucking die, the mh community got defiled enough with 3u

Resident evil was still selling pretty well. Nintendo fans was just not buying Montster Hunter

Thanks fampai

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>obsessing over people playing something you can't
literally what you're doing, I have every game since tri (and all the PSP version pirated). Cope harder hardwarelet.

What about mah boy?

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What the fuck did they just show mounting small monsters for traveling?

Well they are probs going to bring back an elder or two, so maybe.

He was in the trailer
You just couldn't see him

That would be neat like how your palico can do that.

Woah fucking sword tail and tigerexxx

Fuck yeah, I love world


is there any chance of an switch release evetually or the chances are ZERO ?


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Nintendo soys so upset, still mad a year later producing copy pasted bullshit LMAO

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It's Capcom, they port fucking any game that sells well anywhere they can a million billion times. Just expect to wait a few years and for it also to run even worse than it does on base a PS4/Xbone. basically don't get your hopes up at all

I don’t give a fuck you retarded cunt.dont shit up this thread with some garbage generic anime game.fuck off

I thought World was garbage but I'm pretty hopeful for Iceborne.


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They are not fans, they are Switchlet port beggars.

The only merit FE has is waifufags. The gameplay has always been boring as shit. Hell, the franchise in general is trash.

So yes, objectively speaking, Awakening and Fates are the best FE games. Don't @ me you fucking nerds.

We all know its the obsessive Nintendo weeb thats insufferable because capcom betrayed his toy company. This isnt new.

I would say Zero the game already runs like shit on Xbox and PS4 so switch would be a slideshow at 120p

is this an expansion for Dauntless?

How about this: we all get in discord, you voice your point, everyone counters it. Lets see if you can do something other than copy and paste shit. So what do you think Switchlet?

I like World and pre-World Monster Hunter games.

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Why bother? The Switch is a shit platform for it.

How fucking bad do you have to be that you can't even do the Kulve intro under 20 minutes? If you're not a group of braindead troglodytes you could easily co-ordinate boulders, cannons, and just attacking it and get it to it's arena in 10 or less minutes.

You're an okay person, user.

Someone like you is barely worth a (you), console warring tard


>they should have made exact same game without any changes for another 10 years
go fuck urself, autist

Waiting for a sale on PC so I can start playing again, has it ever went on sale?

>Legit criticism about MHW gets posted
>"n-n-n-nintendo b-b-bing b-b-b-bing"
Now how about instead of being a console warring faggot you try posting an actual counter argument?

Scared huh? I bet you sound like a fucking beta mouse

I'm spooked

How about you hop on voice and we record it. Then we can post the recording of you being btfo every MH thread. Too scared pussy?

>Using cannons against Kulve
How fucking bad are you?


Console warring faggots like the fucking copypaste bot and the "it's the best because it's not on your console" retards need to fucking die already, they're a disgrace to the community
You're just asking to lynch him, not to answer him you nincompoop

wtf are you even talking about? Can you or can you not post any counter arguments?

Japs don't like him.
And I understand why.

How about you go fuck off.

>”B-But dat isn’t profin me wong”
Maybe it isn’t. But you’ve posted this SO MANY TIMES. Yet your autistic enough to refuse to listen. Not gonna be surprised if your underaged. Because you sure as hell act like it. Now before you reply with a “BTFO” and seethe. Let me ask you this. WHY should we listen to you? Why should be care about your 4 post long WALL OF TEXT copypasta? If you don’t fucking answer this sincerely then your clearly seething and just wanting to derail the thread.

>Legit criticism

>complains about taking too long in the intro
>doesn't use everything at his disposable to make it faster
Is thinking hard for you?


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I hope everyone gets in. We all know World needs more monsters to hunt.

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this isn't dragon's dogma.
im not paying for standalone content that's more expensive and has less content than dark arisen.

let this meme die and i hope every legitimate shill loses their job.

No counter arguments buddy. Everything you said was right. MHW is trash. But I’m still gonna but Iceborne though and a lot of people will. Take a breather and accept that.

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Post discord, beta bitch

Now I want one of these happy little shits

It's faster to just beat the shit out of the Kulve than waste your time with the cannons. I have done countless P1 Kulve runs and literally none of them have used the cannons.

>WHY should we listen to you? Why should be care about your 4 post long WALL OF TEXT copypasta?
It's your life, you choose what to listen to. I posted that list to tell everyone how bad world is and to entertain myself with the responses

Still a huge pile of Oops, All Lizards. It's real Blagonga hours sometime. It's gotta be.

Then why the fuck did you reply to my post calling listfag a neanderthal for not being able to do it WITH the cannons?

But isn't that Serge literally in OP?

You claimed that the cannons make the intro faster which is just false as long as you're not total fucking idiot and know how the Kulve fight works.

Stop trying to move the goal post to be about your tranny voice chat and post the counter arguments if you have them.


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It's obviously faster without cannons if you've got a good party who knows what they're doing. But it's faster with cannons if your skill or your group's skill and knowledge is at the bare minimum, which is below listfag's capability apparently.

>goal posts
What goal posts? I said i will rebuttel all your points with a voiced discussion that you cant copy and paste. The fact that you back down means you are both a scared faggot and cant argue your own points.


>Best monster might make it

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Bring back Great Jaggi you fucking cowards.

Many thanks

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>>Heartbeat shows about how much health the monster has left
So does the animations, I never even look at the hearth beat during hunts.
% of the weapons in the game are reskins of the bone and iron weapon models, with monster parts glued on it. Contrary to popular belief, this does not change in high rank, the weapons still look the same, only using a different bone or iron weapon model
This is an actual weak point in MHW that I hope they will fix in Iceborn.
>>New skill system removes negative skills and is dumbed down
True, but on other hand it allows you to use wider range of item combinations because you don't have to worry about negative skills
>>The system makes so using full sets are almost never worth using, making the classic “fashion vs optimal armor” battle even more one sided
Full Behemoth set is literally the meta set that almost all meta build use.
>>No gunner armor. No, alpha and beta armor are not replacements to the old gunner / blademaster dynamic, mainly because of the fact both usually have the exact same skills on them;
Name one set that has exact same skill in aplha/beta/gamma sets
>>On that note, Alpha and Beta armor look almost the same.
Again this is legitimate weak point.
>>Events now cost money as well
>>Quests only available only during a certain timeframe
Annoying, but it gets people to come back to the game when those events are available.
>>This means essential, end game gear, are going to be locked behind a time frame. An example is the Dante legs, which 2 points into the weakness exploit skill, there’s no other legs like in the game
You can beat all AT monsters without any time limited gear.
>>Playing the story missions with other people is bad, with you needing to see the cutscene first, then send an SoS signal, only then, other people can join.
This I give you. The coop experience for the story was pretty poor.

1) Majority of previous MH games were single platform and sold around 4mil each time.
2) MHW is on 3 platforms at same time and sells 12mil.
3) ????
4) Profit

Honestly if mah boy Gore actually makes it I will jizz all over myself.
His design and his effect on other monsters might be one of my favorite lore about this series.

No one cares about Nintendo, I hope they never go back honestly. Their hardware and controls are shit.

I like how Lunastra is over in the corner looking like: "Bitches better stop staring at my man!"

Then post your arguments instead of crying about voice chat.


he's an XXbaby as Zoomer as you can get m8


Why do you post all this when we have this?

Attached: list critique read.png (2880x2942, 1.94M)

All i see is a bitch running away from an adult conversation

there has never been a good monster hunter game

Wooooow dragons are so kwel Xd

>they fell for rider propoganda
oh no

Attached: file.png (1023x629, 1.51M)

I still haven't seen a single counter argument from you.

>t-they will r-release another game for the s-switch you just watch!!!!!
>capcom proceeds to take nintendo mh flagship monsters and adds them to MHW
has there ever been a bigger tendie BTFO?

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Ah yes, how could i forget Tigrex, Kushala, Rathalos, the famous Sony flagships, as we all called them

>talk about world
>"lmao casualized shit fuck so(n)y not a real monster hunter game"
>talk about xx
>"lmao port begging switchlet monster hunter belongs to sony now"
i'm gonna miss being able to talk about monster hunter on Yea Forums

Attached: 6.png (161x119, 2K)

watch the trailer. Glavenus is teased

>Nintendies have turned every comfy MH thread into a fucking war zone
Nintendo was a mistake, this is why we can't have nice things

Attached: dexter.gif (205x234, 96K)

Maybe if the idiots didn't always take the bait and start screaming about Nintendo the list fags would get bored and leave these threads.

Not to be that guy but come on Capcom. You already have a model for a Narga Glaive so why?

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-06-04-18h21m01s745.png (1280x720, 1M)

Unique model at the end of the weapon tree I fucking hope

Or maybe, just maybe, the game is selling well because it's fun

Maybe being updated graphically and mechanically for the first time in years so that the game actually feels like a hunting game with a living world rather than an arcade boss rush grindfest is making the game more popular than the previous titles

Maybe the devs finally improving the models and animations for characters and monsters that had gone more or less unchanged since MH1 is drawing in new players

Maybe the devs shaking up the formula by allowing more interactions between monsters and the environment is more interesting than having everything in the game work together to attack the hunter

Perhaps replacing the retarded paintball system that forced players to potentially look for monsters for upwards of 10 minutes at a time if they were unlucky is drawing in a larger audience

Maybe normal people want games to change as sequels come out, rather than just essentially re-releasing the same game 10 times

>Healing while running, can dodge while healing, move while shooting
>list of problems
>guys this isnt how I want it to be
>list of problems
>you shouldnt be able to move while healing, this is a problem
>list of problems

dropped your post right there

>Maybe normal people want games to change as sequels come out, rather than just essentially re-releasing the same game 10 times
I wish this would work for pokemon. I would love to play a pokemon game again, but I've already played every game since gold/silver because I've played gold/silver.


Will worldlets actually defend it this time?

Attached: 1546553805938.jpg (225x225, 4K)

The game has been on nintendoshit since Tri, what the fuck are you on about? We haven't had decent discussions since World came out because retards can't accept both the Old Games and the New and have to turn it into a platform war thread in their bitterness.

Attached: 1557532355321.png (900x676, 410K)

>tendies wanting anything to change
there is a reason why they keep buying the same Mario game over and over, when the only change is the hat

This is what i thought too when they spewing tha bullshit about how they were taking a different approach at weapon design, lets hope for the best

>Healing while running, can dodge while healing, move while shooting
>Many other actions can also be dodged out, including sharpening
>Traps are placed almost instantly

there is nothing wrong with these

This is even worse than the shit that was started on the RE 2 and DMC 5 threads.
For fucks sake some people really don't wanna see Capcom getting some money again, so that they can maybe challenge EA and Activision in the near future or maybe fill out a niche that these bastards haven't ruined.

>Perhaps replacing the retarded paintball system that forced players to potentially look for monsters for upwards of 10 minutes at a time if they were unlucky is drawing in a larger audience
Literally stop being braindead, you subhuman retard. Play the games before whining about them.

>Magilla Gorilla
>that entire bottom fucking row
Time to buy MHW, I guess.

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>Glav weapons already look like shit
>now we'll have clownsuited Glav weapons with Bone parts sticking out
it doesn't matter if the end of the weapon tree gives them a full model WE'RE GOING TO SEE THEM REGARDLESS

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>The changes above wouldn’t be so bad were it not for the fact that monsters DO NOT adapt to these changes

I know, former threads were comfy, i was there, but all this crap started when World was announced and all the nintendofags who couldn deal with it went berserk, all the fuckers shitting the threads nowadays are mostly the same retards

I love Nintendo, but god almighty if i dont fucking loathe its fanbase

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>Taroth Weapons with Glavenus parts are going to exist regardless if they finish the weapon model

Attached: AAAAAAAAA.png (580x548, 293K)

Of everything I posted, THAT is what you take issue with?

You actually enjoy having to periodically tag monsters with an otherwise worthless item that takes up one of very few item slots just so you don't lose some random flying wyvern that's darting all over the map?

You're literally delusional

The majority of people who bought World had never touched or heard of MH before. They weren't even aware if the gameplay changes and just got it because if the marketing and graphics. Also it's vastly understated but the release timing was perfect and probably had a huge impact on the success.

It’s a fucking video game, what is wrong with you.

Feels good.

>The majority of people who bought World had never touched or heard of MH before

What are you basing this on? Do you have any objective evidence that this is true?

Fuck mammals.

I didn't mind it personally.
Sure something could have been better but not "You know where the monster is pretty much all the time once you see it once" and anything would have been better than Scoutflies with their puke green color and neck breaking habits.

I've been using GS pretty much for all 63 hours I've been playing this game and i'm starting to get sick of it. every other weapon i try out feels like shit and i end up going back to the GS after 2 or 3 hunts with it. i might just drop the game at this point i'm so sick of the GS but every other weapon is pure shit. they need to add more weapon types into the game not more monsters. maybe some weapons that aren't complete trash would be nice.

They are not shitting the threads alone. The "bing bing"-posting idiots who keep answering them who are just as retarded and responsible for shitting the threads.

Opinions can’t be proven wrong. Even terrible shitpoop dickhole ones like yours.

>What are you basing this on?
Maybe to the fact that MHW sold 5 times more than the previous games?

Stay obsessed

Thats true and youve got a point there, i just miss the days of actual discussion and memes, im tired of seeing the same shit already

The series went from being niche in the west to one of the biggest releases of the year. I think it's obvious enough when the series goes from a million to 10+ ignoring Japan.

The fuck we didn’t
Outside the elitist niggers most idiots got filtered hard so anyone with since can actually play the game

I'm sure none of those players had previously played a monster hunter game and bought MHW because it brought some actually new content to the series, or had previously heard of the series but hadn't bought it because it was a niche game that hadn't significantly changed from its PS2 days and was finally being modernized

Maybe this means Stories is partly canon. It shows monsters can be used for more than just walking bags of weapon materials.

Plus that Witcher quest showed that monsters CAN in fact reason and work alongside humans and even try to repay them for the help.


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Fucking EX Bolt Reaver would rape Bethmoth senseless

People are enjoying World.
Nintendies are the ones seething, with MHW's blind hatred living rent-free inside them.

why do Tigrex look incredibly silly from a front view

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>All the flagships are in
>Even the jet engine
Shit, I may actually have an excuse to play this game again when this finally comes out.

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where the fuck is the congalala capcom

Some people did that's true.
The majority of them most likely did not. At least from the various groups I've talked to I'd say around 6 out of 10 haven't played a MH before World.
Most had heard about the series but usually passed on it due to various reason.

It's not that you're wrong, but there are just simply numbers on the side of saying that the larger portion of the playerbase's first hands on introduction to the series is World.

Many dinosaurs look like they are missing a bunch of chromosomes when you look at them from the front

As much as I like the MHW Behemoth is nothing compared to some of the fights from the other games.
Forcing people to group up does not count as difficulty.

You can finally see what its supposed to look like.
The SD quality hides a lot of this shit.

You must be kidding

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I am happy that at least from what the trailer showed Tiggy is pretty much Tiggy.
No dumb shit like Narga having slow Odo moves. I hope.

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>wow this game looks like dog shit. therefore im gonna buy it
>said no one ever

It's great to see old faces returning, but I'd love some new monsters.

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If they can address the shit weapon designs and the weak monsters, then this will be the UNDEBATABLY the best MH game.
Fuck, the new gunlance shit looks so good. I love how they're incorporating environmental aspects of the general-play into specific weapons now. Loading slinger ammo into the Gunlance's Wyrmstake? That's so fucking cool, jesus christ.
The whole redux of environment gameplay has just been a boon for MH overall

This thread is actually worse than /mhg/. Congratulations.

Feel free to meet up with that dude that spams HZD in every webm thread. Maybe you guys can finally have sex and a life outside Yea Forums.

They fixed that in World.

based and brappilled

Attached: BIG sniff.webm (480x360, 322K)

It seems like more if a stretch to think millions of people had heard of the series but avoided it due to its clunkiness than had simply never heard of it and that Capcom's strategy of heavily marketing to the west payed off.

Not all the time, but yes there is a large correlation

You just need to take the weapons to the practice area and figure out how to use them.

It’s really not, they’re about the same. Both places suck ass but where the fuck else are you gonna go, really?

>go to the newest thread on /vg/
>only one dude calling someone else a binger
posts at all

Holy shit did half of /mhg/ die or something

Did you not play World at all?
Look at Odogaron's tree for example, the last stage of weapons has the unique model. They often don't show those on trailers.
Especially with the introduction of G-rank which will give us the finalized armors for all monsters for the first time and well as weapons.

You fags are so retarded sometimes.

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Most extreme was based asf

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Nah, half of /mhg/ just has some sense & is enjoying the good news away from that cesspool.

You see his foot, claws, burning tail swipe and iconic roar. Couldn't be more confirmed.

That's only for a handful of weapons per monster though. It would be nice if it was for every monster, like every single Monster Hunter game that came before it.

Glavenus is such an aggressive asshole. I love fighting him in Gen, hopefully he's just as fun here.

Here's hoping though that all trees eventually get back to unique designs.

That doesn't excuse lazy weapon designs just because they're the start of the tree.
That's exactly what was so dull and frustrating about it originally, and they're just doing it again after saying "We're relooking at how weapon designs are"

Also you had end-tree weapons that were exactly the Iron/Bone weapon with monster bits slapped on.
Like look at this totally unique and not lazy as fuck GS design for the Luna GS.

Attached: empress_galea.png (230x230, 8K)

This will be ignored by shit posters who will continue to act like world has no unique weapon models


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This. The whole "feathers on base model" thing is actually cool and shows progression if the end of the tree is a completely unique model

Yo that sounds like a shitty upgrade if you ask me. I'm not surprised they just added in old timers and reskinned ones from the early part of the base game. The layered armor system pissed me off so fucking much, and I'm not pleased they're dangling this stupid getup over people's heads, just because we're so utterly starved for fashion options. Fuck capcom on repeating more of the same bullshit. I was seriously hoping this would turn out better than it has.

I'm just saying that a handful of unique models pales in comparison to nearly 80% unique models of the previous games.

wait a second, they included valstrax? is this fake?

This. Loved the fuck out of MHGU and World, but since World you can't discuss MonHun anymore. Tried going to /vg/ to discuss some stuff about MHGU and got only replies with 'bing bing wahoo'.
Literal kids on this site these days.

People are just using as a loose base of what to expect. The models in that image match up with the ones in World that have been revealed so far. It’s not outside the realm of possibility for all or at least most of them to make it in.

Valstrax is a flagship monster how can this be fake

>if the end of the tree
I'm a Hammerbro and I fucking hate how terribly most of my weapons look. Most unique one is Pukei, but that one's ass.

How come worldlet talk shit about how they dont want anus and jetto dragon because of how anime they were? But as soon as they confirmed in IB, worldlet love it and defended it.

would people go on the internet just to tell lies?

I am hoping that all the flagships on the anniversary image make it. I need the Demon Lord of the Round Table to make a comeback.

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Still no arguments
Congratulations you are now a faggot.

List of problems with MHW condensed into one giant flaw.

The monster feel like they have no fuckin AI, they just thrash around a lot to compensate for the OP as fuck weapons.

Game just isn't fucking fun because nothing is satisfying.

You're delusional if you think World even comes close to the weapon design of previous games. I love World, but come the fuck on user, no reason to be dishonest. It's one of my biggest gripes with the game. There's only a few unique (non-event) weapons.

The number of unique weapon models in the game is maybe a fourth per monster.
In MHGU, it was basically every monster had a unique weapon design, and there were tons of unique weapons that weren't even attached to a specific monster, like the Village weapons or the Guild Weapons or the fucking Felyne or Bistro weapons.
There is actually no reason they couldn't make more unique weapon models, given how few monsters they had in the game and how much time they clearly spent working on the environments

It’s straight up been Nintendo shit longer than it’s existed anywhere else

It makes me so fucking mad how easy it would be to cap some useless weapon trees with unique items, but they refuse to do it. Lets hope they brush past even half of the old game's monsters to give them gear to actually collect.

My plight as a HH main.

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This is a pretty good summary.
There doesn't seem to be weak spots on weapons, or areas that are especially dangerous.
Positioning seems to barely matter, only distance matters

nope. it is for the 15 year anniversary.
people theorized that all the flagships were coming to iceborne. some of the monsters on there look very new.
out of the 10 flagships that were not announced for world that are in the picture. we have had 2 confirmed narga and tiggy. Glaveous is heavly hinted at the end of the last trailer.
3 is starting to be a pattern.
the monsters are also fighting to the death it seems. almost like they are frenzied.

It's not being ignored but every fourth monsters (not including elder dragons and DLC monsters) having a unique weapon model doesnt make up for the other three quarters lacking them

No Barioth?

>There doesn't seem to be weak spots on weapons, or areas that are especially dangerous.
>Positioning seems to barely matter, only distance matters
>hello Yea Forumseddit i have not played the game and here is my epic opinion please upvote

>No Barioth

Attached: 1000 pounds of rage.jpg (342x267, 37K)

Stories is so fucking underrated. I would gladly go for a sequel.

> and raise their damage do simply absurd levels (Kirin)
you're supposed to not get hit

It's the remodel from the 15th anniversary figurine

>Heavily hinted
Literally see his foot, claws, burning tail swipe and his unmistakable roar. That's literally confirmed user.

ok. outside of the lack of weapon designs. the actual game play is better. i can get my ass out there and play the game instead of waiting in a lobby for 10-20 mins assuming people show up at all.
>when someone does show up they post a quest right away for some low rank shit to carry them with

Pretty much
You can’t enjoy anything without “Muh World, This should be in world, [Monster name] in world when?”
I just wanted to show off my faggot sense of style not this shit

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Thanks for the screencap, lad.

I don't think anyone will argue that the quality of life stuff and peripheral systems were improved, but the point of contention here was:
>This will be ignored by shit posters who will continue to act like world has no unique weapon models
because it's a big appeal of endgame, to get cool looking armor and weapons

>Worlfags are actually defending it

Post the jagras unique weapon models

without them outright showing the whole monster it is heavily hinted. even if the feet chin spike and tail/roar give it away to people who know the games very well.


Nobody cares. Here, I’ll give a pity (you).

He won't be in an ice zone and he's too big for any of the other maps in the game. Why the hell would you even want him in when there's no water? It's like wanting the Gobul but only on land.

Not to mention Glavenus was squaring up against a Rathian, which also happened in his generations trailer.

at this point we've been right 2 for 2, and they were all really obvious hints

I really hope.
>Pet Nergigante and Vaal

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>Gameplay is better
Debatable. I enjoy it more for some weapons and less for others. Older MonHun games were really more about you vs. monster, while World really feels more immersive, which to me is a great plus. I also miss styles and arts, although I'll get blasted for saying that.

I like both for different reasons. I also still play older MonHun games, while also playing World. It's not a competition.

Jet Dragon is undeniablely an elder dragon so probably but I’m leaning towards fake and gay.
Not til like World IV

good fucking god I hope they bring dragonheart into world what a cool fucking skill

Who cares, pick up a football

>screencaps one of the none-elder 4 unique monster weapon sets in the game

Attached: swo122_render.png (800x800, 30K)

I'd honestly be incredibly suprised if he's not in after that trailer. Already thinking about what the next monster will be. If it's Zinogre I'll be fucking happy.

You should know better user
Even Capcom thinks the world audience is full of retards
And they are completely correct

I hope we can start a monster ranch where we train small monsters to be our companions too

Whoops, all lizards!

too SOME people it is.
I just want to play the game. if my sword/hammer is awesome looking all the better. i do like my rocket greatsword and nergi hammer.

but i do get what you are saying. in the older games gear and weapons were crazy looking and had more variety to pick from due to how gear was built stat wise. I do wish they would bring back the cartoony nature of Monster Hunter. They toyed with it, with the Meowsecular Chef but that was about it.
and i would love for more gear to be viable in M rank and/or all armors have a layered version.

I'd like World a lot more if it didn't seem to want to rip out a lot of portions of the gameplay that it once had for the sake of making things "faster" or "easier to understand".
Like a lot of things would be far more palatable to me if instead of changes, they were additions. Stuff like walking while healing, instead of just having it be the new norm, make it a choice. You the player gets to choose between a slow but mobile heal vs a stationary but much faster health recovery.

Suddenly it goes from a change to something I can sit and think about. Maybe some monsters are fast enough that I want the mobile heal despite the potential consequences of getting hit, maybe another one hits hard enough but also slow enough that I want to instead prioritize having a full health bar, maybe I want antidotes to have a use again and not be completely fucking worthless due to the long drinking animation.
Stuff like that.

>Felyne Switch Axe
>It meows every few hits or on aerial attack
The definition of soul

anyone got a patched p3rd iso?

This one was weird, and I think it got a pass because it was the first monster to do the "feathers on iron" thing

And an monster somehow more fetish bait than Khezu and Inflatable Sharky boi

user your autism is showing
Changes are not 'problems'

>its a retard posts his flawed and extremely subjective lists and derails the thread

>calls it problems
>lists every quality of life improvement in the game

Considering you can cancel the potion or have it be interrupted without the full effect you have things like that to think about already, like using a stronger potion to heal faster rather than needing more healing.

I didnt even know that
Fuck, gonna go craft it now.
I got the Felyne Dual Blades, I thought they were cuter.
Yeah. I get how some players may not care, but it just seems odd that with all the money they threw into MHW, they didn't bother to spend a bit to come up with unique weapon models.
I guess they wanted to reuse some texture assets from the monsters like fur and scales and shit but I wish they retroactively went back and added unique weapon skins.
Who knows, maybe they'll do that for Iceborne.

My favorite improvement is the lack of worthwhile water weapons

If that’s a quality of life I’d rather keep the old design

The boring weapon models are a design choice. The guy in charge of them wanted "more grounded, believable designs."

Zap pupper seems like a good choice for a new M rank Thunder monster.
I want the next one to be Glavious with them dropping that the other fated 4 are coming. I just dont see them doing that though. Gammoth is too odd but hey who knows. Astralos role would be filled by zap dog for lightning and sergios for goes fast flying monster. Mitsu could work

2 years strong and no rebuttal in sight

no one has the time nor will to pick every single point of your autistic list since most of them are completely subjective, cya nigger

Well yeah, that's one of the potential consequences of the slower heal. But I'm saying you have two different types of potions. One that does the classic chug & flex, which has a much smaller window of vulnerability in terms of being able to lose the health gain vs the World style which has you far less likely to get hit because of it but has the off chance of you squandering most of it due to an errant roar.

Just little things like that were it feels more like the series is taking what it was and moving forward with it instead of stripping away what it was to make it more appealing to the greater public, which is my opinion on what World did for a lot of the game.
It's still a MH game in the end and it's still fun, but I don't really like how it could possibly keep going if it follows the trend of how the series went from previous generations to World.

Also bring back the old cooking music, World's cooking song sucks so much.

that might be true for everything rarity 8 but most rarity 8 weapons have unique designs except for xeno and lunastra which Im assuming they ran out of time for

Oh user, you are so retarded, it's not because there is no rebuttal, it's because tendies seething posts are so predictable they can be easily filtered, also most non retarded people know the poster is just some fast loser fishing for you's

Happy hunting

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shit I meant everything under rarity 8

After this trailer, I just don't know what to expect anymore. I never ever would've thought that Glavenus was going to be put in. I don't want to get myself hyped for something which is impossible, but I can't help but be excited for the thought that they might add one of the more grounded frontier monsters like Giaorugu or Akura Vashimu

>That pudge

Attached: 1463029076298.png (211x211, 137K)

2 years strong of autistic screeching about nintendo with no end in sight

Well but even that sword looks unique compared to the other Long Swords.
Again, just compare the greatswords of GU's first three monsters that have them available to see the variety

Attached: MHGU-Great_Sword_Render_011G.png (300x300, 58K)


Attached: 1242-1559328935-106673124.png (505x455, 512K)

It's just a baggy hoodie, bro.

the money went to everything else. i can forgive the lack of cool/crazy weapons/armors.

my theory is MHW is the new baseline for MH going forward. like how the original Monster Hunter for PS2 is the core of every game pre world. Dos-Gen U all were built on top off the PS2 game adding things every game.
Iceborne seems like to be going in my train of thought. they brought in the masses. now they are gonna test the waters with some of the more crazy monsters.

Monster Hunter World 2 sees the return of the Crabs and Bugs.

They did said world was going to be the base for the next ten years of monster hunter games

uHhhHH she THICC

Attached: 1463029567391.png (211x211, 32K)

and it makes sense. Capcom are lazy fucks they are gonna reuse that code for as long as they can.
>Switch 2 gets Monster Hunter Pocket World 2
>the cycle starts over again

I dont think Valk will be in launch. he will be a update monster to give GU some more time with its flagship.

That just seems wasteful and overly convoluted really, for the sake of very little real gain. Especially when again you already have very similar decisions to be made with how healing is now but in a more natural way instead of arbitrarily splitting up even more potion types. Doing something like that isn't taking and moving the series forward at all.

MHXX is 2 years old. The West is an afterthought.

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Attached: MHGU-Render_Valstrax_001.png (1573x1388, 2.38M)

>he's such a simp that he needs an approved authority figure to tell him about a fact that's right in front of him

>did said
did say*
Brazilian retard

You are right. most gajin dont care about the older games.
He would be the ultimate test of crazy shit they could put in that is somewhat appealing to the masses. also Dala gonna happen sooner or later. his bones and still burning meteors are in the vale.
I want MH World Yama.

Well it's just a spur of the moment idea, who knows how that would actually work out in practice. But I feel change for the sake of change, especially when it creates new imbalances like how antidotes are pointless in the grand scheme of things, isn't the way forward either. Especially when the monsters can't seem to keep up with the changes either.

Something that can take the old and work it into the new, familiar to older players but not obtuse to new players. It's an ideal to be sure, but I just want to see this series not lose what made it so unique originally just to sell more copies.

They just forgot to put Lagi in the picture right?


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Most of your negative points can be literally dismissed with "just your opinion". Heck do i care if healing while running is possible. It comes with a price you bitter prick. You can lose the entire heals-worth-of-potion if you are forced to dodge while healing. Same goes for most of your points. As someone who started with the OG MH on PS2... no World isn't the easiest... Tri and 3 Ultimate where... and then again, those game were fun as hell. Damn, there is seriously something wrong with you. I can pick holes in every Game ever made with your dumb-ass-logic. Go fap and rethink all of your lifes choices.

How much do people really like ultra-hard optional content like Twin Terrors, Clashing Fists, 140 GQs, EX deviants, Extremoth, or AT Luna?

People like to gloat about that stuff being present, but a very small minority seems to actually enjoy doing it.

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>remake game with new engine and updated graphics
>remade version sells gangbusters and significantly higher than other monster hunters

why in the actual fuck would they not base all future monster hunter games off world? they are making games to make money dumbfuck

Get your eyes checked bro.

Just have a fucking team of interns model and texture unique weapon models for the trees that don't have one/the weapons whose endgame models don't have one. Trickle them in over the course of a couple months.

Well that’s gay

ATs are shit because they force gimmick shit onto the player, the rest are pretty fun because they're one of few times hunting with a team of 4 is difficult


I accept your defeat

Speaking from personal experience, World was the first MH game I could get my normie friends to play

God I fucking hate normies

Based fuck wordlbabies, fuck normies, fuck longsword users, fuck Capcom and fuck trannies

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The monsters are more adapted to the changes than they were in Gen-Gen U. anything pre 4th gen had a real hard time dealing with arts/styles/mounting/new weapons

MHW is Monster Hunter Distilled down to non bloated form. more of the focus is on you getting out in to the world and playing the game. the game play is more fluid. the monsters are not as robotic in their attacks and movements. having full weapon trees and drop tables for monsters plus a weak area chart in game is awesome. no more having to have a tab opened/bookmarked.

I vastly disagree.
With the hunter's new abilities like Slingers, Mantles, and the weapons themselves they can run ramshod over monsters with more ease than ever before.
It's not as bloated simply because it doesn't have content. The gameplay isn't more fluid it's more that every weapon can now simply do more and there's less variation between them. Just look at Iceborne's weapon videos and how they tout how every weapon can use the slinger unsheathed. What was once a SnS unique feature is now everyone's toy. Just imagine 4 hunters with crystalburst simply staggerlocking a monster with more ease than ever. And they won't even have to stop attacking to do so.
The monsters are still just as "robotic" with their movements, and even more so with how forced they are with zoning. They simply go into roar spam and shuffle away mode and refuse to do anything to protect themselves during.

There is a lot of good with World. Like you stated the weapon trees, drop tables, and charts are fantastic. Interconnected zones are great. But to call it "Distilled" just isn't true. It took a lot of what made the series what it was and cut it out. I'd call it more "Watered Down" instead.

in time.
they been trickling out silly/crazy gear. remember World is the starting point. as they settle in they will add more crazy shit. Iceborne is proof of this. monsters that would have been too "unrealistic" for the base World.
they dabbled in the crazy with Deviljho. he did well and proved the player base was willing to except the more unique monster.

you know we all have been talkin about these hard ass nigga monsters.
Kut Ku and Peco for Iceborne.

>more of the focus is on you getting out in to the world and playing the game

Is that why it has the worst hub in the series?

>more of the focus is on you getting out in to the world and playing the game.
>Unskippable and pointless cutscenes through the entire game
>Said cutscenes prevent you from playing multiplayer until you have completed them
>Loading up the map before you even start the mission just to wind up in a load screen before you enter the map
>The entire ungodly terrible layout of the main village
>That utterly terrible multiplayer lobby

The game does everything it can to get in the way of play for a cinematic approach that works in videos, and the gameplay is even worse with getting you directly into hunts by building itself around players using tracking to find out where the monsters are. This is an outright lie.

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Good question. Reverse search only brings up some dude on steam who may or may not have made this picture to function as a wallpaper. So I'm gonna take this as being unauthentic, regardless of how much I want gore to be in there :/

It's on their official website
just google 15th birthday

No one likes AT Luna

Dude did you just start playing the game? The cutscene thing is so people can't just piggy back their friends through the game. It's a growing pains thing that disappears once you get to high rank and is a non issue in late game.

Have sex.

>that disappears once you get to high rank
This shit is constant all the way to fucking Xeno'jiiva you lying fuck. Either the cutscene is before the mission or it's right afterwards when you enter the village and they have to show you that another pointless NPC is sitting around the map. It was an absolutely unwarranted and pointless addition to the game that served EXCLUSIVELY to slow it down and provide flashy AAA visuals that mean nothing after they are done the ONE time they play.

>Story in game bad
>The games on my gimped Nintendo systems couldn't do a proper story so none of the future games should have a story.

>waaaaa i cant stand a 30 seconds cutscene
based ADD tendies

Complaining about the cutscenes is one of the weakest arguments you can make. Seems like you're really grasping.

>Story in Monster Hunter 1-XX:
>Oh shit, a monster is over there! Go hunt it!

>Story in Monster Hunter World:
>Oh shit, a monster is over there! Go hunt it!

There is no way in any hell you think that World's story was noteworthy enough to warrant those pointless cutscenes.

This is an entire three fucking HOURS of UNSKIPPABLE SCENES. For all of the other complaints I had in my post, if this is the only thing you are actually going to defend, you retards literally have nothing going for you.

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Yes and once you've seen it you don't have to watch it again. You can skip it everytime after that. If they didn't do that a level fucking 1 player can come with you to fight Xeno'Jiivva while you kill him and give him all the gear of the end game boss you idiot.

I agree with everything you said but my confusion is still with why they chose to skimp out on one of the most loved aspects of MonHun for this reboot, especially given how few monsters they had at launch

take something like Tigrex. He is the most basic of monsters from the classic era. in FU he is a monster. he is an unstoppable force with the tools in your hands when you first fight him. in Gen/Gen U he is super easy because he was not really designed to deal with vertical combat let alone all the arts that outright trump him due to his PS2 nature.

Fight Ian in World.
go back and fight Ian in Gen U. the difference is night in day.
her attack pattern are super basic. her turns to aim are extremely noticeable. because they are in 2 small animatronic like steps. she can go from standing still to fullout rush without any animation.

they rolled arts in to the combo/attack systems while adding new ones. you have to admit the slinger gimmick for SnS was very weak, it needs much more than just than to be good again. Iceborne seems to be addressing some of it.

>>Story in Monster Hunter World:
>Oh shit, a monster is over there! Go hunt it!

That's not true at all. Play the game before you criticize it.

What do you guys think they’ll cry about next?

That shit actively prevents me from ever starting a new file in World. I was thinking of doing that to play alongside a friend who just got the game, but then I remembered the obnoxious story bloat. My friend has played MH with me since FU and absolutely abhors the fact that we can't even be in the quest together until AFTER the cutscenes.

I put in 500 hours into this game. 3 hours of cutscenes is nothing. Keep nitpicking.

Don’t reply to obvious bait.

The cutscenes are nigh-unbearable kitschy filler, especially the second time around.

That gatekeeps him into not being able to skip monsters you idiot. If they didn't do that he could go fight Xeno'Jiiva with you from level 1 and get all the best gears from the beginning.

>There is an overwhelming amount of monsters in the environment who are affected by an unknown disease which makes them agitated and hyper-aggressive, and eventually dying. We need to discover the cause for what this is! So in order to do so...hmmm... OH SHIT, THERE IS A MONSTER OVER THERE SPREADING FRENZY OVER THERE! GO HUNT IT!

>There is a bizarre pool of energy accumulating at the base of this island. It's unknown precisely why it's building up such, but we do know that if it overflows, it'll cause havoc and possibly the deaths of countless wildlife and the destruction of a landmass. It turns out that the pool of energy was feeding the embryo of an Elder Dragon... So as with every other mission up until now, there is a monster over there (said Elder Dragon), and we're gonna need you to go down there and hunt it!

Please explain to me the golden narrative that you'll find in World that isn't literally "Find Monster" -> "Hunt Monster" -> "You're a hero!" like every other game?

>Criticize world
>"waaah nintendo!!"
Like clockwork. Fucking kill youself

>If they didn't do that he could go fight Xeno'Jiiva with you from level 1
In previous games, you were gated by your HR since the Hub and Village were separated. In this game, your Village Rank very easily could serve as a barrier. Not these fuckall retarded cutscenes that they seem to think are necessary.

Can Capcom just announce NEXT already so console warriors can talk about their own games

How when they lead seamlessly into the actual fight in World and even in 4/4U? Even in other past games it’s entirely for show and doesn’t hinder gameplay. Don’t even bring up GU cause those are barely cutscenes.

The item use change wasn't just for the sake of change, it very much does everything you're talking about without you recognizing it. Antidotes certainly aren't useless either, they're about as potent as they used to be, the only difference is that herbal medicines, the item you have to consciously make and you carry less of, have a bigger advantage through the faster use speed, which clearly shows they thought about what they were doing when implementing it. The reason monsters seem underpowered isn't the new tools but their lower overall health and thresholds, partly due to the removed offline/online split.

As you can see in this thread, Worldcucks literally have two arguments:

>"It wasn't THAT bad"

Every single time. The litany of criticisms and the most they can do is a poor attempt at deflection.

this i can agree with, there is no reason why you shouldnt be allowed to skip them if you already finished the game

Oh, you're right :) Interesting. Now here's to hoping that it actually corresponds to Iceborne, and isn't just a pretty picture.

>defending world's story
New low for worldfags

Reminder if you only played 1 MH entry (especially the newest ones) you have no say on the series overall and your opinion is irrelevant

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>qol improvements make the game inferior!

How dare they give me context for doing the things I do in a video game.

That isn’t even a valid criticism at all. Cutscenes are in every fucking MonHun game, fuck all the way off forever.

And also, stop samefagging. Here’s your (you).

>No one likes Luna


I don't want to watch cutscenes I've already seen before. I want to hunt monsters and not listen to the handler dribble on about some inane shit like how Zorah shits out crystals.


The story barely matters, and the context is found inside of quest descriptions and NPC dialogue already. Adding a needless half-minute or multi-minute cutscene just to tell me what was already in the fucking mission description AND the NPC's chat with me (which told me which mission to take) is just needless.

If you really hate this game so much why you in in every thread discussing it? Go outside.

Reminder that if you play World and you chose any language other than Monster Hunter Language for the cutscenes, you have no say in any matter of opinion in any of these threads.

>Cutscenes are in every fucking MonHun game
Feel free to post and compare them to World's cutscenes :)

>Screencapping a completely factual and correct post
Yea Forums needs more people like you

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Iv played Most of the entries.
Started on the PSP but realy got in to the series as a fan in 4U.
Played 3U Gen and XX.
And personally World is the best base non g rank game n the series.
4 Base had somewhat more interesting monsters but World just has better everything else.

>The story barely matters

So therefore they shouldn't bother with a story at all? I mean if you hate games with story you can always play minecraft.

Wait, what the fuck? Xenojiva should be a loli.

>The idea of having to listen to the hamdler speak in English

I don't know how people can deal with that idiot.
Like they tried to pack all of the game's humor into her and her alone and just made someone so insufferable I would rather have anything else.

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I like World but the cutscenes are annoying

Stop being retarded. The story is only relevant insofar as it is a contextual matter to show us why we are playing the fucking game. Giving me a 3-hour diatribe on the fact that the island is eerily charged with superpowered energy because of a monster I will hunt fifteen times to get its armor later is meaningless when the game does extremely little to give me a reason to care about why I should see it as a unique element in the story. It's not "The Xeno'jiiva", it's "A Xeno'jiiva", and it will be as generic and standard as every other monster. I enjoy knowing that I'm not expected to commit this information to memory and I can just hunt to my heart's content against fearsome foes that translate the fear factor via gameplay.

The question now is if Iceborne is gonna stand up to the other G rank games, both in content and in challenge.

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>He won't be in an ice zone and he's too big for any of the other maps in the game
There aren't just adding an ice zone and land G rank land Lagiacrus was fine in GU. They took a lot of liberties with Rathalos's moveset so I don't see why they also couldn't do that with Lagi too if they truly thought what was already there isn't enough.

>It's raining life
Tendies don't understand kino

Honestly, if the fucking CUTSCENES are somehow hindering or lessening your gameplay experience, I don’t know what to say. You’re the only one bitching about it. What do you want everyone to say? We feel bad for you? We don’t because we’re actually enjoying the fucking game instead of nitpicking moot “points” for replies. I hope you’re able to heal whatever’s troubling you, user. See you in September.

the best way i can explain it is they built MHW to be safe and as appealing as possible while staying true to the most basic things of monster hunter. fighting the Monsters

it might not be perfect but the game play is a noticeable upgrade.
yes the hub is horrible. yet it serves it purpose. could be set up better. at the very least scale it down, there is no reason for it to be as huge as it is.
yes the story is silly. i dont know what you expected? did you not see the crazy shit in the other games?
yes the gear is not as fantastical.
I still enjoyed it more than Gen and Gen U. just from the game play stand point alone. I also look forward to the stuff they will add as they get more comfortable with what the player base and let us get the crazy and silly monsters.

shut up
30-60 second cutscene bad
mandatory unique fern gathering quest good

Xeno is a fully grown adult. It was just chilling out inside a crystal absorbing massive amounts of natural energy from the rotten vale and the Elder's recess. It also tried to lure Zorah to it so it could get a massive amount of energy from its corpse. Hence the "A moth to the flame" quest name for AT Xeno.

Because the post that this chain is sourced with listed four problems (among countless, as you can see in the first three posts) as a reason that World is not "focused on you getting out in to the world and playing the game.", and you faggots are sitting here defending cutscenes like it is the only thing of value in this game.

It’s not lol

Because you’re deepthroating your own opinion that cutscenes are bad like it’s the main thing making the game a shitshow for you. Fuck off, nobody cares. Especially not about that.

But it is, m8. There are no baby monsters in Monster Hunter. Except for Basarios, I think.

>My precious boy Tigrex is back

Praise Jesus. I need my raw damage weapons back.

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Huh? I don't about that user, I always thought it was supposed to be some sort of larvae form of it's ultimate form. At the very least, not fully grown.


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not only a Fern quest but a Gold fish AND Wyvern Egg quest.

>mandatory unique fern gathering quest good
Didn't World start with a bunch of stupid bullshit where you don't even have a weapon, followed by a bunch of mandatory small monster quests

See you in September, user.

Wapanese art/lorebook says it had just came out of it’s energy cocoon. Also Gore is technically an adolescent monster, it transforms into Shagaru when it matures.

No, me and some other poster(s?) are making it clear that World has numerous dumb protrusions that slow the fucking game down when they absolutely have no point being as obstructive as they are. The game has numerous annoyances that get in the way of actually playing the fucking game, and cutscenes are absolutely one of them, and you sissy zoomer faggots who defend this game clearly care about this, or you would simply agree that they are obnoxious (because they are) and move on with it.

I say this as someone who earnestly cannot go back to playing Gunlance in any other game anymore because of how polished and perfected it is in World. Even the wild anime shit you can pull off in GU doesn't compare to how fluid and potent it feels in World, and it's a shame that it's stuck in this janky mess of a AAA orgy of disappointments. The worst being the fact that this is the first fucking MH mainline title with paid DLC.

Doesn't GU start with a bunch of stupid bullshit where you just run around jurassic frontier gathering mushrooms and unique ferns, followed by a bunch of mandatory small monster quests that stretches into HR 2 as well

The crystal it was in served as a cocoon. It emerged as a fully grown adult. Parts of its design draws inspiration from butterflies, namely the wings.


Yes it did
Why didn't World actually fix that?

Baby Khezu and Giggi exist. Also Zamtrios babies.
Xeno is a literal newborn

>game is bad
>"b-but what about other game..."
Lovely arguments

they did after rank 1 you dont have mandatory mission for items/small monsters that dont turn in to a big monster fight.
Gen U has this all the all though LR-G

Almost forgot about the leech infants.

yes because literally every argument against world is "it's not like older game" you stupid fuck

I'm excited for Iceborne,especially if my boy Gore gets in. My favorite MH game is still MHGU and I don't anticipate Iceborne toppling it unless it REALLY changes how the game is played. I've only played the MH games since and including Tri so I guess I still qualify as a newfag,

I understand the cocoon part and everything, but I dunno man.

Wrong yet again, look at the first 5 posts

Bro I'm pretty sure a 150 foot long dragon is an adult. Nothing about its design says newborn, especially when you factor in AT Xeno.

>critisizms include: game feels good to play
Every time i will laugh
Every. Single. Time.

I remember when Yea Forums was SO goddamn sure World would bomb.

God that was a fun time. I love seeing you dumb faggots lose.

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>they did after rank 1 you dont have mandatory mission for items/small monsters that dont turn in to a big monster fight.

Except for the mandatory "Sniff monster footprints" sections that sucked ass.

Do you have any idea how long time ten years is for the gaming industry? There's no way in hell that the MH games will be based on to the World for the next ten years you brainless mongoloid.

Wow, racist much?

>Collect these mysterious ??? Rathian scales
>"Hmmm....I wonder what these could be..."
>"Ah! It's a Rathian Subspecies! A Pink Rathian!"

That was the dumbest shit ever, and they tripled down on it for the returning Elders.

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GU's mandatory gathering quests were 1star village, G1 village, and the stupid fated four intros
That's roughly on par with World's mandatory bits
Why didn't World actually fix it?

Yes that is precisely what the first 5 posts are criticizing about the game

Quite literally wrong, there are no mandatory gathering guild quests, maybe 2 or 3 mandatory gathering quests in the 1 and 2 village rank, as well as the Glavenus quest

>posts shitty autistic copy paste and leave thread, never look at replies
>"no strong rebuttal"



>485 posts
>162 IPs
What the fuck is wrong with monster hunter faggots? Why does this series attract so much pure autism?

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That's kinda of ironic since only the biggest autists looksat those numbers.

Where is the strong rebuttal then? Go ahead and post it you faggot.

MHW is a game that thrived on the "GET GUD" faggots. Any change to quality of life or improvement is, therefore, a bad thing to them, and they'll rage about it all day fucking long.