Defend not pirating vidya

Defend not pirating vidya.

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I like to play online with friends

I want to play the games online and when they release, not waiting around for cracks that could take weeks in some cases.

>le online
What about SP games?

I'f it's a game that I know I'll like I'll gladly pay the pocket change to not wait for cracks. If I'm unsure or it looks shit, I'll just pirate it.

I play fighting games.

I am a physical release whore. Makes being a saturnfag hard.

Thank god for imports

I have expendable income. If there's a game I'm not willing to pay for it's probably shit anyways and not worth my time.

What if it's DRM free and the crack is simultaneous?

If it's available I like to play it on the originally released console for the authenticity, but if that's unavailable I'll emulate it if there's no easy way to play it otherwise. Also, if a game has a free demo available there's no point to pirating it, as you can play the demo and see for yourself if it's worth a purchase or not.

Then I'd probably just pirate it anyway, unless it's super cheap.

Im a normal human being and i pay for things i enjoy.

I play online. I'm not a wait-for-skidrow cuck. I have more money than I know what to do with. If a game sucks, I refund it.

What is iw4x

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>Defend not pirating vidya.

Unchecked piracy leads to nothing but a void. So many games. Nothing is exciting. Play game for 5 minutes. No need to get invested. Play next game. Nothing but a feeling of emptyness. Everything just feels pointless and shit. Piracy quickly leads to zero fun.

Wow, what a piece of shit you are. See, this is why PC needs Denuvo.

Why bother? I don't play games I don't like; if I'm unsure about a game I can refund within a fair two hour period on Steam. If I like the game then the dev deserves the money for their work and product. What's the point?

There's never enough, money though? You're just stupid.

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Good to know. I've had a lot of fun playing with anons in Monster Hunter and Terraria over the years too. Don't Starve Together as well.


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But I have the same issue with my 900 game steam library so yeah

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Because you literally save 2 hours of your life in purely physical product aka money?
+ You're not supporting dlc peddlers.
I pirated Nier Automata. It was so good I got teary eyed.
I pirated mgs V. It was great so I bought it.

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>So many games. Nothing is exciting

I feel like this is happening regardless of people pirating games.

Pirates have been pivotal in making PC games worse.
Just look at PC "exclusives" to get an idea:
CSGO, TF2, mobage, "We're going home", skinnerboxes out the ass, Kikestarter, Greenlight, etc. Piracy and Steam sales literally drove developers off the platform. What was the last good PC exclusive? M&B? It's not even exclusive anymore.
As games find way to "pirate proof" and "steam proof" games (DRM, always online, games-as-service, skinnerboxes, eSports, etc) everyone that plays games suffers. Thanks pirates and Steamfags for ruining gaming.

Found the poor person with no money. You must not even own your house yet.

The dev could save hundreds of hours of their life not making the game? The transaction is the affirmation of society telling them it was well spent time and that they should continue. 99% of devs wouldn't work for free like Toady.

I own 6 units and make all my income from rent and I pirate everything

Why are piratefags so annoying? I don't give a fuck if you steal a game, just shut up.

Not everyone is born in american and works white collar.
I will keep pirating until dlc and season passes don't exist in any shape or form. Even free.

Sure ya' do.

Why are buy fags supporting DLC? It's always overpriced garbage that adds literally nothing to the game but useless collectibles or gives you overpowered shit right at the start of the game making it all pointless.

lot of pirated games can be played online with friends nowadays though (especially those pirated from steam with steamworks fix, some have private servers too)

This is like asking 'why do people collect shit?', or 'why do people go after vanity gear?', or 'why do people go after achievements?'

you have to pirate the sims, paying for all thoughs fucking dlc's is robbery.

It's more convenient to buy games if you can afford them. I always pirated everything before I had money, but with Steam games being so cheap now, why would I ever hunt for a download, that might have a fucking miner, when I can just double click a game in my steam library?

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If you chiefly opposed principally to DLC then why not buy games, which you like, and abstain from buying the DLC? Why should Brood War or Arms getting free characters ruin it for you?

Because first it removes content that should already be there so the devs can "maybe add it later", but then they get lazy and instead add some useless garbage like extra characters or "cool weapon", that you get at the start of the game which makes using anything else pointless.
>Just dont use it then lol
Why did it pay for it?

Then don't buy games with obviously gouged out content, ie Mass Effect 3. Do you have any evidence that, for example, content was maliciously cut from StarCraft in sole order to save for Brood War?

Can you imagine even trying to defend corporations lol

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Hmm maybe that should tell you something about your chosen "hobby" you daft cunt

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bitcoin miners and viruses

i don't spend any time playing, downloading or even thinking about video games because i'm not a child.

I actually dont want the studios that make the games I like to close down or be bought out by publishers like EA.

Pirate-chads always win, baby


Maybe I'll get a dedicated computer for pirating shit again.

>Buying games made defunct devs? No thanks, I pirate those.

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this happens when you have a lot of legit games, though it's easier for it to happen with piracy
sucks either way

It makes you yellow

why are pc fat memes so lifeless?

nothing like the sonybro collection

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bait thread

Why pirate when you can just steal physical copies and sell them?

Nobody can. This thread is proof of it.

It contributes to people behaving like huge faggots online forever, making everything a steaming pile of shit.

It's already happened.

I quite like that picture. Mind if I save it?

People are conditioned to be consumerists starting in school so they have an urge to buy things. It takes a great deal of intelligence to break free from the compulsion to be a consumer.