Yea Forums will defend this

>Yea Forums will defend this

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Other urls found in this thread:


you watch your tone with me, user. you may be a shitposter but you are not my mod yet.

>Think the mission is boring and try to attack the undead camp
>The fucking level 10 lich beat me up
Welp i'm gonna hide like a pussy now

Just pop the invulnerability shield and bully him with lvl 3 healing, the optional quest is done the same way too. Arthas pretty much solos the entire campaign.

For my father, the king!

as if I could forget. Listen, Yea Forums, there's something about the summerfags you should know. oh no. it's too late. these anons have all been infected. They may look fine now, but it's a matter of time before they turn into the shitposters.

I dont remember having to cheese to win but you do you senpai.
4craft when?

What is it about this dialogue that made it so memeable?

>Yea Forums plays wc3
>its the same human vs human matchups over and over again because everyone wants to win


Whats wrong with that mission?


how can you even consider that? there must be some other way

Nothing. It's just a forced meme that got popular because of repetition.

Glad you could bake it, Uther

damn it, user. as your future mod, I order you to purge this board

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>used to think that this mission was extremely hard
>eventually get interested in practicing learning how to play multiplayer
>become a mediocre 55% winrate UD player
>go back to campaign
>realise that everything is easy as fuck, even in hard mode
Unironically get good, this game has an insanely high skill cap.

>he doesn't know about the new patches
This game is all Elfcraft with Keeper abuse now. Orc and human are decent, and Undead is probably going to be deleted from the game at this point.
>lmao necromancers xDDDD
fuck blizzard

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I haven't played wc3 in like 6 or 7 years user, what patches are we talking about here?

>Keeper abuse
Does he do anything other than entangling roots now?

Treants were really strong. But they were nerfed again already. Elfcraft is already over, the user you replied to doesn't know what he's talking about.

>Treants were really strong
I refuse to believe this, they always sucked so hard when I played.

Grab a sword and fight the horde

i wish there was some lore behind the dead horse

>Nothing. It's just a forced meme that got popular because of repetition.
A meme's popularity is always only due to repetition, hence memes.

Blizzard has been releasing a lot of patches in the last couple of years in preparation for reforged. Big changes all around, some good, some terrible.

It's mostly that they buffed entangle+treants, allowing the Keeper to dominate the early game entirely, picking off units, harassing, expanding and teching all at the same time. Elf tier 1 also got big buffs, as well as Mountain Giants, and they also buffed the Alchemist, who went really well with the Keeper (entangle+acid bomb+focus fire = dead heroes). It led to some really lame matchups in general (unkillable MGs vs human, mass hunts vs Orc, mass faeries vs UD, and even mass glaives in mirror for a while).

They did get nerfed last patch (like, one week ago) but I still think Elf is going to be the strongest overall, and they still seem to be doing well in tournaments. But who knows, maybe I'm just talking out of my ass.

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It has to be contrived and overdramatic otherwise the scene plays much differently if both characters were reasonable.


>buffed entangle
Jesus Christ how horrifying.

best mission. Powerful and scary as fuck. At the same time classy with a flair.

Yeah I thought about that too, why didn't Arthas try to explain that they were already lost? If Uther still resisted he could probably swear on his word as a paladin/prince that shit was fucked.

WC3 campaing is easymode, even on hard,
There's only a couple hard missions on the expansion.

imagine seeing that shit, seeing your people turning into zombos, imagine knowing that there is literally no way to cure them, the moment you realise that, everyone else is either with you or against you, there was no time to try and explain uther the situation, also I think uther would have refused the purgin either way

Why would they buff entangle? It was already the most fucking annoying thing in the game, especially early in the match.

KOTG has always been a meme hero, literally only exists to cast entangling roots and die. He feels poorly designed overall, thorn aura is incredibly useless and the treants are too weak/mana ineffective. Tranquility isn't bad but I'd rather have entangling roots level 4.

t. Malganis.
"Better that these people die by my hand than be your undead slaves"
Also it is heavily suggested in the earlier missions "feel free to tag alone, Uther. Im going, with or without you."
also didnt listen to medivh even when jaina felt that his prophecy was right

WoW babbies think its a funny meme.

Nigga stop lying. The refugee mission in UD campaign was fucking insane.

>tfw too pussy to go after the plague wagons

I've been playing this game since release and only recently discovered that they're an expansion up top

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Necromancer class in WoW, when?

Blizzard's classic team design logic is basically
>people aren't using this, so let's buff it lol
It's same thing with Mountain Giants - nobody was using it, so they made them much cheaper and cost less food. Turns out they were hard to get for a reason, so now players were massing a unit that is almost unkillable. They have also been trying to force Necromancers for a while for the same reason, instead of working on bigger issues that race has.

>the treants are too weak/mana ineffective
Not anymore, Treants are great now. It's amazing what a small reduction in mana cost can do. Same thing happened to the Dreadlord - they made Carrion Swarm a little cheaper, and suddenly he is a master at murdering peasants, and the undead meme hero of choice when you want to piss a human player off.

It's easy if you use the right strat. Leave Arthas and Kel'thuzad defending, and use Sylvanas for offense. Have the banshees possess human units and make a mercenary army. Sylvanas is the best suited to killing the Paladins in this mission because of silence, just use it when their health is low to keep them from using divine shield.

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My favorite mission.

>Hold the line, defend it to the end
>Destroy the brain and they will fall
>Show no mercy for they will give you none
>Relentlessly they seek to kill
>Don't wait for outside help
>Reinforcements will not come
>On ourselves we must rely
>Find the courage to last another day
>So all of us will stay alive

It wasn't hard. Just autistically spam towers, eventually send in a small force with Arthas and co to kill the Meat Wagons (and kill some Ogres that have something useful for you).

Plain and simple. That and remember to Holy Light those damn Liches.

Have you made any custom maps, Yea Forums?

The real challenge for me was the finale of the Undead campaign simply because I felt so incentivized to attack the mage towns with all the units I had

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For 30 minutes

Same with Starcraft for me. Used to find Tarraske and all last missions insane, after play(and lost) 4-5 times on multplayer, find all missions a piece of cake.

>tfw I never beat Twilight of the Gods as a kid

For years and years I've played this game, though mostly td and stuff, and I've been shit the entire time. I recently beat computer normal for the first time

messed around with units' names/models/abilities but nothing too exciting

Yes but never shared them publically. Made a couple maps for my local friends and I to play between semesters in college. Was mostly to keep me coding and stave off the bordum. Resulted in a Castle Fight clone where I learned there is a reason Castle Fight doesn't include many long ranged siege units like the base game, and a few one off other ideas for various Hero Defense games that never came to fruition. Was a fun summer to say the least.

I am slowly gaining more interest now that they are adding Lua script to the game meaning I don't have to go and track down how the hell to use vJazz these days so might try my hand at it again.

>try to learn some UD
>get matched vs. Orc
>his Blademaster solos my entire army

I quit several months ago, has blizzard successfully pushed the necromancer meme? Have they fixed undead not having any healing outside of dk? Are fucking mountain giants really the new meta?

Imagine thinking this.
This attitude along with the belief that Yea Forums is only for shitposting is why this place kinda sucks.
At least we can still talk about comfy WC3.

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Properly wall-in your acolyte niggas
Buy the dust
Build fields
Master the subtle art of COILNOVA


Warcraft 3's plot goes to shit after the Undead campaign.

Is starfall still a game ending spell?

I mean, if you play against rankless mongoloids maybe. Channeling spells are literal trash and you're better off picking third aura

I made a hero siege map called 4 way hero siege set in a snowy terrain.
>fight waves on increasingly harder enemies
>have to destroy 4 towers to summon final boss


Yea Forums will run through this:

>blademaster 2 shotting your fiends
>TC stuning your entire army for 10 seconds
>ensare/stomp/hex focus on DK
>mass wyverns in general
UD vs Orc is a nightmare of a matchup. It's all about learning proper timings, shop control for invuls, and proper micro. On the other hand, all other UD matchups are very fun (even mirror, as long as you don't go DK fiends)

>has blizzard successfully pushed the necromancer meme
They sure are trying to. They reworked the unit entirely, now they have a weaker cripple baseline, raise dead as a second spell, and an AOE unholy frenzy. It sounds nice in theory, except that Cripple still targeted so it's very micro intensive, and the new frenzy also buffs enemy units so you have to use it before fights start. I think they are much better now, especially in team games, but they still get countered hard by dispell, need too much tech/money invested and overall I think Banshees would still be better in basically every situation.

They have added a new item to the UD shop that is an out of combat AOE heal in return for sacrificing an unit (like a skelly). The problem is that the heal is extremely weak, and the item is pretty expensive. It's something like 125 hp over 45 seconds or something. Even for Ghouls that is nothing. I don't even know why they bothered to add the item in that state. I think they should have given us a potion of restoration to heal your hero instead, as ghouls can already canibalise anyway.

It doesn't help that Human and Orc also got big buffs at the same patch, with Blade having his old damage back and Human beign able to cut de DK's healing with their new orb.I suppose they are afraid to buff Undead because that race does well on low skill levels, as casuals don't know how to deal with coil nova and hero focus.

I haven't seem MGs as much recently. They mostly were used against Humans,who have a better tier 3 to deal with it. Elf vs UD is much dumber than that, they just mass faeries.

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Someone give me a quick rundown of the major balance changes since 1.26. I can't even re-buy the damn game because password recovery for Blizzard's retarded client requires sending them your home address, credit card number and several dick pics, so I'll probably just wait till Reforged.

It's too much stuff to list here.

Basically, the meta has changed entirely. Except UD, you will play DK fiends every game and you will like it.

I really want to try online but at the same time play my favorite hero Crypt Lord
How viable is he?
My favorite combo is:
Bettle/Caparace CL
Coil/Aura DK
Frost Armor spam/Dark Ritual Lich
Army mostly composed of Fiends but I can variate

Not at all.

Why tho?
Arent Bettles good for mass creeping?

They're really good for giving your opponent free XP. Crypt Lord just isn't good enough to survive early game, you'll get mogged by agi heroes like DH or BM, human will probably just instarush you with towers and you won't do shit about it. He's a supporting hero, basically a worse version of Tauren Chieftain

Crypt Lord first is a classic meme strat. Usually you want to use him to fast expand with fiends and creep the whole map with him. You can also go for a double crypt ghoul rush with beetles. It's not really considered a competitive strat, though.

CL is mostly seen as a third hero vs a human player massing rifles, as the Impale aoe is great vs those small units cumpled together. DK/Lich/CL is decent combo for most situations.

They are, the problem is that without the DK you have no good way to heal your fiends (aka the only worthwhile ud unit). This means that a good player can punish you hard for it. This is why UD pros almost always play DK first with fiends.

Really though, if you are good you can go for anything and win in ladder. Most of my games are Lich or Dreadlord first with ghouls and gargs. You're supposed to have fun with the game, not follow exactly what some autist in korea thinks is the best.

>Usually you want to use him to fast expand with fiends and creep the whole map with him.
Whay generally I do is getting a Graveyard first, Altar, Crypt.
If I'm not mistaken Graveyard goes up when Crypt Lord pops out, get maximum 4 ghouls and get 4 fiends while creeping with CL and Bettles, then tech up asap to get DK with coil.

I understand I'm bad but I really, -really- want to make it be somewhat viable at least

>He doesn't know about the DL ghouls/gargs meme
Super effective against night elves

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Based and mightpilled

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'My DICK cannot be matched'
wtf blizzard

>Have you lost your mind, Arthas?
>Have i?
It's Raimi tier dialog.

Try this build order
Fast fiends/delayed hero
>make an aco (rallied to gold)
>put down a graveyard and a crypt
>another aco when you have the gold
>make an altar
>make a zig
>make a ghoul, send to lumber
>make a hero when the altar is done
>make a shop
>make a fiend when grave is finished
>get another zig
>make another fiend
>buy a rod of necromancy for your hero
>make another ghoul when zig is done
>tech when you have enough lumber
>keep pumping fiends
Hopefully I didn't make a mistake there. It's the easiest UD build order to start with, giving you a decent army early on and works well vs Orc and other UDs in particular. Crypt lord goes decent with fiends, but keep in mind that it will be hard to heal them without the DK. I suggest buying a troll priest in the Mercenary shops. Problem with this build is that you don't have a scout aco, and your hero and tech are a bit late.If you want to try it, buy a sacrificial skull and go for an early expansion and delay your tech until you have your acos mining. Build a couple of towers to defend it too.

Also, look up the fast hero and ghoul build orders.

>not realising that you're talking to a ghoul/garg enthusiast
I'm just making fun of how UD is generally seen in the "meta". The only situation I ever make fiends is vs wyverns, and I'm still trying to make gargs work vs that.
>tfw casting Carrion on a group of wisps
get fucked, elffags

My custom map had ~1000 downloads
I also made version for Vampire Resurrection. Nobody downloaded it

>If you want to try it, buy a sacrificial skull and go for an early expansion and delay your tech until you have your acos mining.
That's an issue, as you said, having a first hero tank without healer always makes me fucking nerveous, after getting 4 fiends I tech up to get DK.
Spending gold on getting an expansion while delaying DK seems rather counter-productive for me.
Then again I'm a scrub so I have no right to speak anyways.

CL is fine, but your build sound horrendous for him and Lich.

What you'll want to be doing is impaling, coiling, and nova heroes.

Impale is also good at stopping surrounds.

Being a glorified ghoul spawner, though, is not a good build.

>What you'll want to be doing is impaling, coiling, and nova heroes.
desu one of my greatests desires is to see CL tanking a literal army while everybody else guns down the enemy, hence CL first with Spikes and Frost Armor spam lich.
There is nothing more that gets me more moist than seeing pro players like Grubby to make CL the ultimate tank
Also Pitlord is cool

That is completely fine. It's why undead players have been asking for a way to heal without dk for years. They did add the new Ritual Dagger, which lets you sacrifice a beetle or skelly to heal your army. it's really weak atm, but still better than nothing. Rushing tier three for DK and statues is definately the safest way to play this, and expanding in general is always a big gamble for Undead.

Learn to play non-DK undead is an art in itself. I have been playing a lot of Dreadlord solo with ghouls recently, and it's a lot of fun. The lack of healing forces you to think outside the box a lot.

>I have been playing a lot of Dreadlord solo with ghouls recently
I usually go Dreadlord and DK for mass ghouls, the speedy ghouls is actually fucking nice

>DK/Dreadlord with ghouls vs orc
>sleep the blademaster
>surround everything, MaDFroG style
Shit's awesome

Solo DL is also fun because it lets you get the Inferno more easily, and at that point you just wait for your opponent to call you a noob and ragequit

>sleep the blademaster
>opponent takes 2 seconds to poke him alive

>ywn beat Grubby in orc mirror and take his wife in front of him

Attached: h5Grubs.jpg (900x1108, 102K)

>sleep the blade
>opp has to take his sweet time to target his own hero in the middle of the fight
>instantly reapply sleep because it's super cheap and has no cooldown
>meanwhile I'm surrounding and killing every raider
Dreadlord is unironically a good hero now, the true problem with this strat is that the TC completely btfos ghouls and there's no Dark Ranger to silence him.

>ywn be a progamer in the early/mid 2000's
>ywn be have a legion of korean fangirls
>ywn become rich and respected for playing bideo games
why even live

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While I like his content, he's way too friendly for my tastes, feels fake at times
ToD is an asshole
Wtii is the only autist I like

Doesnt TC meme's ghouls up?


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you underestimate just how fast korean reflexes are

Witi is kinda a faggot now

>plays nothing but shitty customs for months
>never shuts up about twitch prime and subs
>spams my fucking notifications with reruns

I hope he stops being such a tossed when Reforged comes out.

I liked the times when he did more 1vs1s and had to deal with hackers/griefers, both in a calm gold rage or absolutely chimping out

Wc3 never got big in Worst Korea, it was more of a Yurop/China-dominated game.
Moon and Lyn are only notable gooks that come to mind.

I remember finding WTii back in his pre-fitness 4v4 spergfests. Good times. He's still got his charm but he plays too many customs and somehow retains his usual following.

ToD is an emotional player and being french ensures he'll always be a sore winner/loser, but honestly its refreshing to have someone like that with the accolades when the only popular alternative is Grubby; who while good for gameplay has a waaaay too carebear community.
>Any time ToD and Grubby get matched
>Grubby subs immediately flock to ToD's chat to try and taunt him while simultaneously saying he's super mad in Grubby's chat

Its a shame Grubby stopped doing 2v2s with him, I can only presume it was because he didn't want to hear the swear words and thus get demonetized or something.

I miss him doing ladder matches of any kind.

Since his customs only tirade which I can only assume came from his raging out over a BM jobbing him again, he’s like a shitty English Asmongold, but somehow better than asmongold still.

>that time he had 3 HU allies on dragon falls and they all went Gryphons vs mass fiends+aa

I don’t get how people still watch it. Customs especially TDS which seem to be always on when I check it out, are so fucking boring to watch. It’s not like Witi makes great conversation
>you’re shit
>undead imbalance
>ahhhhhhh one month

>>undead imbalance
It's actually funny to watch him getting his ass handed by UD and chimps out, tho

>spend 30 minutes half-afk spamming units
>this is fucking boring
>30 seconds left, suddenly 400 units swarm you and destroy your pitiful defenses
>mission failed

Nigger, dreadlord is used a lot as a third hero by asian pros these days. The sleep can't be broken immediately, is reaplied almost instantly, and even if they break it you are stopping the tc stun/blade damage/sh heal etc and forcing the orc to waste his time. He's not as good as the Dark Ranger but he's fine.

There's also FoV, Lucifer, FoCuS, Lawliet, and a bunch of others. It wasn't as big as Broodwar, but it had it's following.

I feel the same about Grubby and big nose frenchmen. I haven't seen Wtii in a while, but I enjoyed watching him rage in 1v1s. Also, that fucking squidward custom game. Great shit.
Nowadays I mostly only watch FoV and MaDFroG when they stream because I love their boomer undead playstyle.

I need videos of Paladins
Paladins cucking Death Knights and Undeads in general

>ToD is an asshole
kind interesting
on the pylon show there was a question who was the nicest caster, player and streamers in starcraft
Incontrol said that ToD is simultaneously the nicest and the least nice, where he might be an asshole about the way you sneeze and shit on you for it, but then he's also the type of guy who sends you a text out of the blue if you want him to get you something while he's out buying food

I don't know, I feel like I should relate to him for his assholery is quite similar of your average Yea Forums poster, and I always enjoy some good banter between pros.
However he's so much of a sore loser than it kinda drives me off. Meh.

Grubby is reddit: the player

>they always sucked
yea it was the treants

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gotta keep that new house and gourmet dog food somehow

I also just enjoyed a person who played ladder who could actually talk while doing it. No are no other decent options from the 3 in this thread.

>read keeper nerfs
>entangle still exists
is -1 int and -1 treant damage enough to compensate for a free unit kill?

Fuck Keeper

Make Warden meta. Now.

yea idk if I was in charge of nerfing I definitely would have targetted entangle, thats the most unfun part of keeper imo