Oculus Quest launch - standalone VR console

>6 DoF headset
>no wires
>instant startup, no friction
>overclocked and fan cooled snapdragon so as powerful as a switch
>good inside out tracking with a larger tracking volume than WMR
>sold out already on amazon and walmart

are you getting one Yea Forums? More games coming this week for the store

Attached: questchad.jpg (960x721, 100K)

how do i get forearms like this dude

Mastrubate 5+ times a day.

you play beat saber on the oculus quest

Attached: quest.jpg (1600x3282, 1.4M)

who is this semen provider?

what the literal fuck is this retard doing

When is the software update that periodically uploads a screencap from your Quest to Oculus servers so that they can monitor your playtime for alt-right activity?

it's cool but it has less games than the standard rift which is already lacking games.

Someone already checked the network load and there is nothing happening in the background besides regular checks whether you are online (for friendlist shit) you paranoid retard

Thanks Oculus PR guy, keep up the good work

Not only is VR a meme gimmick fad that is already over, but for the chads who didn't get the memo that it is already over, HE'S GONNA RUN US OVER

Attached: 1549336106728.jpg (344x296, 19K)

>2 chat sim games
>Kinect port
>Bunch of shitty games that require you to stand still to play properly
>Chink shit
>2 PSVR ports
>Job abd Vac Simulator, two of the most boring fucking games ever

This is pathetic. Why even bother with a fucking $400 dollar toy that doesn't even get first party support because Facebook isn't a games dev.

Attached: 1558234224634.png (240x240, 88K)

It'll get more games once all those incompetent indie devs manage to cram their already old and busted tech demos into N64-tier graphics

Farmer's walk

Rec Room and VRchat aren't video games, kill yourself.

Completely avoid video games (unless you're hired to model for them) and spend the majority of your narcissistic existence eating stuff you don't want to eat, exercising and preening in a mirror

lol there are actual shill(s) for this oculus garbage

imagine wasting money on this failed project

and to think that the majority of those guys do it for free. fuck, no, they actually pay.

Youre so god damn stupid if you believe that.

If Facebook can't carve out their walled garden empire by marketing VR to fickle normalfags, it's over for them. They already cut loose everyone that isn't essential to their mobileshit strat and Rift S is getting panned

>Rift S is getting panned
Theres a difference between something getting panned on Yea Forums and something actually getting panned. Its generally moderately to quite well received

>getting impressively fit makes you a narcissist
Nice cope. You can also eat whatever you want unless you have shit genetics or are specifically aiming for lean gains.

Yes, however
>only a few hours of battery life

Whatever helps you cope you flabby piece of shit, nice dad bod bro

I mean, have you seen /fit/?

>Its generally moderately to quite well received
Thanks Oculus PR guy, keep up the good work

>no u
Nice projection. I'm fitter than you'll ever be. Also pretty lean fyi.
Yes, because /fit/ is the perfect representation of your average gym-goer.

>take a powerbank
>put it in your pocket
>lots of hours of battery life

Attached: spacepiratetrainer.webm (800x800, 2.99M)

lmao whatever you dumb fat fuck, anyone who resorts to screeching "projection" at the drop of a hat is a fat retard manbaby. Let me guess, you're thinking about screeching "strawman" now huh. Go get laid.

You mean ad hominem.
Not an argument. Not my fault you can't comprehend the idea that people actually exercise for reasons other than looking good. Imagine being this jaded. lmao@urlife

Woah, quest gameplay looks like this?

Attached: pavlov-awp.webm (800x800, 2.75M)

That sperg probably has trouble walking up a flight of stairs. He'll never understand that working out is actually pretty fun, even addicting.

Yikes. Never gonna make it

check out this coordination
perfectly organic threads here folks

kys retard

Attached: journeyofthegod1.webm (800x800, 2.96M)

>13 posters
I know exactly which of these posts are mine so this thread is really activating my almonds

Attached: 1533269466071.jpg (842x817, 199K)

I can tell too because you post like a fucking retard

Attached: ultrawings-quest.webm (800x800, 2.99M)

How many times have you made this thread and posted those webms senpai
How do you have any time to actually play lol
Your threads are actual shit

free bumps for my favorite new piece of tech, thanks cuck

Attached: 1550420241220.png (697x420, 719K)

He's not wrong though. I exercise because it my job is very physical and it's overall improved my efficiency. My Dad exercises because he wants to live enough to see his grandson grow up. I know plenty of people at my gym who exercise because it's fun or makes them feel good, and plenty who do it just out of habit. Sure there are narcissists, but by far they are more a minority than a majority. I think you've been browsing /fit/ too much.

Lmao cope

I read up on this thing, the quest should be capable of pushing wii level of graphics in a fully immersive explorable world.
For example resident evil 4 would run on it and the way the game plays would translate well to 6 DoF view with those hand things as the gun.