Would you get a tattoo to commemorate your favorite video game?

Would you get a tattoo to commemorate your favorite video game?

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Don't you dare do it

Absolutely not. Have fun with your guaranteed replies thread

fuck no
Tattoos were trendy in like 2014, now they're lame again.
I don't even like the same music I did five years ago, let alone something I'd be willing to etch into my skin forever.

Yeah bro got this made a few weeks ago

Attached: doki doki tattoo.jpg (3024x4032, 1.03M)

no, tattoos, piercings, gauges etc are degenerate
legit have a friend with the undertale dogshit about the mirror tattooed on their chest though, its gay as fuck

I want to, but my eczema is strongly against it.

Nah but I got one to commemorate my best friend who was accidentally shot and killed by my other best friend.

A guy I used to be friends with had a triforce with the wings and shit on his wrist, and he had a thing of the wolf girl from princess mononoke on his arm/shoulder like the guy in your pic, I probably would never get anything from a game or anime or anything like that
I do have an astronaut playing bass on my arm though, I liked the idea for years before I got it and I'm a musician/bass player so I don't think I'll ever regret it

that must have been awkward at the wake

wear earpro. Tinnitus sucks dick

I got the phrase Determination from undertale on my chest. Cosplay thotties seem to like it.

>dude... what if astronauts smoked weed or played guitar or did something else epic and wacky in space???
Your permanent tattoo is $10 walmart graphic tee fodder

Yeah. I'd love a THPS one

yeah, fucking radical my dude

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We were all friends since we were about 6. Def a little awkward. Lighthearted note tho, its a bomb ass tattoo, was my first one

Tattoos are cringe.

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I have eczema and my tattoos dont have any effect on it

The blood elves thots and manchilds weebs always love posting their shit like "I just wanna show you all my happyness :3 lotar obar!"

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Got a little bit of a fright there user ngl

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Is this a mannequin or makeup?

>removing le epic pickle rick XD tattoo

This just looks like it was drawn with a ballpoint then they took sandpaper to their skin

>Made it more green

If I was forced to get a tattoo i'd get bungie's Seventh Column or the marker from deadspace.

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Get a game tattoo? Sure.
Bethesda shit?
I would rather be fucked in the ass. By Daniel Craig.

If really necessary, maybe Serph's atma brand. Otherwise no thanks.

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My ears are already heaps fucked from years of listening to music with earphones at loud volume, playing gigs/jamming with amps and a drumkit blasting my ears, and constantly sitting on my computer wearing headphones with shit heaps loud. I've had tinnitus for so long I don't even notice it anymore.

I've deadset never seen anything like it on a tshirt or anywhere else with one single exception, and funnily enough it was art on shadmans instagram from years ago but that was an astronaut playing an acoustic guitar not a bass. I'm sure there would be art out there of something similar somewhere, maybe even other people with similar tats but that would be extremely rare and I doubt I would ever see one, specifically with a bass instead of a guitar. It's original art done by the tattoo artist based on my own idea, I'd rather that than some shit from a game or anime.

People on here really care too much about tattoos, yeah I get tattoos are normie and "degenerate" but really way I see it is I have some cool unique art on my arm that people who I meet look at and say "that's cool", and it at least has some kind of meaning to me and part of my life even if not huge. I'm a middle class Aussie musician who plays in a band, like 75% of the people I meet have tats. I used to think tattoos need to have some deep meaning or be really important to you but after getting one like this you really stop caring and just want more cool shit on you. You people who care so much about whether or not someone else has tats need to go out and meet more people

no, I'm heterosexual

what is that

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