Vidya cringe thread let’s go

Vidya cringe thread let’s go

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fuck off back to redd!t

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Your family is just going to leave you in an umarked grave.


post shane wayne


A kid is buried with his favorite pokemon, that's not nearly cringe enough

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>No jesus christ or the blessed virgin mary
Wew lad


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>How're they hangin mate.


Post THAT Pokécringe

The kid hung himself.

Well, it looks like he was 8 years old so it's not very cringey. You just look like an asshole

Nigga liked Bulbasaur so he clearly had taste

i think if an EIGHT YEAR OLD dies the family can memorialize him however they want. Christ

fuck you asshole

Should've used it for Robin Williams' grave then.

I'd prefer they save themselves the trouble and just throw my ass in a ditch.
Like I care what happens to my lifeless body.


God I hope so

You'll need it for the afterlife according to christ.

How is that cringe? If I died i'd love to have a statue of a game character beside my grave.
I'm getting cremated when I die though

If it wasn't for the eyes, this would actually be very nice.

>having Bulbasaur as your favorite Pokemon isn’t cringe
Yikes he deserved to die, should have chosen Squirtle.


how is he an uncle at 8?

really makes me think

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You wont enter heaven while having soulless satanic heresy like Pokemon on your grave

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shouldn't have painted the eyes, looks pretty cheap, other than that its cool


Why are they doing that

>need your body so your soul can go to heaven
Wat. What difference is there from decomposing in a ditch and decomposing in a box in the ground? You're worm food either way. I thought Jesus liked poorfags?


that is megacringe

adult/"""adult""" sibling

That's their culture you ignorant shitlord.

what is going on here

>How’re they hangin mate
Literally what? Was it some disabled retard kid?

protesting white people

Because they're black.

America by 2029

must've had siblings +10 years older than him and/or teen parent

says the family's not christian

I hope so.
I’m fucking sick of white people.

Being black doesnt mean trash shouldnt be in a trash can. Also whats with all the people standing around.

>it’s another “autists fail to understand that grief over the death of a loved one affects everyone differently, and what people do after you die isn’t about your feelings anymore because your fucking dead” episode

because niggers
kid littered in school, got given service as punishment
niggers figured it would be fun to keep dropping trash for him to pick up because touching that shit for fun is normal if you're a nigger
kid is alone but carrying on without giving two fucks
niggers only got the balls to do it if they're in a tribe or pack
and cucked america means no one can come to save whitey, instead film


Imagine kids having Fortnite on their graves nowadays.
Imagine when we can put animated Fortnite dances on our gravestones

Trash cans don’t exist in Africa

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someone post the dead kid in the super mario coffin

>Yea Forums mods
Get fucked Jannies, we are gonna keep shitting on you all day, and you can't to anything but try to clean.

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>all genwunners will die in your lifetime

Telling people they won't go to heaven bans you too kiddo; god don't fuck around.


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>" How're they hangin mate. "
This is way worse than the Bulbasaur.


No it doesn’t

Haha, hope this little cunt gremlin rots in hell :)

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>super shame
but why?

>super shame
what the fuck

Don't you have trannies to protect janitor?

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What a lucky boy, I wish that was me

That looks sick tho
>How're they hangin mate

fuck you

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For liking Nintendo I guess.
Why the fuck else would you put a dead child on display and take pictures of him?

Cremation is condemned why idnk.
Saints have uncorrupted bodies after they die, thier bodies are important.
your body's property of god, you're supposed to take care of it.
It's just civilized behavior, like i said im not to sure.

Yes condemning a soul to hell is condemned.

>son, brother, and uncle
>and uncle

>eight years old

Christ cucks are pathetic.
Only fire can release your soul from your earthly remains.


I’m only 2 years older than my nephew lel

now THATS cringe

the picture is of a kid who is at best 10 years old, hardly cringe.

It's America right now.

>At best 10 years old
>6th Sept. 1996 - 18th Oct. 2004
>10 years old
>1996 - 2004

You cringe, you lose

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How will OP ever recover?

She's hot.

I hope he's better at fighting in Smash.

is that guy based and cleaning it up or is he just scavenging like the nig he is?

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That’s pedophile cuck on the pic probably thinks that too, I hope he is dead now



Just checked and this guy is still alive

>ugh I’m dying better waste my last moments playing bing bing cringeahoo and posting on reddit for karma gold
Burn in hell for all eternity.

Anti-Christ ians are uneducated morons
Never listen to an anti-Christ ian's opinion on Christianity.

You're aware Earth IS hell, yes? and non-suicide deaths are you evolving from the misery?

>nobody has posted T H A T cringe yet

I will always get sad when I see these threads since my nephew died realy young.

In the literal factual sence, no it's not..

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what else is he gonna do in a hospital bed, read fucking philosophy books?

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Did you fuck his tight little asshole?
Before or after it turned all rotten and creaky?
I hope he suffered, makes my dick hard just thinking about it

why do hospitals not offer entertainment? no, TV is not enough as 16 hours tv a day sounds like pure agony.

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>bug men and white "people"
Literally was destined to happen.

Imagine posting all hetero dads who abused their childrens lmaoooo

Because it's fun to fuck with white cucks who are too much of a pussies to fight back

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>is on Yea Forums and says shit like this
oh no

You joke but all of the people that think like that would still rather die than live in nonwhite countries. Very odd.

i saw this on nyafuu, what the fuck happened?

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That's what happens when your entire personality is based around reddit

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Fuck that little cunny pussy instead of being a faggot?

>sharing their moments with their daughter while he's fighting cancer in a fucking hospital
>"reeeeeee, why nintendoooo!"
Consolewar faggots are literally retarded.

We're held to a higher standard by society.

For example, we're expected to put garbage in trash cans, hold jobs and respect communal property.

We also get charged and convicted for assault, since we're expected to know better.

Like i said anti-Christ ians are uneducated
Pope benidict is pope, i say again anti-Christ ians are uneducated and ignorant on Christian matters.

Roleplayers got banned from /vp/.

That's pretty cool

He’s just doing the same routine with his kid even through cancer. Probably nice for the kid to as it’s a semblance of normalcy. Not cringe

hang in there buddy

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Everyone cringing at this is cringing at the WRONG thing. I'd point it out but I'd feel really bad about it. It's not even that bad and there's technically nothing wrong with it.

Can you show some respect? Like, wow...

Worst of all, he posts a picture of his daughter on a sub of pedophiles.
What a shitty human being, no wonder he got cancer.

I have seen no cringe so far just normal ppl and kid's graves

That's a nice looking Bulbasaur. Wonder how much it cost to have made.

>plays Nintendo
>gets cancer
God is real after all

but why would the mod let them do it for 9 fucking threads, and why are they "back from the dead"

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>Not posting Ash Cringeum the cringemon master

enjoy your welfare while you can, i can afford to defend myself when the time comes

Why black people are so stupid and evil?

>normal people

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get out faggot