PC gaming > Consoles

>still playing consoles with their low resolution and shitty framerate
>Not preferring to play PC
Explain yourself console brainlets

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Other urls found in this thread:


Playing on a keyboard just isn’t comfy

I don't enjoy games as much if I have to sit upright in front of a small screen
Also I'm always alt-tabbing for some reasons.
XboneX offers perfecrly fine graphics imo, currently enjoying Sekiro at 1800p, 30-40fps

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bloodborne is fun

I built a PC like everyone said to do, and it was just boring. I'm sticking with consoles until they go away and then I'll be done gaming.

> low resolution
4k? Not even checkerboard shit

> shitty framerate
60fps is shitty?

I can get my foot in the door with a modern console for as little as $200 and don’t need to configure my game prior to playing it.

For the record, I’m currently building an Optiplex sleeper precisely because there’s still some circumstances where PC gaming is indispensable. It’s just not indispensable enough for me to dump my consoles or sink four figures into a rig.

pc is soulless with a soulless community
consoles have soul, controllers and vibration are soul
trophies make games more fun than soulless steam achievements. exclusives. consoles are the way gaming should be done

Would a 1TB SSD be excessive if I'm building a PC for gaming and modelling/animation/and other rendering?

You guys know that you can hook up the PC to a tv and use a controller right?

Feels good to be part of the master race

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yes, i've done that a few times and its not the same. psychologically i can tell that its a soulless experience compared to console, especially with my pc sitting next to the tv. i have to do everything on the pc to set it up, its a hassle, not as clean and smooth as console

They are either too dumb to build a PC or too autistic to enjoy an objectively better experience.

how do you play then?

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I own a gaming pc. For some reason I feel like you notice things like stuttering way more and it makes it harder to enjoy the game. I also feel like it can be tough to get the right level of sharpening whereas with console you don’t have that problem

>be excessive

youre the one who is using it, you tell us how much space you think you need

If I wanted to play scraps from a few years ago I'd get a Switch

>Can't precisely control your character because of controller

Thats for me and the reason why keyboard and mouse is way better

>it's the Western loser who's at his house for most of his free time episode again.
Get a portable console if you really need to play you incel.

The stained glass case is pretty cool desu.

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>participating in platformwars

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>moving in 8 directions is better than moving in 360 directions

mustards everyone

>entering sage in the name field

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bloodborne is on the ps4 only tho you fucking trog

You're not supposed to be playing games on your mom's Hewitt Packard. It's for her work. She bought you an Xbox for a reason, Jayden.

No thats not allowed

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What the hell are you talking about?

He's saying his mom and her new husband wont let him connect the PC to the TV. So, he needs an excuse to convince himself that playing on the console they bought him is better than PC.

I've always owned both up until two years ago when I got rid of my ps4 and 3ds. I don't really mind playing on 30 fps low everything but consoles have fuckall to play nowadays. The best games are only called so because they have a multimillion marketing campaign behind them creating this taboo that you absolutely MUST love them. Then they come out and a week later no one is talking about them anymore because the game just wasn't fun or remarkable. Don't see a reason to keep a console around to play naughty dog scripted garbage when almost everything else has gone multiplat. Bad at the ps2 era pretty much every top tier game used to be an exclusive and you could swim in them. Now consoles get like 1 or 2 exclusives a year and a whole lot of fucking nothing for the rest of the time. They're being kept relevant solely due to pop culture and hype, not because they're actually good.

Consoles are just better. Better UI, physical games that you own, nice looking system (I got the sexy limited edition KH3 PS4 Pro and oh baby), controller, plug and play never any errors or major configuring. The only reason I would use a keyboard is for FFXIV to type. Controllers are a jack of all trades, babay. Keyboard and mouse is shit and only good for FPS and point and click trash. Plus I'm way more interested in console exclusives and what they have to offer than the trash on PC that I could probably play here and there on my lappy.

Don't get me wrong. I love computers. I will get a nice desktop. But fuck you it ain't really going to be for games lol. Emulators are nice I admit, but I would much rather get the soulful experience on the console, even if the console were hacked. (Like 3DS)

Console exclusives.
Trust me, I wouldn't have consoles if their exclusives are on PC. If PC could just get proper gyro aiming controls and exclusives would port to PC, I'm A-OK ditching consoles forever.

No games, overpriced.

Niggers are true gentlemen.

LMAO what a fucking moron. Is that you JayTechTV?

you get the console/pc that your friends have, simple as

This, buying a console and arguing over the other one is stupid asf, they both have same hardware features, you relying on a corporation that will spoonfeed with "exclusives" that you will have to still pay 60$ dollars on top of it.

post average boards IQ
Yea Forums - ?
Yea Forums - ?
/pol/ - ?
/g/ - ?

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My PC died last year and I've been playing on PS4 since. All I can say is God I fucking miss PC gaming.

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Tell your friends to stop being poor or get better friends. PC + Switch is all you will even need.

I just can't get past how PC owners spend thousands of dollars on unnecessary rice shit, but can't be arsed to get a proper office chair, but instead gets overpriced gaming chairs with awful ergonomics. Like why not just spend that money on a good chair by a company that knows their shit? It's not like you'd buy a GPU or power supply buy a manufacturer that makes chairs, so why do the oposite?


>there are people on this board who still limit themselves to a single gaming platform


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>2 hour direction change vs instant direction change



I've payed almost twice for my PC as for PS4 and still can't play all the games I have at 60fps. Not worth it.

Human being by nature are dumb as fuck. They will turn EVERYTHING into a competition to elevate their own sense of self-worth and esteem.

>Apple vs Android
>Ford vs Chevy
>Marvel vs DC
>Sports Teams
>Coke vs Pepsi

and yes

>Shitty underpowered plastic box vs other shitty underpowered plastic box.

I'm not even sure what that's supposed to mean?

I'm a virgin as well OP

>2hour reaction change
But PC ports have 2-years reaction time

>Console fanboy resorts to making things up

here's a (you) now can you tell your mom someone acknowledged you on your super secret hacker club message board.

>making things up
Not really. You sounds butthurt though.

Only pc and switch are worth owning this gen. Might not even need a switch with how fast the emulator is progressing.

then just plug in a controller lmao

God what if you spilled chocolate milk on that bad boy

I'm laying on my back typing this

It's your own fault if you can't find a comfy spot

Yeah really. If you're claiming you can't get 60 FPS on your PC you're either lying through your fingers or you're using your mother's 20 year old desktop still running Windows 98.

cute kot

Jealousy. PS4 has the best gaemes. PC tryna copy, but they just ain't foolin' big papi.

>If you're claiming you can't get 60 FPS on your PC you're either lying through your fingers or you're using your mother's 20 year old desktop still running Windows 98.
Seems like you must be toddler who read about PC gaming from Yea Forums

>30-40 fps

How about 300-400 fps?

PC gaming is for fat nerds without personalities.
I’m too swole and handsome for that shit

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Post your PC and specs then. If you even have one. Chances are you're just Sony fanboy trying to marginalize the more superior platform. So, let's see this PC you can't get 60 FPS on.

Are you saying that 1050Ti for example can run all games at 60fps? You must be toddler.

Yeah, they can.


What games don't run at 60fps on a 1050Ti?

Witcher 3 for example? Are you retarded?

Ask your mom if you can borrow her phone so you can take a pic of this mysterious PC of yours.

PC for multiplayer. Handhelds for comfy time.

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>ask mom
I don't live with mom, toddler. Show me your PC.


And your hand for sex because you are an incel

Unlike consoles you can upgrade your 1050ti to a 1660ti after saving up you fucking retard


>40 year old virgin neckbeards
>40 year old anime virgins
>3rd world poorfags
>teenagers without consoles
>no games
>people who hate games

>people with money
>people with friends
>people who enjoy games

Not a hard decision for me

>got proven wrong and move goalposts
>call anyone retard
What a retard.


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PC is more useful than consoles, and creates a double hobby of building up a computer to do even better things with it.

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Sourcing on background.

nigga that game just runs like shit in general, in fact, all witcher games run like shit. i couldn't get above 60fps on a fucking 970 and the game looks like shit, meanwhile, on actual optimized games, i get 100+ fps easy.

CDPR is just shit.

>dips to 40fps

There are so many games that run at 60fps on it but there are others that do not. If games that you like dont run efficiently on it just upgrade you mongoloid

How's pride month been treating you, snoyboy peasant? Must feel bad to be part of the most pussified fandom on the planet, what with how much money Snoy threw at last year's parade. Meanwhile, PC gamers will NEVER EVER get publically humiliated by our masters like that, by the sheer fact that we're way too decentralized for that to even become a thing.

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looks like something for ass creed origins.

He can't. He's a poorfag (like 98% of a console users).

Well yeah, I hate games so I guess that's why I prefer PC gaming.

Depends on how much you will be doing all those things. Gaming alone can take up a huge amount of space depending on how much you play. The other things you want to do I assume also take up a decent amount of space so assuming you plan to do all of those things extensively, you will want more space. I recommend getting the 1tb ssd and then buying a cheap 2-4tb hdd

Sure you cant, you already told us that living with a brain damage is hard

It dips to 30fps, actually.
Nope, it's considered to be good optimized game which is best part, it runs better on my PC than AssCreed Black Flag from last gen.
>I get 100fps easy
Me too in some pixelated games, that dosen't say much.

tl;dr never reply to me again third worlder shitstain

Not that user, but okay :(

>Not building your PC inside your desk
Don't tell me you still use your archaic PC towers

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Consolefags fail to understand that you can change the hardware and get great fps in the whole life time of a console whereas the graphics on the console remain the same for 5-6 years

Because people don't research shit.

But you said it will run at 60fps which was original argument, don't know why you bring buying new hardware suddenly. You must be some failed abortion or something.

But a PS4 Pro and One X run at higher res than most of PC rigs

Consoles aren't better at all. They do have errors. You do have to configure them including installing system and game updates and there's nothing soulful about modern consoles. They're outdated-on-release single purpose PCs with all the drawbacks of a general PC and none of the features. Console "exclusives" are one playthrough is enough story games which you could have just as much fun watching on YouTube or a stream.

Herman Miller Embody is >$1000
A racing gamer chair is

>spending $4k on a desk

>all the games are same in terms of resource consumption
What games do you even play?

It does run at 60, you just watched the first couple of minutes and clicked it off.. little a true welfare, single parent raised retard console player... you have no argument.

I have a PC I just haven't made the full leap over to it. I probably will soon though (after I upgrade it)

PC has been able to do 4K for years now
ACTUAL 4K, not """"""""4K"""""""" that consoles do

>The fact that its a PC makes it a souless experience

That's genuinely neat

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Consoles used to have soul but now they're just shitty versions of PCs that force you to install updates every time you power it on, and force you to install your games just like on PC.

Yet no games on PC how sad lol

>But a PS4 Pro and One X run at higher res than most of PC rigs

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No, it drops to 40-30fps, watch whole video. Not only your brain is damaged but also eyes?

absolute unit

>platform with objectively majority of games has no games

It's true, in fact most PCs runs game worse than even Xbox One.

PC gaming has no soul and I’m 100% serious

You can play virtually anything on PC including console games from past generations. Even some current gen games can be emulated like BotW.

Are you really that fucking stupid? At minute 2:40 he's clocking over 60FPS. You didn't watch it, did you?

I have a switch for the good games though. Literally no reason to buy a PS4 except bloodborne. Just buy what you want faggot


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What parts of "drop to 40-30fps" you don't understand you idiot? Dear god.

Console gamers have no souls and I’m 100% serious

This thread is for adults, fuck off manchild loser.

>This thread is for adults

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>forgets gpd wins and netbooks exist

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What games?

This. Nothing feels better than playing my favorite multiplayer games on the computer for a couple hours, followed by an hour or two of Zelda: Breath of the Wild while laying down in my comfy bed before sleep! It doesn't get any better :) after I've finished all my responsibilities for the day, of course; work before pleasure xD

That's because he had the settings cranked all the way up - and still got over 60 FPS. He could turn his settings down to high or medium (and it would STILL look better Shitbox One or PlayFaggot 4).

How about now you mental fucking dwarf.

>Flaming/flagrant "fanboyism"/etc. will not be tolerated.
>>>Yea Forumsrules/2
>Threads should not devolve into flamewars. Instigating or encouraging such activity will not be tolerated.
>>>Yea Forumsrules/3

But okay, I'll answer your question. It comes down to cost.

Xbox One S: £200 / $200 (approx)
Ryzen 3 2200G PC (just using the iGPU): £300 / $300 (approx)

This is basically the cheapest viable gaming PC setup you can get, and yet the 2200G's iGPU, while being good, is still not as powerful as the Xbox One S's: 1.4 TFLOPs vs. 1.12 TFLOPs. Source: thumbsticks.com/are-amd-ryzen-apus-video-game-console-killers/

Yes, you could build a cheaper gaming PC by getting random second hand components from eBay or other sources. But you will almost certainly have to use an old, shitty CPU to get costs down, and probably an old shitty mobo which may not support modern features like USB 3. And if this is the case, what's the point of building a PC at all? If you're making a PC that can run games but is shit at doing PC productivity tasks, then why not just get a console since gaming is all you're going to use it for anyway, and save the extra cost/hassle of the PC?

Also there is convenience and PEACE OF MIND. With a console, you KNOW that you can run all of the latest games, until the next generation. With a PC, you don't know this. Some games might fuck your system. With a console, millions of people have the exact same hardware as you, so you know that the developers are optimising for your particular hardware, and fixing any major issues on that hardware.

Also, if you're going to use the PC for productivity, then you need a monitor, for another £100 / $100 at least. A console only needs a TV, and most people have TVs already. You could use the PC on a TV, but this is crap for productivity, and like I said earlier, if your PC can't do productivity, you may as well just buy a console.

Gaming PCs are cool, but expensive. This is why most people buy consoles.

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Already played botw on pc in 4k 60fps. now name me three good games on the switch that worth buying the console for.

I never had a Nintendo console as a kid so the whole catalog is new to me

>mid to high
>all setting cranked up
Go to Novigrad, it runs even worse.

>low settings
1050 Ti is so fucking bad

I've got a 1tb SSD and a 2tb sshd. Configuring boot discs can be a pain, but it frees me up to run more demanding stuff off the SSD and the actually optimized games off the sshd where the faster load times would be negligible anyway.

Video clearly says high settings which is higher than the base console versions (that are capped at 30 and also drop frames)

>hrrrrr muh teraflops.

I doubt you even know what a teraflop is.

Most PCs have GTX 1060, an Xbox One X equivalent

nice try faggot

Less than 2% of people on Steam run games at 4K
Meanwhile 100% of Xboxers (or Xchads as I call them) run at 4K, even the Pro runs at higher than 1440p


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the oldest quote from the book of cope

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It drops to 50-40fps when he moves to mid setting without Nvidia Hairwork too. Again, check your eyes. At high settings, it drops to 27 fps.

I had my game at mostly high-max with the odd mid and some texture mods and novigrad was the only place the frame rate would dip. Gtx970 i7 4790. Game ran pretty darn well. Aside from the heat. That bitch got hot.

>no games
that goes for the kekbox and shitch, not pc

I live in a third world country user. Cant get my hands on a new one or used

>Most PCs have GTX 1060
Source: my fag ass.

Look at this thread. Do you really think it's for adults?

It's not

>Me too in some pixelated games, that dosen't say much.
keep projecting dumb fuck. im getting 100-120 fps in nuDoom right now on a 970.

100+ fps on warframe
120+ fps on shadow warrior 2
yet i get sub 60 fps on shitter 3.

makes no fucking sense when you say its optimized, because it isn't. the only thing thats "optimized" are the LoDs because everything thats 10ft infront of you drops in quality so fucking much that it looks like clay and 2D trees, and it still runs like shit.

>90% of console games are also available on PC
>the other 10% of console exclusives are 15-20 year old franchises that are riding off fumes and have been dead for the last 3 installments
>and even those can be pirated on PC

I own a PC and PS4, but let's not act like consoles and console owners are objectively better lol. They both have their pros and cons, but aren't really any different.

>people with money

a good PC will cost a minimum of $500, though most medium grades will push $1,000 minimum. Not sure how you decided that 'people with money' just prefer console. An aguement could be made that for what you pay for a console, that money would be better spent investing into a computer. Also most PC users choose PC because of the online capabilities with their friends. Most consoles users I know don't really have consoles for online play. Don't bash PC's just because you don't have one. A PC is basically a better console.

I agree with this. Controllers are more comfy.

>currently enjoying Sekiro at 1800p, 30-40fps
Can you change it so it's 1080p/60? Or even 960p/60? Personally I'd take either of those over 1800p/30. If you can't change it, that's a bit annoying. Obviously some games on XB1 do run at 60fps, like Halo 5, and other games have uncapped framerates I believe, like Project Cars 2, which I think runs around 60fps on the X.

Yeah I agree with you about the upfront cost.

As for an Optiplex sleeper, yeah that's an option I guess. I think if I build a gaming PC though (which I may do in the coming years) then I might just build around one of the budget Ryzen chips, which should be a fair bit more powerful than what you'd get in a years-old Optiplex. Yes it will cost more too, but I just figure if you're building a PC, then surely it should be powerful at PC tasks too. If you go for a cheap/old CPU tied with a gaming GPU then yeah, it will run games, but the weak CPU will harm your PC experience. At which point, maybe the whole point of having a PC is undermined.

Also personally I'd want to run emulators, which are CPU intensive.

But for a cheap gaming rig then yeah, Optiplex rigs can give you very good gaming results in most games for cheaper than any other gaming PC really.

That's a fuckton of hassle, unless you buy like some sort of display switch, which just adds more cost to the PC setup compared to the console setup.

Check your eyes video clearly shows high settings.

Very true. They're just shitty PCs now, they used to be real game boxes

I have 1050ti and Assasin Creed Black Flag drops to 30fps. I don't even want to play other Ubi games. Also you sound like nigger.

Teraflops are often used to measure performance you fucking brainlet.

PC doesn't have any worthwhile exclusives.

Why are consolefags technologically illiterate?

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It also shows mid settings. Are you this retarded or pretending right now?

literally 1 google search away

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Because online communities on PC die in less than a month

You're not pretending.

>Less than 2% of people on Steam run games at 4K
millions of people with shitty outdated bricks vs 1 person with the best setup in the world.

yeah because that somehow equates to consoles being better than PCs.

absolute retard.

>14 - 16%
>most PC are 1060!
Why PC fags are so illiterate brainlets?

Most games that are no longer playable on consoles still have a community on PC

give ONE (1) (uno) (ein) (oдин) reason to get a console over a PC other than muh 1-2 exclusives

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>Why PC fags are so illiterate brainlets?

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Game wise you’re right, but playing switch games on a switch is much more enjoyable in my mind then playing them on a computer.

muh more than 1-2 exclusives.

Thanks for conceding.

You can buy PS4 and play all multiplatform games and exclusives or buy PC and play only multiplats. Also exclusives are the best games.

video shows mid settings too. You are retarded. There is nothing more to say, don't know why you still replying.


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>doesn't reply to any particular post because he's too afraid of the BTFO that he will be given in response

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I’m not a virgin

t. seething pcfag

Here's your (You)

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>better technology has less soul
so this is the power of reddit


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did like I hit a nerve?

>play all multiplatform games

>muh AAA and well known indieshit is all games
holy fuck hahahah

no, you are a good source of laughing stock though.

that is really fucking ugly wallpaper

>AAA games good! need more AAA game! lootbox! dlc!
>pirating bad! emulating bad! need AAA or bad game!

Stop posting babies.

>I have 1050ti and Assasin Creed Black Flag drops to 30fps.
no shit retard, its fucking asscreed. what the fuck did you expect? ubisoft has been known for not optimizing their games for PC. literally a simple search online will show you this.

also you can call me whatever you want, still doesn't mean you're right.

just go back to playing consoles if you're just gonna play console games on a PC. there is literally no fucking point to owning a PC if all you're going to play are shitty unoptimized console ports.

Nobody cares about you shitty niche weeb games and old games.

>still no RDR2 on PC
I feel buyers remorse. It was supposed to be 60fps on PC and PS4 and Xbone runs it better. PC sucks.


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>you are a good source of laughing stock
Ya I'm thinking this illiterate consoletard is seething.

>60fps is shitty?

Once you've tried a game at 144Hz 144fps you can never go back. 60 fps feels like torture.

>nobody cares about your old games
>I only like new AAA games
oh no no no good thing i can do both

>1050Ti can run all games at 60fps!
>no, it can't
>b-but it's just shitty port!

red dead isn't as good as everyone seems to think it is anyway. its literally just watered down GTA.

>i enjoy 40fps maximum on console and low graphics

This: Wow you're butthurt, why are PC morons so insecure?

Only for shitty normie games like CoD

>All X1X equivalent/better than X1X GPUs make up 33,17% of that list's total.
>All better-than-Xbox One GPUs make up 55,58% of the list's total. (Excluding GTX 750 Ti)
>Xbox One still beats all of them lmao

learn to research next time faggot

>when you feebly attempt to mimic the post of someone smarter than you because you're too braindead to come up with a literate response on your own

Nah. Consoles are better and I already explained why. Console exclusives are better and there isn't anything PC has over them. Calling them a 'story' game means nothing because they are all completely playable games with addicting gameplay and if you would rather watch them on Youtube then you don't play games.

Angry because I spoke the cold truth in your face without any fucks. PC is trash and there is nothing you gain from having one over all the consoles.

I dont know if its just the height of my desk, but I feel like its not a comfortable position to game for hours.


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Hey JayTech how come you never made a reply to the video Rags made destroying you?

does anyone else always turn up their mouse sensitivity to almost the highest? i don't get why the default is always so low. I need it as high as possible

>indieshit is the only other games besides AAA games
HAHA NO NO NO consolefags literally only know two things

So you admit you were wrong, you lost argument and you are technological illiterate retard who know nothing about PC gaming? Ok.
The original argument was about Xbox X not Xbox One user. My research is ok, your anal devastation level not.

>quoting your own post

we're reaching critical "no you" levels my little ESL

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yeah, I also forgot about some Chineese MOBA games you got this year.

Uhm we got Counter Strike and WoW ;)

>you lost argument and you are technological illiterate retard

Wow I really did hit a nerve, the ESL retard is still seething over that post


People grew up with Consoles as children, so they think that's how you are supposed to game, it has to be a gaming machine made by my favourite corporation like Sony or Nintendo or it isn't gaming

That's what he means by PC gaming being soulless, it's honestly quite pathetic

>this fucking guy calling me some e-celeb
Is PC the most popular platform? It's not, anywhere. A 900$ phone is much, much better and more worthy than a 900$ PC for vIdYa games.

Thats fucking dope.

>he's such a brainlet that he hasn't figured out that there are multiple people in this thread who aren't pc weenies like him

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No, just won an argument and now laughing at a raging retard.

So, how big was that install base for X1X and PS4 Pro?

You can just use HDMI, what do you mean display switch?

Although, to be fair, not all PC gamers are bad, just the autistic ones who can't comprehend the obvious reasons why most people play on console. Like you!

can someone tell me if this desk seems too high

Attached: desk.png (3000x1594, 1.93M)

handhelds are peak comfy

Why should I care? Why did you say 1060 is "most PC" when it was a lie?

That's why I said "that's a fuckton of hassle". Switching HDMI cables is too much fucking hassle which is why nobody does it on a regular basis.

PC is soulless and swarming with poorfag third worlders

>blatant samefag hasn't figured out everyone realizes he's samefagging

Nice selife, loser.

>PC has a souless community
>Now excuse me while i load up Fortnite on PS4, which is based on a genre created by PC modders

Fuck you

But it IS the most popular GPU

hey bros. I'm gonna fucking do it. I'm gonna join the mustard race and use consoles only for excushits.

How do I set up my battlestation for maximum comfyness? Only thing I really like about console gaming is lounging back on a couch. I'm only worried about slouching on a computer chair and straining my hand.

Also, anything I should know/prepare for pc gaming?


Attached: 1479915595131.jpg (1024x768, 94K)

>10 seconds to unplug and plug a cable

the absolute state of fat lazy Americans



what the fuck do you mean by sharpening? besides post processing sharpening is aids, you want a clean image as possible

That explains why every other consolefag shitposter on Yea Forums is a poorfag ESL third worlder.


>owning all platforms besides PS4 because you're not a faggot weeb

truly the way of the patrician

Attached: tumblr_pmc8ixy8p51vljaq5o1_1280.jpg (553x1280, 169K)

>most people play on console

in what world do you live in? PC dominates gaming by a huge margin. Consoles are only popular in the US, Canada, and a few places in Europe.

>"N-No! I won the argument!"
keep raging my little retard.

I enjoy softmodding old consoles and loading them up with my favorite games on them.

Yeah, I don't even know why he's bringing the 1050Ti up. You can get 580s for the same price.

>plug and play

Every time i turn my PS4 on, there is a bunch of updates

>major configuring

It's funny you mention KH3, because you have to play around with settings to get it running at 60fps on PS4 Pro

>Can you change it so it's 1080p/60? Or even 960p/60? Personally I'd take either of those over 1800p/30. If you can't change it, that's a bit annoying

The framerate is unlocked, it runs at 35 to 50fps. No you can't change it and you wouldnt wanna change it if you have a nice, big 4K HDR tv like I do

Attached: 2019-06-03_10-39-33_AM-myxu1eq1.jpg (3840x2160, 708K)


Attached: 4992.jpg (300x180, 8K)

>>what are folders

WHAT IS WINDOWS KEY + P. What a tard

Same thing happened to me.

PC has more exclusives than PS4 and every current gen console combined. What you're really saying is hyper marketed exclusives are the best games (because you fell for the marketing)

>Every time i turn my PS4 on, there is a bunch of updates
Cool. Maybe play it more because I haven't had any in weeks, or play something else while it downloads on your should-be fast internet.

And no you don't. There is just one setting

>PC has more exclusives than PS4
no they dont
pixelshit crap is not exclusive

Turn down the settings, Witcher 3 is running way higher draw distance than Consoles

Attached: 1559119145382.gif (1920x1080, 2.46M)

Consolefags are literally retarded

Attached: default-640x360.jpg (640x360, 32K)

>hyper marketed
>falling for it

well, when you're IQ is sub-80 (as is with most console players) such isn't exactly surprising.

Wow bro the one setting i was talking about !

>Switching HDMI cables is too much fucking hassle
>my GPU has five outputs
What did he mean by this?

>he thinks there are more unplayable games on PC than there are on PS4
Are you retarded?

Here is what Console gamers actually are


These are the kids that call me nigger on PS4, why i moved to PC

this is what my GTAV looks like on highest settings except grass. PC gaming is a meme, looks worse than PS4 version

Attached: 271590_20190603204145_1.png (1920x1080, 3.17M)

>And no you don't. There is just one setting
Also the games performance changes depending on whether your console is set to 4k or 1080p. So there are multiple settings and you are in fact a massive retard.

I've found controller support to be inconsistent among games.

>gets bullied away by a couple of kids abloobloo waaaah
Good, fuck off weak nu-male loser

>i turned down the grass why does the grass look bad

everything else looks worse than the PS4 version. PS4 version has a smoother look and better lighting than PC

Nigger who are you trying to fool

There isn't anything good though. It's literally old Western trash that only dedicated PC players play, like trash like Total War. You have to know that nobody likes those games, and it certainly isn't better than any console exclusives, hell no. Shit like Torchlight you can play on a shitty laptop.

Just end your life.

>he can't brush of being called a nigger by children

PC gaymers are mentally weak

Attached: 559.jpg (488x351, 24K)

People's PC's can run 4K gaming, they just have a 1080p monitors or 144hz 1080p monitors which are quite popular

Same as a lot of people with X's have 1080p TV's, it's the same thing

>no argument

top kek, Console gaymers really are sub-IQ

No wonder they are all trannies with anime pictures on Steam

There is only a few million Xbox One X's sold, i dunno why Console gamers act like all PS4's & XO's magically transferred into the Pro models

>those exclusives are trash and nobody likes them because they ruin my argument

You're right.
>Kids (under 18) make up only 21% of the overall gaming community.
>75% of all Xbox players are under 18
>60% of all PS4 players are under 18

Kids dominate the console world. Most adults (not manchildren, I mean actual adults) are on PC.

Of course you also get a lot more dudebros and douchebags on console as well as more casual FPS/Sports only "bruh" types.

>not an idort

Yeah console players aren't known for being degenerates haha

Attached: console gaymers.jpg (784x489, 540K)

How come all PC gamers are fucking ugly and fat?
Consoles are for Chads

This isn't actually true, most games only last a month, the difference is on PC Steam shows you the stats

PC gamers & Console gamers both have their games they like to stick to, Console gamers like COD & FIFA, PC gamers like CS:GO & LOL, etc etc

Also there are several multiplats that don't run at 4k on Xbone X that do on PC.

Of course you will never see them blame the developer when it performs badly on PC. It's only the devs fault if the console doesn't run it at full 4k for some reason.

>PS4 gamers
>lol indie shit on PC
>also PS4 gamers
>Why can't we get Cuphead? it's not fair

How come all PC gamers are fucking ugly and fat?
Consoles are for Chads.

gotta grow marketshare somehow, and what easier way is there than luring in PC trannies?

RDR2 is coming to PC this year
as an epic games store exclusive!

How come all PC gamers are fucking ugly and fat
Consoles are for Chads

Remember this? Lmao

Attached: FEC854F3-8421-4D46-B773-67656141424D.jpg (1024x793, 81K)

>n-no those are pc trannies not literal consolefags!

Attached: 1446651676583.gif (245x207, 2M)

a solid 30fps or 60fps is better than an uneven framerate

I am not trying to fool anyone. I just checked and literally all my settings are very high, and this is what it looks like. I also own it on PS4 and it looks better on console, with a glossier look and better lighting.

Attached: 271590_20190604183131_1.png (1920x1080, 2.62M)


Why am I not surprised that consoletard shitposters are also phoneposters. No wonder this board is so shit

>I also own it on PS4 and it looks better on console,

That's not on high either.

Attached: 1558119614924.jpg (600x600, 58K)

>nobody likes those games because they are not cinematic 3rd person games

lol, the new total war is the fastest selling ever

How come all PC gamers are fucking ugly and fat.
Consoles are for Chads.


The PC version can fake ray traced GI, but sure, the PS4 version looks better with it's flat PS3 generation lighting

Look we made this for PC trannies ok? Stop calling console players gay.

Attached: GayStation-720x556.jpg (720x556, 44K)

>being this desperate

Attached: GTA5_2018_09_26_00_43_18_429.jpg (1920x1080, 1.2M)

The reason for that is really simple, consolebro - normalfags can't bother themselves with anything more complicated than a microwave. PC requires you to be not stupid to do shit on it, including vidya. Wanting simplicity isn't a bad thing, but saying that not having to think is good is simply pants on head retarded. Well, unless you are a fucking tool.
Why in the fuck would you need 900$ phone, holy fuck. I use 2015 Samsung A5 and it's all I need. Stupid ducking zoomers and their obsession with phones, Jesus Christ, it's useless for work, useless for leisure (unless you want to play fucking minesweeper, in this case I wholeheartedly advice you to do it, best fucking game ever) and useless for searching the web for anything due to atrocious design of mobile webpages. Phone should be used for calling people and at that thing it excels.

>this board has gotten so underage that there are “people” unironically defending consoles now
Yeah I’m out.

>That's not on high either.
Yes it is. These are my settings

Attached: 271590_20190604184526_1.png (1920x1080, 1.1M)

and this is the result of these settings. why does it look so shitty?

Attached: 271590_20190604184556_1.png (1920x1080, 2.5M)

See ya faggot. Don't forget to download this week's latest hentai torrents

Attached: 1559318693495m.jpg (1024x768, 132K)

Yeah me too.

>consolefag salty he can't torrent on his console

>take a screenshot of the graphics menu settings on high
>turn the settings back down to low before taking another screenshot in game

It takes a 2 second google search to find comparisons between the PC and PS4 versions at their highest settings to see you're full of shit. I don't really know what you're trying to accomplish here with these blatant shitposts but enjoy the (You)s I guess.

Attached: fcac3f4c_maxresdefault.jpg (1920x1080, 533K)

that's not what i did, and you know it. that's what the game looks like on those settings.

That's exactly what you did, and we both know it. That's not what the game looks like at high settings and anyone who wants to waste their time googling actual comparisons can see you're full of shit.

>stained glass

top lel

Literally who cares about graphics, consoles and pc's are just the same anyways. Except on my pc I can play with mouse and keyboard, or controller, and I can use it for more things than games. I still have a playstation though, because consoles are way better for hanging out with friends. But in the end, the only thing that really matters is the games, and so just buy whatever has the games you want to play.

Attached: 1558993381450.jpg (640x480, 64K)

It is what the game looks like at high settings because the game sometimes has a shitty time with fuzzy lines and textures

Xbox One S is based on hardware from 2013, and has trash performance in most games even compared to budget PCs.
Ryzen 3 2200G was released last year and regularly goes on sale for ~$50. More often than not you can buy it in a mobo combo for less than $100, so your point that "you have to use an old shitty CPU and mobo" is demonstrably false. You can take care of productivity tasks on a low end PC, and if your productivity requires more than that then why not just knock out two birds and use it for gaming too?

>With a console, you KNOW that you can run all of the latest games, until the next generation. With a PC, you don't know this. Some games might fuck your system. With a console, millions of people have the exact same hardware as you, so you know that the developers are optimising for your particular hardware, and fixing any major issues on that hardware.
tl;dr I am too tech illiterate to operate a PC and only blame developers when the console version doesn't work properly, despite there being multiple versions of console hardware.

>Also, if you're going to use the PC for productivity, then you need a monitor, for another £100 / $100 at least. A console only needs a TV, and most people have TVs already. You could use the PC on a TV, but this is crap for productivity, and like I said earlier, if your PC can't do productivity, you may as well just buy a console.
tl;dr I am a braindead chimp who only factors in the cost of a display for PC despite also being able to play on TVs by moving the goalpost to productivity

There's nothing wrong with buying a console but console fans who try to rationalize their inferiorty over PC are beyond pathetic.

Literally wrong

>Explain yourself console brainlets
There is only two valid reasons to be a console user
>too dumb to build and use a PC
>actual child

Attached: 1557186178504.jpg (657x960, 49K)

>>With a console, you KNOW that you can run all of the latest games, until the next generation. With a PC, you don't know this. Some games might fuck your system.


Attached: dx8mar3tcdk21.jpg (763x563, 44K)

console players just don't give a shit pc virgin, not everyone wants a manchild machine

Attached: 1559178084325.png (720x960, 607K)

that doesnt even look like an ingame screenshot or it looks very modded

How bad do you smell?

my pc stronger than yours

I dont know how Im supposed to prove it to you. But this is what my game looks like when everything is set to Very High

Attached: 271590_20190604190239_1.png (1920x1080, 2.65M)

vanilla looks great already

Attached: GTA5_2019_03_25_12_48_11_999.jpg (1920x1080, 722K)


If a game runs badly on PS4 or Xbox, you have to upgrade to a Pro or XBX, stop pretending it's the old days

female poster

Yes it looks better in times other than broad daylight but I think in total bright daylight it looks weaker

Attached: 271590_20190604190508_1.png (1920x1080, 2.24M)

Bite my ass, I like the 360 and PS2/3. Older consoles at least also have a comfiness to them.

no it doesn't

Attached: GTA5_2019_03_25_12_55_03_530.jpg (1920x1080, 1.48M)

Aright, someone post a link of a good gaming machine. Go!

Attached: 1494555861599.png (403x720, 103K)

I'm British, it's far too much effort, especially since the HDMI ports are on the back of the PC, requiring you to reach over. Or you have to reach around the back of your TV and monitor instead. Either way, it's a fucking ball ache which is why nobody actually does this with any regularity.

I don't know who this is directed at, but I haven't made either of those arguments. My main argument was cost, and convenience is a secondary factor - you can see my argument here: I'm in Europe, and yeah, console dominates in every developed country. GTA V has sold between 10m and 20m copies on Steam, according to Steam Spy. But it's sold 110m in total. So even if we say 20m on PC to be the most generous we can to PC, that's still 90m on console and 20m on PC. So 18% of sales would be on PC, and 82% on console.


>Also I'm always alt-tabbing for some reasons.
Same. Every fucking loading screen or some shit I'm alt-tabbing and browsing the web

ADD sucks bro

Consoles are pretty dominant in Australia and New Zealand, too.

Sorry I don't know all your weirdo PC shit because I'm a normal and socially functioning person who plays console, instead of being a loner shut-in who plays PC.

Attached: pc gamer.jpg (960x540, 91K)

if you really want to use a controller and a small ass screen you can plug one into your computer you fucking retard, AND get free games, mods, high framerates, higher details, higher resolution, and you also have a computer to do computer things with

>just buy a new console when a new AAA game literally bricks your old one

console gamers everyone!

I play both PC and consoles.
And don't try to bring up income because I am a poor fag and can still afford to have a PC for the best multiplats and emulation and also consoles like the PS4 Pro for exclusives.

Loyalty to one side it stupid since companies don't give a shit about you.

Attached: Sort of Poor College Student 12.jpg (3999x3238, 3.48M)

>if a AAA console exclusive receives universal praise from players and critics alike then it's just "marketed"!
Man, I didn't think the butthurt of PC weenies from lacking exclusives would make them perform THIS level of mental gymnastics.

>spend over three times as much to play the same games
>somehow think that it's the people saving money who are retarded
You're not very bright are you?

Attached: brainlet2.jpg (645x729, 57K)

>wojack poster with no arguments

opinion discarded

>built a top of the line gaming PC
>realize there's not much benefit to playing games on PC other than a kinda higher framerate

>the wittle kids bullied me and i didn't like it so i went crying for my mummy and she told me i should stay away from the big mean boys on console!

Attached: laugh3.jpg (780x439, 24K)

>normal and socially well-adjusted people are "douchebags"
>meanwhile nerd weirdo autist shut-ins like me are "actual adults"

Attached: laugh6.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

>I didn't think the butthurt of PC weenies from lacking exclusives (ignore the fact that PC has objectively more exclusives because my butthurt mental gymnastics) say they don't count would make them perform THIS level of mental gymnastics.
>You're not very bright are you?
>>spend over three times as much to play the same games

Attached: D6058WXVUAEt9uW.jpg (720x738, 34K)

The arguments are right there mate. I'm sorry that you're too fucking stupid to understand them.

Attached: brainlet3.jpg (208x326, 10K)

Still waiting for those arguments. Also nice selfie, loser

>just repeats what i said and has no argument whatsoever

Attached: brainlet5.jpg (1838x2048, 157K)

I wasn't responding to one.

They're right there in the post mate, I'm sorry you're too fucking stupid to decipher them.

Are you thirteen years old?

are you just as retarded no one needs an explanation you twit clearly that user is a retard and so is everyone else. Fuck, PC or console you're a faggot no matter what.

Yes you were, and you're so fucking stupid that you couldn't think of a counterargument.

How utterly pathetic.

Attached: pathetic.jpg (818x503, 163K)

Still not seeing any arguments. Your stutter posting outs you as thirteen year old child or woman.

I have a HDMI wire from my PC to my TV, even though I got everything I prefer playing on my PC if only for the 60fps gameplay. The fact my PC is way quieter then the Pro or One X is a nice bonus.

I really think this will be the last gen I buy all the consoles. Since MS is porting everything to Steam/PC anyways and first party Sony games are not for me. Nintendo still pumping out good games so i'll stick with them.

Sony might get me if the PS5 has backwards compatibility for all prior PlayStation games. Sure you can emulate PS1,2, and even 3 now but it be nice to have a fast easy way to play my discs without emulating.

Attached: 20190508_060743_stitch.jpg (5000x2750, 2.81M)

>you couldn't think of a counterargument.
Because there were none to counter. Do I need to keep repeating myself?

everyone who acts like this isn't either swole or handsome

>asking weeaboos on a weeaboo forum to explain their preference for more Japanese-centric platforms

Attached: when-4chan-users-complain-about-consoles.png (1015x506, 60K)

This is what a normal and socially functioning well-adjusted adult looks like:

Not an ass ravanged autistic weirdo shut-in who nobody likes and relentlessly shitposts about computer games out of sheer butthurt.

Attached: 1447449298420.png (382x346, 169K)

I think he's talking about Japanese games, user, which is where all the soul in the industry comes from and which are far more prevalent on consoles than PC.

Attached: 1508986666935.jpg (950x682, 485K)

Hahaha, I've had the best online experiences on pc gaming this year alone, enjoy talking to a kid on your fortnite squad

NBA 2k is a better rpg game than ffxv.

> My main argument was cost
Which was already countered here Also PC dominates in the UK and most of northern Europe, ie the most developed countries. And the PC version of outsold every individual console version, despite being the last edition of the game to release years later. Pooling every console version of the game and pretending they released simultaneously with PC is pathetic.

Attached: jJ43Eua.jpg (1080x1544, 370K)

your screenshots look no better than his. that doesnt look great for highest settings.

This aint the 90's anymore man, PC gets most Japanese games these days

Half of those Japanese games are on PC though. Also ironic posting PS4 games when Sony has made their anti-japanese bias clear.

>it's modded!

It's also pay to win.

Attached: 2018-09-05-image-26.jpg (1680x945, 222K)


I even prefer Dualshock 4 for FPS's which have vehicles/jets like Battlefield for the analog control.

Attached: DS4.0.jpg (1200x480, 34K)

Dualshock is one of the worst controllers for analog control though.

Why do you lie on the internet friend?

BF jets are meant to be played with a joystick, not shitty thumbsticks

How much for a 4K60+ fps PC?
For games like Shadow of Nulara, Sekiro, Metro Exodus etc...
Genuinely asking

Pot calling the kettle a nigger.

It's using 2x MSAA with FXAA and mostly Very High settings. Otherwise framerate shits the bed when being near bushes. It's just a 1060 3GB I got for 180$ two years ago.

Attached: GTA5_2019_03_25_12_58_53_231.jpg (1920x1080, 886K)

no money
i don’t have a console either for the record

Depends on what settings
If you want higher settings than what console provide, which often can't do true 4k or even 60fps, then it's obviously going to be more expensive

Attached: xboxvspc.jpg (2133x1423, 819K)

I miss when console hardware was actually state of the art instead of just being gimped PCs like today

let's show the mustard incels bros:

Attached: stevejobs1200xx1836-1033-0-96.jpg (1200x675, 86K)

Imagine being so poor that you don't own every console and a high end pc.

>mods are unfair!
>it's not even modded
fucking KEK

>low effort Yea Forums thread on /g/

Attached: 1558289173921.gif (460x426, 299K)

Sounds like a waste of money when I only need a high end PC + console to comfortably enjoy any game I want

>40 year old virgin neckbeards
>40 year old anime virgins
>3rd world poorfags
>teenagers without consoles
>no games
>people who hate games

>people with money
>people with friends
>people who enjoy games

Not a hard decision for me

Attached: when-a-pc-fat-sees-console-gamers-and-tries-to-brag_o_6552083.jpg (570x699, 55K)

How come all PC gamers are fucking ugly and fat?
Consoles are for Chads

Attached: 542.jpg (2400x2100, 328K)

Call me when Breath of the Wild and Bloodborne are on PC.
>inb4 CEMU
Westacuck PClards have to resort to criminal behavior to get quality games instead of graphical spreadsheets and eroge scraps, it's hilarious.

Attached: 1400627593684.gif (1294x1338, 1.91M)

How wide is your desk? I was thinking of downsizing to something 32 inches wide or smaller, enough for my legs and the monitor on top (pc would have to go on the floor beside it).

My current one is 47 inches across and since I keep it empty and clean it's just a lot of empty space doing nothing.

Attached: __hex_maniac_pokemon_pokemon_game_and_pokemon_xy_drawn_by_space_jin__9eebff59c9872661d1b6dbb12e65db7 (1200x1600, 248K)

Well what ballpark, 600-900 ?

That's a very comfy looking couch. Where did you get it?

Place called The Dump

Damn this is old, i remember when console fags actually thought GTAV was gonna stay exclusive

>muh exclusives
>consoletard is also a dipshit antipirate moralfag
Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no

Attached: 20180308153807.png (1920x1080, 92K)

Attached: 1447534210878.png (1074x1007, 93K)

I pretty much play exclusively on PC, but that looks top comf. Very jealous.

You really have to bring up 2 different platforms to beat PC huh?
so pathetic how Sonyfags have to hide behind Nintendo to try & claim PS4 has all the Japanese games

Call me when Breath of the Wild is on PS4 and Bloodborne is on Switch

Just get a 6 core Zen 2, RTX 2070 (will get a price cut to $399 soon)
That will be $900 or less & be really good

>still no GTAV on PC
I feel buyers remorse. It was supposed to be 60fps on PC and PS4 and Xbone runs it better. PC sucks.

Im old enough to have lived through the nightmare that was the x360/ps3 era and yea it was exactly like that

Phoneposters? Lol wtf? What fucking loser goes on Yea Forums when they arent taking a shit LMAO WTF??

I think the idea is everyone claims controller is better but you can just hdmi your pc to a TV and use a controller on pc just fine. Although you are right, there are exclusives for all systems.

Literally who cares about graphics, consoles and pc's are just the same anyways. Except consoles are way better for hanging out with friends. But in the end, the only thing that really matters is the games, and PC has no games

and bloodborne is on the ps4 only you fucking trog

Attached: console-pc-gamers-gamers-hey-man-wanna-get-hey-nick-1771096.png (500x620, 125K)

nice case but too bad your hardware is hot garbage

>still no MGSV on PC
I feel buyers remorse. It was supposed to be 60fps on PC and PS4 and Xbone runs it better. PC sucks.

This guy actually plays video games

All credibility went away when you got a KH3 ps4 lol.


Same man, last time I even booted up my PS4 was for Spiderman and I didn't even play it for that long. These open world Sony games are played out for me.

Booted up my Xbox One X last month but only to play Fable 2 since I was replaying all them games.

This is more or less my current setup at my computer desk, my sofa and TV are right to the right of this pic. Like I said I run a HDMI cable to my TV, I have a 1080ti and i'm currently playing Sekiro at 4k/60 and it's so nice.

Attached: DSC06218.jpg (6000x4000, 3.47M)

>pc gamer is also a stick figure instead of a rotundly-drawn lardbucket.
Uno el jobbos.

Is 3200mhz RAM too much for a Ryzen 5 2600X to handle?

Attached: ok.jpg (161x184, 17K)

matchmaking sucks, host advantage, i miss servers

The worst part about PC gaming is easily the community and the entitled fucking losers who think they are better than anyone with their
4 year old, purchased used mid range graphics cards and low to mid tier AMD cpu's.

Console gaming is comfy where as pc gaming has you sitting at a desk.

Current Ryzen scales to 4000MHz, but timings also matter. Look at the Stilts timings or that Ryzen timing calculator.

>Is 3200mhz RAM too much for a Ryzen 5 2600X to handle?
it's the bare minimum

I play consoles at my desk. Stop with this retarded meme.

>who think they are better than anyone with their 4 year old, purchased used mid range graphics cards and low to mid tier AMD cpu's
but they ARE better than you, as that outperforms your console already my child

Attached: 1490920378395.jpg (576x1024, 121K)

Let me know when PC gets some games

Attached: 1536190915624.jpg (1658x535, 426K)

Sorry I don't care about all your weirdo PC shit because I'm a normal and socially functioning person who plays console, instead of being a loner shut-in who plays PC like you

Attached: pcuck.jpg (638x497, 142K)

Yeah sure love doing that in half life deathmatch with the boys, this is how every game on pc works, it's not a srtrawman guys

Can you buy a computer for $350 that will play games in 4k on par with or exceeding the PS4 pro, with a 1TB hard drive and high quality controller?

>no games
Can't wait for your next goalpost, my cucked out of backwards compatibility friend.

Attached: GPwNsGV.jpg (2100x1399, 887K)

>normal and socially functioning person who plays console

You post on 4chins bro

Some of these are just moviegames

There isn't anything good though. It's literally old Western trash that only dedicated PC players play, like trash like Total War. You have to know that nobody likes those games, and it certainly isn't better than any console exclusives, hell no. Shit like Torchlight you can play on a shitty laptop.

Attached: pc-gamers-have-huge-autism_o_7089489.jpg (330x630, 60K)

Not all of us are socially rejected virgins. I know a lot of Yea Forums posters that are in long term relationships. Even the women. My roommate is a girl and she goes on Yea Forums constantly. And we are definitely not virgins or beta loners.

Attached: bow-down-like-the-pathetic-filth-you-are-lowly-console-14747220.png (500x366, 69K)

Uh huh i'm sure bro

god i feel so sorry for consolefags

Attached: pc has no games.jpg (3928x3465, 3.96M)

I've made over two million american real dollars playing dota 2
how many consolefriends can say the same?

G. Skill Ripjaws or Crucial Ballistix Sport LT?

Attached: 47b.jpg (665x574, 29K)

Pretty much all of them are one time plays except Bloodborne, which is 4 years old now

I mean seriously you can't get much out of SOTC, it's the same game as 15 years ago on PS2

>i have to do everything on the pc to set it up, its a hassle, not as clean and smooth as console

>plug pc into tv
>plug in controller
>launch game

Attached: 1531524411655.png (826x738, 1.02M)

Deal with it. Why PC fags are so illiterate brainlets?

Attached: aw-look-how-cute-et-oh-no-pc-master-race-14760108.png (500x413, 69K)

Then whats actually wrong with playing on pc retard

Why are console fags so insecure?

>ifunny picture

You need to go back, tranny

>b-but my ppinion!
Like clockwork.
>nobody likes those games
I guess that's why those open world boogeymen of yours continue to vastly outsell all your weeaboo favorites.

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>200k people playing total war at peak
>no one plays it

i will tell you something no one plays, 90% of PS4 exclusives, Spider man is fun for the first 20 hours, then you never play it again, that's kinda the issue with Console exclusives these days, very focused on the short lived cinematic experience, Bloodbonre is the only PS4 game with proper replay value, that's why people "jokingly" say it's the only PS4 exclusive

Wow you're all butthurt, I didn't think the butthurt of PC weenies from lacking exclusives would make them perform THIS level of mental gymnastics. Why are PC morons so insecure?

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Leave it to a console faggot to use the term 'souless' seriously.
Fucking child.

So $900 for the whole PC or just the CPU/GPU?
Also that card cant hold 60 or more fps for several games according to some benchmarks I just checked

>that density growing up to 2000, then gradually shrinking back
It's not fair, bros.

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Yeah not every game is gonna run at 4K/60fps Ultra settings. i mean RE2 uses low setting for some things even on Xbox One X.

2070 can easily hold 60fps in just about every game that is capable for running at that framerate.
If you want 4k60fps at settings consoles can only dream of, it's a different story.

>all the subtlety of a brick to the dick
Just like the left, consolecucks can't meme.

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I don't have the same argument as you since I have no money but I like emulation.

I think this makes me PC peasant.

*can easily hold 60fps at 1080p

In fact a 2070 is overkill if all you care about is 60fps in modern games.

What the fuck are you on about? Why would you need to switch cables??? Just leave the pc plugged into the tv. This is such a non issue I don't understand the problem that you morons are having. Every gpu has multiple connection options, most tvs have more than one hdmi port, and if you really don't want to touch the pc, run steam in big picture mode and you can navigate the menus with a controller from your couch. This isn't an issue of being lazy or it being a hassle, this is pure retardation

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>shitty graphics
>games that rarely go on sale (paying $60 for the next greatest pop culture meme game)
>paying sony for the privilege to play multiplayer online on a console you own, a game you bought, and internet you already pay for.
>deal with nothing but kids and dudebros

yeah, what a deal! I'm going to run and get mine right now!!!!!!!

all of those come down to personal preference except
>applel vs android
modern day apple is hot garbage
t. got gifted an iphone, don't have the money to replace it and absolutely despises it

The current gayman argument trend is Japan vs. the West, a lot of Yea Forums is still stuck in the past it seems.

But Yahtzee currently lives in America.
...oh wait

I work at my desk 8 hours a day so I prefer to just have a simple box to turn on and play games. I can’t even stand to be on a Windows OS after I’ve finished working for the day.

You can't buy a console for $350 that will play games in $4k with a 1TB hard drive and high quality controller so this question is pointless.

Wagies are such fucking retards.

Playing project m on gecko os through dolphin emulator while using steam big box as your frontend huh? Neat

>people with money
motherfucker one of the reasons people buy consoles BECAUSE they are less expensive than even a barebones pc

>You can't buy a console for $350 that will play games in $4k with a 1TB hard drive and high quality controller so this question is pointless.
>what is the XBX

They still PS4 Pro is 4K

I'll take movie games over no games

Stained Glass Case

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4K/30fps/low settings in a handful of games yeah.

>tfw my 8 year old rig is slowly dying
>Not even in the "can't run anything anymore" kind of way, in the "Hardware is literally failing" kind of way
>Have no money to upgrade
>Saving up for something decent will take like a year for me
>Sitting on a ticking timebomb

Fuck me

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A console that costs more than $350 MSRP

Can someone recommend me a good chair?

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And the main reason a "gamer" doesn't buy a console is because they can't afford them

You misspelled gaming PC

>Seven whole games
>Two of them are remasters

Still more good games than PC has

Attached: because-nothing-says-master-race-like-a-fat-flabby-red-13671612.png (500x632, 144K)

There's tons of reasons not to buy a gaming pc

I was in the same boat. also 8 years old. Popped in a 220$ card recent and everything just runs on max settings again no sweat. The 2700k i still have and it's probably the best purchase i ever made.

the Desktop is a folder

I finally understand why the console only has 60 FPS limitation, most people only have PC monitors and TV's that are 30-60 FPS.

And the main reason a "gamer" doesn't buy a gaming PC is because they can't afford them

>what is a child's toy

Or because no games

I dunno user, I have an Acer Nitro 5 so I can play some PC games, but I just really like nintendo games and also PS4 exclusives like bloodborne, I know PC gaming is the best experience, but I want to try everything.

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Or because no games

Gaming PC is all there is. Almost no one buys workstations anymore since they're only good for render farms.

this mighjt sound stupid but i kind of wish PC games had graphic setting presets that basically were set to look a certain way. like maybe you want PS4-like graphics or a better preset. i know some games have presets but most don't. i feel like my games always look a little off because the settings arent what the devleoper might have intended

>says the AAA cuck who has to spend $30-$60 for damn near everything

Ps4 pro is just that on amazon right now. Similar prices and deals on the XB1X are also common.

>Ps4 pro is just that on amazon right now.
We're talking about 4k consoles.

>no Bloodborne
>no Halo: the master chief collection
>no God of War
>no Spiderman
>no Driveclub
>no Destiny
>no Bayonetta
>no Vanquish
>no Anarchy Reigns
>no Drakengard 3
>no Sunset Overdrive
>no Scalebound
>no Tales of (Zestiria sucked balls)
>no Dragons Dogma
>no The Darkness (2 is garbage)
>no Asura's Wrath
>no BlazBlue Chronophantasma
>no Muramasa Rebirth
>no Ninja Gaiden
>no LBP
>no Project S.T.E.A.M
>no DMC (besides the awful DMC3 port, the mediocre DMC4 and NT DmC lel)
>no Forza
>no Gran Turismo
>no new Fire Emblem
>no Suda51 games except for the shitty later ones
>no The Witch and The Hundread Knights
>no Killzone
>no the wonderful 101
>No the new Jojo's bizarre adventure games
>no Gears Of War 2 and 3
>no God Of War at all
>no Tekken
>no Soul Calibur
>no Knack
>no new Nintendo-exclusive Sanics
>no new Mario
>no new Metroid
>no new Zelda
>no the new Final Fantasy games (MMORPGs are shit)
>no FFVII remake
>no SMT
>no Splatterhouse 2009
>no Demon's Souls (both dark souls games are dogshit)
>no Marvel VS
>no Red Dead Redemption
>no Ratchet&Clank
>no Banjo&Kazooie
>no Resonance Of Fate
>no Dragon's Crown
>no Dodonpachi Saidaioujou
>no Idolm@ster
>no Atelier
>no MGS the Legacy collection
>no MGS4
>no Persona
>no NHL
>no NFL
>no Kid Icarus Uprising
>no Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze
>no Star Ocean
>no Xenoblade
>no Warriors Orochi
>no EDF2017
>no Pikmin
>no Tokyo Jungle
>no Infamous
>no Yakuza
>no Katamari
>no Blue Dragon
>no Crackdown 3
>no Lost Odyssey
>no Ni no Kuni
>no Virtua Fighter
>no Nier Autometa
>no Disgaea
>no Catherine
>no Folklore
>no Uncharted
>no Last of Us
>no The Order: 1886
>no Uncharted 4
>no Until Dawn
>no Deep Down
>no Let it Die
>no New Guerilla Game (Fucking Dinosaurs and mechs bitch!)
>no Rime
>no Neptunia VII
>no Omega Quintet
>no Fat Princess
>no Splatoon
>no The Last Guardian
>no Breath of the Wild
>no Red Dead Redemption 2


You "PEECEE MASTUR RAYSH" losers truly are pathetic.

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>imagine going back to an era where GFWL was the Steam equivalent
definitely a nightmare

I find it funny when consoleshits try to justify console gaming. Like, youre the one who has to put up with sub 30 fps, shit graphics, paid online, no backwards compat, censorship, drm and all of bullshit consoles have so good for you. I think you deserve to eat shit and youre already eating shit so I see no reason to even discuss the matter.

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I'm still waiting on the next-gen equivalent of the 2700k before buying a new CPU+MOBO, I don't want to upgrade for another 8 years after buying it if I don't have to.


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>10 consoles against 1 PC


whats the current 1440p 144hz monitor to go for? looking to upgrade from my POS asus monitor from like 6 years ago

>It's already on pc...

No, just won an argument and now laughing at raging retard PC cucks

>that cope
I can play over half of that list on my PC while you have to buy at least 3 consoles to play most of those games, what in the actual fuck.

They still do it today just replace it with Switch vs PS4 vs Xbone X. Consolefags only pretend graphics and performance don't matter when their console doesn't have the best of them.


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fine for most people, won't be true with new consoles
>shit graphics
>Paid online
plus free games, you're a poorfag anyway
>no backwards compat
won't be true in next gen, plus there are plenty of old pc games that crash and shit themselves today on win10
so? doesn't particularly matter on console. if your console is hacked you can pirate anyway

When I was in college I had a friend who insisted that consoles were powerful computers and refused to listen to the reason why thats absolutely no true. fuckin brainlets man.

Cope more, go back to your literal who PC garbage that nobody cares about

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>whats the current 1440p 144hz monitor to go for?
unless u're willing to pay 500 bucks u're stuck on shitty TNs

those 10 different consoles are like $1500

user your list needs some serious updating

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does that really matter? I don't plan on ever viewing my monitor from any angle other than head on.

>fine for most people
Just like 720p is fine for most people
>>shit graphics
nope it's true
>>Paid online
>plus free games,
choose one. also only poorfags try to rationalize paying to use their own internet.
>>no backwards compat
>won't be true in next gen
sure buddy
> plus there are plenty of old pc games that crash and shit themselves today on win10
so you're tech illiterate gotcha
thanks for conceding
>so? doesn't particularly matter on console. if your console is hacked you can pirate anyway
I don't' have to hack my PC to pirate games

Asus - MG279Q is 400 bucks, whats wrong with that one?

Our game petitions are not working, what are we gonna do PC bros?

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>That game list

We would be brothers, you and I.

>low-end games bad because my shitposting laptop can already play them
>not using all your money on better PC instead of going for sloppy console ports locked at 30fps
>strategy games BAD
>wastes even more money just to play online
>all for a few exclusive games less than two years away from emulation
consolefags are a lost cause

>won't be true with new consoles
Someone dig up the quotes where $ony and Micro$oft were saying "the PS4 (Pro) and XBox One (S) will be 60 fps this time, we totes swear!"
Fidelity is an objective measurement you numbskull. Higher resolution is higher and rendering effects either do or don't exist, take your christfag-tier argumentation elsewhere.
Not an argument.
>there are plenty of old pc games that crash and shit themselves today on win10
>what is vmware
>what is dosbox

Attached: 1452727276401.jpg (300x453, 17K)

well it's not only viewing angle but colors and contrast too
but it's probably a big upgrade for you
4ms response time


>wojack brainlet still using the tired outdated petition meme

meanwhile in reality there hasn't been a petition with over 20k sigs in the past decade that wasn't for a rockstar/fromsoft game

>fine for most people, won't be true with new consoles
>shit graphics
true, console games always have medium to low settings, even on the pro/x where it sometimes go down to low to get that fake 4k going
>Paid online
>plus free games, you're a poorfag anyway
its not free if you have to pay it, I can pirate games for free on PC, you just keep paying $60 to play online you dumb fuck, thats like the retard tax, pay it up
>no backwards compat
>won't be true in next gen, plus there are plenty of old pc games that crash and shit themselves today on win10
Good luck playing Zelda on your PS5 retard
Can you install a nude mod on your PS4 games?
>so? doesn't particularly matter on console. if your console is hacked you can pirate anyway
Even hacked consoles cant remove all of the drms, you cant mod your games, you cant even choose your graphics settings so you can play your game at 60fps

>lose a fortnite match
>mash the glass

yeah no

So the cost of a PC, then?

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You can buy an Xbox One X PC equivalent for $600. Cope harder.


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>Half of the list is emulatable

My WIN 2 is a pain in the fucking ass


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Top fucking lel this list, pretty sure you can play most of these on PC now

more like 2000$, plus 40-60$ for each game

lmao fallout 3 and new vegas are unplayable on my 1k rig without a fixing mods, and backwards compat is already on xbox one, and confirmed for ps4
censorship is on steam as well, with entire games being removed
censorship on console is minor features being removed, that absolutely
nobody would have cared about if they couldn't be whiny fags about it

>or play something else while it downloads on your should-be fast internet.
PSN download servers are trash, no amount of fast internet will be able to fix that.

that site went downhill so fucking fast

>lmao fallout 3 and new vegas are unplayable on my 1k rig
games which were literally broken on console and still haven't been fixed to this day

>censorship on console is minor features being removed, that absolutely nobody would have cared about if they couldn't be whiny fags about it
>but steam!

censorship apologists are literally this retarded

Strategy games ARE bad. Japanese vidya is based off of arcades as opposed to Western vidya's origins in tabletop, which makes them far more appropriate for the medium.

>he played the steam versions
both nv and especially 3 are playable vanilla, your "1k rig" needs some serious maintenance, get to it

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rate my setup

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Why would you bring up two of the buggiest, most unplayable games on consoles to make an argument against PC?

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>lmao fallout 3 and new vegas are unplayable on my 1k rig
I play them both just fine on my 600 rig, youre full of shit.

>games which were literally broken on console and still haven't been fixed to this day
This is another bullshit lie too, the games work fine on my ps3 and it crashes just as much as on PC, far from being unplayable.

Comfy place and cool bike