Games where you need to use your brain?

Games where you need to use your brain?

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used goes in the toilet
unused goes in the trash

Why the fuck would you throw away unused toilet paper? What are you pouring out a square or two for the homies?

Why dont you just wash it off in the shower?

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nah fag, it depends on what it was used for
piss and shit go into toilet, everything else into trash

Depends on how much you need to wipe and how good your toilet is

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no its just a basket where I keep my rolls for easy access :)

I usually throw away the top three layers of the roll because workers' hands have touched them. I don't want some Mexican's hand in my ass

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And you keep your easy access rolls together with the garbage because...?


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My guy is over here fisting his ass to clean it.

galaxy brain

>Why hello there faggot
I smirked

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i miss hehesilly

...what else would you use a toilet paper for?

i always trash it in the toilet because i don't want to leave shit smeared paper in the trash

You think someone is sitting on a toilet paper assembly line manually rolling them up? Nigger, this isn't Willy Wonka.

colon cancer on the way

no lol garbage goes in the toilet :)

Snot and cum also goes in the toilet.

Emergency kleenex/Scotty
Bug crusher

dont mind him hes retarded

>women are toilets

All garbage goes in the toilet? So you flush away empty bottles of soap and shampoo?

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Something's not right
there it is

yes it all has to go I dont want garbage in my house haha

Not every country has plumbing that can handle toilet paper

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>Putting boogey up the vagoo

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these shitty /r/the_donald comics are most definitely NOT video games.

Brood Wars, Quake, X-COM, Jagged Alliance 2.

GOD FUCKING DAMNIT is this common? I'm a landlord and the indian tenants I have just throw ALL toilet paper in the waste bin making the whole house smell like shit

in the country side it goes in the trash bin so we can burn it for compost later
then again we also don't have plumbing so there's no toilet to begin with

>Not every country has plumbing that can handle toilet paper
Every civilised country does, only shit holes don't

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What kind of developing shithole doesn't? US?

>expecting people that don't what a toilet is to throw toilet paper into it

brazil iirc

>Copying the tumblr cute art.
That's actually kind of ingenious.

I don't know. Where do you live?

>being this obsessed
You really think America, home of the obese, doesn't pride itself on the strength of its toilets?
Use your brain, if you have one.

Baba is You

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> making the whole house smell like shit

It's that or making it smell like curry, pick your poison.


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in what scenario would you ever throw tp in the trash bin?

>Renting to Indians
Are you stupid?

Brazil not having plumbing that can't handle TP is a myth. You people are just stupid that love stacking up your shit paper because some idiot believed some old wive's tale decades ago.

this always cracks me up

Is it true that these comics are made by some grill from Yea Forums?

pretty based

Why the fuck are you sticking toilet paper in your ass?


still active in the discord, just not dealing with thirsty folks on Twitter

why the fuck would a woman have a tenga egg

>he doesn't wipe the inside of his ass
Unclean people like you should be shot on sight.

Anybody got the holocaust one?

It's funny because it's true.

oh boy here we go

most people can't just reach into their own anus and scoop out shit you prolapse prone party pooper



they're made by wormwood tracing tumblr comics


I will never understand why you would spend all that money on sex toys, the orgasms cant be that much better

a shit hole doesn't have plumbery retard, it's just a hole


Redpedo/stonedtosser did it first by ripping off Schmorky.

how do pornstars clean their assholes?

Which discord?

If you have a good diet poop will not stick to your insides. It just comes right out and only the outside gets dirty since its not lubricated like your anal cavity so it sands it a bit.
Then again youre an amerilard, so your mcdonalds based diet doesnt help

they have someone do it for them

With water

Toilet paper is harmful to your insides and will give you hemorrhoids

with my tongue


Once again the right has to look to the left to know what good art looks like.

and the next letters are C E

Depends on the plumbing. Retarded Murricans go to places like Greece and don't follow the rules, shit ends up everywhere. Many such cases

They piss the shit away.


your faggot ass


They make sure to not get it dirty in the first place.

with a douche, you douche

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>Wipe my Ass Multiple times up and down.
>still get shit on TP.

I don't get it.

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post yfw not falling for the toilet paper meme

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>not using wipes

Pity they don't look for jokes too, maybe then they'd get funny for once.

Saids the guy who bought mlutiple rubber vaginas

Vice is just hot air to fill the void.

They remind me to Mike and Jay from RLM


>literal femcel who can't get a dick a uses toys calls people incels
Oh I'm laughing

>joke to the right
I agree

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a good diet affects the quality of your shit, which is easier to clean up

Have sex with a women. Oh wait you can't!

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Greece really has toilets that can’t process paper? That shit is awful.

>go to public bathroom
>Guatemalans toss shit stained paper into the trash
>look down and see shit in trash can
>dry heave and leave bathroom

muslim here, use water with a bidet or something you disgusting pigs.

Hehesilly is the best

I can understand for a chick to want something due to size preference, but dudes I don't get. All I gotta do is wank my womb boom stick and then I'm good to go.

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Buy psyllium powder and mix it in a glass of water and drink it every day. You'll never have to buy TP again.

fucking twitter, i won't be able to see hehe new comics

Never understood the fuzz about wiping your ass. You change your underwear anyway, so what's the difference?

Imagine the guy who has to pick them up to put them in the trash

1. make fist
2. wrap toilet paper around it
3. ????
4. profit(?)

Is this white culture?

no it's just british culture

That poor kid is going to have a fucked up upbringing. White trash begets white trash. The midwest of America is a toilet.

But they are from extremely quality, and I don't get STD, unlike you nigger

Nah these replies are faggots being silly, you don't have to get very deep in at all and it doesn't feel clean otherwise. We live in the light while they cower in fear of clean assholes. Or they have bidets or something.


Oh nvm, I just assumed they were American because you see this trashy culture so much in the midwest.

>"Our plumbing is third world tier and we need dedicated shit cans, of course you retarded Americans wouldn't know this...."
Wow you sure showed us

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Are you retarded?

1. make faggy meme list
2. hahaha you're a faggot
3. ????
4. >>>/r*ddit/

Have sex, ESL tranny

that's bs, reddit should have been all over that years ago, it clearly belongs to us again

It's quite improper.

>Tells others they are disgusting
Good Bait tho

>see your own mother simulating a facial for her birthday
Never mind, I shouldn't bother arguing with trailer trash, you're already a lost cause.

hes a EU poster, been posting all day about how pissed he is that anime is legal


>being gay


user, at least give sauce if you're going to shitpost.

If it's the USA, toilet. Not meaning to bag on other, lesser countries, but our toilets can suck down 30 bowling balls, grind them up, and churn them into fertilizer, whereas other countries' toilets will send sewage spewing into the sky if a single soggy square of TP goes in them.

Gotta have a proper American toilet if you have a proper American breakfast.

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I can, in my deeper dreams user, you don't know shit faggot

>trailer trash culture
Burn it down, let all faggots like you die, then we can rebuild society.

Yeah watching your mom take a facial is an important part of growing up
You're white trash

it's ryona and snuff, you don't want it

Semen clean up

>that jesus

Come on, user.
Don't hold out on me.

sad that this is a question we have to ask now unironically. Gaming has gone down the shitter as of late and it's only going to get worse.

Don't worry, my envy is boundless

Well look at Mr. Galaxy Brain over here.

those fucking hicks don't understand real culture

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Course I keep my boihole clean

Who will save you from airport-closing drones then?

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Yes and?

As if you wouldn't be on the list of those to die.

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How will Euros EVER recover?

>Being scum of the earth

lmao whAT THE FUCK

it's the little details that make America exceptional

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>putting things in your ass
>not a scum

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Oh, so you operate on feelings like a woman.

Better than your onions ingesting culture faggot.

It's a gag you autist. Do your parents treat you like you're a retarded 5 year old? Just because you don't grow up doesn't mean other kids don't.

100% chance that at least one of those "adults" is molesting that child

How does that even works?

>putting things in your ass
If you believe this, all masturbation is gay to you, you fag.

>*doing something irrelevant*
>hurr you must be an utter scum
Nigger detected

Fatty fatty

Git gud at masturbating

everyone gets subjected to all sorts of weird and improper shit in school and such, but not at their own damn mother's birthday you white nigger

Putting things in my ass is my right as a civilian of a welfare state nigger, get over it

butthurt gay sissy whiteboy detected. I bet you dress up as alfonso too.

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Try it and find out

Do you think it's good for your mind to contrive these fake argumentative stances for your Yea Forums trolling persona?

have told parents multiple times that people joke about the toilet paper, have shown them comics ridiculing it. They still do it. Even with a new toilet with lots of pressure and newly replaced pipes connecting to the city pipes so no 'it might clog' excuse they still do it.

wait are you not supposed to? Sometimes I even wet the paper towel to get it in deep to get all the guck out

Astolfo is not a spic son of a bitch, how you dare to disrespect my waifu(husband) motherfucker, I'm gonna rip you into pieces tonight while you sleep.

Leave it to me

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i don't even know how to start

usually i wouldnt reply but since its cropped and cant be reversed

>What are you pouring out a square or two for the homies?

tie a belt around your neck, make sure its anchored to something higher up, and start fapping

You know its working when you start choking


They just don't poop moron

What is the benefit to your own pleasure for doing that?

I hope you're right. I spend 30 minutes a day wiping, if I can get that down to 10 and spend an extra 10 minutes working it's paid for itself and I get an extra 10 minutes of free time.

Wait a minute, that card...

Are you the same guy that shoves soap up his ass while showering?

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Why the fuck do people throw USED paper in the trash? Do they want it to smell like literal shit?

> I do the swirly with wet TP until the TP comes out spotless
>then I clean my ass with soap
>mfw there are people in the civilized world who only use dry TP
>mfw they walk around with shit smeared around their butthole 24/7

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I usually just take a shit before showering

Some foreign waste systems cannot handle toliet paper.

Put on a wig and bend over. It'll be enough for me for a few minutes.

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the reason third worlders throw the toilet paper in the bin, not in the toilet is because third world shitholes usually have shitty pumbling and toilets end up clogging when you throw the paper in the toilet. So they use a bin.
I lived in Brazil when I was a kid and once I threw some toilet paper and flushed it just to see the toilet clog and my parents got REALLY mad at me for it

same, still clean up with wet tp tho

i usually just don't eat like a pig and have well formed loafs that dont stain my ass cheeks

Just use baby wipes.
1 baby wipe is like 20 squares of regular TP.

He's obviously talking about in his ass crack, not his actual ass hole. That's why he says "in my ass" and not "in my asshole"

If only all Americans would eat their guns instead of shooting people with them.

t. weirdo that shoves TP up his ass

>EU education

Nah just kidding, there's actually nothing wrong with it kek


>tfw deepclean my asshole using disposable rubber gloves and sticking my finger in every time I shit
so clean you could have dinner on my ass and you'll never notice it's an ass!

>trying this hard to save face


They'd die from overeating

Blowing your nose?

How else are we supposed to build up an immunity?

Yes and who unclog the fucking toilet then, mommy?

>squat above shower head with your shitty asshole
>shit bacteria spread all over the shower head and your hands

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If you touched one of your turds would you also just clean your hands with dry toilet paper because it has left no mark?

It's funny when you consider the second photo is european

I said before showering, not while showering

I know.

>toilet clog
nice toilet lol

Did anyone posted the name of a game for big brain people? that was the question

So this is the power of videogames

Water kills bacteria you retard. Why do you think washing your hands works?

Man I hate Mexicans

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>Water kills bacteria you retard.

pls be bait

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And here I've been using soap like a chump.

Soaps are a lie fabricated by Big Soap.
Don't buy into their lies! Wash your hands with only water!

Akshuly, soap doesn't kill bacteria that well, it just removes fats that water alone can't.

>not showering and washing your hands with boiling water

look up erotic asphyxiation

Ever since I had a hemorrhoid I've just been using baby wipes and throwing them in bags. My butt comes out much cleaner and it doesnt hurt or anything

Redpill me on cleaning the inside of your ass wih TP

don't do it unless you wanna end up like this

Come with me
And you'll see
A worrrrld of pure defecation

Props for not flushing them, user. That shit fucks things up down there.

no but i dont obsess about my asshole like some weird freak

>having humility about sex and the body is bad
Not everyone is an uptight faggot. Dicks exist and they're funny. That girl looked old enough to know that she's not a toddler. Everyone is laughing, because it's harmless fun.

Lighten up you losers, thinking this will make you a degenerate is like saying video games makes killers.

I make toilet paper gloves some times.

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If your diet is good you shouldn't really have guck. When you wipe there should be barely anything there.

>tumblr cute art
I didn't knew tumblr invented chibi art.

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>the chocolate river

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there would a lot more truck "accidents" in america that way

Hey, fuck you.
I've got bad pipes so I have to use a trash can.

>Not shitting in the shower and stomping it down the drain

A lot

How does it feel to live in a 3rd world country?

Portland here, haven't ever seen a sidewalk shit but god do we have a homeless crisis.

>tfw no cute brown gf
why live

user, Brazil has no toilet paper in the first place.

>not rimming your asshole to clean it good

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Who the fuck uses actual paper in 2019 instead of baby wipes?
Might as well use sandpaper if you want your asscheeks to be bleeding constantly.

Can we at least all agree that shitting in the street will never be okay if there are access to public toilets?

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irrefutable proof that manlets arnt real men

Normies don't have liquid shits all the time, paper is enough for them.
Muh baby wipes is mostly a thing around here because Yea Forums is full of people with unusual dietary habits and also schizoids schizophrenia spectrum correlates with intestinal problems for some unknown reason.

Huh, that might explain a bit.

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thanks for the laugh, user.

I only use baby wipes when it feels like someone is poking my asshole with a hot iron.

anytime your ass sweats you're gonna get shitwater rolling down your leg

Ok I see where this is going. Time for a LOL thread

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>"I can't breathe" in the back
>black lives matter vs water in general

>Don't let people use the bathroom in your establishment without buying something
>Don't have toilets set up like phone booths
>wtf why are people shitting on the streets?