Other urls found in this thread:
trannies fucking seething rn
No shit.
"hurr lose money over our facetious moral standing or we'll..... Do nothing I guess"
Wait the UN was trying to ban anime and videogames? When did this happen?
we should have a cunny thread to celebrate
This, what the fuck. Glad we have people fight for our rights I guess.
I don't play weeb games, but I'm happy for everyone who does.
Wat is that vn.
based and redpilled
>globalism is bad
nation states must dissolve eventually for the eventual long term survival of the species.
no they don't.
mods will be wide awake soon though
she's SHORT
Is anime over yet
cute jew
you burgers are alright sometimes
I don't think you understand the concept that Earth as a habitat is temporary. Agriculture is temporary. Our resources are temporary. By 2100 there will be 10 billion people living here. Humanity should focus all its efforts on terraforming members of our solar satellite.
>this kills the liberal
Have the gamers rised up?
Nice try Schlomo, now back in the oven
It's almost as if nobody gives a shit about this us vs them shit
but anime tiddies > future of the humanity
Damn that's a full blown cp possession charge? You're better off raping a kid and playing stupid or saying you've never been drunk before, sorry.
Is that VN good?
i have no idea why the UN exists
it can't enforce anything if the US doesn't back it
>“As far as drawings and cartoons do not contain realistic images, we do not see the necessity to treat them as child pornography.”
Austria please it's illegal to niggas like this
Based af. SJW on suicide watch
The comic where she grows a penis is great.
>UN is ignored
>Dog bites man
absolutely based
I declare today cunny day
I wonder what they would have to say about the UN being used for this garbage.
dissolve Israel
I wonder who wrote this post
You will give us a sauce, right?
This is first time I hear aboutthis but it seems it was legit.
Don't care what you say about weebs and lolicons, this would be straight up global censorship and just a stepping stone for more rigorous censorship.
Can someone explain the point of the U.N.? They have absolutely zero power over anything.
>let's get rid of competition between states
>let's blur the borders so almost everyone becomes a homogeneous mess
>almost? yes almost, obviously we'll need chosen people to rule over humanity and guide it wisely and surely you'd want them to be the best of the best?
>what do you mean that makes no sense? go watch tv, have sex, let immigrants into your country
Have sex
Get a job
Start a family
Raise a kid
Build a house
The jews fear the samurai
and you don't need to do away with nations to achieve that.
UN ain't shit
>Wow, these "gamers" are some sort of persecuted minority. We should create a home country for them and help it be maintained. Palestine's not using that land, they'll be fine there!
Shut the fuck up Abe
Wait, I don't understand this post. The guy who had CP doesn't look like either of these twitter posts. It looks like you just posted some random basedboy with CP.
They’ve tried to ban loli before they’ll try again
Every country has their own space program and soon they will have own colonies some of which would one day want there own Independence.
it makes lesser countries feel important even though they can do nothing unless the americans say ok
Some time after Anita Sarkesian and Zoe Quinn got to have a hearing with the UN over video game misogyny
>the best of the best
my nigga thats where transhumanism comes in
It doesn't get better than Y.Aoi.
Actually the population projections top at about 9 billion and after that it'll go back down like it has been for most western countries in the past decade.
Also, colonizing other planets doesn't necessitate abolishing the nation state you slimy internationalist rat.
>posts umaru
neck yourself ironic weeb
>dude uh globalism
A nation state can not possibly compete with modern superpowers in a globalized world. There is unironically no place for nationalism in the 21st century.
I want kaka to step on me and my dick
best timeline. Powerful and scary as fuck. At the same time classy with a flair.
I shall post it again
Nationalism is a relic of the past.
Have sex.
Is that Japanese Penn and loli-Teller?
Join the oven kike piece of shit
based. long live fictional rapes
This, we should all unify under Israel and ban loli
wait for it
>small children
>12 to 14 years old
kek. That's literally legal age in many countries around the world and was legal in the US up until the early 20th century. But in the 2019 I guess we have to act like it's some wildly heinous crime against humanity because Protestant feminists said so.
brown hands rattled out this post
every time
I wonder who's behind this post
Once you become a parent like me, you’ll understand why this is bad.
They're the good guys. They stopped Charlie Chaplin and his evil Nazi regime and un-nazied the world! Forever!
>unless the visual depictions are obscene
so it's not allowed
>a parent
>on Yea Forums
No wonder the world is in this state
Have sex.
Don't tell retarded fringe faggots that.
They're still waiting for their "second Hitler and white people will rise up".
Yes they're that delusional.
Sure, if by nigger countries you mean Europe and by white countries you mean la luz extinguida and China.
Counting the days to him being revealed as an actual pedo, always the same with these faggots
wait what happened
what did I miss
Holy fuck this is some abstract shit, but i see it.
why does he care that an old hag is getting sexualized?
Theres still hope for this world
Based, suck it globalists. US and Japan are bros.
Meanwhile in shithole countries :
>Child soldiers
>Women getting insane punishment for absurd reasons
>Gay's being persecuted and sometimes executed
>Child abuse
>Modern Slavery
Bur hey we gotta keep those anime tiddies on check
They have no point whatsoever however they do serve as a warning to erecting pointless organizations who will forever afterwords scrabble to appear relevant while sucking up millions of dollars simply to exist
no one here gives a fuck about your disgusting 3D shitbag
What's their favorite anime?
now you're talkin
sony and the other sjws at calrifonria will still not back done.
soon microsoft will follow and release another censorship policy.
sexy depiction of women will be censored from media one way or another. either by law or by creating a culture of fear where devs censor themselves to avoid later, costly censorship changes dictated by sony and microsoft
That's amirox, an ex-neogaf mod.
it's just a way for irrelevant countries to play make pretend while U.S/China/Russia controls everything
He literally sent dick pics to an underage girl Weird how these guys who get so vocally mad about loli always end up being actual pedos
>Anita Sarkesian
>still shilling this literal who
It's been 6 years, let it rest.
>Hey guys, why is there so much pushback against the leftist SJW movement? Why are /pol/tards so sensitive?
get fucked UN
*except Israel of course
>Muh harmful drawings
You sound like a muslim
>"nationalism is the only way!!" says man living in multi-ethnic empire that spans an entire continent
It's easy enough to find with the info you now have.
Hetalia axis powers
It's a financial leech. Even the US is tired of paying them and they're begging other participating states to "pay their due" so they can continue to write meaningless reports about the sex trafficking rings THEY created.
but i WANT humanity to perish user
think of the advertisers bro...
microsoft doesn't even get the games that are being censored, they're basically completely irrelevant in this debacle
what name? reverse search brings nothing
we need to go even further
How paranoid and obsessed do you have to be to think this?
the bigger issue is that that guy literally sent nudes to a minor
She's relevant whether you like it or not
Ignoring problems does not make them vanish, but then you're a discord tranny anyway huh
>UN proposal.
>UN demanding country to change their entertainment because white girl mad.
Name literally one first world country where you can fuck 12 year olds.
Sayaka is such a healthy girl
I have found it and I'm furiously beating my dick to it.
for me, its kawasaki
They're irrelevant now.
And guess what! The multi-ethnic empire is fucking collapsing because, surprise surprise, a bunch of fucking backwards cavemen are free to riot and kill innocent people with no consequences.
>She's relevant
she hasn't been for years
California hasn't sunk into the ocean yet. The battle isn't over.
/pol/ mutts aren't the most self aware.
Reminder that they praise capitalism while hating globalism. Retarded oxymoron.
don't bother, it's trash
The point of nation states is the same point of having local government instead of simply federal government. The closer a politician is to the people he represents the more accountable he is to them. You can easily talk to your local congressman if you want. Talking to the senator is much harder, talking to the president is extremely unlikely. You want the people making decisions effecting your life to be close to you and accountable to you. You need them to care about your needs and your vote.
>Healthy and consensual
Who would have guessed, I dont even know who that guy is but assuming that they are hidding something is really salient.
Virtue signalers and moralfags usually have the most skeletons in their closets
>she'll never give you a hairjob
Just fucking end me.
>Yes, goy-animal, you are just paranoid. Luckily we have pills that you can buy to take care of this diagnosis that we have made. If you doubt it then it just confirms it.
Tick tock.
wtf dude lol
>posting a picture that contradicts your post
any country as long as you're one of the elite
It's both hilarious and mildly worrying how incapable they are of realizing this.
DMC 5, as was that one peace game were both censored and who knows what other big japanese games decided to cut things to avoid costly late term changes
But I thought globalism was about the jews wanting to kill all white people!
>he does not know the sauce nor how to find it
what a newfag
>not being an ethno-capitalist
Nationalism isn’t inherently ethnonationalism you dumb slut. Go back to elementary school.
>shitskins finally get a chance at "running" the world
>global warming cucks them out of it
at being the biggest misogynist losers ever
Fuck sony, fuck the sjw
>Only has one doujin
>No sex
Let me guess, you think we're "winning" because lol memes and their latest clumsy attempt at implementing complete dystopia has been thwarted.
My only comfort is that you retards deserve the inevitable ending.
he's right though, people's priorities are ass backwards right now
But there IS place for Populism
Guess who's pushing it with them?
texas was a shithole anyways
Oh fuck, did he? I had no fucking clue lol.
Seems relevant to this thread. Calm down.
Reminder that the main reason the UN is trying to to get loli classified as CP is so that they can go ahead and ban all loli, and then get approval numbers from claiming that they've made great strides in stopping pedophilia.
lol where are her nipplels
But.. But... But Austria did too!
I know Austria is a small country, but come on... Let me be proud of my shithole country for once.
*waves around Austrian flag*
Retarded oxymoron again.
Imagine limiting your profits to one country/race.
Our country was founded on that shit. The worst riot in the country happened in 1921
The concept of nation isn't purely down to ethnicity but they are closely connected. Real nationalism ultimately boils down to "one country for one people". It's not my fault Amerimutts decided to rebrand it as "liking your country". The USA is not a nation state by any sensible definition.
>other things happenings invalidates complaints about an entirely different issue
>"hey, I broke my arm, but there's world hunger going on right now, so I guess it's meaningless"
then why they don't go for real cases? or they aren't going to touch the pedo elite?
Tell that to the UN, since apparently they think policing hentai and games is more important than helping people
I don't think they know what pedophilia is. Nothing they're doing will stop literal psychos from taking kids to their rape dungeon.
point out anything anita or zoe have done that is relevant to anything
>being a capitalist bootlicker
Have sex
They can technically charge you under obscenity laws for creating or distributing, but in practice they never really do it. Otherwise Shadman and and millions of artists on patreon and elsewhere would basically be the new niggers and stuff the shit out of every prison in the US.
i want to cum in austria
>DA JUS are behind literally everything
Biggest cancer in the history of Yea Forums
I think that was supposed to be an example of /pol/tards being dumb.
dude straws are killing the planet...
we gotta do something about these straws man...
Because even they are too scared to poke the hornet nest.
>we need to ban anime, think of the children!
Raise your child on Doraemon
Make a new generation of weebs
banning drawings is nowhere near as important as human rights violations
Uh, what about Canada though?
Why is the UN like this
Why are people like this
Why can't they just disappear
>solve real issues or ban cartoons
One of these things accomplishes something user.
>culture warrior gets outed as a pervert degenerate
Every fucking time.
>having to censor "choke" and "die" so the Twitter safe space bot doesn't think you're using violent language against someone and deactivate your account
>things that literally never happen
why the fuck is making this proposals?
Because those people have money and are scary, they can't do that!
If I ever worked for Congress or as POTUS i would disband the United Nations. And outlaw lethal injections.
Drawings on paper don't kill people.
>proceeds to go to jail for child abuse/actual child porn
Every time
Holy shit is that Penn
this word means nothing these days
You stupid cunny, the very concept of a nation is founded on shared moral axioms, attitudes, and laws, and the current state of the US is down to conflicting moral axioms caused by people not being indoctrinated into the morals of the nation. A lack of pushed nationalism is literally what causes these entities to collapse in the first plase as cohesion is ruined by conflict.
Nothing wrong with persecuting and stoning gays. We do it all the time in turkey and saudi arabia...any muslim country really. Nothing wrong about that. Allah wills it.
I would but your mom is still sore from last night.
just because the mangaka used to draw porn and on of the characters looked exactly like her it doesn't mean it was her
it's like saying chiyo was raped as a kid while doing sam fisher maneuvers
This is so retarded when you have actual threads wanting to talk about trannies and how blacks in video games will make whites die. What is with you faggots defending /pol/ at every turn? Even Yea Forums didn't get this much linebackers ready to defend the board at every turn.
When a group of BLM activists can kidnap, torture, and relentlessly beat a mentally disabled white kid and get off without any consequences because the judges don't want to be called racist, your country has failed.
Black people are just cavemen. There's no other way to argue against this, they're just fucking cavemen. This is the same race of people that will threaten to fucking kill you if you grip your purse tighter while in an elevator with them. This is the same race of people who will jump you in the street if you say an outdated racist slur that doesn't have the same impact that it had hundreds of years ago. This is the same race of people who unironically believe that there is a conspiracy of white people trying to hunt them down and oppress them SOLELY BECAUSE THEY HAVE BROWN SKIN. Black people are just suffering from a mass persecution complex, and we're feeding into it. American needs to stamp on this shit and let BLM know that we're not going to take them seriously anymore if we want to fix race relations.
It's banned in Canada.
Whats wrong user, dont you want "World Peace"?
>Why is the UN like this
>Why are people like this
because the UN is full of fags and jews.
They probably would be horrified of anime tiddies and go all in with "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" and then proceed to ban lewd anime shit.
God damn it
>The UN is so cucked and yet they give americans so much shit.
Im laffin
Actual pedos in the UN that want to save face and moralise to the rest of the world
>he directly calls back to said doujin in the work itself
>then a heavy age gap romance wins
More jews?
The UN peacekeepers themselves have raped hundreds, if not thousands of children. You're asking the fox to guard the hen house
>when you have actual threads wanting to talk about trannies and how blacks in video games will make whites die.
6 years of faggots complaining about /pol/ on everythread and i STILL to see one of those
meanwhile threads of faggots complining about /pol/ are made daily while /pol/ actual talks about the subject the faggots keep derailing threads
The last thread was moved to /pol/?
>(((white))) girl
Blame this and that other organization that deals with children.
Cherry picked comments from a multitude of nations.
the tranny threads on v are posted by trannys as pol bait.
>UN BTFO by America
>EA about to get BTFO by America
Is this secretly the best timeline?
But it's OK when white people do it
preserving freedom of expression is solving a very important issue
"There are 2 types of people in this world: people who want to be left alone, and people who won't leave them the fuck alone"
>not real
that's disgusting
Fuck you, asshole. I was eating while reading that.
merely a coincidence
Funny how twitter threads were a-okay on Yea Forums until that thread popped up.
Yen and Loller
it keeps happening
>missing the point
>bringing up entirely irrelevant topics to the issue to deflect from the original argument
you could do the same thing from your point of view.
>"yeah but world hunger tho, your argument is irrelevant now bcuz there's bigger problems lol"
i'm not advocating for either side but we need some better arguments guys
>It's almost as if nobody gives a shit about this us vs them shit
he says, on Yea Forums
b-b-but trump was going to ruin america
>tfw a commiebro
>tfw all your comrades hate loli and shota
>or they aren't going to touch the pedo elite?
Pretty much. Most of the UN's "peacekeeping" missions lead to sex trafficking becoming prevalent in the nations they "help" anyways.
Moves like this are always attempts to prove that they're still worth funding while redirecting public attention away from their own internal issues.
cunny chads win by doing ABSLUTLY nothing
Reminder that Austria helped too, proud of my country today.
They can do it but you can fight it. I don't think anyone, who has went to court and fought the charges, has ever went to jail for just having loli. It's always retards who get caught with 3D and the 2D gets tacked on as extra charges.
starting twitter threads should be a permaban on sight
what has to happen in your life to become a tranny abomination? how can you hate something so cute?
That's became milquetoast communism is associated with feminism, the Jewish-led incarnation of female politics. Old women are bitterly jealous of young women.
>Movies that, although fake, realistically depict children being killed
>Unrealistic drawings representing a child having sex
This makes me a good parent.
>fox to guard the hen house
Funny how you said that because there was a coup somewhere on some farm land over at europe and they let the fox in the den, but out of fucking nowhere, it got the cucking of is life and died.
No the best timeline didn't let things get this bad
In this timeline we fail to stop the beast in the end
Cato would have frowned upon this post.
>When a group of BLM activists can kidnap, torture, and relentlessly beat a mentally disabled white kid and get off without any consequences because the judges don't want to be called racist, your country has failed.
This literally happens with whites user a man raped his daughter for 12 years and got 3 months and two white men beat and shot a black kid for talking to a white girl and got away with it because they said it MIGHT have been in self defense even though the black man was tied up and thrown in a river with the white men not even having a scratch don't forget the Tulsa race riots caused by whites which is the worst riot in American history and also the white man that got away with hanging a woman in jail recently. Lets also talk about how no one gives two shits about a white kid marching in a school and shooting up the place but when a black guy was open caring in a state that also it proud NRA members wanted to force gun laws in that state
our world is ended
Why do people think the United is at all relevant? Go check who's the head of the United Nations Human Rights council and who supported their leadership bid. The UN is regarded as a joke.
>race mixing is white genocide
wew lad
I agree, but since that'll never happen they should at least stop being so damn selective on what's Yea Forums related and what isn't
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
>the very concept of a nation is founded on shared moral axioms, attitudes, and laws
And ethnicity, history, homeland, etc. and amerimutts will never be able to successfully change the definition.
Here's a few dictionary definitions of nation for you buddy:
>a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
>a large group of people of the same race who share the same language, traditions, and history
>a stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, history, ethnicity, or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture.
Wow, isn't it crazy how they mention things like descent, race and ethnicity? But I thought nationalism was about loving the American flag!
your gay
I'm a MILF guy but good for you guys. Always thought the loli/shota rage was silly since none of it's real.
You're the one posting 3DPD shit, neck yourself
>tfw you've seen actual japanese artist tweet this
Kekd too hard that day
I can't find it. Just porn of the character that isn't it.
You'd be killed for loli in a commie shithole and you'd deserve it for bringing it on yourself
Loli is for headpats only
Are you offering?
I know this thread will get deleted, but its the evil people in power who want to promote what they want.
This but unironically, trump and the right would ban loli in a second if they could. Just look at the moralfagging /pol/tards who seethe about pedos.
No one has appealed to the UN or any other government to stop sjws from banning loli.
anime games are distractingly cute. Cute should be left out of gameplay. The best nip games are the ones that don't focus on kawaii anime girls (like Beyond Oasis, Ristar, Solbrain, Souls series, Locoroco, Katamari, Patapon etc.)
Leave kawaii to where it belongs - VN and l*li hentai.
rondo is the best game though
reminder that 14 has been proven by science to be
That's one example.
There are literally cases where police officers admit that they're too scared of arresting muslims and black people because of the public pushback. I don't have the picture on me, someone else is gonna have to post that for me.
Everyone in our society knows that killing an innocent black person is wrong. Most people certainly don't give a fuck about black-on-white violence though, and in most cases we actively support it.
I used to believe in "history" too until I was forced to accept that nothing is simple and nothing is clean and the people who write history have an agenda and few scruples..because they're always on the right side of history after all.
You can watch it happening in real time these days, it's both fascinating and horrifying
Think about it logically...
T. Nigger
Oh yeah like the spanish that were all over that land dont count as white.
thats what the kids call it these days ?
don't post this dickhead
okay sure
I don't like lolis because they have neither tits or hips or thick thighs, but if this went through these fucks would clearly come for "unrealistic beauty" next
>That's one example.
I literally gave you multiple examples in my post you cuck
I'm fine with both.
lmao, you think I'm a capitalist? I'm a fascist, so is every non retard on /pol/. The term "kosher sandwich" exists for a reason. Fuck capitalism, it commodifies everything about a people and culture. Fuck commies too, of course.
I do hope you understand they'd come for you next
Wow, look at this vulnerable child living in japan. It's like I'm staring at a photo on a milk carton
from classic yeah but symphony is a better game overall
Rondo is best game
Not having a father is the catalyst for pretty much all abominations. Trannies, coalburners, śöýś, etc.
my gay?
MILFfag here. I'm really glad you lolifaggots managed to preserve your art. Cheers, fellas.
Weird to see such a deep dive at 17-18. Usually they look fine enough.
>Most people certainly don't give a fuck about black-on-white violence though, and in most cases we actively support it.
if they're a cop then sure
i'll support any violence against a cop, or at least an american one
not him but that bs there was a lot of talk about white kids shooting up schools.
Christian missionaries need to stop going overseas.
>"Lets also talk about how no one gives two shits about a white kid marching in a school and shooting up the place"
Christcucks aren't the right, nor is Trump
We're all united in our wish for things to return to a semblance of sanity so we can go back to squabbling like usual
We have to find her
holy shit, kill yourself faggot. here, have another "3dpd", you absolute nigger.
how will the UN ever recover
Is there an up to date on these numbers?
user these things were on TV during the time and newspapers since back in 1921 they didn't have anything else really
>No nipples
It's the only reason I refuse to watch this series.
This makes clear sense though, do you expect DVD, telecom and media distributors to go to prison because they showed an episode of Dragon Ball where goku gets his little weiner out or Bulma shows off her butt? Are the viewers criminals? In austraila and Canada, such depictions can carry a criminal conviction, and yet manga like battle Royale are still sold in these countries clearly depiciting the nudes and sexual intercourse of a girl who claims to "only be fifteen" explicitly in the manga itself, is this now contriband? Why can the publishers and bookshops selling this manga not be punished? Where do defenitions exist? That is why this was rejected.
>the eventual long term survival of the species.
imagine unironically wanting this lol
what are some good milf VNs without extreme fetish shit like this one?
It's niggers who get off the hook for mass shootings, not whites.
Marginally less disgusting but still 3DPD, please remove yourself from the site
For real??
>texas was a shithole anyways
Reminder it going blue in 2028 means no Republican presidents forever :^(
broke: wanting to fuck the little girl
woke: wanting to BE the little girl
You can patch out the weird scat shit and other stuff if you just want some milfs and BDSM.
Eat pig.
You noticed two of those are or statements, not and statements yes? Come back when you are older and have passed through the middle school english course.
What I find funny is the reaction to simple drawings warrant death threats yet they never try to go after real pedoes or in most cases they are the pedos themselves
Okay, that's my bad. I skimmed over your post and I thought you were talking about one person.
My point still stands though. We actively reward and promote black-on-white violence in our society. You'll never hear anyone unironically say "Yes, it's a good thing that this white guy beat and murdered his daughter."
And I think you should be lined up against the wall and shot.
sad panda should have you covered (use ''file search'')
It's a /pol/ comic, they're always massive contradictions and strawmen.
supporting violence is always wrong and you come of as an antifa member .I hope that dont you support them
If you know anything about genetics, you would know that there is no hope for humanity. The future will literally be planet of the apes.
Why do /pol/tards constantly try to change the the meaning of words?
You dumbshit, I'm not disagreeing that things happened, the cause of the things happening and who was actually to blame should always be suspect.
My God you truly are the product of a defective school system.
Why? What's wrong with MILFs?
They blame mental health issues for every white shooting and never look for an ulterior motive. Even the guy that shot up a school because he was rejected was thrown out for him just being depressed and mentally ill and how he needs help instead of jail
BASED: cunnyposters
CRINGE: /pol/ crossboarders
you don't have the technology you fucking retard to terraforming another planets/moons in the first place, second, everything will go to shit by 2050.
>And I think you should be lined up against the wall and shot.
I'm concerned about comiket next year.
They didn't settle the area until the late 1680s.
They do everything in their power NOT to blame mental health if anything, what the fuck are you smoking.
Shonenchads still rule over moevirgins.
And you think killing cops ISN'T edgy?
>supporting violence is always wrong
>b-b-b-but we can't kill the bad guys! then we're just as bad as them!
even capefags hate this shit, why do you retards parade this around as if it's something good?
A worthy punishment for defying the natural order without making the sustained effort to value inner divinity first.
but what about both?
The UN in a fucking nutshell.
>Emma Watson goes on to talk about female oppression in America and the UK
>talks about how we can all do so much better but we're getting there
>to countries where it's not legal for women to drive or read without a male present consenting
The UN is such a fucking joke
Based. Fuck the UN. Anime Titties and Anime Cunny are an inalienable right.
I want to be a little girl that touches other little girls out of curiosity
>everyone in this thread.
source please
That's because we have a hard time discerning what is actual legitimate mental issues and who is just faking. This is nowhere close to the same thing as cops blatantly letting black people off the hook because they don't want to face the wrath of Antifa and BLM.
>We actively reward and promote black-on-white violence in our society
I have to disagree with this, I actively see people condemn it when both sides have to say how a member of their race doesn't represent them all that's a problem. It's not just a black vs white thing user I see where you're coming from and I apologize for seeming angry.
Finally some good news.
>they have a language of just clicking tongue sounds
she's cute and pretty humorous to boot
Did you find it?
(most) american cops are dropouts on a power trip, they're like jannies in a way, looking for their small amounts of power in the world
there are a few good ones, but there so few in number and frequently whenever they try to do something good they get fired for it
so yes i think violence against cops is fine
>Studies find that darker pigmented people avg. higher levels of aggression and sexual activity and lower IQ.
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritable
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The avg. African IQ is estimated at 79.
The avg. African-American IQ is 85 compared to the avg White IQ of 100. IQ tests are not racially biased. IQ hereditability is 40-80%.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
The Black-White IQ gap is mostly genetic.
IQ is 75% heritable among whites.
IQ is about 80% heritable.
IQ is higher among asians and whites than among blacks. This difference owes 50-80% to genetics.
>Mongoloids are the most K evolved, Caucasoids less, and Negroids the least.
>That's because we have a hard time discerning what is actual legitimate mental issues and who is just faking
Most shooters literally give their reason for doing the shooting not every shooter is apart of the Columbine massacre
Post more of that delicious floor.
thanks lad, today has been a great day of victory. may you mommy milker posters stay healthy too
Let's say this shit actually got passed, how would the UN enforce it? This seems like a great way to showcase both how little power the UN has in the affairs of any nation worth a damn and that any global government entity is going to try to censor shit.
Sexualizing lolis is a degenerate fetish. I am sad they failed to pass the legislation.
It was great up until the end if April where three kids had to die because of some shooter. If there's less casualties, don't be a hero and run.
Well this thread turned into shit and I apologize for the arguments
Based. Nuke the UN to kingdom come.
Yes, obviously they mean that any of those criteria is enough to determine a nation. Who doesn't know the great nation of english speakers, or the nation of people who share a certain psychological make-up? It sure is hard to interpret simple sentences like a human being instead of trying to parse them like a compiler.
>there are weebs in the US government
Any games with this feel?
Yet another win for free expression. Get bent tyrants of the world.
The inquisitors would find something, that's how it works.
Everyone who uses this word sounds like a fucking mouthbreather who discovered the site last month.
Thanks for showing me this, user.
>when /pol/ literally creates threads to cry over the N word on chats
Ahahaha, nah.
Reminder people who are obsessed with politics are ugly subhumans.
>I'm so sad that people are allowed to like things I personally don't
>LL Oliver
>loli lover
what is the artists name?
It's based in NY by the way
>implying tr*nnies hate anime and it’s not what made them turn
It literally doesn't matter. You could have whites being butchered in the streets of major western nations and you'd still have rich faggots in gated communities talking about how we need more "diversity".
christ what an idiot.
a) most people don't give a flying fuck about our species as a whole, and would in fact relish in the fact that the 'other' starves.
b) stop watching sci-fi
So basically because you had children it changed your own personal way of thinking for protecting your own children and something completely unrelated to your own children and your own life and your own way of thinking should be changed just... because you made a choice to have kids and you feel differently now?
...Okay. Uh, fuck off?
Why hasn't this thread been moved to /pol/ or Yea Forums?
I miss him
this is why we need God back in our lives
oh no!
Mainly the far left are ugly. West coast is terrible. Government just wants to trash trump and help illegals. They're violating their own constitution and rights.
start a family
yeah reddittors are a cancer that spreads to every board
Where's Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo?
Sauce on pic?
Spoke in front of the UN about feminist bullshit which is hugely more relevant than most gaming figures
katawa sh-
nvm i want to game to be forgotten
>Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as adults rated them highly.
>Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as teens rated them lowly and took approximately twice as long to enter their answer.
It also doesn’t mean you necessarily need all of those to function as a nation, squigger.
Deus Ex
Video games literally in the article title you fuck
Die of aids you literal STD factory. Your whole identity revolves around abuse of the body and mind, you are evil and anti-family.
>/pol/ manages to discuss about the actual game than Yea Forums could ever do
now i'm genuinely convinced that Yea Forums is just filled with people who pretend to play video games
I know saint peter has a library if lolis and shotas with encyclopedias about everyone.
I do think the types of people who enjoy anime are probably more likely to be faggot trannies but correlation and causation blahblahblah
>Our country was founded on that shit
>american cops are dropouts on a power trip
Do you have the statistics to back that up? Unlike you I can statistically prove that most black people are dropouts lol.
>I actively see people condemn it when both sides have to say how a member of their race doesn't represent them all that's a problem.
Check Twitter around the time Notre Dam burned down, my guy. The vast majority of people cheered and supported the death of white culture. It is, LITERALLY a black vs white vs muslim thing.
>I see where you're coming from and I apologize for seeming angry.
It's alright man, I'm not angry either. I just feel like this is an important discussion to have, and I'm really passionate about these issues.
Sure, but on some level you have to be a sociopath or a psychopath to even consider killing someone in the first place, no?
Yeah it's only the leftist hahahahaHAHA, amiright fellow pepe man?
>By 2100 there will be 10 billion people living here.
How about instead of overburdening and irreversibly damaging our ecosystem with billions of low-iq brown people we just implement population control on them
>forgetting based austria
>Fuck capitalism
They will hate you on /pol/ for hating Trump, tho.
And yet, Sony keeps censoring anime game for no reason.
I don't give a shit about politics, only when stuff like SOPA or this happens.
There's a lot of girls that look cute in middle school but take a major nose dive when their facial features fully develop.
there is a correlation between autism and transgenderism and autists love anime because they can actually follow the exaggerated emotional expressions
>Do you have the statistics to back that up? Unlike you I can statistically prove that most black people are dropouts lol.
I never said shit about niggers, I don't care about them one way or the others.
Black cops are scum too.
Have sex
trannies are truly mentally ill
>White House releases their official frag video
Based Xi Jinping
my! what a healthy girl
>Alt right aren't also ugly subhumans
Again stop coping /pol/tard
haven't heard this uttered in years.
Who’s this? Is it video game related or pure anime?