Why did the popularity for this game die off so fast? Souls games had multiple threads everyday for an entire year after their release.
Why did the popularity for this game die off so fast...
didn t play it because the combat looked like shit to me. stupid ugly signs annoyed me . difficulty annoyed me. graphics looked like shit. it had poor as fuck art direction. only thing missing from the first 3 boring hours I suffered was the 'Waajooooo' shout with a gong sound.
This game bored me so much I even dislike it more than dark souls 2, which to me is pretty much equal to half-decent eurojank, go figure how low I think this is...
Even Dks2 had like 5 threads at any given time a few months after its release. I see one Sekiro thread maybe every few days and it gets archived fast. I thought people would be more hyped about a From game since it has been a long time since DKS3.
but dks3 has sick art direction, polished combat, fun builds, mystery, cool maps, verticality. Dark souls is the epitome of what makes WRPGS good.
this game has ... idunno, grass. I guess weebs like it.
it doesn't really have much replayability. There's little space to customise Sekiro so not much incentive to go through it again
Action games with threadbare stories don't really give people much to discuss
I even found the first run through boring DESU. The other souls games have satisfying chunky attacks when you whack things but 99% of enemies in Sekiro just spam block and so most of your game play involves parrying constantly. It's not as fun as straight up whacking things and seeing them stumble.
There was no real obfuscated lore to theorise or compound upon; the plot of the game is simple and tastefully sparse enough that it fosters no real need for long discussion. The game's bosses and general quality remained satisfyingly high throughout so there's not much to complain about. There is no multiplayer to fuel a lasting player-base and thus, further discussion. The game required you to adapt and get good at a narrow, tightly tuned and focused gameplay system, thus, the people who completed the game likely all became decent enough at it to feel like they had "completed" the experience, which means that, "LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE", and likewise threads would fall from widespread discourse fairly soon after release.
Basically, with Sekiro, you either complete the game and feel like you've overcome an awesome challenge, and then move on. Or, if you're an irredeemable shitter or otherwise just a game journalist, you go on Yea Forums or twitter and cry about no easy mode and then forget about the game after a week.
ive only played the first bit but it seems like theres alot less lore to talk about in this one. the story is told instead of found around the world so theres less to talk about
i also think it may be harder than dark souls
this too. the combat is on the cusp of fun skill based combat but it ends up just being better arkham combat
WRPGS have literally none of the thing you cited, which is why dark souls is not a wrpg but an actual good game
I loved, and still love, Sekiro but it is a little underwhelming due to how linear the game is. Once you've played through, there's not much reason to go again. Still better than DMCV though.
Eastern rpgs are games made for children that failed maths class. While you were 'overlevelling' in final fantasy I was doing real math with DND games or cracking hardass MF equations at guildwars or diablo 2.
Don't even pretend you and I are on the same level, pleb.
Oh yeah I forgot. party mechanic is for homo's. never used it in souls, hence this.
Oh yeah and the DANCE DANCE DANCE online display of runes sucked balls too. really took me out of the game.
>Souls games had multiple threads everyday for an entire year after their release
And that's a good thing...?
But the serious answer is no PVP and no class creation; therefore neet autist won't replay it like 20 times and talk about it constantly on Yea Forums
With that being said, Sekiro is an amazing game and imo the best Soulsborne game I've played (only played BB and DS3). Oh by the way, thoughts on DS1 remastered?
>Oh by the way, thoughts on DS1 remastered?
If you've never played it then sure, go for it. If you already have the original version just add the mod to unfuck it and you should be mostly fine. Unless you prefer to pirate, in which case go with the remaster because why not.
If you enjoyed DaSIII I think you'll like the first one, although it tends to play a little more slowly. DaSIII clearly had a lot of BB influence in the gameplay.
ds1 remastered = best souls game. worth full price as it's one of the best games to be released past 1,5 decade.
if ur a zoomer that never played games in the 90s and early 00s you NEED to play this.
Dark Souls is certainly worth playing for the world design and sense of adventure alone. It does feel quite dated now, and you won't find it anywhere near as difficult as you would have, had it been your first souls game. But it, and Demons Souls for that matter, are brilliant games. Make sure you play it without guides for the majority of the game. Should you make the purchase, I'd only recommend you look up the process of getting to the games DLC content, because it is somewhat obscure and relatively easy to miss.
My favourite part of sekiro was how you get one weapon the whole game and one button to attack. Also loved watching the same little cutscenes everytime i killed something.
This game was literally made for Soulsbabies who have had their standards progressively lowered since Dark Souls 2. No wonder journies loved it and gave it a 90 MC :^)
no co-op,no pvp, no custom characters, no custom weapon builds.
Basically its a sellout cashgrab
The combat is all the game has and its tedious as fuck. By the time you complete the game the last thing you want to do is start over and do it again because you know its going to play out exactly the same.
It proved too hard for the r/gaming crowd that flooded Yea Forums after the 4channel move.
Kill the dogs first.
Platinumed it when it came out but 6 playthroughs in a row is enough. Without weapon/armor variety or multiplayer it can only be milked for so long before it gets boring. Excited to play through again in a year or two if any DLC gets released
It took the #1 spot of GOTY 2019 so far from REmake2
I love how it's linear and sortof like Tenchu on PS1, but really good and challenging (with 2019 graphics obviously. The game looks really good imo)
My only concern is why they would put the block/parry on L1. It's such a crucial button, I personally move it to "Y" for parry-intensive fights. L1 is probably the less accessible button on a controller when you need perfect timing, the L1 Xbone controller certainly wasnt designed for that imo
no replay value
also just my onion but it's fucking boring
Because it was garbage
It was fucking boring.
Man I need to replay Tenchu.
That's not even remotely a bad thing.
New games are only worth discussing for the first couple weeks, afterwards the peanut gallery gets their claws in and everything goes to shit. The only reason you'd want to keep discussing a single-player game for months is if you're a shitposter.
I don't understand how that has anything to do with its popularity. It's a single player action-adventure game and not some online game so why the fuck should it have threads running for years?
It's just a shitposting thread made for (you)s
People like OP are the same people that make threads about a popular game from a few months ago saying "June 2019. I am forgotten"
Seething nintendildos who could not play sekiro and still play botw for 30 hours a day make these threads.
>implying it's not falseflaggers trying to portray themselves as seething nintendies because it's the only way to drive traffic to a thread
I played the everloving shit out of it and moved on for now. Some DLC wouldn't hurt general interest levels.
I see a thread about it everyday.
You seething memefags need to start coping that the best Fromgame was multiplat.
Because it's a single player action game where everybody plays the same way and makes the same build. There's nothing to discuss unlike souls which not only had multiple builds to talk about and theorycraft with one another, but also large amounts of obscure/hidden things to share.
Because it's not a Souls game but much more a new take on Tenchu. Even the bosses are barley "Souls-like" with the guardian ape and DoH being the exception.
There was also the online element of souls where you could drop your gametag in threads for pvp/co-op or set up fight clubs. The deep character creation made it interesting to create alts purely for online memery.
Agree. Every smash thread is just xboners falseflagging every time. Nintendildos are flawless.