>Japan is based and redpi-
Japan is based and redpi-
Other urls found in this thread:
-lled. What she’s saying is 100% true.
>Makoto is the best gi-
japan is as patriarchal as it can get, its only normal to have a female character who is aware of this since her big sis is working in one such enviroment
persona's translation is trash
They live in Japan, dude. That's legitimately how it is there. This isn't like an American woman complaining about the patriarchy.
>it's okay when Japan does it
the state of Fatlus fags
Persona 5 is a tranny game and not representative of Japan.
You can't be THIS clueless about Japan right? Please tell me this is a false flag.
name a war started by a woman.
men make up 95% of ALL serial killers.
men make up 90% of ALL violent crime.
men make up 90% of ALL senior corporate positions, thus making up 90% of ALL corporate fuckery.
violence, treachery, greed, and hatred are all male qualities.
women at most are jealous and vindictive.
which would you prefer, jealousy or genocide?
the future is female.
have sex.
Japs aren't totally cuck, unlike Eurocucks and Amermutt cucks.
Less than 100 years ago women could not vote.
Think about that. Civilization began around 10,000 years ago. Women have JUST gotten equality. For less than 1% of history since agrarian societies started banding together we've come to recognize women as valuable equals.
>implying the localizers didn't add that shit in the game to satisfy their degenerate agenda
damn....we really do live in a society......whoa....
this, I should know I watch anime and hentai
Europe is currently burning because of a woman.
They also have the highest number of suicides, mostly white men that are also incels, unsurprisingly.
You realize most women in Japan are basically property, right?
Like, unironically. We're talking about a country where you'll get molested openly in trains and it's seen as disgraceful if you make a scene.
Japan is all kinds of fucked up. People like to meme, but the culture is completely different in almost every aspect.
>everything is agenda
/pol/ ruined you
Doesn't help that the writing is even worse than trash
Not to mention the massive rates of pedophilia, and it's openly promoted in media
historically ignorant. There have been societies where men and women were equal. Look at the Polynesians or even the Celts/Spartans
how do you know
>We're talking about a country where you'll get molested openly in trains and it's seen as disgraceful if you make a scene.
Stop watching hentai, retard.
Or the fact that the country is basically ran by yakuza.
Basically, if you look at any aspect of life in japan, you'll find something fucked up.
>merkel is president of the EU
men make up 70% of the EU parliament and 70% of the delegates from Germany.
men make up 90% of violent crime, that includes from migrants.
the problem is that they are importing men.
have sex
>we've come to recognize women as valuable equals.
Speak for yourself, lol.
I wish I was female
They literally built women-only trams to try to drop the rates of molestation and it fucking happens anyway because men just walk in them lmao
She isn't wrong. Men are far more competent than the overwhelming majority of women in work settings, more competitve, and take far less time off. Therefore, it will be much more difficult for them to get promotions over their male counterparts. That's just meritocracy. The way it should be. Not the cancerous shit over here in the West where we (sometimes mandated) handout positions to women just for having a vagina, regardless of their efficacy.
That's like asking me to name a war, or anything you posted, started by an ant. You cannot ask complex things from a base animal.
Jesus, even Emus have started wars.
Thinking is clearly challenging for you, but you ever at least attempt to think why the whole bus/train grope/rape thing is a whole fetish in Japan? Because it actually happens, you fucktard. It's common knowledge. Endless stories of foreigners who go to Japan and either see it happen or have it happen to them.
Stop talking about a country you clearly know nothing about.
Most of the EU are men tho’. And how is burning exactly?
If a man goes in a women-only train they'll tell him to get the fuck out immediately. And I know because I went in one by mistake back when I didn't even know they were a thing.
Japan has a lot of really good things about it. But it has even more messed up shit under the surface.
Jesus Christ you /pol/ faggots might be the most sensitive weepy pussies of all time lmao
join Islam
male emus.
literally all of societies problems come from men.
women just want to raise children and take care of themselves.
their function is the definition of nationalism.
have sex.
merkel is just pupped i still remember when she criticized multiculti
I was pointing out the retardation of saying that it's disgraceful to make a scene if you get molested. not the fact that train molestation exists. I know they even have signs for that.
Okay, now walk in one whilst being Japanese and not looking like some fat gaijin.
>he thinks Japanese men somehow get a pass if they walk in a female train just because they're Japanese
Yikes, dude.
Very true.
Incels get triggered by this yet turn around and complain about niggers.
>le quirky feminist xd
islam is patriarchy on crack, same as every religion
religion itself is a fucking doozy of male creation.
i know this is hard for you guys.
men are the niggers of gender, in absolutely every single way.
but that's literally how it is. Regardless of country, men have the best positions, even if they are not qualified enough.
If you disagree then honestly you are delusional as fuck. Step out of the feminist vs alt-right circlejerk and look at the bigger picture.
based and redpilled
>Breeding takes place in May and June, and fighting among females for a mate is common.
About Emu behavior. Funny the only females that can concoct a coordinated conflict are female emus.
>have sex.
At least I can
Was this in the original game?
>name a war started by a woman.
Catherine of Russia and the conquest of the Caucasus.
Thatcher and the Falklands, too.
That's literally illegal though, discriminating based on gender. If you see this anywhere, literally report to police. But of course you don't, you're just speaking out of your ass
>men make up 90% of ALL senior corporate positions, thus making up 90% of ALL corporate
So..... this is the power..... of typical tranny education....
You need to study more history. There were stretches of history where equality was much easier to find than today.
This thread is a perfect example of what happens when people insist on talking about a country they've only experienced through Yea Forums posts.
Japan is a country where women are expected to let the man get on the train first.
They literally let the men go first on buildings, transport, etc. Japan is a country where women respect the men as their superiors, literally. This is no meme.
In the west you get it the other way around, but they still feel opressed.
It's in the original dipshit.
Japs developers are bluepilled
French revolution was started by a woman
Helen of Troy
Fucking Cleopatra
Catherine "The Great"
Joan of Arc
>l-l-look how bad women are at war and crime, i-i-it's a good thing
It would've been if they weren't also bad at everything else
Democracy didn't start 10,000 years ago in U.S society, history major.
Daji and the downfall of the Shang dynasty.
>We're talking about a country where you'll get molested openly in trains and it's seen as disgraceful if you make a scene.
this is a meme from someone that has never travelled to Japan
this is true, and how Japan really is.
typical unresearched male response.
use google for more than porn and then maybe you would have sex
Japan is the only country where on Valentine's day it is expected for the woman to give chocolate to the man. Everywhere else it's the other way around
>With politics moving to the right
is he off his fucking rocks? the country has been steadily moving far left. why would he be afraid of a "right" leaning coutnry when he lives in one.
Kojima is a pussy hahaha. Japan’s been right wing since it’s inception and he’s scared of a balding orange faggot.
>proving that women are weak and incapable of doing literally anything
nice job
>bad at crime
>l-l-look guys, we're murderers, robbers, and rapists
the absolute state of male fragility.
spoken like someone that has never travelled to Japan or spoken with a Japanese local
>never traveled to japan
That'd be strange, given I've lived here for two years.
And granted, I don't commute, but even when my sister came to visit, two of my female co-workers told her to always sit down on the train or wait for the next one if it's too full.
Back to Yea Forums with you, retard.
A right-winger is litearlly the fucking president idiot
I wonder who made this thread...
Because it's been a de facto one-party state for about 40 years. Abe is in fact deeply unpopular but the ordinary japanese can't do shit about it
The Yakuza series is way worst, bluepilled as fuck
> the country has been steadily moving far left
you can't be this fucking retarded, right? You got Trump as a president and he is expected to win the next election too. Your country is probably the most right leaning the the whole west hemisphere.
No shit Men are in senior positions in an overwhelming majority, you utter retard.
I'm referring to the:
>90% of senior mangament positions are filled by men, therefore 90% of corporate fuckery is done by men
That statistic makes absolutely no sense. You're literally saying that corporates, 100 percent of the time, are conducting fuckery and 90 percent of the time it is men, where as women are doing the other 10 percent. I'm not saying corporate bullshit doesn't happen but you're quite literally saying it happens 100% of the time at all times with that statement.
t. i watch anime and am an expert on nihon i even own two kimonos
Sure thing, bud.
>Kojima represents all Jap developers
He is quite literally known as the biggest westaboo ever. Also, he's a faggot.
Well, they also have white day, where the men give chocolate to the girls who first gave it to the , so it balances out.
Nah, that was started by Argentina. She just responded.
>t. Argentinian.
Ecks dee.
and his inauguration got protested to hell and back. the US isn't moving right at all and as more immigrants flood in it'll only get more left. are you guys delusional?
>Career women
>and it's seen as disgraceful if you make a scene
but this is untrue, especially nowadays. Men don't get away with it like in the 90s
>go back to Yea Forums
I don't go to that board, I speak on behalf of my 3 years living in Nagano.
i'm saying that when it happens men are doing it, 90% of the time.
the zog is male.
that's what i'm saying
Trump is a globalist who try to decriminalize homosexuality worldwide.
I don't mind it but the agenda is there
Nigga Japan literally has separate lines for women for getting on the train because men molest women while they crowd in line.
It's a shit place to live if you don't have a cock. You are expected to be quiet, be somewhat intelligent, and bear children. That's all you exist for.
You lying sack of shit.
Are you religious or do you acknowledge that individual lives do not have inherent value?
War and genocide aren’t bad, they’re necessary means of population control without which standards of living would diminish and rot. The standards of living in Europe skyrocketed in the wake of the Black Plague, with people becoming less expendable/replaceable, more resources to go around, smaller human:land ratio.
Hell, wouldn’t you even admit that the world would be better if weaklings like myself and most anons were killed on the battlefield by alpha chads?
Atlus, kojima, ryo ga gotoku, all big developers making bluepilled games.
They're not a minority
>he is expected to win the next election too
He literally betrayed his own voting base.
So you went from 'this doesn't happen' to 'men don't get away with it anymore'
Yeah, we know about the female trams.
If you think this shit still doesn't happen, then you don't know shit.
>Jap who lives in a nation that has no army and no protection from North Korea is afraid of Drumpf fucking up, which he surprisingly hasn't... for now
It's not Rocket Science
Imagine being so low IQ, please kill yourself, I know you will never breed but please just off yourself so we don't have to suffer your presence, you embarrassing cunt.
Explain the interracial promotion in Yakuza 5?
Beating racist in Y4?
Kiryu saying that ancestry is irrelevant in Y6?
Kiryu promoting gay mariage in kiwami ?
Kiryu raising a half black child in his orphanage in Y3?
Most Trump voters are too stupid to care and will do literally anything to own the libs.
that's just because your country is divided as shit.
Everyone either is:
>I want to kill white men and make homosexuality the norm
>I want to kill everything but white people and also enslave women
No middle ground
>but this is untrue, especially nowadays.
I'm sure that's why women literally have separate lines so that they don't get molested while waiting for a train. Because that's obviously something you would need in a society in which a woman is viewed as empowered if she confronts a molester, right?
>Incel men
Do your parents proud for once and kill yourself.
and how many inventions have women made?
>more immigrants
You’re delusional, more beaners are leaving rather then coming in and America has always been a hotspot for immigrants coming you underaged little shit
not him but can you please go into a little detail? especially about the interracial stuff. I have never seen this kind of stuff in a jap game before honestly. i might actually have to start playing Yakuza.
This is your brain on selective reasoning.
I understand how America looks from the perspective of other countries, but no, like any other country there is a huge political spectrum that you can't even begin to wrap your brain around if you tried.
Our politicians are bipartisan garbage, but the politics of America's citizens can be nuanced. You just aren't looking in the right places.
No, I never said "this doesn't happen" and you're not talking to only one person.
I said that it was a meme the fact that men in 2019 don't get a scene if they touch someone. You understand now?
If it happens, NOW it has repercussions. At least in terms of public transportation.
Tranny protagonist for Persona 6
>giving a shit about subplots
Kiryu promotes literally everything, it doesn't mean anything. If anything, because subplots are all fucking insane, if anything, it's mocking it.
Name one good thing about feminism
Oh yeah you’re right it was a utopian left wing nation before the dominance of the right wing party. Very left wing of them to be all about nationalism and emperors, you fucking retard
do you lack reading comprehension?
I can explain your faggotry - you are in desperate need of sex
bitch i have no idea what you're saying, you sound like a fucking retard trying to sound smart
You think that the people that voted Trump care about that at all?
This is flat out incorrect. If this was acceptable in the '90s, then no, it has not been entirely phased out. It takes several generations to eliminate shit like this, it doesn't just vanish magically because someone shouts "IT'S 2019!".
>more beaners are leaving rather then coming in
i really wish i could believe that. the US has been projected to be mojarity latino though about 30 or so decades down the line.
Kiryu meet again a black guy, a minor character who's a famous international photographer (already met in y3), discuss together, we learn that he married a japanese woman.
The studio apparently decided that it was a good thing to learn about, kiryu wasn't even disgusted by it or anything, like if it was normal
No he's not he said so.
It's confimed. Persona 5 is a bluepilled af game and the majority of jap games are also very bluepilled. This can be debated anymore. Japan is the next Sweden. Japan yes.
But it did change, obviously it doesn't change automatically, but they're trying to fix the issue with public mixed transport.
Are you angry at that?
Rape is illegal. Rape still happens because rapists exist. Does this mean that rape is acceptable? Fucking no, you chump. If that analogy ruffles your feathers, replace "rape" with "murder"
>damage control
Fucking fag there is serious and not serious subplots, what I've talked about not only are serious subplots, but some are a part of the main story like the half nigger
exposing destructive elements of female nature.
Why do liberals hate Japan so much?
go to africa or the middle east if you want "redpilled" societies. Have fun.
Japan is far from Sweden yet you fucking retard.
But you're right about jap developers, they're bluepilled
This thread proved that pic related is confirmed...
They don't japan is 90% liberal
Shhhh, youll trigger the weeb. Anyway P5 is tranny propaganda bye
This is not comparable at all, dipshit. Was rape acceptable in the fucking '90s? Is it only recently something people understand is bad? Fuck no.
My point is, the fact that women are still separated when waiting for trains is a clear indication that this is still enough of an issue that women are unlikely to verbally speak out against it if it happens. If this wasn't the case, they wouldn't still need to be fucking separated.
I was talking to an exchange student and apparently the average wage is like 40 k USD. How are they so poor? She was saying that was what a middle aged salary man would make. Plus you work an insane amount in Japan.
Cute girls.
>But you're right about jap developers, they're bluepilled
See? Everyone agrees with this sentiment. P5 is a tranny game and leftist propaganda, the main villian is a Trump allegory.
Except P5 is a bluepilled leftist propaganda game, everyone on this board agrees.
Reminder this means Nintendo is bluepilled too since persona content is in smash now. Smash died after Melee anyways :/
The youth in Japan is leaning toward liberalism but the population is still redpilled.
Hope they prevent the youth from fucking the country.
Globalist like Shinzo Abe won't help though
>"Muh race"
None of what you described is "bluepilled', it's just shit that triggers /pol/tards. And Kiryu raising Mitsuo along with the other orphans is a bad thing? What the fuck difference does it make? None of them are his biologically.
But I don't remember Kiryu promoting gay marriage at all, must have been a sub quest I missed. He disgusted whenever fags direct their attention towards him, but is indifferent to what other people do. I do, however, remember beating the shit out of trannies. Though I will say the series has undoubtedly become more "cucked" due to Western influence since they removed the run from the tranny sub story Y3.
not a liberal, you nigger.
Like I said, go to Nigeria or something if you wish for a society more suited for you.
It would be delightful if you drowned
Fuck off election tourist. This shit is not vidya.
I dunno. We let them raise children, which is the the most powerful influence you could possibly have. They literally shaped the future, and this is the future we got. As they've given up that responsibility and allowed the media to raise their children for them, they ironically have less control over the world than they did before they could vote.
>Except P5 is a bluepilled leftist propaganda game, everyone on this board agrees.
Japan has always been bluepilled. Most protagonists are beta males that get a harem that is attracted to them chiefly because they are nice. They have small petite women beating up big muscular men all the time, and sexists are generally shown in a negative light. Even GoT is more redpilled than the average Japanese work.
In a subquest he tell to a lesbian that it's sad that Japan hasn't catch up with western countries about gay marriage
Honestly woman should just have babies and leave men to do business and politics. Altho due the previous generations high ~ middle status woman wanting to have a job and their pathetic men allowing it, now all woman are almost forced to have a job.
You can beat the everliving shit out of two trannies in Kiwami.
>men are the niggers of gender because they're physically stronger
>men are the gooks of gender because they're smarter
>men are the wasps of gender because they dominated everything throughout history
It's like if you took the best aspects of every race and made it one aspect you'd get the male sex.
>The youth in Japan is leaning toward liberalism but the population is still redpilled.
Youth around the world is becoming more bluepilled. This cannot be changed and leftists will be the majority of the country.
Doesnt change the fact that Japan as we know it is dead. Will never come back again.
Spitting truth! Japan is as cucked as Sweden, literally even GoT is more redpilled than them!
K. The games still bluepilled.
>doesn't know about translators with an agenda.
Anime watchers have been hip to this kind of translating for a while, vidya cattle need to get up to date.
This shit is why "bluepilled" and "redpilled" are such non-words. Japan normalizes the fuck out of pedophilia and women are pretty much treated like breeding machines, but because they romanticize "nice guys" and make fun of muscular chads they're somehow bluepilled.
>taking out of context images
Opinion from random doesn't change the fact that this game pander to the left. That's why normies love P5
yeah thats why they have one of the lowest fertility rates because the women are all barefoot and pregnant. You are an idiot
mental illness
They understand how gays and women must be treated, if only the leadership wasn't so corrupt
Also see
>giving a shit about perzoomer 5
Doesn't change the fact that he promoted gay marriage in the same game
See P5 is leftist af. Sorry.
Denial gets you nowhere. Japan developer are bluepilled.
This. All jap games now pander to leftists. Its over for japan
Their fertility rates are low because they're all fucking suicidal because they work themselves to the bone. Which, for the record, is also not bluepilled at all because liberals hate the idea of arbeit macht frei.
It's in the original retard.
She literally defend her sister's bad action dipshit, that sexist society lead her to that
How does it change the fact the game feature a fucking anti racist message?
>Japan developer are bluepilled.
Then why the hate for Catherine?
Wait, I actually vaguely remember this: as well as sighing when he mentioned the West. I probably didn't make much of a mental note since it involved two lesbians instead of faggots - in which case, it would have left a far more bitter taste. But gay is gay. I concede. A blue pill in a sea of red pills is still a blue pill.
>game lets you fuck a 14 year old, and also lets you fuck your teacher
>two of the main characters are literal lolis that do some psuedo bdsm shit to the MC throughout most of the game
>no homosexuals, no mental illnesses, no representative of minorities in any way
totally fucking bluepilled bros
>160 replies of retards taking the bait
Really? He isn't even being subtle about it.
You are genuinely retarded. Are you actually unable to process information that doesn't immediately fall in line with your world view?
Women confronting their molesters doesn't keep them from being molested. As empowering as this scenario is to you, it doesn't undo the damage. You know what does? Keeping women separated from their would be attackers. Criminals will always exist. No matter how unacceptable society views the crime, there will always, always be some piece of shit to perpetuate.
Know what else you'll see on a crammed Japanese bus? A bunch of men with both arms in the air. Why? Because their are women who will use the fact that molestation is seen as wholly unacceptable to try and squeeze some money out some hapless Japanese mook.
Get out and see the fucking world, user. It's surprisingly more nuanced than your half-cocked believies.
>I've never watched a JakeNBake stream
The absolute STATE of amerifats
This. Debate that personatards!
Theres a literally anti racist message in the game. See This. Theres literall proof for this weebs just need to use google...
Can we stop pretending some faggot spouting /pol/ talking points is always bait? This board has gotten undeniably stupider since 2016, do you really think all of these people are just baiting?
>Women confronting their molesters doesn't keep them from being molested. As empowering as this scenario is to you, it doesn't undo the damage. You know what does? Keeping women separated from their would be attackers.
Jesus fucking christ. Molesters exist in the US, but we don't separate our women. Do you know why? Because the social incentive to NOT molest women in public is so powerful that men don't fucking do it. That incentive is clearly not there for Japanese men because otherwise they wouldn't need to fucking separate their men and women.
>watching streamers
zoom zoom
Jews support pedophilia you retard, it's right next to be accepted after tranny shit
the west is much more bluepilled. Most of the people in that collage are likely to have some actual mental illness that warps their views and are enabled enough to talk about it like it should be taken seriously
Reminder that P5 being bluepilled also means nintendo is bluepilled because joker in smash....yeah nintendies say snoy one more time we dare ya
Because they misinterpreted one of the new ending retard, they didn't complain when they were aware of the actual endings.
There is some red pills in Yakuza but it's a sea of blue pills.
Y0 display that, Koreans are like Mexicans/Blacks to Japan and yet the game heavily defend Koreans.
If I have to consider more Japanese context, you will be disappointed.
>the game has an anti racist message
>here's proof! look, it's a post i made without any source! see?
Fucking dipshit.
See We won't miss japan when its gone...
You can use google right...?
this fag has peak autism and you retards keep replying
>refusing to back up his argument
>they didn't complain when they were aware of the actual endings.
Guess again.
Random aside: my girlfriend is from Tokyo. Just graduated from a uni in California. She spent several minutes laughing and making fun of all the people yammering on about "adversity" and how prodigious graduation was "as people of color". Even the younger generation of Japanese think these leftist talking points are a joke. There is hope yet.
Believe it or not Democrats are also right wing by European standards, the American concept of "Left" and "Right" is flawed.
>There is some red pills in Yakuza but it's a sea of blue pills.
>Y0 display that, Koreans are like Mexicans/Blacks to Japan and yet the game heavily defend Koreans.
>If I have to consider more Japanese context, you will be disappointed.
All this is complete proof that yakuza is super bluepilled as well as all other japeanese games now.
Reminder in you defend gays and koreans in Y0
>my understanding of japanese society comes from Chikan Super Sluts 11
It's using bluepilled in its original connotation. /pol/ may have adopted the nomenclature of the manosphere, but the original idea of the "bluepill" (way back in the 2000s) was that men just had to be nice and just be yourself to get gf. Which is what the Japs still promote in all of their works.
The Japanese work less hours than the Americans and breed more than worst Koreans.
>dating shit
Irrelevant to my points
>muh lolis
Irrelevant lolis aren't right wing
>no homosexuals or minorities
They're not numerous in Japan but when they go to Hawaii you see a lot of blacks, one of them even praise the phantom thieves in front of joker retard
You forgot the anti racist and anti sexist message in it too retard
>people that benefit from affirmative action despite not actually needing the aid to gain a foothold because they have a lot of money think that affirmative action is stupid
Wow, no shit, huh.
Citation needed.
This didnt happen kiddo. Japan youth is super bluepilled.
This. Japan is cucked out of their minds deep down.
Japanese women don't care
Okay, I'm playing Q2, can someone tell me where is ticket 21?
Why are liberals so desperate for Japan to become Sweden 2.0?
>You forgot the anti racist and anti sexist message in it too retard
This. Wonder why P5 tards dont ever bring it up...
Because Japan is Sweden 2.0. Just look at what japan is like now adays.
yeah bro I totally believe you.
Ryuji tell to the group when Ann sleep that she's has being bullied for being a part foreigner, the group state that it sucks, that it's bad.
The game also mock people who consider ancestry as important in Shindo's dungeon.
It's literally what it looks like. Makoto is complaining that Japan's male dominant society makes everything harder for her prosecutor sister and her own future as police commissioner.
>Jesus fucking christ. [Blah blah blah] That incentive is clearly not there for Japanese men because otherwise they wouldn't need to fucking separate their men and women
Holy shit, that white man's burden is really flaring up, user.
>And how is burning exactly?
Here you go. Google will back it up if you're allergic to infographics.
>random post represent all of them
fuck off weeb apologist.
I actually follow a japanese girl who studied in USA and has now became a anti racist centrist.
Anecdotes (if real) are irrelevant
Stop playing bluepilled games
P5faggots BTFO with no return. Their game is now officially confirmed SJW shit with hard evidences.
This. Jap youth is bluepilled and theres nothing liers can do to argue it.
Shits that didnt happened for 5$
>I actually follow a japanese girl who studied in USA and has now became a anti racist centrist.
Yet more proof of jap youth being bluepilled
another one. Maybe the NEETs/women are pulling down the average though
None of that is anti-racist you sensitive troglodyte.
Japan is an immensely conformist society, the game says Ann is bullied because she doesn't look like native Japanese people. This is due to many things, not just her skin color.
The ancestry thing also had nothing to do with race, that whole spiel was literally just about having ties to nobility and wealth, literally unrelated to race.
This is actually outdated, US is even higher now as of 2016.
>random post represent all of them
I've got more.
To justify more their tranny shit, fetishism toward Japan.
Trannies are more obsessed than most with Japan
Worst Korea is Sweden 2.0, though probably all of east Asia outside of China is heading that direction
Side Quest with bad ending that ends in tranny rape.
A leftist group lead by a morbidly obese white guy as minor villains.
All those porn stars used to model female characters after
Kiryu sleeping with a lesbian
Letting you play as a guy who beat his wife after she got an abortion
That cop who opened fire on a bunch of Chinese gang members turning out to be in the right all along.
Playable character making a rape joke about a female character
Yakuza doesn't give a shit about autistic pill shit.
If anything it's fairly open to whatever while not really caring about being PC.
how do japs manage to clock in less hours yet be so productive?
>Japan is an immensely conformist society, the game says Ann is bullied because she doesn't look like native Japanese people.
Because she's part foreigner retard
>This is due to many things, not just her skin color.
Ryuji stated that it was due to look dipshit, play the game again
My white girlfriend mocks SJWs all the time too, it doesn't mean that young white women in America aren't bluepilled/feminist as a whole though
>though probably all of east Asia outside of China is heading that direction
Keep fuckin lyin weeb
What’s wrong with a single black dude in Hawaii?
>Because she's part foreigner retard
She is literally 3/4ths Japanese dumbass. She could dye her hair black and nobody would give a shit. It's all about her appearance.
>Ryuji stated that it was due to look dipshit
You just agreed with me dumbass, good job.
It's as much as a mystery as to how Mexicans manage the reverse
Resetra doesn't represent the left retard, even reddit mock resetra
And that’s a good thing!
Japan unironically treats women the way that American women think they are treated.
Holding Japan funeral when? Its so obvious Japan is heading in a very bluepilled direction. Nothing can be done to save them, if there were we'd be discussing it.
Go play Zogs Nightmare, not even right-leaning people like your endless /pol/ bitching.
>One line about a generally recognized truth in Japan makes incels seethe
Stop lying dipshit, the game state that she has foreign traits, not just hair, play the game, do her confident dipshit.
A part foreigner doesn't mean half you inbreed faggot, you state the same thing than me.
Evil black men did that?
>Resetra doesn't represent the left
If Japan is bluepilled, what country isn’t ?
That is based and redpilled what are you saying
The game explicitly says she is 3/4ths japanese. It never alludes to specific facets of her appearance that are exclusive to race, e.g. her skin color or eye color.
Also how fucking ESL are you, your posts are so fucking difficult to read. Just type in your fucking chimp language so I don't have to read your failed attempts at speaking mine anymore.
Ninceldos have been on a roll recently
Probably right, bros. It was elaborate ploy.
>Kiryu sleeping with a lesbian
I remember everything except this. Which game and quest?
All countries are bluepilled. SJW run the entire planet now. It's over, they won.
He's most likely japanese, cus he understands culture better than you do, stop being in denail.
>Side Quest with bad ending that ends in tranny rape.
Censored in the remaster
>A leftist group lead by a morbidly obese white guy as minor villains.
because they showed evil right wing racist in Y4.
>Kiryu sleeping with a lesbian
Bisexual and LGBT include bisexual retard
>Letting you play as a guy who beat his wife after she got an abortion
Majima was literally considered as a villain at the start but they made him into a progressive shit in Y0 and kiwami 2.
Ninceldos are with the Persona5 tards cus Joker is in smash.
Weeb literally cant stop being BTFO after this, based antiweebs are presenting hard facts against the existents of redpill of japan. Face it weebs persona and yakuza are bluepilled af
Foreign traits include nose, jawline and stuff you retarded bluepilled fagot, it's stated in his confident that her foreign traits were researched for models dipshit.
Race isn't just skin color or eye color you retard.
There's some drama regarding the translation.
I thought it still seemed clear she slept with him in the english version but the japanese version makes it clearer.
>cavemen society only fell apart because of a meteor
Yeah, I'm thinking Grug's based
>race is just skin color/eye color
Based cuckservative
Shiiiiit based antiweebs are ganging up on the bluepilled personatard. How the fuck do people defend P5 now? Literally one of the most bluepilled games in recent humanity.
If it weren't for Homo sapien retards, the Neanderthals would have built a space-faring civilization and Grimoire would have been a massive hit instead of Call of Duty
>NA localizations
>Censored in the remaster.
True, this sucks
>Sauce? because they showed evil right wing racist in Y4.
/pol/ bitching, also Dead Souls, they literally call each other comrade and yell stuff like what if your son was a zombie.
>Bisexual and LGBT include bisexual retard.
more /pol/ bitching
>Majima was literally considered as a villain at the start but they made him into a progressive shit in Y0 and kiwami 2.
this was in 5, directly following him being playable in DS and directly before him being playable again in 0
Theres a reason alot of Normies loves P5, it's one of the most leftist game of the last few years
Thats literally in the original fuck off. P5 is bluepilled.
You literally just prooved him right, Yakuza is very bluepilled.
What's wrong with not wanting to boy trash written by a rambling boomer? I can say no to both crazy lefties and righties ruining my video games.
>That's not how their society works though
>Less than 100 years ago women could not vote.
>Think about that. Civilization began around 10,000 years ago. Women have JUST gotten equality. For less than 1% of history since agrarian societies started banding together we've come to recognize women as valuable equals.
And look how quickly things turned to shit afterwards.
>This thread
Have sex
>Being suicidal means you want to fuck people less
Cope, the only reason fertility is so low is because japs realize how much of a meme roasties and marriage are
The thread was about jap games now being bluepilled as fuck, with alot of evidence backing that shit up. Weebs are in hard denial.
>bintendies going for the political route
How about you leave this thread and go to /pol/?
sounds based. Holy shit, japan is paradise.
ITT: have sex
Based cucked centrist
user, that picture is about Yea Forums. Nothing about centrist.
You didn't get the memo I assume? There is no bluepills or redpills, there is only shit that sells and doesn't sell. if "bluepills" are popular amongst normies that throw their money at the companies then do you think a capitalist for profit organisation would shoot itself in the foot to play pretend politics with a bunch of retards on the internet? Vote with your wallet, stop buying games from shitty developers.
Bluepilled=most of the population.
seriously whats your epic red pilled game cause what you seem to want is something that would be ignored by most of the population, you /pol/ types bitch so hard about this stuff that it seems even things seen as unPC in the 60s would be to bluepilled for you.
That picture is meant to represent retards like you that bring politics into everything. There is a board dedicated for politics. If you want to talk about the politics of video games i suggest you go there, otherwise shut the fuck up niggers and let us obsess over our shitty toys.
Bintendies are with the P5 fanboys you retard, joker is in smash
That wasnt what the thread was about, the thread was about bluepilled japanese developers. Weebs are mad as fuck so they're not responding.
>Bluepilled=most of the population.
Thank you for agreeing
It ended outside of a Love Hotel just like all the telephone girls, so yeah. It's pretty apparent they fucked.
>ninceldo pretends to be an idort when found out
>lefty pretends to be a centrist when found out
It's always the same LOL
>Posting a wojak of Yea Forums videogames
>Not a wojak of /RetardEra/ general
Obsessed discord raiders wish they represented even 1% of this site
user where are you? You seem awfully quite now that your game has gotten exposed as marxist shit
Japan is pretty redpilled still, how do we get those fascists on our side bros and have them accept multiculturalism?
Not taking a stance is a stance you bluepilled shit centrist
You're in a thread about politics you hypocrite. If you didn't want to talk about politics you'd be in one of the many threads which aren't about them. Don't lie, you just came in to post your "big-brained centrist" memes and feel smug.
Well enjoy getting nowhere, you guys have the same problem the I have no gender weirdo's have, even if you had their media backing people would still reject you in mass.
Maybe see if some of the more "traditional" areas of Africa or the middle east will accept your white ass.
Not accurate, it should be both sides should be baitfags with severe autism and about five of them should be genuine trannies like on the left. The guy in the middle should be asking what this has to do with videogames
Discord trannies can't "subvert" /pol/ so they make a hundred threads here instead
It should be one side five scared weebs denying about the bluepills in jap games like persona and yakuza and the right a bunch of chad posting evidence to BTFO the weebs.
Theyre gonna accept multiculti soon. We lost hope in them.
This entire thread is just WRPGkun larping as a /pol/fag isn't it.....
most retarded post i've seen all day
Retard or tranny, either way you are not getting laid
Mad that your game got exposed so you gotta makeup narratives?
user are you dead? You arent responding... does this mean we won?
Atlus = onions
oh but they try, god bless their hearts do they try
/pol/ simply spots them from a mile away and ignores their threads LOL
Actually i came to have a read before i reported it as offtopic shitlord.
There are bigger battles to be had in politics than video games. And those battles would better belong on /pol/
Seek help for your tranny induced Schizophrenia.
lol, you propably also think they would be all over your fat white ass.
I wouldn't say we lost hope. We still have the fact that jap women blow western women the fuck out when it comes to being proper and feminine.
Women are unfit to rule, if you don't believe me look at Korea.
they're so fucking bad at this shit LOL
And its funny how discord trannies attach themselfs to and defend the bluepilled jap games so much. Persona 5 and yakuza is bluepilled leftist shit, end of story.
>/pol/chads dabbing on leftists and weebs itt
I'm saddened that a bait autists as obvious as you can get replies this easily
>who is yoko ono
That picture is not centrist. It's talking about videogames you obsessed fucks
dont japanese women cheat all the time?
>the ninceldo desperately clinging on to anything so he can have a win today
>post talking about how anything political on this radioactive waste dump of a korean sketchbook forum website is just people regurgitating buzzwords at each other
>responds with a buzzword
LMAO the jap in that pic is coping soooooo hard
also see This.
Correct. And japanese enable it.
Something tells me the west cuck localizers added that shit in, show me the original japanese text, that shit isn't in there
some celeb that blew up because she was with one of the most famous musician in the world at the time. Doesn't represent the average jap girl.
Their perception of cheating is different then in the west. Holding hands is considered massive cheating, in the US I wouldn't be surprised if western women only consider full penetration to be cheating. Not to mention they have way higher virginity rates in women.
They do, they just don't get divorces nearly as often because it carries a stigma there. that guy is probably a cuck.
>show me the original japanese text, that shit isn't in there
No look it up yourself. Its like that in the original too.
Im not a ninceldo retard, joker is in smash shitendo is just as bluepilled
>paying for a Yea Forums pass so you don't have to deal with cooldown or your threads getting deleted
>desperately mass-replying and still getting dabbed on
/his/fags are utterly pathetic LOL
I wish I was the developer of a popular game. I could get inside thousands of neckbeards heads without even having to put in any effort.
>102 posters
>302 posts
It's another one of those threads I see
whoa, never post more than once in a thread or you'll get called out by this big scary dude!!!
There are trannies in japan despite what weaboos say about "xD based japan literally nuttin wrong"
they even elect them to office
>what is people having a conversation
Not every post has to be from a new ip
Literal hard evidence that Japan is fucking cucked as fuck
Little more subtle my dude, you're overdoing it
Once again proving
asian > spic > black > white
Can mods delete this stupid thread, it's nothing but a political war with Sonyfags and WRPG-kun riding dicks just trying to look cool.
To be fair whites are still better then blacks and spics imo. Asian women may be top dog but I'll be damned if white women ain't at least the heir to the throne.
It's not really wrong, P5 literally has core anti-racist and sexist messages. Also the main villain is based on trump
Makoto saying this is still based and redpilled if she comes to the conclusion that women shouldn't be in Sae's line of work and should do something less male-oriented, such as raising my children.
>Can mods delete MY stupid thread
>sonyCHADS failed to follow my narrative like always and now I look dumb
>Also the main villain is based on trump
The world does not revolve around you and your politics.
>Makoto saying this is still based and redpilled if she comes to the conclusion that women shouldn't be in Sae's line of work and should do something less male-oriented, such as raising my children.
But thats not what happens, cus P5 is bluepilled.
Wither way the game is leftist propaganda with big anti-racism and anti-sexism messages.
TLOU didn't shove anti racist message or anti sexist message.
Not talking about the dlc and the upcoming sequel
I didn't even make this fucking thread you Sony bitch.
To be fair in Japan its really hard to make it as a woman, like crazy hard. And they dont complain. Meanwhile, in America, if you're a woman, you're givien so much free opportunities because you have it """hard""", and they still complain. The world is stupid but thats nothing new.
If transexuals in Japan conducted themselves like trannies in the West, they'd end up with a rug coat at the bottom of Yokohama Harbor. The Japanese have a generally indifferent attitude towards things that don't directly affect them.
It's based on Shinzo abe, the posters that shindo used are similar to what abe used.
Which is funny because abe is putting more and more anti racist laws and try to make immigration much easier, he's not globalist
and look how nice things are going for us amirite?
>The anti-war, pro-environmental nation with good social security and free health care is right-wing because they still celebrate their history
Ok retard
it happens after p5 has finished because makoto loves me so much that i'll be able to convince her, retard
P5's message was just broadly "don't be a fucking asshole". Everyone gets the stick within the game.
P5 is literally one of the most bluepilled games of all time and this is supreme proof of that
Stay in denial weeb. Your game is propaganda end of story
>it happens after p5 has finished because makoto loves me so much that i'll be able to convince her, retard
Literally doesnt happen you fucking nigger. Weebs in super denial mode now
Persona cucks just get there game outed more and more. Marxist shit
Truely we are in Society
See P5 is 46642565x more bluepilled then most western game
makoto is my wife nigger, she is NOT bluepilled
>muh centrism
>race/sexuality doesn't matter
Fuck off faggot.
Eat your liberalist shit with sargoy
>Censored in the remaster
I distinctly remember my Kyriu's ass getting raped when I played Yakuza so you're fucking lying.
Sorry, I forgot redpill means that there's acceptable targets
>I didn't even make my own thread you stupid snoy
No bulli
Weebs will never get it will they. Theyll just keep getting BTFO by based antiweebs who exposed the shitty bluepill jap games for what they realy are
The developers stated that it was censored
The fact that shitch has persona thing coming for it prooves that nintendo is bluepill af too
Why do people like Makoto again?
I've literally played 0 - Kiwami back to back two weeks ago, and my Kyriu got assraped.
لن ترى أبدا كوميييييي
Stop lieing retard, devs said it was censored
Why do you subhuman whit'oids think you're allowed to breed with superior japanese women folded a thousand times?
Shut up you dumb fag, how is it a "male society" if women are also involved. Fucking stupid retards. "Muh patriarchal oppressive society!"
So it's ok when they do it?
lol god i love internet mental illness
There is no ass being raped in kiwami and 0 in the first place you lying piece of shit
I literally don't give a fuck what the devs said.
45 seconds in. Fucking nigger, you don't even play videogames. Stop fucking posting you subhuman fucking faggot.
Awwwww is the weeb gonna cry?
Doesnt change the fact that yakuza series and modern persona series makes most west game look like alt right nazi propaganda, at least Mass Effect Andromeda didnt have antiracism and antisexism messages
It was censored in Yakuza 3 remastered you lying dipshit.
And it was way more redpilled than your youtube video in y3 original, which has been removed
When the fuck did I mention Y3.
This weebs are just gonna cry harder and harder, antiweebs are such chads ITT
Stop moving goalpost fag, Yakuza is bluepill fucking shit
yea....equality is so great. Now no one wants kids and depend on immigrants to come in and replace us. Fucking great plan.
What is the connection between gaming and redpilled white supremacist rhetoric in the first place?
>And look how quickly things turned to shit afterwards.
we live in the best period in human history
Yes, the vast majority of japanese games and anime are left wing, always have been.
Why were you even convinced of the contrary?
Give me some examples of red pilled games.
Explain how it is faggot instead of throwing a tantrum.
The only thing left wing about it is freedom of expression. Anyone can make drawings. Art never began from some political idea.
I find it amazing the lenghts nintenDORKS will go to try and one-up sonyCHADS only to fall flat on their faces
It's the opposite of a patriarchal society. Women are put on pedestals, can do no wrong and are given special privledges and showered with gifrs just because they have a vagina.
Women teach your children in school, shaping how they think. They can put a man in jail or take half of what he owns on a lie because the courts overwhelmingly favor women. They do less dangerous jobs and work fewer hours on average. If a woman hits a man, he cant hit her back in self defense without being publicly shamed for the rest of his life or having a gang of white knights jump on him. Now women are being given jobs and promotions they arent qualified for just because we need "equality".
A hell of a lot has changed in that short amount of time.
>>Women teach your children in school, shaping how they think. They can put a man in jail or take half of what he owns on a lie because the courts overwhelmingly favor women. They do less dangerous jobs and work fewer hours on average. If a woman hits a man, he cant hit her back in self defense without being publicly shamed for the rest of his life or having a gang of white knights jump on him. Now women are being given jobs and promotions they arent qualified for just because we need "equality".
This. SJWs control the world now. Everything belongs to them forever. They won, we lost.
Makoto literally wants to be a police officer.
What the fuck happened in this thread? Is this a raid?
And there is nothing we can do to change it back. Women own us now. Its up to us to deal with it.
No, its just based antiweebs exposing bluepilled weeb games.
>Uphold justice
Does justice have a different meaning in Japan? Sitting back and letting some cops shoot an underage schoolboy full of heroin while beating the shit out of him seems as far from justice as it gets. She didn't even bother other than some "It can't be helped" bullshit, and somehow she had the audacity to question the Phantom Thieves faith in their justice system.
And civilization already goes to shit, thanks cunts.
>Women are put on pedestals, can do no wrong and are given special privledges and showered with gifrs just because they have a vagina.
>Women teach your children in school, shaping how they think. They can put a man in jail or take half of what he owns on a lie because the courts overwhelmingly favor women. They do less dangerous jobs and work fewer hours on average. If a woman hits a man, he cant hit her back in self defense without being publicly shamed for the rest of his life or having a gang of white knights jump on him. Now women are being given jobs and promotions they arent qualified for just because we need "equality".
>A hell of a lot has changed in that short amount of time.
Scariest part is that nothing can change things back to the way they were. If anyone tried, theyd be murdered...
And the murderer will be hailed as a hero. Face it were in 1984 forever now.
i refer you to
>/his/fag gives hiro 20 bucks so his minions who do it for free don't ban him
This aint got thing to do with /his/ if anything its /jp/ coping cus there country got exposed.
>Women are put on pedestals
What's wrong with that?
every single one of these posts were written me btw.
Argentina started that. English settlers had been living in Falklands for 100 years before Argentina took an interest on them. Then they sailed there, forced the english on a boat and sent them back to Europe.
Yes. Because you are dealing with a different culture dealing with a different type of transsexual than the entitled rainbow-hairs you generally deal with in the West. Do you understand how this is different? Homosexuals v. fags, etc.
>gaming discussions are all about political shitfests
I miss the 90's
Bump for weeb tears
The EU is a continuation of Germany. A block of German (and French) MEPs decide 99.99999999999999999999999% of the laws in the EU parliament. It goes without saying the leader of said country's views hold a very significant amount of weight, thus when she tells the world it's welcome to pour into Europe, they take her world for it.
Also Therese May is the worst prime minister in modern history, so there's another example for you.
holy fucking shit who gives a fuck about these retarded buzzwords, japanese games on average have better gameplay than western games everything else is absolutely irrelevant i couldnt possibly care less what some 16 year old election tourist thinks about japans political leaning.
take your dumbasses back to /pol/ and fucking stay there for christs sake you blithering niggers
Still mad weeb? Persona 5 makes TLOU look redpilled af, confirmed
>/his/fag makes a shitty thread
>gets dabbed on
>tells everyone to go back to /pol/
It's always the same LOL
That's bullshit, just because Merkel is chancelor of Germany does not mean her words have more weight in the EU. She is just one seat in the European Komission. It's the parliament that gives out seats proportionally to the population of the country, but Merkel has nothing to do with the European Parliament.
You just mash a lot of stuff together for the sake of your narrative, m8.
>ywn be a woman
why live?
Here you go two for the price of one
>/his/fag makes a shitty thread
>gets dabbed on
Sorry dude, but on average jap games are slow turn based shit. Anything beats that. .
I feel like barely anyone outside of Germany knows who Merkel actually is. I've heard previously that she, the daughter of a priest and leader of a center-right party, is supposed to be an antifa leftist. It's hillarious.
So, what you are saying is, you would rather live 100 years ago than now?
He's only expected to win because almost all his most popular rival candidates back absolutely mongoloid shit like reparations, which (rightly) has zero electoral reach beyond San Francisco and Chicago. The hard-left ideology of diversity still holds a sway over the majority of Americans, it's absolutely ridiculous to claim it's moving right.
If Democrats don't pick Sanders, the only non-insane socialist currently running, then Trump is going to win again.
Makoto is a retard.
>"*sob* I'm a girl doing the same things guys are doing"
Bitch, if you don't like it then get married and be a housewife NEET and have the husband by the money making slave instead. Fucking stupid shit. Women are such retarded filth, complaining about a patriarchal society when it was the patriarchy that gave them an easier life.
>ninja gaiden
>viewtiful joe
>resident evil
>silent hill
>jet set radio
>ape escape
>metal gear solid
>zone of the enders
>slow and turn based
this is off the top my head, i can keep going all day long
Why are there so many people defending women in this thread?
It's a settled, conservative country with tiny immigration that works. It's very existence is a threat to their worldview, like Australia's highly successful zero tolerance illegal immigration strategy (boats went from hundreds to single figures).
Just about anything is a threat to a liberal's world view. That's why they censor and silence people so much. Their ideology can't handle a little challenge because it's all based on faith, just like a religion.
>liberals censor people
I don't care about any of this just give me my anime tits.
>This thread
I fucking hate Yea Forums
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded
blame the mods
their hateboner for sony is so large they let the board be ruined in the process
More angry weebs spotted
>women get to vote
>women don't get to die for wars they vote for
then again the counter argument is taxation without representation
so let them get drafted
then all is fair in the world
Persona 5 is full of leftist opinionated criticism of Japan, but it has titties so /pol/ will ignore it.
Or remove the draft.
/pol/ has made you hypersensitive to lesbian propaganda so now you seethe whenever a female has an opinion.
Any opinion left of Hitler will make Yea Forums seethe.
This. The game is pure unfiltered marxist propaganda. Thank god based antiweebs have exposed it for good. Nobody is defending it anymore.
Pretty retarded image considering what thread you just posted this in.
/pol/ doesn't even play it.
Persona 5 is literally JAPAN BAD; the game. See
OP didn't say anything about /pol/ you liberal cuck.
Explains alot. If they found out what the game is like theyll be talking about it for years
Does persona 5 critique capitalism or something? What leftist opinions does it have?
Read the thread. The games full of marxist shit
So you're going to play that game then, huh?
>I couldn't even read the OP
Who the fuck do you think you're fooling, retard? Even if you don't visit the board, you or at least many other posters in this thread are still expressing the current zeitgeist that that board spawned from. You are influenced by the board or by the culture that influences that board in some way. I'm not 100% against said culture, but complaining about the politics in the OP pic is still ridiculous and suggests OP needs to go outside more.
It's not even remotely leftist, it's neoliberal garbage
t. Marxist
It's truly wonderful what the mods will let you get away(this retarded thread) with once you pony up the 20 bucks for the pass
Just now half of the catalog got nuked, yet this stayed
Makes you think
You must live in America or some shit, the OP is as vanilla as it gets as far as leftism goes,
sh-shut up! women are gay and stupid!
god why am I so lonely :(
>You can't share A N Y of /pol/'s many views otherwise you're a DRUMPF supporter from their board!
I dislike Trump very, very much, but seeing how you guys react to all this is why he won in 2016.