What will his role in Shadowbringers be?
FFXIV Shadowbringers
Other urls found in this thread:
He will be the Lakshmi of Shadowbringers, coming out of nowhere and being dealt with in two or three quests.
Do I need to level all the crafters, or can I get by with just one?
To answer that user in the last thread: I actually think the Limited job system would have recieved a lot less hatred if it were some XIV OC class. People would have judged it on its (lack of) merits and just written it off as another failed experiment in the vein of Verminion. But as it is, many people hate it only cause it killed any chance of playing BLU seriously.
The crafting system in general wants you to be an omnicrafter.
He's the big boy of the lightspawn that came from the Flood
main antagonist
I'm against the idea of limited jobs because the very idea is antithetical to MMOs. But my disappointment was infinitely worse because BLU is my favorite job in the series and now I'll never get to actually enjoy the game with it. I get sad and angry every time I'm reminded that it exists.
Final boss.
Shinryu/Thordan equivalent
Any crystalaustists wanting to form an LP team? Easy reward
Levemete in the main hub.
Yeah, I think people would have been way more accepting of a dead-end class that can't turn into a job than of a fan favorite getting made into basically a joke class.
all of them to at least 50, 54 for culinarian and goldsmith
it may change when shadowbringers comes out, we're apparently getting crafting info soon
I just looked at the Dancer videos and I wonder why the fuck they put 80% of their potencies into their dances.
All their other skills barely break 200 potency, but their dances both do 1000+ worth of potency.
Come up with a new job for FFXIV.
Use either existing lore/technology from XIV or old jobs from FF games before 11.
>I just looked at the Dancer videos and I wonder why the fuck they put 80% of their potencies into their dances
>I just looked at the Dancer
>I wonder why the fuck they put 80% of their potencies into their dances
>80% of their potencies into their dances
>into their dances
Twin Gun Tower Shield Job
level 77 trial
Can we take a minute to talk about how fucking UGLY the new shield HP thing is when you have full HP? Why the blue blazing fuck didn't they just layer it over the HP bar instead of putting the bar ABOVE the HP bar? Who the fuck looked at that and said "Yeah, that looks pretty good"?
Is the ARR end kinda shit? All that foreshadowing with traitors in crystal braves and you did nothing to stop them, didn't even warn Alphinaud about it. Then the whole end sequence you didn't even get to fight anything, literally just watch your friends getting captured/die while you sit in the back with god killing powers just making soiboi faces the whole time. Then Minfillia just stays behind cus lmao crystal bitch said so despite being a noncombatant. You don't even need to save Alphinaud cus some midget did it for you off screen. Feel so fucking useless after finishing it the first time.
Should I level up a NIN in ShB? I have around 150~ping
Why are they hiding the last area from us? Didn't they already showcase Azys Lla and The Lochs around this time?
>150 ping
you won't be able to go above 1k dps
Yeah, I know why it makes sense flavour-wise, but it just feels wierd gameplay-wise. You have a DPS that hits like a wet noodle, pumps out one giantic hits and goes back to noodling. I find it somewhat jarring. Sure, other jobs have burst periods, but they require the use of multiple skills, not just one 1500 potency hit.
Viking, dual shield tank
Chemist, heavy gunner healer
Geomancer, barrier healer
Necromancer, poison mage that uses voidsent pets, swap over SMN's poison spells to it
Sorry, I don't care about the rest of your post because Cirina is too cute.
they always kept the end zone a secret even after launch
>Geomancer, barrier healer
The AST quests explain how geomancers are literally just eatern astrologians.
>wtf why didn't we just slaughter our way through the Ul'dah police? that would have proved our innocence
Mechanics: fucking guess
Magic Knight, melee Magical DPS.
A tank job that uses Nero's old rocket powered hammer.
Last zone is a gap between dimensions we can only get to once we cleave it ourselves with our DAHKNESS power. It's where we'll go to either talk to Zodiark or to get pissy at crystal mom for lying to us.
NIN seems to be retooled to be less ping-dependant/focus more on ninjutsu than on fuck-constant weaving. You ought to be fine, double-weaving is the kicker and when you're not in a hyper-optimized raid environment you're likely not going to be doing that.
You spend 4 GCDs doing nothing but dancing to get that potency so I guess it's fair
Plus it has like a 70?s cd
Arithmetician(Calculator). Healer that increase raid dps with sick math buffs. This way we can laugh about the other healers that dont buff damage.
Maybe it unlocks after we cut away the light sky, so it has a normal skybox
Except they don't you fucking lorelet. Holy shit I'm so fucking tired of seeing this. They are similar to Astrologians in some ways, but they are not just eastern Astrologians. They're also similar to Conjurers and Scholars in other ways, and they have their own culture and specialities as well.
>Draws aether from alternate universes to alter the state of existence in the current one
>Huge heals but huge cooldowns
>Central mechanic places foresight on particular party members, allowing you to heal them in a snap or preordain damage mitigation
>Offensive debuffs that last only a few seconds and have to be timed perfectly, think of AST but targeting enemies
>Uses superstitious tools like dowsing rods
It's only 2 GCDs actually. The steps and finish are on a 1 sec CD.
When will the tranny janny stop deleting our threads?
Yda, Papalymo and Thancred btfo a bunch of them, Y'shtola collapsed a whole tunnel. Even fucking Raubanh killed a wall street jew and rekt the ball room. This excuse might have worked before the shit hit the fan, but definitely not after.
Eastern healer role put into a blender to push out one job really. Elemental abilities from conjurerers/white mages, geometrical aether manipulation and wards from arcanists/scholars, drawing aspected power from the planet itself (instead of the stars and other celestial bodies) and divinations of future events from astrologian.
>one draws power from the stars
>another draws power from the earth
>they are the same
Time Mage
Healer, delays damage instead of healing so the other healer can top niggas off before it comes back. Rewind wounds and status effects, can cast reflect and time stop a player making incapable of acting but also invincible such as a derpee ess that can't Dodge.
when you stop seething about trannies
Only when he's removed, it's more likely to be a moderator than a janitor since janitors get instated and removed on a revolving-door for being power-mad and choosy about what they delete.
When they're done jerking to the kiddy porn and projared threads
It's usually people who haven't actually done the AST questline and hear people who have mention that they get compared to Geomancer in it, so they expand that to just say they're the exact same thing.
>Finally finished getting all crafters to 70 today
>Have nothing else to do but wait for Shad
At least I can work towards getting a house now
Papalymo and Yda did. They basically set off a bomb in Chamber of Rule too.
Fuck the Brass Blades anyway.
Onmyoji using Onmyodo as described in the Eastern magics section of the Lorebook 2. They use both light and dark spells with an emphasis on balance. I could see them being something of a DoT version of the Red Mage, with a gauge they have to balance. Also possibly a Shikigami/golem pet.
You could also go ahead and call them Oracle to tie into previous FFs.
I've been playing the free trial. I've mostly just been going around doing some side quests and main story quests and getting used to the U.I. how the game works in general. Currently I'm a level 11 archer. It's pretty fun though I've mostly just been keeping to myself since I'm kind of awkward at interacting with others.
I've seen other players with nice looking armor and equipment. I can't wait until I get can start getting a bunch of cool gear for my catgirl. It's nice to see so many other players with the little sprout so I know I'm not along in being a complete noob. I'm thinking I might try out a crafting class eventually. Seems interesting.
I'm planning on playing until the level cap and then getting the full game. I'm guessing it's best to get the starter edition and then get Heavensward for free. The new expansion will come with SB and I'll get that sometime after it comes out. I know I won't be ready for any expansion beyond the first for a while.
Berserker. Dual-wielding axes (main hand/off hand integration a la PLD optional), rage meter like WAR, shits selfish DPS like SAM, attacks party members if overcapping rage.
It's fucking stupid and never going to happen but I don't care.
Viking: A dual-axe wielding berserker melee dps with savage strikes and spin2win-looking aoes.
i want to see some of the wierder ideas they had in 1.0 come to light
Earth is a star
Consider a VPN.
>retooled to be less ping-dependant
What ever did you see that implied such a thing?
Are there any DPS classes with a big sword?
Based and retard pilled
Delete lb1, lb2 now costs a bar and lb3 costs 2 yes or no
and keep dilating you Au Ra tranny
Onmyoji was almost a SB job. Yoshida wanted it from FFT but he decided on RDM instead because of the FF anniversary and it was the last of the original jobs that hadn't been added yet.
That's cool, glad you're having fun with it. Take it at your own pace and just enjoy the game. Although you say you're a bit shy with others, I think it's worth it to try and make a few friends to do dungeons with, they're a lot more fun that way.
No and DRK sucks across the entire series, they're cucked by fighter warrioer and every other DPS class and job. Fuckin pathetic edgelords.
Time Mage
Gimmick is debuffing enemy instead of buffing allies or applying dots
Heals by rewinding a player's health bar
High skill required, as rewinding their health bar too far or too short could potentially leave them with less health
why do people who get expensive commissions have the most generic looking characters?
you could go into any limsa on any server and see at least two characters that look like this at any one time
Esper or whatever name. Basically a summoner but instead of summoning the primals you incorporate them and use their attacks like shiva. Ideally they would be a melee caster class where you could use titan punch with stone fists, leviathan tali whip for stuns and etc.
Maybe don't make obvious bait threads about real-world bullshit and call it a FFXIV thread and then it won't get deleted. Did you even see the last thread?
Try thirteen or more. Every second of every day, afk or dancing or making fun of people that don't look as fucking goofy as their popstar retard assses
It will go faster than you think. Expansion stories have very little filler for the most part. The 2.0 MSQ and the first 2 patch stories after it are the biggest time wasters.
Make sure to kick that tryhard Shiori Kitano if "she" is in your group.
just shut up and give me beastmaster
we already know were getting another healer in 6.0 because of healers being on suicide watch over dancer
Was it about how the Jews are infiltrating Japanese society in a bid to open it up to orthodox propaganda?
More unique = ugly because they're plastered with shitty tattoos and hair.
Beastmaster will be a limited job unless you help us BLUbros defeat the limited menace.
Which data center?
Mystic Knight, learned from Ul'dah. Job-wise is a somewhat secretive sect as a lovechild of the Gladiators' guild and the Thaumaturge's guild, combining both as a spellsword discipline and more refined in that regard than Samurai which coats their sword in pure aether via the scabbard (Sanguine Blade used by Ilberd and the SAM gladiator in its starting quest would come from here)
Mimics Black Mage and Samurai in the form of a melee DPS with three stances, Blizzard Sword that enchants attacks to deal ice-aspected damage and recover the MSK's MP, Thunder Blade that inflicts a couple of DoTs with attacks, and Fire Blade that's where the actual damage dealt comes from. Thunder and Fire Blades consume MP with every attack, intended to build up to either a Holy Sword or Flare Sword in the vein of RDM
Sounds like a good plan. You'll never be able to tear through ARR and HW before Shadowbringers comes out anyway, and you wont want to.
There should be an NPC near the Waking Sands who will teach you how to do glamors. That way you can always look like you're wearing your cool gear instead of whatever clownshoes levelling crap you pick up off the ground.
>generic looking characters
So what? This game has 4 prebuilt face options and most races and genres only have 2 good ones if at that. The only way to make your character stand out is to plaster them with every tattoo and face feature you can put on them and all that does is make them ugly.
It could be fun if they go full Pokemon with it.
>mfw there's a cookie cutter princess near me
Every craft requires materials made by other crafts. Even cooking, the one you'd think could stand on it's own since it's just ingredients, requires some Alchemy stuff.
You can get by with one or a few. But understand that you'll not only be missing out on essential cross class skills, but you'll never truly have autonomy.
so worse blm
Why is it always giraffefags who are the most obsessed over the races other people are playing?
I'd like Mystic Knight but you can do better than just copying BLM and RDM.
Because their brains are bad.
Yeah, and BLU could in theory have been a good idea.
We saw how that went.
So which Viera face is the least popular? I need to pick it for contrarian points.
calling it now, 6.0 gets a new healer, they still bitch and complain and overthink every single ability they have
I'd take an au ra with fotm crafted than a shitty roe with mogststion glams any day of the week
Roes too, see
They will whine if it doesn't have a full suite of DPS spells comparable to an actual DPS job no matter what it is.
Who knows? they are statically the worst players, must be coping
3 and 4, but 4 will make you more snowflakey since it needs more work.
closet inferiority complex because they know the race looks like shit ingame, so they resort to spamming fanart and trying to meme on the other races
So should I preorder shadowbringers for the earring? I got ARR from a friend from twitch then HW for free, don't have stormblood yet. I'm currently 55 war 54 drk barely even start with the HW msq. I have a job so dropping 80 bucks isn't a big deal, but for that same reason idk how long I can play this game for since I spend most of my day getting fucked by Mr. Shekelstein.
tranny fucking sea whale bitch get back to your containment discord
futa cocksuckers aren't welcome here
Imagine not having a culture as rich as Ishgard? Savages, all of you.
what's the best EU server?
Take the lionpill.
ugly race players need constant validation of their snowflakeness
Duel gunshield tank
gunhammer melee dps
gunlance ranged/melee dps
idk healers lol maybe just reduce their dps but increase their heals
Hey, I'm not an MMO designer, I'm thinking purely in terms of how it behaves in turn-based games where it shows up and straight-up is "Black Mage weapon-enchanter"
haha nice
i already made a face 4
i want to say 2 or 4 because they actually look good if you put in a tiny bit of effort
1 gives you the standard fran shape, 3 gives you the "i'm going to fantasia back to Au Ra in a few days" look
Everyone posts fanart, it's only eleven who get singled out
where the fuck are the giraffes on the chart?
If you're already at level 50+ with two classes and you like the game, you might as well grab the earrings if you're going to keep playing. What do you mean by 80 bucks though? It shouldn't be that expensive.
>Mogstation glams
You seem confused
Why does everyone has gun autistic obsession?
What about futa cockvore
A trash trial run just like Shinryu probably.
>Dual gunshield tank
would unironically resub for this
Stormblood and Shadowbringers are both $39.99. Unless I'm retarded and there are better deals out there.
I wish I could hate you to death
>take the manletpill
Because we've been teased by Garlean Gunhybrid weapons since 1.0.
No, now go back to your bara discord
Well stop posting any time, your character is ugly and glamour is terrible
bang bang cool af
They're not, which is what outs him as a giraffefag
Garlean weaponry could conceivably make interesting jobs (there's a lot of demand for a job themed around Gaius and his own unique abilities, even if thematically it makes no sense)
Weapon is probably a gun.
Throws potions at targets but can also spray chemicals into the air which will either heal people over time or even increase their maximum HP (think doping using chemicals).
Their utility is injecting a single target with a potent drug which boosts their damage output and they have another potion which will increase speed as if it was enhanced arrow.
Has a system similar to NIN in order to mix potions for either offense or to heal but it won't be interrupted by any gcds.
Those aside it has zero burst attacks like Broil or Stone and is instead purely reliant on four potent DoTs which they need to keep up.
They're just Garleaboos
>mfw based Yoshi will remove the trannies and furry rejects
The LB would be this
shadowbringers comes with all previous expansions, so it's only $40
Quit projecting your homosexuality on innocent hrothbros.
almost like they spam it in a desperate attempt to circlejerk their snowflakeness, elezen have great lore and i love elves, however they don’t look good in the slightest in FFXIV
>and glamour is terrible
Say what you will about fem-roes but that's one of the better put-together "admiral" type glamours I've seen.
Yeah their glamor is ugly!
You need to leave!
I wish! ;-;
Magitek > Magic
You only need to buy the latest one, Shadowbringers will come with Stormblood. Stormblood will only unlock when Shadowbringers comes out, though, so you will have to wait until July 2nd to do the Stormblood stuff if you get it from pre-ordering Shadowbringers.
Consider using the Althyk katana. It has a plume.
Oh, nice. Would've been baited by the jap jew leaving stormblood at full price in the store. Thanks user
Go to /xivg/ like all the other avatarfags
This. They go on about how based they are when they attentionwhore as much as the fucking cats and lizards.
Your closet takes up a large housing plot by itself
>they dont look good
They do if you put effort in, the males are even easier to make look good. XIV playerbase is too brain damaged to make even catgirls look consistently good
would rape
What chest piece is that?
Like I said I've only started with HW msq, then I have crafts to work on, so having to wait a month for stormblood content is no big deal.
...come to odin...
Yeah, it sounds like the perfect deal for you.
Wish there were more people like you.
Preach! /o/
Miqote Moonkeepers(f) and Au Ra(f)
Are the true warriors of light!
You being incapable of making a good-looking one doesn't mean they all look bad
If I'd known it only takes one femroe to derail the entire thread in pants-shitting indignation I'd have started the game as one.
>he thinks of his mmo characters sexually
>he projects his latent homosexuality on any and all masculine characters
It's kinda sad really. You should just accept who you are and move on.
Please understand that you need to die. Posting your character here is an inexcusable offense and the only recourse now is your death. Please die.
t. someone in it
Basically anytime someone posts their character here it's an ugly tranny thing to get attention
Fuck off falseflagger.
Jesus Christ these threads are fucking terrible at these hours, the janny had the right idea.
Anything akin to Battle Mage.
Since it should be easier to make than my main and wife Geniewiz.
Sky Pirate's Jacket of Striking
>doesn't know how to make unique characters
though even that isn't working now because people just copy it, I used to look unique with my color choices but I see people trying to imitate my look a lot now. It was nice while it lasted, years ago.
Nobody here likes any attention whoring nigger posting their shitty character. It doesn't matter what race it is.
Step 1: Go back.
Step 3: Dilate your gash
Step 4: Kill yourself.
Dammit, thanks. Don't have a striking character, was hoping it was a level 1 glam.
The irony
False flagger?
I think not!
Roes are an unacceptable disgrace!
They make me very angry when I see them!
>implying it's limited to femroe
Lurk moar.
People should stop this knee-jerk reaction everytime someone posts a pic of their character. There’s nothing wrong with showing off your glam as long as it doesn’t degenerates into avatar fagging or ERP posting.
>ywn get to rub lotion all over Garuda's body
Stop enabling the roefaggets and trannies, white knight niggercuck
Femroe is the most likely to provoke said pants-shit reaction.
That's how you get /xivg/. Don't give them a single foothold.
literally "am I fitting in yet guys?" posting.
Female roegadyn we're a mistake
The good should have never caves to the alt-life fetish community
What even goes on in these threads anymore? Are we going to be having 2-3 hours long, 500 post threads, 24/7 for the next 10 days?
Is A11S easy to unsync with a group? I really want the entire fending set.
Yeah, /xivg/ trannies need to keep their characters to themselves
This is about game discussion, not characters that people play in the game.
You get /xivg/ by shitting up the thread in an attempt to get "them" to go away. Stop worrying about them, if they're as obvious a marker as is claimed then "don't touch the poop" should apply and you either get a target-of-ridicule or they go away of their own accord from attention starvation.
so blue mage?
fem Au'Ra
fem Miqo'te
fem Roegadyn
fem Elezen
fem Highlander
male Roegadyn
male midlander
male Au'Ra
male highlander
male Elezen
fem Midlander
No, fuck you.
It's very easy if you bring 6-7 people who can put out decent dps, the better the dps the less you need.
I'm sure you were nice with your neon hair and clown makeup, faggot
Guys what if we find Magnai's nhaama in the first
>Male elezen
please kill yourself
You're not very good at false flagging, at least try to make it interesting.
you forgot this
>lonely obese neckbeard faggot
>underage b& faggot
male miqo'te
Then congratulations, you're doing your part in perpetuating /xivg/ by crusading against it instead of ignoring it and talking about XIV, because you don't know how attention-whores work. Here's a free rubber duck.
Yeah my mistake, Elezen deserve their own tier for being contrarian tryhard retards
If I'd known posting images of my character complaining about typical main city hub glamour would make people freak out this hard I'd have hesitated. But since we're here I'll share one more for you to seethe over before you start squabbling about which race is best.
>if you kill your enemy they win
Fuck off and cry some more because people here shittalked your precious trannyglam, faggot.
Thanks. I guess the hardest part is going to be finding those 6-7 people.
>It's a Ronso
>Dimensional roadtrip to get Magnai to his nhaama in a foreign land
Why would you so obviously out yourself as a male Elezen with this post?
posting best mount
A couple of questions lore related:
>What is Ultima? I mean the high seraph of the Ivalice raids, it's certainly not an eikon
>Does the first have a night/day cicle?
>Any hints about why all the scions are ok again after making a fuss for the last three patches?
gosh i wish i could fuck her boipucci
All of my stuff was subtle. I didn't use intense colors, quite the opposite. Everything blended together nicely and had soft transitions between colors.
Kill yourself tranny faggot, ironically pretending to be an ugly man doesnt make you more of a woman
>Unsyncing anything
Based phoneposter
Except you're not gonna kill them by giving them attention. You're fueling them. They thrive on it. They love people getting mad at them. Why do you think they act so annoying?
How do you defeat someone desperate for something? By starving them.
>guys i am le epic tranny-slayer
>>What is Ultima? I mean the high seraph of the Ivalice raids, it's certainly not an eikon
Some kinda alien
>>Does the first have a night/day cicle?
>>Any hints about why all the scions are ok again after making a fuss for the last three patches?
Please look forward to it.
nice roe desu
I wish femroes weren't built like bricks with man shoulders otherwise I'd fanta back to one
>beastmaster gets in as the real BLU
>aymeric hair on roe
oh no no no
leveling my AST right now and whenever i'm in party with another AST they always go noct instead of doing double regen. why is that?
Sure sure, and I clear ultimates first try
delet this
>If I'd known
After the 40th time you should have
You've been posting your ugly tranny shrek since like 2015
>What is Ultima? I mean the high seraph of the Ivalice raids, it's certainly not an eikon
Possibly a Sin Eater. It's something that came from another dimension and was worshiped to the point it transformed into a primal.
>Does the first have a night/day cicle?
It naturally does, just not at the moment because there's too much light. We're going to restore night in the story.
>Any hints about why all the scions are ok again after making a fuss for the last three patches?
The Scions got their souls dragged away to the First. They're okay on the First because they got new bodies there and are doing their thing.
The entire point of the fucking title of the expansion is to bring back the day/night cycle in the First.
Literally all of the other Scions and Raubahn do it, why weren't we allowed to?
>>What is Ultima? I mean the high seraph of the Ivalice raids, it's certainly not an eikon
It's a Sin Eater that caused so much shit people started worshiping it leading it to be charged with faith and gained self awareness as a result.
>>Does the first have a night/day cicle?
No, but we'll change that
>>Any hints about why all the scions are ok again after making a fuss for the last three patches?
We'll get them back after they got isekai'd into the First.
That's not a flying goobbue
You sound basic.
tfw not shit enough to win rolls
Are some DoL classes better to level than others in terms of the benefit you can get from them? I'm assuming they're all at least somewhat good for gil, right?
all of the above
will we be able to turn on shadows in ShB or will it be disabled by default and only unlock once 6.0 is out?
You're supposed to level all of them for the cross class skills.
fuck off to /vg/
In terms of gil making, MIN and BTN are about even, FSH is pretty shit. All subject to change when the expansion launches of course.
>cross class skills
>get the kyuubi
>dont like it and simply keep my dogs on mount roulette
What a disappointment that was. Sometimes I pull it out but it's so diasappoiting I don't even like AFK flexing with it. Also wish that pvp hair looked good on Elezen because the braids are nice. The only races it seems to work on is cats and highlanders
Armored gorilla all the way
DoL are gatherers. Those are entirely self-contained.
This better?
All of them are good, its usually between BTN and MIN
Son of a bitch.
Mount tier list:
God tier:
savage raid mounts
trial mounts with good music
Garo mounts
Mid tier:
Beast tribe mounts
story mounts
Refer a friend mounts
Event mounts
Shit tier:
Cash shop mounts
meme mounts
XV car
>hating the car
So Hydaelyn is evil right?
I mean she's going around stealing bodies and killing worlds with her light
Based clownposter makes more sense lore-wise
Where do PvP mounts fall under
Heal allies by having sex with them.
Deal damage by giving monsters STDs.
I have the car
it's only good for the capacity, it looks like goofy shit with how mount movement works
>FSH is pretty shit
What did you do today, son?
Oh nothing dad I just shitposted all day about trannies
Should I play through Shadowbringers with a job I already have at the level cap or level one of the new jobs to 70 and then take it through the MSQs?
Kirin is fucking shit too.
Firebird is the only good one.
Mascot healer
The Light may not be hers any more than the void is Zodiark's (It isn't his).
Infinite Universe Brain
I don't think she's evil/malevolent, I just think she's incompetent. She genuinely seems to value and want to protect mortal life, but simply isn't capable of doing so on he own without Zodiark to balance her out and keeps fucking up as a result of trying to go it alone.
Kirin has the excuse of being their first one. Kyuubi is literally the special fate. So both Ixion and it got recycled.
>Stupid gay armored pony in god tier
>But bomb chair in mid
Mentally handicapped
my personal favorite is the griffin from beast tribe. looks good and has good animation. All i can ask for.
Pegasus and Black Pegasus mounts any good? I can't ride something unless I get your approval, I would feel awkward thinking something is good using subjective opinion.
In terms of gil making? Absolutely, especially compared to MIN and BTN. Deal with it.
they're gay garbage from content nobody does
rate my snowflake rabbit
Thank you, senpai, I'll make sure to ride them exclusively to shimmy your jimmyjams
I'm mad because that's the one I was mainly interested in for the aesthetic and exploration aspect. Whatever though, money isn't that important to me already
>Retard tier is the best tier
Feels good being low IQ
>I missed the boat and can't afford good looking mounts because I have no friends
Get rid of the tats and eyeliner
The fanfest bike mount is unironically the best ground mount, shines even more with max mount speed.
Just never ever fucking fly with it and you're good.
>Tfw just did Monastery
That was fucking great. If only it was a bit harder. Seeing thunder bro again was nice, too.
Knockoff Miqo'te/10
>whip job
If that were the next healer, it would reinvigorate the role
Ah ok, I thought you were one of those autists who constantly rambles about how "comfy" fishing is despite being a huge waste of time most of the time.
Tier of their own. Hellhounds above all others.
Its okay pegasuslet, you can grind main scenario and buy it from the moogle!
>going to fanfest
fucking yikes my dude
Does Yugiri say anything different if you're a ninja who cometed your quests when you first meet her? if not then at least it saves me the grind of getting another DPS to 50
Looks okay here, but it's face 4 so you'll look like a freak in different lighting or with different hair.
I just can't hate the car since it satisfies my modern magitek boner.
You can fuck right off with that. Mado horses are tightest shit and canonically surf on giant swords.
stop transforming your viera into miqotes
>fenrir reskin
>God tier
I don't care about your shitty gay mount
I only ride regular peg around strangers, I don't want to intimidate or make anyone uncomfortable! I ride the Black Pegasus around my equals. :3c
I don't think so but then again she doesn't appear in the NIN quests that I remember.
>Using the mogstation
>forever locked out of the original gorilla mount because I wasnt subbed that patch
>nothing to go along with my gorilla minion now
rage and sorrow
>Playing the game
as I recall she'll comment on your training or whatever at some point in the 2.X quests. It's just a single throw away line if I remember right, though.
Judge. hammer healer rather than the swords since PLD and DRK have those already. Gladiator, Marauder, Rogue etc branching away from PLD, WAR, ninja and so forth and turning into seperate classes. Marauder as a dual-wielder of axes, swords for Gladiator and so forth. New classes from the pre-crystal ones.
>c@bois want liondaddies to pozz them
>liondaddies only have eyes for bunny cunny
>c@bois lash hout on the interwebs trying to run people away from playing liondaddies
I didn't think the whole "if I can't have it no one can!" mentality actually existed before now...
>user settings data got corrupt
>didn't have a back up
>have to redo all my sets, settings, HUD and hotbars
There's nothing wrong with face 4.
Rabbits have whiskers too.
>He didnt do hidden gorge
>He didnt know that wins there give you progress for both the black roborilla and the white one
>He's too late once again
What did we learn?
Looks like that Allison girl from American Pie and Buffy, but after she hit the wall. 4/10
>Being alive
>iondaddies only have eyes for bunny cunny
>dances on boybun corpse
That I need to stop being retarded.
Why would someone kill a boss 99x for a cosmetic?
*audience watches with bated breath*
Because if they do it 693 times they get another cosmetic!
*uproarious laughter and thunderous applause*
Thank you, I'm here all week folks.
I tried to put it in language your discord addled mind could comprehend, user. Sorry if it wasn't perfect.
did you copy that person on twitter's bunny? he is not going to be happy about this
God why do they insist on making leveling in this game so boring. It's a given that leveling in an MMORPG takes a while but it doesn't have to be such a slog. Why not allow us to do Eureka content as a new class to let us do the shitty crystal farm while also leveling. Running HoH a million times sucks ass.
I didn't ask for your opinion.
As a Hrothgar, I speak for all Hrothgars that we want to be dicked instead.
bro it's okay to admit you're gay
nobody will judge you
What's a twitter?
>Hrothgar are cool but limited hair options and dont like how bulky they'll look in most armor
>Viera are cool but are there purely for fanservice and the best design was already in the benchmark
>false flag
i like the tribal tattoos but face 4 has the least impressive one
if i could use face 2's with face 4 it would be perfect
for all intents and purposes i did it first so he can eat shit
The only honest poster in the entire thread
>Why would people play the video game they pay monthly to play?
>God Tier
Savage mounts
PvP top 100 mounts
Company Chocobo with good barding
Get ready for it to be even worse as SE guts early class kits to balance endgame.
Eldthurs is the best thing to come out of Eureka
If you're going to post /vg/ shit at least make it look good.
>PvP top 100 mounts
Lol win traders
Does anyone on Levi want to be friends
With what? I got literally everything I want exactly as I want it. It's the catboys and bunnyboys who need to "cope".
Sorry you couldn't get into the wintrading discord. Have you tried not being a jealous sperglebottom?
Get friends.
Speaking of mounts, have they ever re-released this one? Or made another "cap your sub time and get a toy" campaign? I missed this one.
>fem midlander bimbos
No and they probably won't for awhile.
What do you do if you're tanking in a dungeon you've never done before?
Redditor excuse for never getting good cope
No thanks
that depends
do you do content
-Kingsglaive: summons weapons and teleports around XV style. Can be tank or dps too
-Mimic: can mimic the previous skill used by other players or enemies FFV style, also has an always random selection of skills from other classes. Like in a card game can be OP or UP depending on current rng (so the class is neither of them), and similarly requires a lot of knowledge to bring out it's maximum potential at the current time. Would be a fun and unique class for skilled players.
-Weapon master: Dissidia Firion style. Basically stores and uses all kinds of weapons from other classes. Can be anything, gameplaywise.
-Mystic Knight buffs weapons with elements FFV style
-Time Mage all about speeds and slows, maybe comets
Doesnt matter. Reddit complained and now all dungeons are a line. If you are in a Old dungeon which you can get lost. Just ask. Go side by side to protect whoever leads the way. It will be low level probably, so you wouldnt make huge pulls anyway.
Fake it till you make it
Do what you've seen tanks do for countless hours
Ask anonymous people on 4channel so they can give you long winded and probably wrong advice
Win trading doesn't exist. Top 100 PvP player here. You're all just mad cuz bad lol
>Win trading doesn't exist
are there any good cosplay glamour collections? my wardrobe is looking a little dull
Literally the only dungeon with any sort of mazelike quality in the entire game is Toto Rak, stop trying to look like a hardcore oldfag.
Can't wait for womanlet Viera with min height but with max ear height
since there was no ninja job in the game yet when she first appeared in the game, no.
Uses hammers like Nero
Melee healer/support DPS
Use ghosts and shiet. Like jojo stands.
Melee attacks/heals don't need targeting. Instead they have "cone" effect. Some skills activates from behind. Can target and heal with skills if needed (can attack while targeting party member). Very mobile. Can bond ghosts to targets and dash to them when needed for heal.
>Win trading doesn't exist
Any of the new MNK skills featured in other FF's or Tactics? I swore Anatman is but now I can't find.
Pls assist ty.
>tfw no motivation to level alts that are going to be changed at the end of the month
What the fuck do I even do now?
>Melee attacks/heals don't need targeting. Instead they have "cone" effect.
I think you just need to play a different game.
>Reddit complained and now all dungeons are a line.
They were a line in 1.X too, except you could ignore non-boss enemies by running out of their range in 1.X.
Pull 2-3 packs at a time. Although in SB patches it became safe to pull until a wall every time, so I started doing that from first try.
In the past I asked about anything to know before each boss, but the mechanics are communicated much more clearly nowadays, so even that isn't necessary in newer dungeons. You should consider asking in pre-SB dungeons though
You sure disproved it!
*audience chatters amongst itself*
*stands up and cuts through the cacophonous sound with the clinking of a wine glass*
*audience grows silent*
"Why would someone pay monthly for a video game?"
*not even a cough from the entire opera hall*
So he can kill a boss 693 times!
*uproarious cheering, the camera pans to see people crying in the front row*
>Top 100 PvP player here
>Win trading doesn't exist
Worked just fine in Wildstar.
Enlightenment is basically Aura Blast
A beginner can lose time on the fucking mansion one. Forgot the name. And Toto rak is also a low level. I not an oldfag, i'm just not blind.
>Win trading doesn't exist.
>Melee attacks/heals don't need targeting. Instead they have "cone" effect.
Its like im playin TSW all over again. Lets go all the way and add leech healing via assault rifles.
>If it's on Reddit it must be fake!
Secret club niggers and contest riggers should be crucified.
>Top 100 PvP player
Out of 100 players? XIV pvp community is joke because it is small. Best XIV pvp palyers = 1200 scrubs in worst WoW battlegroup
And where is Wildstar right now?
If it weren't for the bloody crusader to kill healer dps Yoshi is on right now, I'd say why not. Even make an Aetherochemist with a dart gun.
Melee healing will not work with target system. Just imagine. Pure slog to heal. Look at MNK Rock Breaker move. Something like this.
How's gun breaker looking? anybody come up with an optimal rotation yet?
Same place FF11 is and we still talk about it here!
There is no proof to disprove so far
Just queue idiot
It's easy if you actually try and you're not braindead
You'll get invited to the secret club once people see that you're good :)
XIV's PvP is deeper and requires more strategy than sap and swarm...
Doesn't Wildstar literally not exist anymore?
Limited jobs are bad because it reduced Jobs(which we use to interact with the rest of the game) as a mini game.
We should not let SE or the XIV team cheapen how exciting it is to try out a new job.
The extremely few dungeons that aren't a line are a pure annoyance.
It's nice on the first run, but after that you either ignore them with experienced players, or waste time in them with new players.
A non-line dungeon could work if there was some strategy and randomization involved in choosing the right route, but there has never been a dungeon like that in the game
healthy population and alive
literally dead in the ground not even a private server existing
>You'll get invited to the secret club once people see that you're good :)
Eat a tide-pod ^__^;
Tsukuyomi sure sucks ass to farm. Long stupid "cutscenes" and good luck skipping the second meteors with PF party dps.
Wrong, FF11 still exists
what you need to do it try an- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Oh shit, I didn't know it actually died, I thought it was on permanent life support.
Can you vanish blind/coils in XIV pvp? Kick casts?
>attack this guy at the same time
>whoever had the better ping win
Stephanivien the MCH guy, one drunken night finally decides to pull the trigger. However, his gun overheated and jammed, thus he resolves to lose his virginity by making a puppet miqote.
The puppetmaster can customize his puppet like a retainer, and use it for ERP in town. In combat the PUP is completely useless so he should only stick to towns really. Crafters build all of his parts and it takes several million gil just to build the puppet.
Willl Rathalos be easy as fuck to farm once Shadowbringers releases and everyone is level 80 with the max gear? Not that it’s hard already, but people suck ass.
>posts shitty sonic reactions on a chinese fecal-painting board calling people who objectively won pathetic
>someone saved my snip
Aw I'm flattered.
>Use fluid aura on character to push them into our group.
>Takes so long to come out and it's so fucking laggy that it instead pushing him to safety.
Defend this pvp fags.
What are some tell tale signs to look for to know when a tank swap needs to happen? I know a tankbuster debuff is one of them but are there any others? I hear that later on tank swapping becomes pretty frequent in some fights.
Futa faggots get the rope
Isn't unsync disabled for Rathalos?
Yeah people could probably get endlessly tossed around like tanks already can
>54321 *BLING!* *BLING*
Wow we bursted the faggot. With one of our 9 buttons. So in depth. So strategic. The only skill pvp requires is you being a better healer than the shitter on the other side. I've played this stupid mode since ARR and have been top 100 for most seasons. it's only gotten worse and worse with every expansion. I only play this shit mode for glamours. It needs to be purged because I'm getting sick of having to do this fucking song and dance every other month.
>butthurt buttminge pozzc@bois
Oh my...
Aw it's okay user. We love you too.
Um, you need to cope, sweetie.
You can't undersize any SB stuff yet
I'm going to have to float for Tenstrike today. Where the fuck do I go for each variant? Is there an easy way of figuring out where I need to be?
Worse that roeniggers
Tank swaps aren't all that common anymore nowadays. They used to be during ARR and HW, but in SB they've become mostly redundant and can very easily be circumvented with the tools they give you.
well you only need to the tankswap when the mechanic demands it. you can tell by the debuff icon description or boss cast bar. other times are highly situational moments that you will barely see like if no healers are up and the main tank is about to die.
Hey guys I get this weird bug when I try to equip the dark knight weapon. It keeps saying my dick is too big play dark knight. wtf?
Oh please. Those guys and male cats are way worse.
based futa posters
Tankbuster debuff is the standard tell.
I don't think it gets more complex than that until Savage fights
>see faggot healer positioned a little poorly
>press unmend on him to pull toward team
>unmend goes off after a second, he's already moved to a better position
>mash the fuck out of Stun to chain CC
>stun literally never goes off despite him being in my range
>he starts to bolt away
>despite me being in melee range and running after him Stun absolutely wont go off
>I literally have to Sprint after him until his Sprint runs off because the fucking stun wont go off
>he's already gotten out of punish range anyway by the time I manage to connect one single melee attack on him
this is why all of the front lines involve shitty PvE mechanics or capturing nodes to win, actually fighting players in small skirmishes is dogshit
Again, cope with what? I got literally everything I wanted.
Alienware is now shilling Shadowbringers.
Does it stack?
Around the time when normalfags, jannies, trannies stop screeching about the Garlemand Empire being literal natzees and start thinking of ways to get rid of the Shadownigger menace in other words never
I still fail to see how this is gay. It's nothing but women for a het.
>How's gun breaker looking?
Pretty close to HW DRK all things considered. Fast attacker, good utility (can cast regen on itself or others), seems like it'll be an OT.
>anybody come up with an optimal rotation yet?
Nothing concrete because of the changing potency-values.
>futa on female
The closest to finesse in pvp is to mark a healer and have every single person run in, stun and then melee lb it to death.
Well, you see, it's gay because balls are touching
>Short hair for Elezen are limited to milf housewife like Miounne, billboard advertisement, and that one short hair option every other person uses
I feel you. This user speaks the truth. I was top 100 in several seasons, even top 10. Got Hellhounds, only time PvP was remotely good was Heavensward. I eventually got sick of doing it. Missing out on the mounts and cosmetics sucks but not having to grind shitty feast every season has been an improvement to my life.
>You actually manage to pull a healer in successfuly
>It's a wasted effort because Healer can only be killed if he lets you kill him
Yeah but it's full package and balls are touching. So, it's like, triple gay.
God fuck unmend and they fucking nerfed it too, but war get to have holmgang thats super broken
Unparalleled shitty lighting and low poly models and textures.
Short hair is shit anyway.
>anybody come up with an optimal rotation yet?
Well, there's some uncertainty over whether the dot grants a cartridge or not. It didn't in the preview, but the GNB job gauge help says it should.
I hate how it flies but I love it on the ground, happy I didn't spend real money for it. Got it from a friend who went to fanfest by offering them 30m gil for the code
Full package is the only acceptable futa. The giant clit version is fucking gross
Rune Fencer
Role: Melee DPS.
Mechanic: Have 3 three stage GCD's combos. Combo finishers will mark the enemy with an elemental enfeeblement, like "Fire down" these enfeeblement will cause your next spell tied to that element to do bonus damage, and consume the debuff as well as apply you with a "Reverse Elements" buff.
For each of the three elemental debuffs you consume you will gain a rune. You can spend these rune's on oGCD abilities.
Reverse Elements: will increase the next GCD finisher of the opposite element of the last spell you cast by 20%.
Why stop? I won and it's fun to bait (you)s with it.
Tank swaps are more numerous than ever now. Like literally every ex four lords fight had one and most savages did. This is thanks to shirk letting it not be a giant pain in the ass.
Can't decide on exactly how dark I want my chocolate rabbit to be.
the perfect pairing for your $2000 laptop
Crossbow-based tank.
Futashit is fucking gross whatever the version you fucking faggot. Kill yourself.
Every expansion we get as sword-based job, so another sword dps is guaranteed, unless it turns out to be a healer
Have you tried ser aymerics hair?
based and retardpilled
>Full package is the only acceptable futa
That's not futa. That's just a dude with tits.
>Role: Melee DPS
Opinion discarded.
As far as gameplay goes everything is pretty much represented now there's really not much they could add without it playing too much like something else or being boring. I think the only jobs they could get away with now are Orator/Mediator and Chemist.
>Amazing artstyle ruined on futa shit
t. gay
fuck off and go to your containment board if you want to erotic roleplay and post virtual avatars faggot
its fine because they're fucking a girl
BLU is a garbage job anyway across all FF titles, so nothing of value at all was lost.
What was it?
Hey, you can also use those exhausts to weld metal with.
...I'll mark this as grey territory then.
i don't want dicks on my women, i want dicks in my women. the dick being attached to a woman mathematically cancels out any perceived increase of heterosexuality (to say nothing of the heterosexuality of an inherently homosexual "two women gettin' it on" scenario)
Thanks for the (you), friend!
>Short hair
>Not gay
You've never played XI then.
two futas fucking a female
Invoker job
Plays nothing like FF invoker job, plays like WC3 oldschool Dota Invoker. Job is similar to Ninjas mudra system but is more complex.
pls post cute lalas
Shit tier taste
>Couldn't just name the Fiend fights Sephirot, Sophia and Zurvan.
>Instead are called S1T7, P1T6 and Z1T9.
I supposed S could stand for Sephirot and Z for Zurvan but what the hell is P? Pophia?
go dilate somewhere else tranny
You guys stopped being funny after the fanfestivel. There're no more male vierafags to troll, you're just becoming more cringe my man.
Blitzballs could be a glamor for the dancer weapons. Buy at gold saucer or something.
No u
Yeah but it's not as good as the combover short hair. There is a reason it's used a lot. I'd use the Miounne hair but it just doesn't look as good during combat.
repostan from an old thread
A healer idea I've been floating around for a bit is Necromancer. My excuse for them being a healer is that mastery of death is achieved over mastery over life in general, so they can take it and infuse it elsewhere as they see fit.
They would be a proper DoT based healer revolving around diseases, debilitations, and /temporary/ pets (things like skeletal arms hounding a target for a set duration, or a ghoul acting as a meatshield on a party member for X damage or X number of hits).
Healing itself would come in two forms, passive "Life-link" healing, and active healing from "Necrotic Energies". Life-link would be a passive buff applied to all nearby party members that causes them to be healed based on damage done by the Necromancer (maybe also have a stronger version of the same buff that only targets one player, possibly as a CD, to better heal priority targets?).
Dealing damage/healing through Life-link would gradually fill your Necrotic Energies gauge, which can be then expended on powerful abilities; either on demand healing, or meaningful support/mitigation buffs. The idea is that while Life-link would passively cover most minor incoming damage ala fairy, you would need to spend and manage your Necrotic Energy appropriately in order to react to upcoming mechanics while maintaining enough gauge to keep the party safe in situations where there's no enemies to leech off of.
Rate my autism. Chemist would also be cool, but I haven't given much thought as to how'd they work asides from "AST cards, but you mix em." Sucks that the recent healer changes pretty much guarantee that a class like this will never happen.
soPhia since S was already taken
Is there a list of all the class changes/new skills coming in 5.0 compiled into a single link yet?
this is undoubtedly a great thread yall have going but if I could just pop in looking for some fucking SAUCE
No problem!
Have another? ;)
You should make a YouTube channel!
You're very funny and smart!
You could monetize it! lol! Make some money off these Yea Forums freaks.
Maybe they should have thought about that from the start. The names were available from the start.
It's all sorted by class here.
It still gets a fuckload of (you)s, user. Why stop?
Check gamerescape.
on reddit.
expect stuff to change when the 5.0 patch drops since those tooltips were taken from a months old beta build
I would genuinely have preferred to not have a thread than have this thread.
I was actually thinking the same thing, since they specifically stated that they use 'throwing weapons' and not just chakrams
Stupid dumb pedo scum
One brings Shabbos, one brings the kikes...
why, my peenus weanus of course :)
Please look forward to another 3 weeks of this kind of thread
how do i get a xiv gf?
Thanks, didn't know what to do after gearing up aside from leveling another class.
Play a fujo race (male aura, male cat, or either gender of elezen)
American hours
Last thread was better, this one's shit. Fuck trannies, fuck the falseflagging trannies, fuck parseniggers, fuck screenshotfags. user, don't you see that the solution is to discuss our new goth wife and cunny with me.
How do I find PVP/Frontlines friends to premade with?
Discuss coney instead.
I'd rather have attentionwhores than suffer to look at Nomuras art and cunnyfags
>*breaths in*
>Nomura design
>Only one belt
>No zippers
You can really tell he was phoning it in.
Buy your way in to a discord wintrade group like I did. I already have everything.
>tfw even jap twitter fujo artists clear UwU these days
I wonder if she's the shadow version of whatever Minfillia is to the Light. She's dressed a bit similarly.
I always try to play an old guy in mmos. Any of you do the same? Always found the idea of someone old and weathered saving the world more interesting than youth doing the same.
ninjas btfo
>Yet another expansion of shitty classes
>Still no PUP
you're implying the perpetual autism will stop after SHB launches, god i wish
But I don't care about wins. I just enjoy the mode and want to work with like minded players.
new collab
I play cute girls but guys like you are pretty fucking based
based fellow goth enthusiast
I cant wait for story shitposting
Which guest artist do they have shitting on the yorha raid?
That Garo faggot ruined my ivalice with his over-designed chinky restaurant art.
was lolorito in the right
what? fuck you mnkey
enjoy your limited job
Limited job to be released in 5.4 look forward to it
I only play pompadour delinquents
already spitballed as a limited job on blu's reveal, though if you're cool with that then get hyped
>tranny marble
Winning is all that matters. You cuck?
If dance and finish were on a 1 second cd then it would still be 3 GCDs for simple dance and 5 for technical dance.
I don't play as old guys but I do appreciate people like you that do.
Good taste
quit dilating, trick is up in ten, after you get trick up LB asap, ok?
Akihiko Yoshida is a freelancer so they could always hire them like they do for the main cover art.
Why is the experience from pvp so low for 30 to 49 but once my level 50 the experience is good from it?
Why is a monk talking to me? We aren't even in the same group
pvp gives exp based on % of your total exp needed. so exp seems shit at low levels but extremely high at high levels.
Why that would be Amano of course ;^)
Enjoy your french fashion catalog watercolor and pastel scrabblings of a based jap with Paris syndrome
Amano art is based you tasteless faggot