E-celebrity culture ruins games don't you think?

E-celebrity culture ruins games don't you think?

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no but i do think pepe ruins Yea Forums


stopped going on twitch and the only times i see any of them now is on Yea Forums

Yeah, I think it sucks that your indie game isn't going to succeed unless some streamer covers it.


I don't understand how some people on the internet existing ruins games.

so does frogposting

Youtube e-celebs and Twitch streamers are far less cancer than Kotaku or Polygon.

Yikes, have sex.
Fuck jannies.
Fuck negros.

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This, Im not big on e-celebs but game "journalism is by far the biggest issue now.

That's pepo, user.

why do cucks get so bent out of shape whenever a thread discussing e-queer faggotry pops up?

It's tabloid level gossiping, go to one of the other 100 threads discussing waifus or consoles or whatever.

yes, but I also don't know why people care so much about e-celebs. It boggles my mind.

>haha that's "retarded mutation of the cancer known as pepe #140294352905," it's totally different because reasons

Drone culture ruins games.
>e-celebsays something about game
>twitch drones repeat it
>trickles down to other communities
>game is now defined by what a e-celeb said

What did you mean by this? Even 10 years ago it was very widely known that journalists were fucking garbage with trash, pretentious, pseudo-intellectual opinions.

that's apu you soilent guzzling twitch watching zoomer what the fuck is a pepo

But it is different, because it's not pepe. You wouldn't call yourself a monkey because you're retarded mutation of the cancer known as monkey #391059382, would you?

I'd call you monkey.

I'd call you that from your display of intelligence so far.

What OP posted. Didn't you read the post? Also I am, quite literally, absolutely zero of what you accused me of being.

correction. it's you spergs getting so bent out of shape whenever a frog is posted that ruins this board.

>spam thousands of shitpost threads with your cancer frog
>haha you're just mad for no reason xD
Kill yourself

No but getting assblasted by a meme does.

I'm okay with this, because regardless of what I display or am called, I'm still not wrong.

go spam your shitty frog emotes on twitch you retarded child

any culture ruins things

memes and ecelebs, hell, anyone who wants to be PART OF A GROUP when they GAME and think that everyone is a wacky fuck like them.

leave me the FUCK alone, assholes.

Where is this hostility coming from? Something on your mind, user?

Acting like a fucking retard really doesn't help win people over.

How did I act like a retard, user? Please use quantifiers, not qualifiers.

Nah, Yea Forums ruins video games

you are

user you didn't even use a qualifier there, how am I meant to learn and understand?


You're meant to piss off.

e-celebrities are no different from "normal" celebrities like the Kardashians

In fact, more people watch videos online than TV so e-celebs have bigger audiences that traditional celebs

And we weren't swarmed with people gossiping about the fucking Kardashians before. Yet here we are. What the fuck happened, who let these fags in?

Kardashians are not video games

E-celebs are video game culture

gossip is gossip
did a busful of schoolgirls take a wrong turn somewhere?

The game itself (actual development) or your personal enjoyment of the game?

If the latter then just kill yourself for consuming trash in the first place.

>E-celebs are video game culture
lmao, you're useless insects of the world. You could disappear tomorrow and no one would care aside from nogamers who "watch" games

Its cool, the jannies will just kill a thread over 100 replies if its actually about games. Just bend over and take it, there is no gate keeping any more and the sites moderation is in the toilet. For some reason bait threads that are started and talk about nothing are left alone for hours.

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That's more people than would care if you disappeared tomorrow

If you don't like it, you can ignore the threads, or just fuck off. There is no rule against discussing e-celebs as long as they're gaming-related.

They are? Their breakfast, relationships, the he said-she said game are vidya related now? How?