Tfw 22 and already have a mature hairline

>tfw 22 and already have a mature hairline
It's not fair bros

Attached: maturehairlineproject1.jpg (707x352, 56K)

now go find a job

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Shaving skulls increases the following :
>likelyhood people will respect you
>likelyhood people will think you're strong
And it decreases :
>lowers attraction to a certain part of the female population

Accept it user, I've been balding since I was 16, started shaving head at 17 and kept doing so ever since.

my hairline is fine but overall my hair is thin as fuck. I would exchange my fine hairline for a mature one if I could get some density

>No Hair Loss
More like no hair Ross *audience laughing*

>mfw Olympian genetics
enjoy your balding and early deaths plebs

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Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong board, >>/fit/ is two blocks down


I've had a widow's peak my whole life, strange how you can skip a phase. No baldness in my family though, onlythis shitty hairline is hereditary.

>mfw dabbing on hairlets in their 20s when I'm nearly 30 with glorious bangs

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Only people under 25 care about such thing, literally not even women care if you don't let it be semi bald just do something and make a style out of it and it looks normal u fag

my hair is thick and luxurious
im truly blessed by good genetics

>likelyhood people will think you're strong
You need to actually be at least a little strong for this to be the case. My hungry skeleton friend would shave his head when we were younger, and people thought he had cancer.

the first one is a girl's hairline. That guy has awful genetics. Nomral looks more like the scond one.

>that is mild
heh cope at acceptance stage after years of being a neet


goodbye shit thread

I have fine as fuck hair, what is the best way to increase thickness?

Also video games

>started going grey at 16
>still have a full head of thick hair at 31
could be worse, I guess.

>Yea Forums - Video Games

>mfw wh*toids start going bald in their late teens and early 20s

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mature usually means it'll stay put.
I've had the Tom Hanks hairline since I was like 18.
27 now.

>implying implications

>mfw blacks still can't function in a human society

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arabs are the baldest group on earth tho
africans may be balder but then again no one cares about them

>going bald in 2019
>finny and minny exist
>HRT completely solves the problem while de-aging you and giving you better /aesthetics/

literally your own fault

Attached: 1554332139075.gif (271x223, 659K)

>26 and still no balding
>hair is longer than several girls
>constantly making girls jelly with its volume and color
Feels fabulous

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HRT doesn't solve the problem.
It stops it for a second and then you go bald anyways
same as fin
same as min

>my face when anoter nigger ends up in prison or in a fatherless home

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No one mentioned blacks. Stay obsessed.

Kill yourself fake fan

>tfw 22 mature hairline
>baby face

Fucking shoot me

Only blacks would seethe enough to type "wh*toids"

Prison nigger, baby dick asian, lazy spic, even more bald arab, hook nose kike.
Take your pick really

SHut the fuck up nigga I was balding at 20.

Now I'm bald and beautiful and bitches love my scalp

>discordfags spreading their tranny brainwash propaganda again
go away

>tfw hairline is fine but have visible thinning towards the front

It's a sad existence.

>hairline is utterly fucked
>look bad with it
>look worse shaved
Well my only option is to look fucked or less fucked. Good thing I know how to talk.

How new are you? It's been commonly used for the past few years.

Keep seething hairlet

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People and heaven are to rude and hurt my soul.

Hell yeah. I do cut about 8-9 inhes off every year to keep it manageable.

>Tfw 45 and still no hair loss

>tfw 30 and a mature hairline

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Hey father's day is coming up soon, make sure to pick up something for your d- oh, that's right;

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Yeah, people respect and don't try to start shit with cancer patients.

what's worse, balding from the back (bald spot that slowly grows bigger or from the front (receding hairline)?

>Mfw nigger hair doesn’t work in general

>still has niggers on the brain

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I've had Mature Hairline and Widows Peak since I was a teenager, and it isn't showing any signs of balding or thinning. My hair is still super thick.

>still obsessed with whites

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This. The second my hairline betrays me I’m cutting all of that shit off.

>blond and blue eyed
>slowly balding since 18-19
>27 now
>hairy like an ape, it's even starting to grow on my shoulders
not a fan of these slav genetics

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