I miss him, bros.
I miss him, bros
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What does Woolie do now?
>FF V retrospective and onwards never EVER
fuck his crazy ass ex-wife
Why? He looks like a fucking rat and he cheated on his wife with someone uglier.
Me too
can we talk about him now or is that still a no no for some reason whilst AVGN is ok.
who the fuck is that
what did he even do other than cheat on his goblin wife?
AVGN is pure and Mike is based.
ProRapist is a third rate imitation.
I never get why they give up and vanish after stuff like this, do what DSP does and don't give a shit. People forget and move on to something else very quickly.
Rat McRattington. He reviews rat-based games.
His biggest crime isn't even the cheating or manipulation, he fucked up royally by showing his cock online to fans, some minors, while trying to solicit nudes from them. His life is over.
It doesn't always work. Leafy was a channel that got blown the fuck out, and he tried to keep creating content, but the views just kept dropping.
He did absolutely nothing wrong.
He cheated on his bitch, so what, everyone who isn't a complete brainlet wouldn't refuse when pussy kept being thrown at them.
I blame normalfags for creating mass hysteria.
Gamer """women"", not even once.
He'll never finish Zelda Metroid Randomizer
are there nudes of Holly?
she seems like like a good regret-fuck from behind
Pedophilia allegations were never 100% confirmed. But who cares? It's not like they were innocent kids anyways.
Jontron is Rickert
I think he got character assassinated.
Like he cheated on his wife? Okay, so what.
DSP himself said that you should quit if you've done anything worse than him. Fapping on stream isn't as bad as privately sending dick pics to underage fans.
Someone post the Jared/Femto photoshop
You haven't heard, huh? It turned out that his wife was fucking other people first and encouraged him to do the same, only to later get jealous and claim it was cheating.
Wat ? Source me on that
>He did absolutely nothing wrong.
Showing your dick to minors and asking for nudes is nothing.
No one gives a fuck about the cheating, adults cheat on their wives, husbands, s/o all the fucking time, but you don't escape being a pedophile.
This is reprehensible.
>being a slave to pussy
No you dont.
DSP actually tried to gain publicity by spreading his fapping video everywhere, so I wouldn't listen to that fat fuck
Only if they can prove that he knew they were underage. If they went to his 18+ Tumblr blog and lied about their age(or just didn't mention it, the fact they went to the blog would be seen as implying they're an adult) then Jared isn't legally guilty of anything.
There's a reason they always make sure to have the target explicitly be told and acknowledge that the person is underage on To Catch a Predator.
I will miss he e3 reviews on the conferences
So an open relationship? They both are fucking retarded then.
No, really, sometimes I live in a cave
Why are white people like this?
>15 year-olds can't conscent
Right now there's zero proof that he knew they were underage. The worst thing he did was not ask them for their age before asking for nudes, but that's not the same thing as knowingly getting nudes from minors.
He sent pictures of his goofy-looking dick with his face in them. I don't care about your opinions on relationships or any of that - if you plan on being internet popular but also want to show people your mushroom-looking wiener, keep your face out of the pictures for plausible deniability.
AVGN wannabe #378742946
Don't have sex and don't get married
"It's pedophilia because the law says so"
The absolute state of rational thinking.
Fuck you too
i think it's more about the extremely-obvious and extremely-public gaslighting and lying that came afterwards
he's practically a fucking sociopath
Why did the wife of an attractive dude like Ross cheat on with a literal gobbo?
God I wish that was me
they can't consent in Japan either so what's your point.
Of course the retards going to set himself as the bench mark. If a video leaked of him having sex with a child tomorrow he'd still be on stream that evening.
Thanks, that's all I needed to know
Incelfaggots seething ITT.
No one should care about his psychologic profile. He provided entertainment.
why is this nigga not on jail after showing his dicks to minors?
>Jared's wife wants to fuck her cosplay friends and photographers, tells him they're in an open relationship now
>Jared starts enjoying that benefit because he's a secret pervert, gets on that ERP and shit with some 16 (which is the age of consent in more than half the states) year old faglets and roasties who are completely consenting parties requiring zero 'grooming' if you look at the chat logs they're egging Jared on
>Jared, like every D&D player, starts fucking the token nerd girl in the party
>Jared's wife gets pissed that he's actually succeeding at his side of the open relationship and demands he stop while she continues
>He don't cause why the fuck would you
>She goes nuclear and starts threatening to ruin him, destroy his career, take the D&D show down with it, etc, all screencapped by Big J who handles it with style and grace instead of wheeling off and beating this bitch's brains out like he should
>He buys her a car, a new apartment, everything she needs to get the fuck out of his life then blocks her ass on social media and drops the Divorce Bomb
>She goes haywire like promised and everyone believes her instantly despite Jared saying she was going to slander him
The only way that you can salvage a relationship if your spouse asks to go open is with a plot of land and a shovel.
they're both disgusting, your point?
Except Heidi admitted that it was true. You forgot to include that part.
Nice gaslighting buzzword btw. We used to just call that lying but i guess that isn't damning enough for people nowadays.
Jared has a different audience than DSP. Jared's community is mostly SJW's and Reddit who don't take kindly to any kind of drama. Jared's audience won't be as forgiving as Phil's. Not to mention Jared had a bunch of deals with WOTC to do stuff for MTG/DND so that hurt him a lot. Unfortunately, in Jared's position, this isn't something that he could just act like nothing happened.
hi jared
Why? He was annoying af
im surprised angry Alejandro didnt say much
>sucked MHW's cock
>missing him
Nah. That was the red flag that his opinions were shit
>people cheat on each other all the time
>people send dick pictures all the time
>but it's bad when an e-celeb does it, because feminists and soilents said so
imagine the (lack of) iq
Contrary to popular belief, FBI don't give a fuck about literal whos, unless they're on television or films.
Other than that, there's not enough proof to do anything at this point
>WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW how was i supposed to know the cops were on to me?
well yeah, i'm a big fan of separating art from the creator, but this dude is an absolute psychological unit
it's different kinds of lying with different effects, gaslighting is basically lying with the extra intent of mentally attacking someone
i dont, he abandoned his channel months ago, that stupid drama did nothing.
His fap video was orchestrated
>all screencapped by Big J
Got the screencaps? I've got some whiteknights who won't shut up about how Heidi's completely innocent.
It's the quality of it that gets people mad, his wife was hot but the crazy bitch he cheated with looks like a fucking goblin
whos this? I only give a shit about e drama for like two weeks before getting bored
Ross is an autismo loser with a tiny dick.
It's always bad, no matter who does it
This is the part that pisses me off the most. This is why I believe the age of consent has tons of issues because it can easily be exploited, thus granting powers to teen.
Don't be naive, user. It was obviously a greencard marriage. That's why Ross agreed to them fucking to begin with.
He stopped uploading almost a year ago anyway
Who gives a fuck about lets plays and his main channel has 1 video for his D&December stuff when previous year had 7 and then a phone game
I'm fucking sick of this meme, stop making up silly names for Enraged Esteban.
Because they came to him and requested them while either lying about or omitting their real age.
This is why I never believe a woman if she claiming her partner abuses or cheats on her. It would take a woman being murdered before I would believe her because they are all, 100% of them, liars and cheaters and don't deserve sympathy.
Was it a "woman wants open relationship to fuck other guys but throws a shitfit when her partner fucks someone other than her" or was she faithful and he actually cheated?
>Be an ugly dude
>Have a beautiful wife
>Cheats on her
Seems like he wants to die alone.
>Dude cheats on a slag with another slag.
>I'm supposed to care.
The thing that bothered me is that he basically stopped making actual content in favor of Lets Plays.
Who's that underage? AFAIK some "trans" man send a pic of his chest when he wasn't on hormone therapy when he was 16.
He literally send a pic of his male torso, how is this illegal ? Am i missing something?
>Have a beautiful wife
This should be the fate of everyone who has such terrible opinions on Metal Gear Rising.
Yes but his wife was smarter than him in the end, with her ending the guys life while washing her hands clean.
Cheating should always result in the death penalty with enough evidence. If you can't stop yourself from fucking anything that moves then you are less intelligent than a plank of wood and need to have your genes suppressed.
open relationship
>liking projared in the first place
They're unironically in the sane league looks wise and the only reason people think otherwise is that Heidi has makeup and edited photos on her side to artificially make her look better.
Hit up Holly's Twitter. She posted like a load of screenshots of Heidi's convos with Jared threatening him if he left her on imessenger, Heidi's facebook posts bragging about doing so and other shit that completely brings new light to the 'abuse' aspect of the whole thing.
Remember when PBG tweeted to Jared's defense and said "This ain't it, chief."? This is the shit he was talking about. (Before walking it back because it was career suicide to be attached to Jared at this time).
actually his wife wanted an open relationship to fuck another dude, then when he started fucking one of her friends she went batshit
thing is 3/10 girls like dating guys that are at least 6+/10
video games
nah, only if you are married and/or have kids
Trans man implies that they were born female you dumb fuck, As in he solicited boob pictures from a sixteen year old girl. Though the gender shouldn't matter when it comes to creeping on kids. Though I brought it up because it seems to matter to you.
Even if you are in a relationship with another person that was spontaneous and only happened because you were drunk you should still be executed if you cheat on that person.
I just did exactly what said and googled "Holly projared twitter" and got this:
Scroll up for screencaps. She shits on both sides.
I dont recall projared raping anyone tho
You're all going to die alone too. Meanwhile, I'll get married to and have kids with Heidi. We're made for eachother.
its still unconfirmed but jared's wife confirmed a few things, but jared's slampig confirmed previously unheard things. people are still trying to fit the pieces to see if it is legit, but if it is, then its all his exwifes fault, not his
neither did griffith
The truth is a girl started crying and a bunch of orbiters came to her defense, thats fucking it.
Nobody even tried to hear the ratman's side of the story, they just saw a chance to dehumanize someone and jumped on the opportunity.
PBG is a fucking asshole that Does not care about his friends. Reminder that he was best buds with Jontron but dumps him for simply having different political views...
I hope you're into polygamy and like watching her fuck other dudes
lets be real
Holly or Heidi?
Imagine being a monogamy fag in 2019. Treating simple procreation as something holy that you should only ever do with one person is just stupid AF.
Relationships in general are bullshit.
so on top of everything else he's also a cuck who unironically agreed to a poly relationship? big time fuckin yikes
Why even start a relationship if you hate the other person? If you can't stand the other person then you should be required by law to separate legally before having sex with a different human being or be executed for being dangerous to the community and the population at large.
I'd rather fuck my dog than those hags
I think it's unironically time to take the tranny pill for any anons that can't relate to basedJared in this circumstance.
I don't care about having multiple partners if you have no connection to them beyond the one night stand. If you want to have a relationship with another human then you should be held to the highest standard of the law which is enforcement by death.
Yeah, you deserve to be stuck with a goblina draining your will to live.
Just because I'm married to a woman, it doesn't mean they have to be oppressed sexually. It's a man's job to have sex with one woman after marriage but women should be allowed to have sex with whoever they want.
>i have never felt an intimate emotional connection with another human being
man zoomers have it rough
it's funny how holly pointed this out but at the same time proved she had been cheating on ross for nearly 9 months while they were still married lmao
neither, any girl associated with games, anime, cosplay or any type of "nerd" culture is going to be damaged goods
Holly. She'd be more content with 4 inches and wouldn't run off to someone else.
Based jirard still name drops jon to this day. Mostly because they are actual friends and not just youtube channel cohabiting friends.
I think the situation would be salvageable by Projared if he didn't send dick picks to underage fans. That was the breaking point.
I just wanted to see the FFV video, but that's never gonna happen now.
Its described as a bit of both
She agreed to an open relationship, which they did for what sounds like a few years.
The "problem" came when it started being an emotional relationship, not just fuckin on the side. Also apparently she "didn't know" he was sending nudes to his fans?
It's probably a bit of both, but either way what would you expect being with someone who tries to create bullshit rules for fucking other people.
no confirmation he sent any, fuck off
You are the sort of person who wouldn't drink a beer on the night before their (insert local age of legal consumption) birthday.
what are some good channels of people playing shitty games so I don't have to
Throw your hands up in the air if Jared did nothing wrong.
>needs Korean levels of make up to look even remotely acceptable
Every damn time.
>Why even start a relationship if you hate the other person?
how little life experience do you have? you don't have to hate someone to cheat on them, you just have to be an impulsive retard
>be executed for being dangerous to the community
lmao what the fuck. dangerous how? and how do you separate by law from a gf?
I could never get into his videos. His face always rubbed me the wrong way.
So who would be corkus?
manlybadasshero, he's not a screeching faggot either.
The stuff slampig posted confirms Jared's a cuck and a cucker.
Ross married Heidi for a greencard. The reason he's been kept so distant from the whole fiasco is because anything relating to him and this marriage falling through or infidelity and shit jeopardizes his American citizenship.
lmao, not even a 5/10 with the makeup off
No need for confirmation though. Once people think "omg he sends dick pics to underage people" and there are pics of your dick on the internet, you are done.
Why are redheads so cray cray?
I find it really weird that a lot of people here can't understand that maybe someone being pretty isn't the only thing that matters in sex...or relationships in general
>Make a sticky saying to not discuss this stuff at all and delete any threads relating to it
>Leave this one up still
What did the Completionist do?
Yes that is actually accurate. When I turned 18 my family had my birthday party in Hawaii and all night they were trying to get me to take even one shot and I told them I would not. I stayed sober till the day I turned 21 and I don't even think that it was hard.
She's beautiful, user. Stop being jealous of my future wife.