Confirmed by the creators themselves
God of War is for faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
>Greek character is a boy molesting homo
>Jaffe says it's a joke
>Balrog only retweets the Bi tweet and nothing else. doesn't even clarify this on his own twitter
>Balrog is the one of the two who actually controls the series
So, were the Spartans...
Ape Escape, on the other hand, is for chads and manly men,
>jaffe says he wrote him straight
>still an ally of LGBTQ
Do you think the greeks were strictly hetero user?
Spartans were pretty gay in real life
>I didn't write anything about it whatsoever but this character is totally gay and that was my plan all along
anybody who does this needs to have their work made public domain
this, fucking based
cunny is for red hot blooded high demigods
How many little boys did Kratos fuck?
homosexuality was looked down upon wasn't it?. the little boys they diddled were considered "female" or at least "feminine"? something about dominance and a cycle of old men taking little boys to "teach them how to be a man"
Oof, Jeff. Maybe think next time you want to troll the LGBT community. They'll come after everything you have.
But Greeks did ass fuck their allies.
reminder that even complete appeasement is not enough for these people
>"raging" bisexual
what a retard. making gender jokes on twitter with the army of trannies that live in there. he should kill himself for being such a noob.
west cucks have shit taste, nothing new here, gow has always been nu-male faggot shit
Can we please see some lesbian fanart of the GOW1 Oracle though? I want something good to come out of this.
Ancient Greeks were the biggest gays ever and created one of the greatest (or at least one of the most impactful) cultures in history.
Current LGBT "community" is so pathetic they instigate flame wars on twitter.
americans are this retarded
The very state of Playstation.
fucking little boys was okay for greeks, it only became gay when they started growing a beard
god hates fags
so basically having gay tendencies makes you extremely unstable as a person and prone to violence? woa
God loves everyone, even fags and hateful people like yourself
>goes chris benoit on his wife and daughter
Positive gay role model
plato and socrates made fun and despised this practice. it certainly wasn't as accepted or common as you may think. It was also a custom more restricted to attica, ie athens.
I don't get it.
Is he a faggot or not?
you was the most rich and decadent city-state of greece, so that's not surprising.
no, pretty sure he nuked 2 cities because they were full of fags. But you probably don't believe that happened, right? Because god only exists to you when you want to use him to coerce me into doing something.
he's been flipflopping on it because of resetera trannies but consider he's a white cuck, he'll give in
Faggot Anthony Burch works in santa monica top lel
you were considered less if you were the one getting fucked
Remember when people used to say they thought Dante looked gay and how Kratos was manly, oh how wrong those people were.
Spartans took boy-lovers as well
this is what went down, from what i understand
>Jaffe reblogs a picture of Kratos with a gay pride shirt, then makes a '' joke '' about Kratos being bi, presumably to make a joke at people's expense who have an issue with faggotry
>homophobes get mad, faggots get hopeful
>Jaffe has to go on a tangent and explain that it was a joke, Kratos is straight and that's how he wrote him, and also apologizes for making a joke out of a serious thing
>faggots mad and annoyed at this shitty attempt to pander and then him switching like a sissy
i think that clears it
He destroyed a lot of places for being disobedient, he also left his chosen country to ruin multiple times.
haha this totally isn't a peer pressuring indoctrination cult
not him, but read this wikipedia section:
The nature of this relationship is in dispute among ancient sources, and modern historians.
Spartan views on pederasty and homoeroticism were much more austere than those of other parts of Greece.
Xenophon says in Constitution of the Lacaedemonians that Spartan customs were unsuited to pederasty: a man might aim for idealized friendship with a boy but a sexual relationship was considered "an abomination" tantamount to incest.[89] Aelian's Historical Miscellany talks about the responsibilities of an older Spartan citizen to younger inexperienced male lovers.[90] Thomas F. Scanlon believes Sparta, during its Dorian polis time, is thought to be the first city to practice athletic nudity, and one of the first to formalize pederasty.[91]
Homosexuals are nothing but a fetish.
They are incapable of love and their feelings come from lust not for the desire for emotional companionship.
And this diminishes the idea that god hates
Also God doesn't have a chosen people anymore. The only Christians who still think Jews are god's chosen people are evangelical retards with their schofield bible.
Fired in 3 ... 2 ...
Agreed. Fags BTFO
Still have no interest playing this shitty franchise. You may keep it straightsexuals.
David Jaffe is fucking based, he was taking the piss out of these faggots.
>And this diminishes the idea that god hates
Because you created that yourself. He never said anything like that in the new testament. Deal with it.
>in the new testament
Yep. You really should read it.
>new testament
Did people forgot even Zeus have a shota?
>"nooo, that one doesn't count!"
Still mad the kikes aren't the "choosen one" anymore?
i dont mind more kratos porn
No shit he's Spartan.
Snoy's pride and joy is literally a faggot. How fitting. Meanwhile CHAD Mario will be banding Peach (with Pauline on the side) and keeping homo shit away from our games.
I thought that was for fucking angels or torturing them or something
uh, read Paul. (Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6)
also marriage is between man and woman, straight from the mouth of Christ. (Matthew 19)
if you don't believe the words of the apostles are the words of the living God then you are straight up denying the existence and function of the holy spirit and thus condemned of the unforgivable sin. Read Acts from beginning to end and beg forgiveness from God if you actually care about such things
>mario has trannies
>pokemon has trannies
>zelda has trannies
maybe take a seat
thats not David Jaffe though
>thought it was referring to the reply
>mfw it was replying to david jaffe
oh fuck me and this gay (flat)earth
You made this thread last night nigger.
>Spartan man fucks both men and women
color me fucking surprised, not like it was apart of greek culture or anything
well greeks used to fuck anything. Kratos not being bi would be a surprise
Hope this soifaggot gets fired.
talk about backfire, jeff you giant imbecile, these people will never be satisfied with a simple sorry. you have to now make an animation of kratos being fucked by men to please them or end up living in the streets. good job jeff
>mario has trannies
>pokemon has trannies
>zelda has trannies
Yeah, and I bet Kratos wants to fuck them all.
if people thought notch was bad, jaffe is fucking worse.
his opinions about various subject matters are all over the place and he always tries to make himself the good guy.
also, he firmly believes the circle game is now considered the white power sign just because the internet says so.
the guy is a fucking piece of shit.
how do pieces of shit keep getting work?
leftists are in charge of your vidya
that's why snoy sun beams your animes
Reminder Odyssey ending make everyone SEETHE so much they turned bowser gay
>but muh chad
God is waiting till the world become a fag cesspoll to destroy it.
>God of War is for faggots
He never said that though, are you retarded?
>and then the furfags and barafags seethe like no tomorrow with bowsette
Does anyone just side with black people now because of how gay and cringe white people are? The back to back world wars really killed off an entire race, what destruction it mustve been
>hurr durr shit is better to eat than garbage
Niggers are savages and whites are cucks
Better a savage than a cuck. Ive lost most of my white friends to cuckery over the last 4 years. Have way more fun playing battlefield and fighting games with my black friends now
This, Kratos would just be following what every other Spartan did.
aw, look at our future "poor little white boy" star.
He'll commit the most terrible mistake you can commit against lefties: he'll apologize.
>he thinks there arent any gay black people
How misinformed are you?
This is pretty embarrassing for Sony fans...
how will sonyfags ever recover?
Nobody plays a dead franchise, user.
One of the Spartans in the movie at one point calls another group of people little boy lovers as an insult.
That's like throwing a bone to the masses. Only absolute common people would chew on that.
Yeah he was talking about the Greeks
Aren't you glad you didn't buy any God of SNOY TRANNIE FAGGOTS games?
one thing is being a fag, and another is being shota
This. He just fucked his own character.
Good thing God isn't real, then. :^)
>I'm not going full JK Retard
>But I'm going full JK Retard
Wasnt the last thread moved to Yea Forums by a mod? Why are you so obsessed with Sony?
>He just fucked his own character.
I think every game after GoW1 already did that in spades
This thread has been made and deleted 5 times today. Its the same fag that posts gay pride shit. Hes ban evading
So Kratos introduced his son to some good old-fashioned Greek pederastic male-bonding canonically? Gross.
He'd actually have to have a job first.
>when being internet tough guy goes wrong
poe's law in effect
Someone redpill me on Greek homosexuality. I feel like its one of those things where SJW lie about what actually happened
>if you don't believe the words of the apostles are the words of the living God then you are straight up denying the existence and function of the holy spirit and thus condemned of the unforgivable sin
Jesus christ that a big cup of kool-aid you're chugging from.
greek were open about homosexuality but if you let yourself be penetrated, you were worse than a woman
So long as you were the top, it was cool. Bottoms were less than women. You were still expected to be a good member of society and breed though.
SJWs (And the we wuz kangz crowd, oddly enough) really try and exaggerate how gay the Greeks were though.
Pederastia was somewhat accepted and expected in mentor-pupil relationships, not much beyond that.
Those were the romans.
It was okay to fuck men but if you were the bottom you were considered a whore and have less worth than a women
I don't think there's even anything wrong with that.
>Kratos went around fucking whatever the fuck he wanted, no matter the gender/race/looks/etc.
Sounds pretty chad to me
That's not how fiction works. If you want your character to have a certain characteristic it needs to be written into the story. The creator isn't some kind of extra-dimensional god that gets to change fiction based on a tweet.
Kratos was not shown or said to be bisexual in the games. Therefore he is not.
there were gays but they weren't having pride parades, be penetrated meant you were less than a human that's why many drew the line on anal because that's going too far.
even greeks weren't that degenerate
Common misconception, as well that idea that Ancient Greece was completely fine with it. Many people wrongfully believe Ancient Greece was some connected empire like Rome. It wasn't, at least for most of it's existence. Every part of it was mostly an independent city state. Athens had different rules and laws about homosexuality than say Sparta or Crete. For the most part, the Ancient Greeks were mostly indifferent towards it. Some religious sects where down for faggotry, though. Apollo's religion was a-ok with homosexuality. In fact, most of the pro-homosexuality in Ancient Greece was due to worshippers of Apollo, some sects of the worship of Heracles, Artemis or Dionysus. There's the whole Lesbos island thing, and Spartans didn't give a fuck so long as it was, well, just fucking. However, it is true than in most parts of Ancient Greece, being the man who takes the dick was basically seen as you taking the role of a woman, therefore you were treated like a woman.
Funny you'd pair your post with a western comic book hero then
Someone who's gotten rewritten HUNDREDS of times
>kratos was ragefucking minotaurs
based jeff
> Literally ever person in ancient greek was gay, every single one, all the time, no exceptions
100% happened in schools especially with philosophers and some in the military. Niggas needed to get their nut
key word is written. Tweets are not canon.
>The creator isn't some kind of extra-dimensional god that gets to change fiction based on a tweet.
>he says, posting the character that has been changed the most times by a creator
imagine being so retarded that you think that making an ancient greek gay is some kind of progressive shit
tl;dr If you're giving it's cool and good, if you're taking it's gay.
We are all the extra dimensional god that can change things on a whim.
Last time i checked, kratos was shown only fucking woman in game, so why should i care about some pandering on twitter?
user it was their culture, that wasn't gay too them because they had the idea of as long as they had a wife and kids at the end of it shit was fine.
based, fpbp
>so why should i care about some pandering on twitter?
because it backfired on him and is hilarious to see him backpedaling after his facade of internet tough guy
have hygiene
yeah and they got so comfortable fooling around with other men they were invaded
>implying God of War hasn't always been for easily impressed hipsters who like button mashing
fuck modern sony anyway, I'm only playing Nintendo and mobile now for the titties
>how dare you use the LGBT community as a pawn to "own the homophobes"
Nu-GOW is such a shit game. They completely ruined Kratos's character.
wasn't the story about everyone in the city trying to rape 2 angels?
We know. This just makes nu-GoW fans look even worse.
You can't ruin a game that was bad to begin with.
Not that I'm defending Nu-God of War, but let's not imply that the originals were somehow masterpieces.
By Romans who they themselves claim were greek, and if they were actually Macedonians like people think they were, then they were in fact greek. So Greek on Greek invasion means jack shit, and Rome fell because they went full retard and replaced their army with germans.
It was about cities so full of sin doing the most depraved sexual acts, they were beyond saving. Also, trying to rape angels.
Not every person, but a well-trained and socially-immersed Spartan general? Sure as shit. The Spartans were by and large the gayest culture of all time, they pulled that "It's not gay if you say no homo haha right guys now lemme give you a brojob" bullshit first. The logic was it'd inspire camaraderie between the men and they wouldn't have to waste time finding bitches after every battle.
in one case they wanted to rape two angels
and there was another case of angels fucking with humans creating giants and that's why the great flood happened because the giants were now eating the humans
Compared with the new game where Kratos becomes a complete pussy? It's a masterpiece.
I hate SJW but i hate more people bending history for their needs.
AFAIK in some cities of ancient greek a love between men was considered purer than a straight one. Don't quote me on that tho
I wouldn't mind the story if the basic gameplay wasn't just a mishmash of walking sections, obviously and poorly disguised loading screens, button mashing boredom, and needless exposition dumps. This game is a mess in every sense of the word.
>humans have a natural biological aversion to seeing homosexual activity
>I'm supposed to believe an entire country of gays existed at some point
>gayest culture
>Went out of their way to say 'no homo'
Pick one.
Greeks were always gay as fuck user, it's well known for literally millenia now. People shat on them then and now for that shit.
At this point history is so mangled you may as well, we were always at war with Oceania and so on.
Sucking a fellow man's dick is gay no matter how many times you say "No homo," fag.
In what way is that biological? Scientifically illiterates like you should not be allowed on the Internet.
This is the biggest fucking meme on the planet, god damn.
>This is what ResetEra actually believes
>The logic was it'd inspire camaraderie between the men and they wouldn't have to waste time finding bitches after every battle
This logic doesn't make sense. If you invade another country (and Spartans did historically) the general purpose is to lay waste to the men and breed the women. This is supported by the fact that people from the Attica peninsula share genes with people from Laconia, despite even today remaining distinct ethnicities. This "spartans wuz gay" shit is literal pro-faggot propaganda.
why is media so triggering for everyone? i still see people asshurt over captain marvel and black panther. what gives?
Sucking dick makes you gay, faggot.
they werent gay in the way we mean today
Grecian culture was different than modern culture and Kratos was also a huge fucking asshole so I don't think saying "btw he was gay" accomplishes what Jaffe thinks it does.
> If you invade another country (and Spartans did historically) the general purpose is to lay waste to the men and breed the women.
There's a difference between breeding the women for the purpose of eliminating an invaded country's culture and having your men waste time not training because they're too horny for their own good and scrambling around for a hole to fill. They shack up in their tents and get their rocks off before moving on. And this isn't a praise of Sparta or their culture, they got wiped off the face of the earth like they deserved to for being fags. Same happened with the Athenians, same happened with the Romans. Fags kill cultures and empires, it's what killed them all.
>boost morale
>strong emotional relationships
that's weird, gays nowadays love to demoralize any other man that is openly bottom or is known to like being bottom. are gay people bigots?
That's to force bottoms to convert to be a top or be verse. There's like 10 bottom to every Top.
have sex
From now on, every main character must be a silent protagonist who does not have any type of interaction with anyone of any gender ever. Now neither side is happy and neither side is sad.
That’s psychological ya fucking retard. As in an aversion developed through retarded ignorance. You shouldn’t give a shit but for whatever reason you were raised to believe that it’s gross. Dumb fuck
No, everyone will be equally miserable. Everyone looses.
unironic non meme answer they probably were practitioners of pederasty too, thought it's debated
>one god
the absolute state
>trusting wikipedia out of hand
If you look up the buddhist deity Manjushri, who in Japan in the Tokugawa period was the equivalent of the patron saint of gays, that section got removed because of some butthurt nip who in the edit went "probably chinese revisionism" lmao. I've actually seen that in multiple academic sources as a fact so it isn't, but I can't be assed to look for them for wikipedia.
I'm going to commit a cardinal sin on here but this does sum up the debate
it was a thing,mainly boyfucking. Though there were notable cases of adult males like the sacred band of thebes.
so what else is new
Or does everyone win, because misery loves company and so now everyone is hanging out, equally miserable and equally non-represented.
ignore dumb twitter personalities, post fun greece videos
how is that even make sense? that's like saying there should be less women for every man
All Jews and leftists must hang
They fucked pretty little boys and not greasy old men, because having sex with a women in Greece was so easy and common that they wanted to spice it up.
Basically, there were pedos, not faggots.
Why won't we just kill faggots like in the middle ages?
It would be better for everyone
Being attracted to a little boy means you’re a homosexual pedophile ya fucking retard
as if Dad of War hadn't accomplished that already
because something to do with human rights
Sure. But we’ll start with pedophiles like you.
fuck, why do you tease me like this bro
"As I turn and look into the sun, the rays burn my eyes."
"How like a turtle the sun looks."
>Why don't we just kill left handed people?
>Burn the witch!
why are you retards always blaming gays? Most gays I know hate this shit, you should be blaming virtue signaling companies trying to make a quick sjw brownie buck and straight white girls that dont have enough to bitch about so they find a "cause" no one normal really cared about. I've never once thought I needed representation in fucking anything especially something as inconsequential as the entertainment industry.
>Confirmed by the creators themselves
>Still giving a shit about media's author's political opinions
I don’t know much about Ancient Greece, but I imagine the practice of pederasty varied drastically across region and time period. Acceptable some places, but not others.
Weeaboos should go first.
what should you do then without getting mass flack irl and potentially losing your job
Pedo logic never ceases to amaze me.
every time
>be furfag
>jerks off to cub porn
>jerks off to "not-zoophilia"
>molest dogs
>molest children
b-but loli and shota is cp!!!
Well Jaffe hasn’t been involved with God of War for over a decade. It seems like he’s just trying to draw attention to himself out of jealousy, now that Balrog (or whoever the fuck) has reinvented the franchise in a massively successful game.
Because muh democracy muh freedom
I thought fags were disgusting ever since I first laid eyes upon the concept of homosexuality. If you think people are only averted to homos because other people tell them to be then you're an idiot.
>a weeb cuck who jerks it to little kids says being gay is wrong
>shiggity diggity
this all now makes sense now
I’m not any of those things. You’re just throwing shit at the wall to see what’ll stick. But yes you’re right, furfags deserve extermination more than anyone. I’d gladly join the lolipervs in stringing them up.
>they're just pictures of cartoon little kids
>there's nothing wrong with jerking and cuming to kids
Fuckin' Love Nickolodeon
>comparing a niche to a sub-niche
Pedofags being retarded as always.
>group of perverts have been caught red handed plenty of times fucking their dogs and/or children
>nah mate, let's go after the ones jerking off to drawings because i don't like them
pederasty was a pretty widespread institution in both the mediterranean and the near east, and frankly for the critiques of say Plato it's required to be a pretty common practice.
Of course there were probably some areas that disapproved of it (in Rome for instance opinion varied depending on the time period) but I'd say it was pretty much widespread for most of the ancient period
Hes a spartan.. this isn't unexpected.
it is child porn
it's porn, that involves a child and you're jerking to it, you sick fuck.
Difference is you straight up admit to jerking off to children. Try again.
t. seething furfag
every day you give more reason for people to despise your community
>shooting game is murder because you are killing people
okay retard
but it was a FUN button masher. if you wanted skill or challenge you'd take the weeb games up
>pedofag trying to talk down to someone
Pedofag being retarded as always.
Homo sex was very common in ancient times
my loli and shota don't look close to real life children, loli and shota are cute, children are not. I wouldn't touch children not even with a 10 foot pole
>We should shoot furries because some of them jerk off to drawings of furry babies, therefore they are pedos.
>I'm not a pedo though because I jerk of to drawings of human children.
Yeah, and unless you're gonna go FULL retard, you can't show me evidence that murdering people in video games leads to violent tendancies
I CAN find you studies that show that people interested in child porn, are interested in fucking children.
keep coping dogfucker. you will always be the bottom of the barrel
>whites fags are proud of this and constantly bringing up how “great” homos were back then
Why are you whiteys so fucking disgusting. Lets face it, kiddy diddling and faggotry is in your genes.
Dudes got it on in the military so whatever. This one seems organic.
>comparing an act of violence to a sexual attraction
Pedofags being retarded as always.
Yeah it actually works too
pedologic at it's finest
Greeks were sexual deviants so it is not that much of a surprise kratos slew serpents just as much as he conquered gorges.
Still, anouncing all of this, especially this month, is retarded and trying to appeal. He is doing what he says, being like stupid harry potter bitch.
>never showed the least bit of interest in a male
>is notorious for fucking big tittyed bitches like mad in every game
>original game is about him dealing with memories of his dead wife and daughter
>latest game is about he and his son going to honor his second dead wife
But he's totally a bisexual guys for realz SEE HOW PROGRESSIVE WE ARE BUY OUR GAME!!!
Wasnt there something about that you only had the right to vote if you were a married, landowning man, with a military service history, above the age of 25.
Also slavery was rampant and women were property and it was considered shameful to be the “woman” of a gay relationship and was mostly done to slaves.
>this level of delusion
Pedofag being as delusional as always.
Quit lumping us all in with these pefophile faggots Jamal, if you actually want to do something about these freaks unity is important.
I mean, he could at least fuck an ADULT female dressed up as a dog; you either wanna fuck children or people dressed as children.
just stay away from the park or ima call chris hansen
Reminder that each individual has a separate set of standards and you don't know how they responded to the clarification.
>loli/shots ≠ cp
keep seething while i enjoy my time with my collection
>yeah so what? I rape kids but you fuck dogs
Man, I wish Kratos was real and would god of war my asshole all night
Why is it always Nintendo fanboys shitposting so much? All this spam.
>loli/shots ≠ cp
i mean you can keep telling yourself that, but you're jerking it to porn that involves kids and that makes you a dangerous degenerate fuck.
They have no games to play
>wanting to fuck anything 3DPD
gross, i prefer the 2D that excludes real life photos
>imagine having so much childporn you call it a 'collection'
Furry children don't look like real life children either but yet you're here advocating for them to die. I agree though, it's sick, just as your attraction to drawn children.
you mean the studies where they take convicted child molestors and ask them if anime makes their peepee hard?
He's trolling, but Rowling probably did intend for Dumbledore to be gay. She wrote him in the 90s when people were even less cool with gays in children's media (two episodes of Arthur have been censored in Alabama) and she outed him when asked by a fan before being an SJW on social media was a popular marketable thing.
what is up with this weird victim complex where one side says the other shitposts more than the other? it's all a fucking shitfest with falseflagging left and right, stop being delusional.
Ah yes, your "collection"
Or the studies that used animated CP to reduce child abuse in Norway.
Or those.
convert to islam.
Greeks all being gay is a huge fucking meme. Greeks had extremely strict and aversive views to homosexuality.
A) The term "gay" did not exist in the Greek language, so they used another term to refer to individuals and actions that were gay (Kinaidos). Kinaidos roughly translates to "an individual who brings about shame". Someone who brings the wrath of Aido, a goddess who punished moral transgressors.
B) Aeschines - "Kata Timarchou", 21. If any Athenian shall be in Etaisese (gay relationship) they will not be permitted to do the following: (1 become one of the nine archons [athenian magistrate], 2)cannot be able to discharge the office of priests, 3) cannot act as an advocate for the state of Athens, 4) cannot hold any kind of office whatsoever, either at home or abroad, nor will they be sent as a herald, 5) they cannot take part in any debate, not be present at publis sacrifices, 6) they shall not enter within limits, a place that has been purified for public assembly. If any individual breaks these laws, they would immediately be put to death. Demosthenes - "Kata Androtionos, 30. Nor shall they have the right to speak or bring any charges before the court. The laws that they had to deal withbasically stripped them of almost any rights they had as citizens on a social, political, and hieratic degree. They essentially became low class citizens. Athens may have had the strictest laws regarding homos, but it was not the only one (non-democratic sparta, democratic crete, and across the majority of Greece, there were similar prohibitions).
tl;dr Greeks being gay supporters is a big fat meme.
If she did intend it, there was nothing in the books to even suggest it. I think people have a problem with it mostly cause it's completely out of nowhere.
C) Phaedrus 231 e. People love to quote Plato as some kind of golden law on how ancient Greeks viewed homosexuality, but Plato himself even stated that he thought it was unnatural
"male does not touch male for this purpose, since it is unnatural. When male unites with female for procreation the pleasure experienced is held to be due to nature, but is contrary to nature when male mates with male or female with female and that those guilty of such enormities [are] impelled by their slavery to pelasure."
"You are afraid of public opinion and fear that if people find out of your affiar, you will be disgraced"
If being gay was the norm, in this case, why would anyone be disgraced if they were found out?
D) Another popular argument for this meme is that people look at the tens of thousands of greek vases that have been found (over 100,000 in Attica alone) as some kind of argument for homosexuality. So far only about 127 have gay themes to them, and only around 30 of those 127 are overtly homosexual. To note, of the ones that were directly homosexual in nature, the homosexual behaviors and acts were only committed by Satyrs; creatures known for their degeretative character and nature. All the others were depicting indications of said practices, because the supposed painters of the vases were afraid of public backlash.
tl;dr Greeks being gay supporters is a big fat meme.
Gays are 2% of population yet 40% of child molesters
Really activates the almonds
Literally fake news. The only socially approved same sex relationships were non-sexual ones. Gay intercourse was regarded as disgusting even there.
i keep my record clean, never commit a crime. but i guess you all want someone to cover up for your acts. that's why you are desperately looking for someone to be the next hitler to deviate attention
well as long as i cum before they shoot me that's fine
where i live is not considered cp so tough luck, buddy
that racist old oppertunistic cunt didnt even have a single brown child in her series until like the third or fourth book, shes a trend chasing twat with no consistency what so ever. 199x, hermonie is a straight up pale as snow white girl as per her own fucking drawings of the character. 201x, "lol i never said she was white, its fine if shes played by a black lady in fact she always was a black lady! I was always writing about race mixing in the fucking 90s for my white children's fantasy book, how dare you question me you bigot".
nice literal 1970s "save our children' propaganda there gramps
stick to your 'save our memes' movement
you seem really upset over the concept of a black hermonie.
was superman ever changed outside of comic books or movies?
seething aids ridden faggot lmao
>i jerk it to kids, why do you have to hate me?
shh kiddie diddler
It makes perfect sense that in normal well adjusted men that the sight of two men kissing would be disgusting because the opposite would be counter productive to continued species survival and procreation.
Also makes perfect sense that non-functioning members of society voluntarily remove themselves from the gene pool by becoming gay. It's a win win, it's just a shame that gay culture is so fucking insufferable.
Noo, 2 minutes sequence where you move instead of fighting and doing QTE.
fucking germans always ruining europe
bruh now he goin jerk it to tommy 'play no games' pickles
There's no need to suggest it. He could come out as straight and no one would really care. Just because he didn't talk to a fucking child about his sexuality doesn't mean he's not gay. Also it matches the canon that he loved proto-Hitler about a century before the events of the first book and never loved again, though it's possible that specific details wasn't hammered out. She had a reason why the most powerful and respected wizard never married or had kids. There's hardly an organic way to shed light on a character like his sexuality even if you wanted to do so in a 90s children's book.
>fighting and doing QTE
Literally better than rowing a boat with your ugly kid for several minutes for an exposition dump.
I don't think you're 'normal or well adjusted' if you're fucking obsessed with what gay people do.
I certainly wouldn't call it obsessed. I'm more obsessed with what's best for society and gay culture/sjw culture certainly play a growing part in that.
because if they attack the big scary companies, they would lose the products they like. So attack the low level unfunded people below.
She was described as having dark frizzy hair and Hermoine is basically "Laquisha" in brit. Not being full blooded grand wizard was another clue. Also not everyone's paleness was described, so there's room interpret her as non-white.
I mean he doesn't have to 'talk to kids' about sexuality; it could of just been any kind of passing remark about any other wizard or Snape or anything. Nor does this even add anything to his character? Like if his sexuality isn't important to the story then idk why you would even say it is that way. I mean maybe it confirms headcanon for people I guess, but I still think it's poor literary skills to just shoehorn something like that.
>Gays are 2% of population
They're more like 0.4% of the population.
>yet 40% of child molesters
Not even close to true and not even a reasonably measurable statistic, seeing as it relies solely on what the perpetrator declares themselves to be, and furthermore pedophilia is not a sexual orientation, it's something else. Pedophiles are so fucked in the head they rarely have a clearly defined sexual orientation. Most of the pedos who fuck little boys still end up marrying and fucking adult women, because pedophilia is not strictly a sexual attraction, it's something else, it's a sick twisted combination of factors.
>in b4 hurr seething faggot cope etc.
Not a fag, not even pro-fag. I just get tired of seeing demonstrably false stats thrown around on this board.
>Nor does this even add anything to his character?
Bitch, fighting game booklets tell you useless shit like Ky Kiske collects tea cups and that's just fun to know. Him being gay "adds more to his character" then the stupid shit we enjoy knowing about characters and fleshes him out better, even plays into him being present in the prequel but just as hands off as ever. Also again, it explains why he remains a suspiciously eligible bachelor for a hundred years.
So do you support literal 10 year olds dressed in drag grinding on grown men at gay pride parades?
it was a fetish the same thing as pissing or foot.
They believed faggotism to just be lust and not emotional.
>someone's half-hearted attempt to appease retards blows up in their face, twice.
I can't tell you how happy this makes me.
>human rights
being a faggot isn't a human right. Neither is being a pedophile.
being a sexual deviant isn't the same as being left handed. 40% of pedos are gay, 70% of new hiv infections are faggots.
>you're just paranoid! sjws and fags aren't influencing your games!
Liberal white women belong in concentration camps.
Did you know most rapists are men? Most murderers too. Assuming your stats are true, the radical feminists were right by your logic. Also that's like asking gamers if they support gun violence because there was shooting at a tournament. Complete nonsense.
He was joking. Please realize you're a paranoid retard and seek treatment.
when i saw him tweet these i knew some fag here would inevitably take the bait, lo and behold
if you lived in a society inhabited by dudes with totally jacked bodies you would be too.
Fag of war lmao fuck these movies
It was believable though. It's more of a prank than a bait.
Some of the stuff rowling says is retarded.
Like how students in hufflepuff or whatever participate in group masterbation sessions.
old testament doesn't count lol
Most mass shooters are white men, let's kill them all.
Why Ancient Greeks were giant flaming homos.
as soon as he said "not to get all jk rowling" it was blindingly obvious that he was making it up so reactionaries would get mad
funny that it also tricked the mentally ill that hes trying to side with and now everyone hates him
He writes like a reddit post
Yeah. Being gay was considered normal, at least in the upper class. Not to go full /his/, but it really is fascinating how views on the subject change not only through time but also from culture to culture. There's some evidence that the practice was disliked among the common people and practiced only among the rich.
How does this refute anything that I posted?
having a gay sex slave is pretty fucking gay
>apologizes for making a joke out of a serious thing
how is the sexuality of a videogame character a serious thing
yes user no lube and tons of diseases but everyone was sucking dicks and fucking each other in the ass its proven!
Now let's see the underaged assault rates
So are you going to actually read my post or not?
Greece was the point when sexual desire became fucked up for years, all sources of degen shit come from there
I can't believe the God of War is a fucking faggot. My god, how do I ever justify my belief in the fucking God of War? How can I justify being the God of War? How can you justify going against whatever people say is the greatest game of all time? Oh. It wasn't my fault. Because I wasn't a great player. That's right. Because I wasn't a good player. I think I could have made something great out of that experience. What? The God of War? And I'm still mad?" He pauses for a bit. "Well…"
As a long-time player myself, I'm now aware it might have been a bit harsh to blame a certain player on his own performance
I'm not really proud of that. I have a big problem and, at that point, I just didn't believe that I was doing it and I was like 'Well fucking it, I had it made, so I'm not going to argue with that at all, I'm gonna do it.' I was thinking 'What the [expletive]?!'"
Stop falling for revisionist history by jews and their lib pets. Spartans were separated by gender because it was believed sex weakens man. Pythagoras wrote extensively about semen retention/celibacy leading to super powers and manhood.
i did read your post. you seem to have counted the number of homo vases out of over 100000. that's actually way gayer than the greeks ever were (and with all their gay sex slaves they were unfathomably gay), which is probably why you exhibit this much denial.
selling my gow 1 2 3 copies right now.