Will you play his game?
Will you play his game?
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Is he still making it? Jesus, i thought it was already released
Trick question, he will never be able to make that game.
The game need to be finish before I can play it.
When it's out.
Why does he look like a knock off Markiplier anyway
Not only is it not released, he also repeatedly missed all his deadlines and he still hasn't done the first fucking rival that was supposed to be completed five years ago. What he did get done instead is implementing random features he thought were cool with no regards towards getting the core gameplay loop done, and those were also done in the famous Eva programming style of terrifying spaghetti code causing enormous performance and maintainability issues.
Guy who created Yea Forums
Why do even one of these things?
Reminder to eat your veggies and cut down on collagen-killing sugar.
Life hit some people harder than the rest.
he looks like a ganado from re4
his game doesnt even have proper shadows, all rooms look bright as fuck
Will it ever be finished?
No, it will never be finished.
looks like magneto
>knowingly tries to pander to the definition of asshole in human form
>cries like a bitch because they're the definition of asshole in human form
I'm a content creator for Yea Forums and try to be for Yea Forums every now and then, and I get met with the same shitpost and jade but that's the fucking point. I don't call people out and cry like a bitch, I'll either continue my efforts or go about in a way that in the least amount of cancer to stay on good terms. And don't give me that "w-we'll be nice!" shtick, that's not what I signed up for.
holy shit he's ugly
If I remember correctly, his patreon bux are going down. Will he kill himself after his peons stop delivering their tribute?
This, I'll play the game when it's finished. I don't do early access.
I was willing to forgive his online history, and even the "exposed" drama last year, but he's done nothing to change.
He'll probably put the game out on steam Early Access as a last ditch attempt at cashing in while people still remember or care for the game.
Kids born around 2012 latch onto DDLC.
You get 1 guess for what the 2005 ones like.
Wow you're so based
Yeah, he used to get 5000 or so
Please refer to him as his slave name EvaXephon, so Yea Forums knows to ignore this fucking rat faggot.
Literally who, I never read his shitty threads years ago
>Kids born around 2012 latch onto DDLC.
Yeah I remember all the literal 6 year old 1st graders playing the game last year. Heard that self-mutilation and suicide is really popular with them, right after learning their ABCs.
he is not self aware is he ?
besides he cant get any shit done
and got called out for it.
nice how he points out that faggit is an
echo chamber without meaning to do so.
>his patreon bux are going down
haha no! he's a great dev and his followers are literally growing as we speak
did he take any classes on how to make vidya?
I don't want to grow old lads...
Literally whomstv'e?
We can't stop it user, old age will get us, unless someone find a the key immortally.
What will happen to him, when nobody is paying him anymore?
kill yourself
Fuck me, I plan to put a bullet in my head before I turn into one them shriveled old codgers that need a finger snapped in their face to get them back on track.
keep seething
He used to be making like 3.5k about a year or two ago. Hopefully, he'll lose more in the future so he either dumps the project or releases it
you know you want to
>or releases it
Robert de Niro?
he's here
you better do it yourself before you have run out of idiots you can milk.
Is he based?
I should've said "releases it unfinished"
that image scares me so much, fuck i need to take care of myself more.
You made my day
My favorite part is when he had a professional programmer helping him with the coding and then shit canned him because he can't understand properly written code
This looks like fucking shit. They couldn't ask for artwork instead of this gmod shit?
That's just autism
>That tree texture
based hack
just dont go too far into alcoholism and youll be fine in that regard
he aged terribly welp
What's his game?
Unity 3D free trial
the fatter you are the older you'll look, stay healthy, eat well and take care of your body and you'll look younger than this guy by the time you're in your 40's guaranteed
isn't he like 27 now and he looks like he's 42, holy shit
some people look good older though, it gives them an air of distinguishedness and in the case of someone like prince Charles it means they don't look as fucking ugly as they did as young men
f you play your cards right you'll age well, but unfortunately most white people age like crap
Are there any code snippets floating around? I'm morbidly curious of his legendary spaghetti code.
somebody on kiwi farms posted something some time ago
Of course not, I'm not completely braindead
kys nigger
>press one key
>computer explode
No fucking way he has one method over 2500 lines long, not to mention the contents. How did you get his code, is there more available to see?
I wonder if he is in the thread
he's probably busy programming
Probably too busy answering e-mails, which also prevents him from coding.
hey, fuck off, gremlins are cute in comparison.
>No fucking way he has one method over 2500 lines long, not to mention the contents.
Oh yes he does. He also has methods running on every NPC on every tick, relying on conditionals to figure out what they're actually supposed to do. Unsurprisingly, the game runs like absolute fucking ass even on high-end gaymen machines.
>How did you get his code, is there more available to see?
I don't know the actual source for these, though I recall hearing that some is screengrabbed from his streams/videos and some were decompiled from an older demo build.
has anyone info on what exactly happened with his tinybuild partnership?
Yea but they are BULLIES
So I am pretty shit at coding and instead of making a long RPG maker esque conditional branch wouldn't he set a switch that would call upon another code to do all this shit instead of placing it as "if" "if" "if" or am I equally retarded.
porn fucking when
The guy who was sent to help him tried to fix the Spaghetti code. Yanderecuck didnt like it and fired him
He should grow a beard, he'd look a lot better with one
A long branch of if statements or a long switch statement is the same. This should should be in separate methods, in separate classes and only running when needed. The whole architecture of the project is probably fucked, since it has tons of features in one file. And it's just the tip of the iceberg, I could go on.
he looks like the type that cant. that chin stubble and a stache is probably all hes got.
just as I predicted.I think he is going to anhero once the money is gone.
The best part is that he was fine with the dude being sent over as part of the publisher's deal, but was upset to find that the professional then "altered" his code and "made it unreadable".
It was pretty based until the cringe last paragraph
You almost had me user, but then I saw the filename. This is quality bait anons. I hope you're all paying attention.
I don't know who this person us but they rare correct.
No one who uses Yea Forums regularly is worth a damn.
What's the game on the right?
Wait what do you mean only run when needed? This looks like it would only run if the teacher witnesses an event
change that to the internet as a whole and its accurate
morimiya middle school shooting
Ah, I was commenting on the first image, I missed the second. I don't know if that one is running every frame, so maybe it's not being constantly checked. Even so, things like that are better handled by using events and having other objects react to them. From what I see the same class handles a teacher, some UI subtitles and game over logic/reasons. That's spaghetti.
I still remember his shitposting, stream shilling and /r9k/ style "I'm not that ugly right guys? ;_;" threads from my first years on Yea Forums.
Fuck no.
just don't deep fry your hair like he does
i ve heard that both languages in unity are not that good for game proggraming. could he run code from other languages in unity somehow?
>he is not self aware is he ?
are you new to this whole drama?
Switches are ok when used correctly
Id say if you are going to use a switch it should literally be the only thing in the function/method
No... es el abominación del diablo...
I'm glad Indivisible got funded despite YandereDev's smear campaign being successful here
la abominacion*
i played this years ago and i only remember being able to turn into sans from undertale and kill everyone with laser beams for some incomprehensible reason despite the game being ridiculously barebones
That's because he loves putting in Easter Eggs and claiming its a new build, despite the fact nothing meaningful gets added or fixed. I can't find the post, but he's REEEEEEEE'd about it before, yelling about how people don't appreciate fun.
>justifying his laziness
>5000$ a month
it blows my mind how many of these dumb faggots making insane patreon bank don't just stick this shit in the bank somewhere, if he was making even close to this for 2-3 years that's enough to set yourself up for a goddamn decade of fairly average living, and if you're not a total idiot you can probably manage to make extra money with even basic investment. Instead these guys just blow it all trying to live like it's always going to be there, look at Spoony. Dumbfuck bought a house and now he's stuck with a mortgage he can't pay and no job at all.
i keep seeing yandere simulator mmd bullshit popup, it's usually from females on deviantart
no surprise they relate to being psychotic murderers
I remember when he said his game would release in late 2019 a couple of years ago. I stopped watching his "progress reports" since he wasn't making any progress. Is he even close to finishing his game?
Hated this game from the start sooo... good riddance.
he keeps adding random stuff and havent even finished the first rival
even a stopped clock is right twice a day, user.
I've never get over that video where he directly tries to counter people comparing him to 'failures' like DSP and Chris-chan when:
>DSP if nothing else is actually married and owns his own house
>Chris-chan has an actual mental disability
Really setting yourself up there champ.
Based Salaryman
that's rich coming from an asshole
i'd beat the shit out of yanderedev and stream it
>trying to suck everyone dick on Yea Forums
>a board where everyone can either be trolling or honest, sarcastic etc.
this guy needs a reality check fast, just because people suck your dick doesn't mean hey care about you.
he's right about this board being dogshit though
what video are you talking about specifically?
Are people still giving him money? Holy fuck nigger. You people need to kys.
Why does he keep Jumping? Why doesn't the other guy just use edgelords shoryuken?
>jewtreon funded
>finishing projects
that's not how it works
because he was trolling
he was going to only throw him the entire match lol
The laughable 'Hate and Shame' video: youtube.com
Hi E;r, Demo, Civ, or Sseth
thanks mang
No. I remember watching his streams in the days before Twitch. Such a whiny ass of a man, always complaining that he couldn't get girls with his cartoony facial features.
the next eliot rogers, just you wait
he's already set up the attitude with yandereness
I'd rather play pic related
yeah .the games that he tried to make before ys confirm that
>development time is still stalled out indefinitely with never-ending feature creep
Eva's """game""" is going to be a smoking pile of unfinished abandonware that very second he runs out of witless paypigs to milk cash from. Also, better edgelord sims have been and gone.
yall nigga looking at his patreon but youre complete disregarding his twitch bucks. hes doing DSP numbers
is he?
Why is this so hot
God this is hot. Could swear there were other animations from this.
Brainlet detected
Based and repilled.
the intro and walking around the house examining things are great but the actual shooting is shit
you do realize some of those can be nicked away already
i mean that 2, presumably already touching two flags, and you didn't eliminate any of the squares below the 2
oh, nevermind then
The whole game is shit. That had to be the most edgy dialogue i've read in a game.
What game? He still didn't finish and never will. He is gonna milk those retards until the end.
not the guy you're responding to but hes saying patreon isnt the best indicator. i disagree, though, yanderedev doesn't have a saudi prince paypig like DSP did
Will you listen to her song?
P.S. it wa #11 on iTunes but it's #29 i think she might need help.
if the 2 on the wall is already surrounded by one mine, then one of the blue-marked tiles is a bomb, making the red-marked tile safe
this is making me want to play more minesweeper
forgot image
going to sleep good luck with left lol
There's multiple twos on the left side that can be safely deduced.
I don't really understand the 1-1/1-2 patterns yet
Well... He's not wrong
Nope. As it stands now he's barely half-way through the first boss/rival which was supposed to be done 3.5 years ago. There are supposed to be EIGHT of these bosses, and if it takes him over half a decade to do a single one then you can only imagine how long it would take to actually do the rest. Of course the entire thing is a patreon welfare scam, but hey
If a 2 isn't touching any mines and the squares next to it can only touch one more...
Saw somebody streaming it in the Artifact section a while ago
Was great while it lasted
were her weapons supposed to be some sort of gas powered bb-guns?
OK really going now, same reasoning as the other user's
Mines marked in red.
heh nothin personell kid
This happens to streamers too. I can think of more than one occasion where some dude with no job suddenly got that fat streamer income, spent it all on dumb shit instead of saving, then when the well starts to run dry their spending habits didn't decrease because they don't know the value of a dollar.
Everyone at reddit and anime expo is a fucking faggot so....
I'm waiting on that DTRH
good shit
>while it lasted
What happened?
Of course he uses a girl to represent himself
Derek Smart
Maniac chinlet should have just said it was the Dwarf Fortress of yandere games and continued working on it forever instead of setting up deadlines and stuff.
it's safe to open this question mark, right?
I think I understand the 1-1 and 1-2 patterns. I can only guess now, right?
yeah, the 4 guarantees the second 2's mine
wait there are diagonal 1-1s. I'm not so sure about these though
after tax though he'd be lucky to get even half of that.
he'll do what he's always done
ie: spend 90% of his day answering e-mails and not actually coding anything.
he should be in jail
the yuri/guro fag has some great art actually
Truly subhuman
>men age like wi-
I still gag when I hear his voice, especially in this video youtube.com
He pulls this victim card shit all the fucking time.
>He's just one guy!
He's been approached by TinyBuild to help and even they thought he was too retarded to work with.
>It takes years to make a game like this!
Well sure, if you're taking more time to stream yourself playing video games instead of making them, on top of being the epitome of feature creep and not working on the core game and just adding more "lol funny easter eggs" to get easy free YouTube promotion from let's players.
From one developer to another, Eva's a fucking retard who isn't worth the money he milks from Patreon.
he looks like a fucking jew